Signatures of Correct Computation 学习笔记

1. 引言

Papamanthou等人2013年论文《Signatures of Correct Computation》,发表于TCC 2013。

要点:(基于pairing构建的多变量polynomial evaluation和多变量polynomial differentiation evaluation)
f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) 为多变量多项式in Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp,其中 x ⃗ = [ x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ] \vec{x}=[x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n] x =[x1,x2,,xn],对于 a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] ∈ Z p n \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n]\in\mathbb{Z}_p^n a =[a1,a2,,an]Zpn,多项式 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a}) f(x )f(a )可表示为 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − a i ) w i ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-a_i)w_i(\vec{x}) f(x )f(a )=i=1n(xiai)wi(x )
f ( x ⃗ ) = f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) f(\vec{x})=f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n) f(x )=f(x1,x2,,xn) evaluates to f ( a ⃗ ) = f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) f(\vec{a})=f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) f(a )=f(a1,a2,,an),则取任意的随机数 r 1 ∈ Z p r_1\in\mathbb{Z}_p r1Zp,将 f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)多项式除以 r 1 ( x 1 − a 1 ) + x 2 − a 2 r_1(x_1-a_1)+x_2-a_2 r1(x1a1)+x2a2多项式,其余数 s 1 ( x 2 , x 3 , ⋯   , x n ) s_1(x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n) s1(x2,x3,,xn)多项式与 x 1 x_1 x1无关,即:
f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) = [ r 1 ( x 1 − a 1 ) + x 2 − a 2 ] ⋅ q 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) + s 1 ( x 2 , x 3 , ⋯   , x n ) f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)=[r_1(x_1-a_1)+x_2-a_2]\cdot q_1(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)+s_1(x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n) f(x1,x2,,xn)=[r1(x1a1)+x2a2]q1(x1,x2,,xn)+s1(x2,x3,,xn)
进一步将 s 1 ( x 2 , x 3 , ⋯   , x n ) s_1(x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n) s1(x2,x3,,xn) 多项式除以 r 2 ( x 2 − a 2 ) + x 3 − a 3 r_2(x_2-a_2)+x_3-a_3 r2(x2a2)+x3a3多项式,其余数多项式为 s 2 ( x 3 , x 4 , ⋯   , x n ) s_2(x_3,x_4,\cdots,x_n) s2(x3,x4,,xn) x 2 x_2 x2无关。
以此类推,在最终将余数多项式 s n − 1 ( x n ) s_{n-1}(x_n) sn1(xn)除以 x n − a n x_n-a_n xnan,相应的余数多项式 s n ∈ Z p s_n\in\mathbb{Z}_p snZp为constant term,与任何变量均无关。
最终 f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)可表示为:
f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) = ∑ i ∈ [ n − 1 ] [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] q i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) q n ( x n ) + s n f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n)=\sum_{i\in [n-1]}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]q_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)q_n(x_n)+s_n f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)=i[n1][ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]qi(x )+(xnan)qn(xn)+sn
由于当 ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) (x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n) (x1,x2,,xn)取值为 ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) (a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) (a1,a2,,an)时, f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) = 0 f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n)=0 f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)=0,因此 s n s_n sn应为0值。
可引入随机值 r 1 , ⋯   , r n − 1 r_1,\cdots,r_{n-1} r1,,rn1,其中 r 1 r 2 ⋯ r n − 1 ≠ 0 r_1r_2\cdots r_{n-1}\neq 0 r1r2rn1=0,相应的 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a}) f(x )f(a )多项式随机分解可表示为 :
f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) = ∑ i ∈ [ n − 1 ] [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] q i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) q n ( x n ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a})=\sum_{i\in [n-1]}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]q_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)q_n(x_n) f(x )f(a )=i[n1][ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]qi(x )+(xnan)qn(xn)
【对于单变量多项式,相当于有 f ( x ) − f ( a ) = ( x − a ) q ( x ) f(x)-f(a)=(x-a)q(x) f(x)f(a)=(xa)q(x)
整个 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x )可表示为:
f ( x ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n − 1 ( x i − a i ) u i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) k + 1 q ( x n ) + c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 f(\vec{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i-a_i)u_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)^{k+1}q(x_n)+c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 f(x )=i=1n1(xiai)ui(x )+(xnan)k+1q(xn)+ckxnk++c1xn+c0
从而有,对 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) x n x_n xn k k k阶导 并 evaluate at a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] a =[a1,a2,,an]的值为:【同理可推广至对任意变量 x i x_i xi k k k阶导】
∂ k f ( x ⃗ ) ∂ x n k ( a ⃗ ) = k ! ⋅ c k \frac{\partial^k f(\vec{x})}{\partial x_n^k}(\vec{a})=k!\cdot c_k xnkkf(x )(a )=k!ck
整个 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x )可表示为:
f ( x ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n − 2 [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] u i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − 1 − a n − 1 ) u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) k + 1 q ( x n ) + c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 f(\vec{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{n-2}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]u_i(\vec{x})+(x_{n-1}-a_{n-1})u_{n-1}(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)^{k+1}q(x_n)+c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 f(x )=i=1n2[ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]ui(x )+(xn1an1)un1(x )+(xnan)k+1q(xn)+ckxnk++c1xn+c0
从而有,对 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) x n x_n xn k k k阶导 并 evaluate at a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] a =[a1,a2,,an]的值为:【同理可推广至对任意变量 x i x_i xi k k k阶导】
∂ k f ( x ⃗ ) ∂ x n k ( a ⃗ ) = k ! ⋅ c k \frac{\partial^k f(\vec{x})}{\partial x_n^k}(\vec{a})=k!\cdot c_k xnkkf(x )(a )=k!ck

介绍了Signatures of Correct Computation (SCC),用于verify dynamic computations in cloud settings。

在SCC 模式下,a trusted “source” outsources a function f f f to an untrusted “server”,同时有a public key for that function (to be used during verification)。
server可产生a succinct signature σ \sigma σ 用于证明 the correctness of the computation of f f f,即 some result v v v is indeed the correct outcome of the function f f f evaluated on some point a a a

1)verify the signature的时间 应少于 直接evaluate the function f f f的时间;
2)当function改变时,相应的public key应支持高效更新。


  • 支持expressive manipulations over multivariate polynomials,如polynomial evaluation和polynomial differentiation。
  • 具有adaptively secure in the random oracle model、
  • 支持optimal updates,即,the function’s public key 可updated in time proportional to the number of updated coefficients,而不需要perform a linear-time computation (in the size of the polynomial)。

本文的signatures of correct computation(SCC)与同期很多研究中提到的 Publicly Verifiable Computation (PVC) 是相似的。
在SCC 模式下,任何的client 都可以verify the signature σ \sigma σ 然后信服相应的计算结果;而在PVC模式下,只有only the client that issued a query (or anyone who trusts this client) can verify that ther server returned a valid signature (proof) for the answer to the query。
本文的SCC技术可调整成PVC schemes with adaptive security, efficient updates and without the random oracle model。

随着云计算的普及,越来越需要provide integrity guarantees in third-party data management settings。考虑如下场景:
某公司发明了某独特算法,如个性化医疗或者是股票趋势预测,为了避免内部自建昂贵的IT基础设施,该公司将该算法的执行外包给an external, untrusted cloud provider(如Amazon,Google等)。当用户只信任发明该算法的公司,而不信任云服务商时,用户该如何来verify the correctness of the computation of the algorithm呢?

(1)efficiency:即client 运行verification算法的时间 应少于 在云端执行该算法的时间;
(2)public verifiability:即verification机制中应不绑定特定的verifier’s secret key,以支持任何用户都可verify the computation。
(3)efficiently handle updates:支持对the outsourced algorithm进行efficiently update,避免从头开始计算public parameters。

本文提出了signatures of correct computation (SCC) 以支持verify dynamic computation in the cloud:

  • an untrusted worker可生成a signature 来证明 the correctness of some computation over some input;
  • 需要由trusted source来生成a public key (produced by an one-time preprocessing);(该trusted source为who outsourced the function in the cloud)
  • 任何用户都可使用该public key 来验证该signature。

本文的SCC概念与PVC概念非常接近,但是SCC stronger than PVC:

  • given an SCC scheme,one can directly construct a PVC scheme;而反之并不成立。
  • 在PVC中,a “proof of correct computation” is tied to a specific challenge (generated by an algorithm ProbGen in [31]),and can only be verified by the client who has generated that challenge (or anyone who trusts this client)。
  • SCC is not tied to any challenge,and can be verified by anyone in the world,类似于传统的signature on a message。

1.1 本文主要贡献

本文重点关注了对specific functionalities 而不是 generic constructions的实现和优化,类似与 Parno等人2012年论文《How to Delegate and Verify in Public: Verifiable Computation from Attribute-Based Encryption》和 Canetti等人2011年论文《Two 1-round protocols for delegation of computation》中的观点一样。

  • 支持多变量多项式操作——如多变量polynomial evaluation and 多变量polynomial differentiation。
    – statistical analysis 统计分析;
    – scientific computing 科学计算;
    – machine learning 机器学习。
    在Fiore and Gennaro 2012年论文《Publicly verifiable delegation of large polynomials and matrix computations》中列出了很多基于publicly verifiable computation on polynomials的应用,如:
    – proof of retrievability 数据可恢复证明;
    – verifiable keyword search 可验证关键词搜索;
    – discrete Fourier transform 离散傅里叶变换;
    – linear transformation 线性变换。

  • 支持slightly modify our selectively secure scheme来实现adaptive security。具有adaptive security under the random oracle model。

  • under the weaker PVC model,可实现adaptive security under the standard model without random oracles。

  • 本文的构建是基于bilinear groups实现的。同时本文证明了the adaptive security of our constructions under the random oracle model。

  • 支持增量更新:本文支持a trusted source来make incremental updates in time proportional to the number of the updated polynomial coefficients,而不需要从头开始执行计算(that would take linear time in the size of the polynomial)。

  • 本文的构建基于polynomial decomposition 多项式分解属性,详见Lemmas 1 and 3。

  • 相比于[KZG10]中单变量polynomial evaluation,本文实现了更简单的adaptive security in the multivariate case。尽管多变量看起来似乎更难实现。

  • 在多项式分解属性中实现了randomness植入,详见Lemmas 2 and 4。

1.2 相关研究

(1)SCC与authenticated data structure (ADS) 数据结构认证相关。在某种意义上,SCC和ADS 共享exactly the same security properties:

  • 在SCC中,a trusted source outsources a function,and a client wishes to verify the outcome of the function at a given point。
  • 在ADS中,a trusted source outsources the data or a data structure,and the client wishes to verify the correctness of the result of a data structure query,如,dictionaries字典[18,26]、graphs图像[20,25]、hash tables[29,34]。
    大多数的ADS schemes都需要logarithmic或linear overheads for verification costs,with some exceptions being authenticated range queries [2,19] and set operations [30],其中verification takes time proportional to the size of the answer。

(2)Verifiable computation in the secret key setting (SVC):

  • 现有的verifiable computation [1,10,14] 实现了efficient verification of general Boolean circuits,but in the secret key model。但是不像SCC那样支持publicly verifiable。

(3)对多项式的verifiable computation:

  • Benabbas等人2011年论文《Verifiable Delegation of Computation over Large Datasets》中在SVC 模式下,使用algebraic one-way functions,实现了对多变量polynomial evaluation的高效verification算法,但是不支持对多项式系数的高效更新(为了更新一个系数,需要rerandomize所有现有的系数).
  • Kate等人2010年论文 [KZG10] 中实现了对单变量多项式的publicly verifiable commitment scheme,其本质上就是an SCC scheme for 单变量polynomial evaluation。而且Kate的算法无法直接扩展至多变量多项式。
    本文是第一个实现了支持efficient verification of differentiation queries——even in the SVC setting。

(4)与CS proofs和SNARGs的关系:
本文的SCC model 与 computationally-sound proofs (CS proofs) 和 succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) 均相关。
CSS和SNARGs model之间的主要联系有:non-interactive和publicly verifiable (CS proofs也可实现non-interactive in the random oracle model)。
目前很多的SNARGs都是基于non-falsifiable assumption构建的,one-falsifiable assumption被认为是 a lot stronger than all common assumptions used in cryptography (如one-way functions, trapdoor permutations, DDH, RSA, LWE等等)。
而本文基于的assumption不属于以上范畴,尽管在verify multivariate polynomials,本文使用了the random oracle。但是与Micali [27] 论文不同,本文没有使用the PCP theorem,因此可实现更practical的schemes。


  • Parno等人2012年论文《How to Delegate and Verify in Public: Verifiable Computation from Attribute-Based Encryption》中的PVC formulation,支持任意client verify that an untrusted server correctly computes a function f f f on a specific input a a a。需要an input preparation randomized algorithm ProbGem,来map user inputs a a a to server inputs σ a \sigma_a σa and prepare an object V K a VK_a VKa to be used for verification, specific for σ a \sigma_a σa
    与本文的SCC不同,only the client that issued a query for a a a (or anyone who trusts this client) can verify that the server returned a valid signature (proof) for f ( a ) f(a) f(a)
    此外,a client running the ProbGen 算法存在与server 串通合谋伪造proof的可能。
    在该论文中构建了generalized Boolean functions from attribute-based encryption (ABE),其proof size与answer size成比例。

  • Canetti等人2011年论文《Two 1-round protocols for delegation of computation》的PVC scheme,其client verification为polylogarithmic in the size of the evaluated circuit。实现了adaptive security under a slightly weaker model, in which the client needs to keep certain secret model。存在类似的问题:a client can verify only his queries unless extra assumptions are put into place。

  • Fiore and Gennaro 2012年论文《Publicly verifiable delegation of large polynomials and matrix computations》中 基于algebraic one-way functions实现了对多变量多项式的PVC scheme。同时也支持使用less complex assumptions (如RSA) 来实现。其使用的model更严格,其要求only the party ran the setup algorithm for a specific function can run the problem generation algorithm,即支持publicly verifiable,但是不支持publicly delegatable。因此不适应于以下场景:
    药物公司outsource a 基因算法,每个用户都将自己的基因数据提交供计算。
    但是,其算法具有more efficient verification and a delegation step of O ( n log ⁡ d ) O(n\log d) O(nlogd) cost。


1.3 亮点技术

(1)多变量polynomial evaluation:
[KZG10] 可用于构建an SCC scheme of 单变量polynomial evaluations。[KZG10]基于的思想是:(其中 f ( x ) f(x) f(x)为单变量多项式 in Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp
f ( x ) − f ( a ) f(x)-f(a) f(x)f(a)可整除 x − a x-a xa,也就是说,可找到a polynomial w ( x ) w(x) w(x),使得 f ( x ) − f ( a ) = ( x − a ) w ( x ) f(x)-f(a)=(x-a)w(x) f(x)f(a)=(xa)w(x)成立。
利用以上思想,Kate等人使用pairing operation in bilinear groups,construct a witness from the term w ( x ) w(x) w(x)

f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) 为多变量多项式in Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp,其中 x ⃗ = [ x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ] \vec{x}=[x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n] x =[x1,x2,,xn],对于 a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] ∈ Z p n \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n]\in\mathbb{Z}_p^n a =[a1,a2,,an]Zpn,多项式 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a}) f(x )f(a )可表示为 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − a i ) w i ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-a_i)w_i(\vec{x}) f(x )f(a )=i=1n(xiai)wi(x )
其中多项式 w i ( x ⃗ ) w_i(\vec{x}) wi(x )可用于构建witnesses。特别地,本文将这些terms encode为exponents of bilinear group elements,相应的verification为a pairing product equation encoding the above test in the exponent。

(2)From Selective to Adaptive Security:
相对于单变量情况下的single term,支持the polynomial evaluation contains a sum of terms。从而支持the weaker notion of selective security。
通过在多项式分解过程中引入随机数,实现了adaptive security。
基于本文的adaptively secure SCC with random oracles,可直接实现an adaptively secure PVC scheme in the plain model。

(3)Derivative Evaluation微分evaluation f ’ ( x ) f’(x) f(x)
支持verifiable derivative evaluation的直观方法是:
source commit to n k nk nk 个polynomials during setup,分别对应一阶、二阶、……、 k k k阶微分中的每个possible variable。
这种直观方法result in increased setup and update overhead。

本文的verifiable derivative evaluation构建基本思想为:

  • 对于单变量多项式 f ( x ) f(x) f(x) f ( x ) − f ’ ( a ) x ( x − a ) 2 \frac{f(x)-f’(a)x}{(x-a)^2} (xa)2f(x)f(a)x的余数为a constant polynomial。即 f ( x ) − f ’ ( a ) x = ( x − a ) 2 q ( x ) + b f(x)-f’(a)x=(x-a)^2q(x)+b f(x)f(a)x=(xa)2q(x)+b,其中 q ( x ) ∈ Z p [ x ] , b ∈ Z p q(x)\in\mathbb{Z}_p[x],b\in\mathbb{Z}_p q(x)Zp[x]bZp
  • 高阶微分和多变量多项式具有类似的特点。

2. 相关定义

  • SCC scheme定义:
    包含KeyGenSetupComputeVerifyUpdate 5个算法。
    其中的Update算法允许the source to update the function f f f to a new function f ’ f’ f。直观的实现Update的方式是从Setup算法开始重新针对新的 f ’ f’ f执行一遍,而本文实现了更高效的incremental updates。

  • correctness of an SCC scheme定义:

  • adaptive security of an SCC scheme定义:

2.1 多变量多项式相关约定

使用multiset over some universe U \mathcal{U} U,a generalized set 的元素来自于该universe U \mathcal{U} U,其中每个元素可出现多于1次,如 { 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 3 } \{1,1,2,3,3,3\} {1,1,2,3,3,3} 就是a multiset。

  • multiset S : U → Z ≥ 0 S:\mathcal{U}\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^{\geq 0} S:UZ0:为a function mapping each element in a universe U \mathcal{U} U to its multiplicity(多样性,其实即是指元素个数)。对于任意的 x ∉ S x\notin S x/S,有 S ( x ) = 0 S(x)=0 S(x)=0
    如对multiset { a , a , b , c , c , c } \{a,a,b,c,c,c\} {a,a,b,c,c,c},有 S ( a ) = 2 , S ( b ) = 1 , S ( c ) = 3 S(a)=2,S(b)=1,S(c)=3 S(a)=2,S(b)=1,S(c)=3,而 S ( e ) = 0 S(e)=0 S(e)=0因为 e e e不在该multiset中。

S , T S,T S,T表示two multisets over universe U \mathcal{U} U,其中 S ⊆ T S\subseteq T ST,即 ∀ a ∈ U \forall a\in \mathcal{U} aU S ( a ) ≤ T ( a ) S(a)\leq T(a) S(a)T(a)
∣ S ∣ |S| S:表示the size of S S S over universe U \mathcal{U} U,即 ∣ S ∣ = ∑ a ∈ U S ( a ) |S|=\sum_{a\in\mathcal{U}}S(a) S=aUS(a)
S d , n \mathcal{S}_{d,n} Sd,n:表示the set of multisets of size at most d d d over universe { 1 , 2 , ⋯   , n } \{1,2,\cdots,n\} {1,2,,n}

f ∈ Z p [ x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ] = Z p [ x ⃗ ] f\in\mathbb{Z}_p[x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n]=\mathbb{Z}_p[\vec{x}] fZp[x1,x2,,xn]=Zp[x ] 为 an n n n-variate polynomial over Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp with maximum degree d d d,具体可表示为:
f ( x ⃗ ) = f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) = ∑ S ∈ S d , n c S ⋅ ∏ i ∈ S x i S ( i ) f(\vec{x})=f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)=\sum_{S\in\mathcal{S}_{d,n}}c_S\cdot \prod_{i\in S}x_i^{S(i)} f(x )=f(x1,x2,,xn)=SSd,ncSiSxiS(i) …… (2.1)

如,multiset { 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 5 } \{1,1,2,2,2,5\} {1,1,2,2,2,5}对应的term为 x 1 2 x 2 3 x 5 x_1^2x_2^3x_5 x12x23x5。而empty multiset ∅ \varnothing 对应的polynomial中的constant term。

  • 多变量多项式的degree:为the maximum total degree of any monomial contained in the polynomial。如 3 x 1 x 2 + x 3 3 x 4 x 5 3x_1x_2+x_3^3x_4x_5 3x1x2+x33x4x5的degree为5。

2.2 基于的安全假设

基于的安全假设为 Bilinear l l l-strong Diffie-Hellman assumption:

3. 多变量polynomial evaluation under selective security model

selective security 弱于 adaptive security,selective security要求the adversary to commit ahead of time to the challenge point a a a,与Identity-Based Encryption (IBE)[7]、Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE)[21]、Functional Encryption (FE)[32] 和Predicate Encryption (PE)[8] 中常用到的selective security类似。

f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) 为多变量多项式in Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp,其中 x ⃗ = [ x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ] \vec{x}=[x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n] x =[x1,x2,,xn],对于 a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] ∈ Z p n \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n]\in\mathbb{Z}_p^n a =[a1,a2,,an]Zpn,多项式 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a}) f(x )f(a )可表示为 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − a i ) w i ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-a_i)w_i(\vec{x}) f(x )f(a )=i=1n(xiai)wi(x )
即对应Lemma 1为:

多变量polynomial evaluation under selective security model的详细构建思路为:

  • ( P K , S K ) ← K e y G e n ( λ , F ) (PK,SK)\leftarrow KeyGen(\lambda,\mathcal{F}) (PK,SK)KeyGen(λ,F)算法:
    假设function family F ⊆ Z p [ x ⃗ ] \mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathbb{Z}_p[\vec{x}] FZp[x ] 表示all polynomials over Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp with at most n n n variables and degree bounded by d d d。即family F \mathcal{F} F中的polynomials可以(2.1)方程式的方式,由multisets in set S n , d \mathcal{S}_{n,d} Sn,d来表示。
    KeyGen算法invoke the bilinear group generation algorithm to generate a bilinear group instance of prime order p p p (of λ \lambda λ bits), with a bilinear map function e : G × G → G T e: \mathbb{G}\times \mathbb{G}\rightarrow \mathbb{G}_T e:G×GGT
    选择随机generator g ∈ G g\in\mathbb{G} gG和随机point t ⃗ = [ t 1 , t 2 , ⋯   , t n ] ∈ Z p n \vec{t}=[t_1,t_2,\cdots,t_n]\in\mathbb{Z}_p^n t =[t1,t2,,tn]Zpn,然后生成相应的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d
    W n , d = { g ∏ i ∈ S t i S ( i ) : ∀ S ∈ S n , d } \mathcal{W}_{n,d}=\{g^{\prod_{i\in S}t_i^{S(i)}}: \forall S\in\mathcal{S}_{n,d}\} Wn,d={giStiS(i):SSn,d} …… (3.2)
    如, W 2 , 2 \mathcal{W}_{2,2} W2,2中包含的元素有: g , g t 1 , g t 2 , g t 1 2 , g t 2 2 , g t 1 t 2 2 , g t 1 2 t 2 , g t 1 2 t 2 2 g,g^{t_1},g^{t_2},g^{t_1^2},g^{t_2^2},g^{t_1t_2^2},g^{t_1^2t_2},g^{t_1^2t_2^2} g,gt1,gt2,gt12,gt22,gt1t22,gt12t2,gt12t22
    KeyGen算法的输出public key P K PK PK 中包含 g , W n , d g,\mathcal{W}_{n,d} g,Wn,d 和 the description of G , G T , e \mathbb{G},\mathbb{G}_T,e G,GT,e
    secret key S K SK SK中包含的是the commitment point t ⃗ \vec{t} t
    本文的full version版本 的附录D中,提到了可减少 W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d中的group elements数量的优化方法:

  • F K ( f ) ← S e t u p ( S K , P K , f ) FK(f)\leftarrow Setup(SK,PK,f) FK(f)Setup(SK,PK,f)算法:
    f ( x ⃗ ) ∈ Z p [ x ⃗ ] f(\vec{x})\in\mathbb{Z}_p[\vec{x}] f(x )Zp[x ] 为 an n n n-variate polynomial of maximum degree d d d over Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp,具有 k k k terms,可由:
    multisets S 1 , S 2 , ⋯   , S k ∈ S n , d S_1,S_2,\cdots,S_k\in\mathcal{S}_{n,d} S1,S2,,SkSn,d

    相应的respective coefficients c 1 , c 2 , ⋯   , c k ∈ Z p c_1,c_2,\cdots,c_k\in\mathbb{Z}_p c1,c2,,ckZp
    Setup算法利用 P K PK PK中包含的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d 来计算特定的polynomial public key,即:
    F K ( f ) = g f ( t ⃗ ) = ( g ∏ i ∈ S 1 t i S 1 ( i ) ) c 1 × ( g ∏ i ∈ S 2 t i S 2 ( i ) ) c 2 × ⋯ × ( g ∏ i ∈ S k t i S k ( i ) ) c k FK(f)=g^{f(\vec{t})}=(g^{\prod_{i\in S_1}t_i^{S_1(i)}})^{c_1}\times (g^{\prod_{i\in S_2}t_i^{S_2(i)}})^{c_2}\times \cdots \times (g^{\prod_{i\in S_k}t_i^{S_k(i)}})^{c_k} FK(f)=gf(t )=(giS1tiS1(i))c1×(giS2tiS2(i))c2××(giSktiSk(i))ck
    Setup算法的输出即为function public key F K ( f ) FK(f) FK(f)

  • ( v , w ⃗ ) ← C o m p u t e ( P K , f , a ⃗ ) (v,\vec{w})\leftarrow Compute(PK,f,\vec{a}) (v,w )Compute(PK,f,a )算法:
    1)首先计算 v = f ( a ⃗ ) v=f(\vec{a}) v=f(a )
    2)然后找到相应的set of polynomials q 1 ( x ⃗ ) , q 2 ( x ⃗ ) , ⋯   , q n ( x ⃗ ) q_1(\vec{x}),q_2(\vec{x}),\cdots,q_n(\vec{x}) q1(x ),q2(x ),,qn(x ),满足 f ( x ⃗ ) − v = ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − a i ) q i ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-v=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-a_i)q_i(\vec{x}) f(x )v=i=1n(xiai)qi(x )
    3)signature w w w为a vector of n n n witnesses w 1 , w 2 , ⋯   , w n w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_n w1,w2,,wn,其中 w i = g q i ( t ⃗ ) w_i=g^{q_i(\vec{t})} wi=gqi(t ) for all i ∈ [ n ] i\in [n] i[n]
    注意 w i w_i wi很容易根据 P K PK PK中包含的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d来计算。
    Compute最终的输出为 pair ( v , w ⃗ ) (v,\vec{w}) (v,w ),其中 v v v为多变量多项式evaluate at a ⃗ \vec{a} a 的结果值, w ⃗ \vec{w} w 为the signature of correctness。

  • V e r i f y ( P K , F K ( f ) , a ⃗ , v , w ⃗ ) Verify(PK,FK(f), \vec{a},v,\vec{w}) Verify(PK,FK(f),a ,v,w )算法:
    其中 w ⃗ = [ w 1 , w 2 , ⋯   , w n ] \vec{w}=[w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_n] w =[w1,w2,,wn],为了证明 f ( a ⃗ ) = v f(\vec{a})=v f(a )=v,只需验证:
    e ( F K ( f ) g − v , g ) = ∏ i = 1 n e ( g t i − a i , w i ) e(FK(f)g^{-v},g)=\prod_{i=1}^{n}e(g^{t_i-a_i}, w_i) e(FK(f)gv,g)=i=1ne(gtiai,wi)
    其中,terms g t i g^{t_i} gti 已包含在 P K PK PK W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d中。

  • F K ( f ′ ) ← U p d a t e ( S K , P K , F K ( f ) , f ′ ) FK(f')\leftarrow Update(SK,PK,FK(f), f') FK(f)Update(SK,PK,FK(f),f)算法:
    f f f表示current polynomial, f ’ f’ f表示需更新成为的new polynomial。
    假设 f ′ f' f f f f只有一个系数不同,用 S S S来表示the multiset corresponding to that coefficient,即the coefficient c S c_S cS corresponding to term ∏ i ∈ S x i S ( i ) \prod_{i\in S}x_i^{S(i)} iSxiS(i) 更新为 c S ′ c_S' cS in f ’ f’ f
    F K ( f ) FK(f) FK(f)表示current function public key,则:
    F K ( f ′ ) = F K ( f ) ⋅ g ( c S ′ − c S ) ∏ i ∈ S t i S ( i ) FK(f')=FK(f)\cdot g^{(c_S'-c_S)\prod_{i\in S}t_i^{S(i)}} FK(f)=FK(f)g(cScS)iStiS(i)
    为new function public key。

以上 多变量polynomial evaluation under selective security model 算法,具有如下特性:
其中selective security of an SCC scheme的定义为:

4. 多变量polynomial evaluation under adaptive security model

本节将第3节中的selectively secure SCC scheme 转换为 adaptively security in the random oracle model,同时也可用于构建an adaptively secure PVC scheme under the formulation of Parno [31] without the random oracle model。

核心思想为:(与第3节中的polynomial decomposition多项式分解不同,此处多项式分解中引入了随机数)
f ( x ⃗ ) = f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) f(\vec{x})=f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n) f(x )=f(x1,x2,,xn) evaluates to f ( a ⃗ ) = f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) f(\vec{a})=f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) f(a )=f(a1,a2,,an),则取任意的随机数 r 1 ∈ Z p r_1\in\mathbb{Z}_p r1Zp,将 f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)多项式除以 r 1 ( x 1 − a 1 ) + x 2 − a 2 r_1(x_1-a_1)+x_2-a_2 r1(x1a1)+x2a2多项式,其余数 s 1 ( x 2 , x 3 , ⋯   , x n ) s_1(x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n) s1(x2,x3,,xn)多项式与 x 1 x_1 x1无关,即:
f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) = [ r 1 ( x 1 − a 1 ) + x 2 − a 2 ] ⋅ q 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) + s 1 ( x 2 , x 3 , ⋯   , x n ) f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)=[r_1(x_1-a_1)+x_2-a_2]\cdot q_1(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)+s_1(x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n) f(x1,x2,,xn)=[r1(x1a1)+x2a2]q1(x1,x2,,xn)+s1(x2,x3,,xn)
进一步将 s 1 ( x 2 , x 3 , ⋯   , x n ) s_1(x_2,x_3,\cdots,x_n) s1(x2,x3,,xn) 多项式除以 r 2 ( x 2 − a 2 ) + x 3 − a 3 r_2(x_2-a_2)+x_3-a_3 r2(x2a2)+x3a3多项式,其余数多项式为 s 2 ( x 3 , x 4 , ⋯   , x n ) s_2(x_3,x_4,\cdots,x_n) s2(x3,x4,,xn) x 2 x_2 x2无关。
以此类推,在最终将余数多项式 s n − 1 ( x n ) s_{n-1}(x_n) sn1(xn)除以 x n − a n x_n-a_n xnan,相应的余数多项式 s n ∈ Z p s_n\in\mathbb{Z}_p snZp为constant term,与任何变量均无关。
最终 f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)可表示为:
f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) = ∑ i ∈ [ n − 1 ] [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] q i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) q n ( x n ) + s n f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n)=\sum_{i\in [n-1]}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]q_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)q_n(x_n)+s_n f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)=i[n1][ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]qi(x )+(xnan)qn(xn)+sn
由于当 ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) (x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n) (x1,x2,,xn)取值为 ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) (a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) (a1,a2,,an)时, f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n ) − f ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) = 0 f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n)-f(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n)=0 f(x1,x2,,xn)f(a1,a2,,an)=0,因此 s n s_n sn应为0值。
可引入随机值 r 1 , ⋯   , r n − 1 r_1,\cdots,r_{n-1} r1,,rn1,其中 r 1 r 2 ⋯ r n − 1 ≠ 0 r_1r_2\cdots r_{n-1}\neq 0 r1r2rn1=0,相应的 f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a}) f(x )f(a )多项式随机分解可表示为 :
f ( x ⃗ ) − f ( a ⃗ ) = ∑ i ∈ [ n − 1 ] [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] q i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) q n ( x n ) f(\vec{x})-f(\vec{a})=\sum_{i\in [n-1]}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]q_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)q_n(x_n) f(x )f(a )=i[n1][ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]qi(x )+(xnan)qn(xn)
【对于单变量多项式,相当于有 f ( x ) − f ( a ) = ( x − a ) q ( x ) f(x)-f(a)=(x-a)q(x) f(x)f(a)=(xa)q(x)
对应即为Lemma 2:(详细的证明可参见 本文的full version版本

其中的 r 1 , r 2 , ⋯   , r n − 1 r_1,r_2,\cdots,r_{n-1} r1,r2,,rn1 随机值可 chosen “at random” by calling a hash function modeled as a random oracle(详见方程式(4.5))。

基于以上核心思想,adaptively secure SCC scheme的构建思路为:

  • ( P K , S K ) ← K e y G e n ( λ , F ) (PK,SK)\leftarrow KeyGen(\lambda,\mathcal{F}) (PK,SK)KeyGen(λ,F)算法:

  • F K ( f ) ← S e t u p ( S K , P K , f ) FK(f)\leftarrow Setup(SK,PK,f) FK(f)Setup(SK,PK,f)算法:

  • ( v , w ⃗ ) ← C o m p u t e ( P K , f , a ⃗ ) (v,\vec{w})\leftarrow Compute(PK,f,\vec{a}) (v,w )Compute(PK,f,a )算法:
    1)将 a ⃗ \vec{a} a 解析为 [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] [a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] [a1,a2,,an],首先计算 v = f ( a ⃗ ) v=f(\vec{a}) v=f(a )
    2)然后使用hash 函数 H : { 0 , 1 ∗ } → Z p H:\{0,1^*\}\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_p H:{0,1}Zp(后续会modeled as a random oracle)计算:
    ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 : r i = H ( a ⃗ ∣ ∣ i ) \forall 1\leq i\leq n-1: r_i=H(\vec{a}||i) 1in1:ri=H(a i) …… (4.5)
    根据Lemma 2,找到相应的set of polynomials q 1 ( x ⃗ ) , q 2 ( x ⃗ ) , ⋯   , q n ( x n ) q_1(\vec{x}),q_2(\vec{x}),\cdots,q_n(x_n) q1(x ),q2(x ),,qn(xn),满足 f ( x ⃗ ) − v = ∑ i ∈ [ n − 1 ] [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] q i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) q n ( x n ) f(\vec{x})-v=\sum_{i\in [n-1]}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]q_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)q_n(x_n) f(x )v=i[n1][ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]qi(x )+(xnan)qn(xn)
    3)signature w w w为a vector of n n n witnesses w = [ w 1 , w 2 , ⋯   , w n − 1 , p o l y n o m i a l   q n ( x n ) ] w=[w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_{n-1},polynomial\ q_n(x_n)] w=[w1,w2,,wn1,polynomial qn(xn)],其中 w i = g q i ( t ⃗ ) w_i=g^{q_i(\vec{t})} wi=gqi(t ) for all i ∈ [ n − 1 ] i\in [n-1] i[n1]。而the polynomial q n ( x n ) q_n(x_n) qn(xn) 为degree at most d d d的单变量多项式,其包含了the description of the polynomial,即 最多有 d d d个系数 β d , ⋯   , β 0 \beta_d,\cdots,\beta_0 βd,,β0
    注意 w i w_i wi很容易根据 P K PK PK中包含的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d来计算。
    Compute最终的输出为 pair ( v , w ⃗ ) (v,\vec{w}) (v,w ),其中 v v v为多变量多项式evaluate at a ⃗ \vec{a} a 的结果值, w ⃗ \vec{w} w 为the signature of correctness。

  • V e r i f y ( P K , F K ( f ) , a ⃗ , v , w ⃗ ) Verify(PK,FK(f), \vec{a},v,\vec{w}) Verify(PK,FK(f),a ,v,w )算法:
    1)将 a ⃗ \vec{a} a 解析为 [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] [a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] [a1,a2,,an]
    2)将 w ⃗ \vec{w} w 解析为 [ w 1 , w 2 , ⋯   , w n − 1 , p o l y n o m i a l   q n ( x n ) ] [w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_{n-1},polynomial\ q_n(x_n)] [w1,w2,,wn1,polynomial qn(xn)]
    3)为了证明 f ( a ⃗ ) = v f(\vec{a})=v f(a )=v
    3.1)Verifier首先需要 P K PK PK中包含的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d来计算 g q n ( t n ) g^{q_n(t_n)} gqn(tn)
    3.2)然后计算相应的random values r 1 , r 2 , ⋯   , r n − 1 r_1,r_2,\cdots,r_{n-1} r1,r2,,rn1
    ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 : r i = H ( a ⃗ ∣ ∣ i ) \forall 1\leq i\leq n-1: r_i=H(\vec{a}||i) 1in1:ri=H(a i) …… (4.5)
    e ( F K ( f ) g − v , g ) = ∏ i = 1 n − 1 e ( g r i ( t i − a i ) + t i + 1 − a i + 1 , w i ) e ( g t n − a n , g q n ( t n ) ) e(FK(f)g^{-v},g)=\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}e(g^{r_i(t_i-a_i)+t_{i+1}-a_{i+1}}, w_i)e(g^{t_n-a_n},g^{q_n(t_n)}) e(FK(f)gv,g)=i=1n1e(gri(tiai)+ti+1ai+1,wi)e(gtnan,gqn(tn)) …… (4.6)
    其中,terms g t i g^{t_i} gti 已包含在 P K PK PK W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d中。

  • F K ( f ’ ) ← U p d a t e ( S K , P K , F K ( f ) , f ’ ) FK(f’)\leftarrow Update(SK,PK,FK(f), f’) FK(f)Update(SK,PK,FK(f),f)算法:

若基于以上adaptively secure SCC构建adaptively secure PVC,可将其中的随机值 r i r_i ri看成是challenge,不再通过hash function modeled as a random oracle输出,改为直接 directly chosen at random (as a challenge) by a client issuing a query to the untrusted server,从而实现了adaptively secure PVC without random oracles。

5. 将SCC scheme用于polynomial differentiation 多项式微分

已知多变量多项式 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ),需构建SCC for k k k阶导数(对某个变量 x j x_j xj进行求导) ∂ k f ( x ⃗ ) / ∂ x j k ( a ⃗ ) \partial^k f(\vec{x})/{\partial x_j^k(\vec{a})} kf(x )/xjk(a ) evaluated at a chosen point a ⃗ \vec{a} a

对于有 n n n个变量,maximum degree为 d d d的多项式 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ),其terms个数最多为 ( n + d d ) \binom{n+d}{d} (dn+d),其每个term对所有变量(最多为 n n n个变量)的 k k k阶导数中最多包含 n k nk nk个多项式——corresponding to all the possible derivatives ( k k k in total) of each possible variable。
最简单的支持verification of derivative computation的实现方式是:
对每个term中所有变量 k k k阶导数中所包含的 n k nk nk个多项式进行commit。
此时,对 n n n个变量,maximum degree为 d d d的多项式,其Setup cost为 O ( n k ( n + d d ) ) O(nk\binom{n+d}{d}) O(nk(dn+d))。且当需要做update操作时,需要update all n k nk nk polynomials。

而本文构建的支持polynomial differentiation的SCC scheme,其setup cost仅为 O ( ( n + d d ) ) O(\binom{n+d}{d}) O((dn+d)),且支持efficient incremental updates。

针对degree d d d多项式的 k k k阶导,即要求 k ≤ d k\leq d kd,若 k > d k>d k>d则结果均为0值了。
核心思想为:(与evaluation 情况类似)
基本思路为:(与Lemma 1类似)
1) f ( x ⃗ ) / ( x 1 − a 1 ) f(\vec{x})/(x_1-a_1) f(x )/(x1a1),其商为 u 1 ( x ⃗ ) u_1(\vec{x}) u1(x ),余数 s 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_1(\vec{x}) s1(x )
2) s 1 ( x ⃗ ) / ( x 2 − a 2 ) s_1(\vec{x})/(x_2-a_2) s1(x )/(x2a2),其商为 u 2 ( x ⃗ ) u_2(\vec{x}) u2(x ),余数 s 2 ( x ⃗ ) s_2(\vec{x}) s2(x )
4) s n − 2 ( x ⃗ ) / ( x n − 1 − a n − 1 ) s_{n-2}(\vec{x})/(x_{n-1}-a_{n-1}) sn2(x )/(xn1an1),其商为 u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) u_{n-1}(\vec{x}) un1(x ),余数 s n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-1}(\vec{x}) sn1(x ),此时 s n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-1}(\vec{x}) sn1(x )中应只包含变量 x n x_n xn,可将 s n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-1}(\vec{x}) sn1(x )表示为 s ( x n ) s(x_n) s(xn)
5) s ( x n ) / ( x n − a n ) k + 1 s(x_n)/(x_n-a_n)^{k+1} s(xn)/(xnan)k+1,其商为 q ( x n ) q(x_n) q(xn),余数可表示为 c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 ckxnk++c1xn+c0
6)最终,整个 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x )可表示为:
f ( x ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n − 1 ( x i − a i ) u i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) k + 1 q ( x n ) + c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 f(\vec{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i-a_i)u_i(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)^{k+1}q(x_n)+c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 f(x )=i=1n1(xiai)ui(x )+(xnan)k+1q(xn)+ckxnk++c1xn+c0
7)从而有,对 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) x n x_n xn k k k阶导 并 evaluate at a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] a =[a1,a2,,an]的值为:【同理可推广至对任意变量 x i x_i xi k k k阶导】
∂ k f ( x ⃗ ) ∂ x n k ( a ⃗ ) = k ! ⋅ c k \frac{\partial^k f(\vec{x})}{\partial x_n^k}(\vec{a})=k!\cdot c_k xnkkf(x )(a )=k!ck
∂ k ( x i − a i ) u i ( x ⃗ ) ∂ x n k ( a ⃗ ) = ( x i − a i ) ∂ k u i ( x ⃗ ) ∂ x n k ( a ⃗ ) = 0 \frac{\partial^k (x_i-a_i)u_i(\vec{x})}{\partial x_n^k}(\vec{a})=(x_i-a_i)\frac{\partial^k u_i(\vec{x})}{\partial x_n^k}(\vec{a})=0 xnkk(xiai)ui(x )(a )=(xiai)xnkkui(x )(a )=0
∂ k ( x n − a n ) k + 1 q ( x n ) ∂ x n k ( a n ) = 0 \frac{\partial^k (x_n-a_n)^{k+1}q(x_n)}{\partial x_n^k}(a_n)=0 xnkk(xnan)k+1q(xn)(an)=0
∂ k ( c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 ) ∂ x n k ( a n ) = ∂ k ( c k x n k ) ∂ x n k ( a n ) = k ! ⋅ c k \frac{\partial^k (c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0)}{\partial x_n^k}(a_n)= \frac{\partial^k (c_kx_n^k)}{\partial x_n^k}(a_n)=k!\cdot c_k xnkk(ckxnk++c1xn+c0)(an)=xnkk(ckxnk)(an)=k!ck

对应即为Lemma 3:(详细的证明可参见 本文的full version版本
随机数 r 1 , ⋯   , r n − 2 ∈ Z p r_1,\cdots, r_{n-2}\in\mathbb{Z}_p r1,,rn2Zp r 1 r 2 ⋯ r n − 2 ≠ 0 r_1r_2\cdots r_{n-2}\neq 0 r1r2rn2=0
基本思路为:(与Lemma 2类似)
1) f ( x ⃗ ) / ( r 1 ( x 1 − a 1 ) + x 2 − a 2 ) f(\vec{x})/(r_1(x_1-a_1)+x_2-a_2) f(x )/(r1(x1a1)+x2a2),其商为 u 1 ( x ⃗ ) u_1(\vec{x}) u1(x ),余数 s 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_1(\vec{x}) s1(x )
2) s 1 ( x ⃗ ) / ( r 2 ( x 2 − a 2 ) + x 3 − a 3 ) s_1(\vec{x})/(r_2(x_2-a_2)+x_3-a_3) s1(x )/(r2(x2a2)+x3a3),其商为 u 2 ( x ⃗ ) u_2(\vec{x}) u2(x ),余数 s 2 ( x ⃗ ) s_2(\vec{x}) s2(x )
4) s n − 3 ( x ⃗ ) / ( r n − 2 ( x n − 2 − a n − 2 ) + x n − 1 − a n − 1 ) s_{n-3}(\vec{x})/(r_{n-2}(x_{n-2}-a_{n-2})+x_{n-1}-a_{n-1}) sn3(x )/(rn2(xn2an2)+xn1an1),其商为 u n − 2 ( x ⃗ ) u_{n-2}(\vec{x}) un2(x ),余数 s n − 2 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-2}(\vec{x}) sn2(x )
5) s n − 2 ( x ⃗ ) / ( x n − 1 − a n − 1 ) s_{n-2}(\vec{x})/(x_{n-1}-a_{n-1}) sn2(x )/(xn1an1),其商为 u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) u_{n-1}(\vec{x}) un1(x ),余数 s n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-1}(\vec{x}) sn1(x )
此时 s n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-1}(\vec{x}) sn1(x )中应只包含变量 x n x_n xn,可将 s n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) s_{n-1}(\vec{x}) sn1(x )表示为 s ( x n ) s(x_n) s(xn)。且 u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) u_{n-1}(\vec{x}) un1(x )中应只包含变量 x n 1 x_{n_1} xn1和变量 x n x_n xn
5) s ( x n ) / ( x n − a n ) k + 1 s(x_n)/(x_n-a_n)^{k+1} s(xn)/(xnan)k+1,其商为 q ( x n ) q(x_n) q(xn),余数可表示为 c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 ckxnk++c1xn+c0
6)最终,整个 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x )可表示为:
f ( x ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n − 2 [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] u i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − 1 − a n − 1 ) u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) k + 1 q ( x n ) + c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 f(\vec{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{n-2}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]u_i(\vec{x})+(x_{n-1}-a_{n-1})u_{n-1}(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)^{k+1}q(x_n)+c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 f(x )=i=1n2[ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]ui(x )+(xn1an1)un1(x )+(xnan)k+1q(xn)+ckxnk++c1xn+c0
7)从而有,对 f ( x ⃗ ) f(\vec{x}) f(x ) x n x_n xn k k k阶导 并 evaluate at a ⃗ = [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] \vec{a}=[a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] a =[a1,a2,,an]的值为:【同理可推广至对任意变量 x i x_i xi k k k阶导】
∂ k f ( x ⃗ ) ∂ x n k ( a ⃗ ) = k ! ⋅ c k \frac{\partial^k f(\vec{x})}{\partial x_n^k}(\vec{a})=k!\cdot c_k xnkkf(x )(a )=k!ck

对应即为Lemma 4:(详细的证明可参见 本文的full version版本

5.1 adaptively secure SCC scheme for polynomial differentiation

基于Lemma 4构建的思路为:

  • ( P K , S K ) ← K e y G e n ( λ , F ) (PK,SK)\leftarrow KeyGen(\lambda,\mathcal{F}) (PK,SK)KeyGen(λ,F)算法:

  • F K ( f ) ← S e t u p ( S K , P K , f ) FK(f)\leftarrow Setup(SK,PK,f) FK(f)Setup(SK,PK,f)算法:

  • ( v , w ⃗ ) ← C o m p u t e ( P K , f , a ⃗ , k , i n d ) (v,\vec{w})\leftarrow Compute(PK,f,\vec{a}, k, ind) (v,w )Compute(PK,f,a ,k,ind)算法:
    额外增加了两个变量—— k k k i n d ind ind,表示对多项式的 x i n d x_{ind} xind变量求 k k k阶导,为了描述简单,以下都假设 i n d = n ind=n ind=n。即以下算法描述的是对多项式的 x n x_n xn变量求 k k k阶导 并 evaluate at point a ⃗ \vec{a} a
    1)将 a ⃗ \vec{a} a 解析为 [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] [a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] [a1,a2,,an],首先计算 v = f ( a ⃗ ) v=f(\vec{a}) v=f(a )
    2)然后使用hash 函数 H : { 0 , 1 ∗ } → Z p H:\{0,1^*\}\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_p H:{0,1}Zp(后续会modeled as a random oracle)计算:
    ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 2 : r i = H ( a ⃗ ∣ ∣ i n d ∣ ∣ k ∣ ∣ i ) \forall 1\leq i\leq n-2: r_i=H(\vec{a}||ind||k||i) 1in2:ri=H(a indki) …… (5.8)
    根据Lemma 4,找到相应的set of polynomials u 1 ( x ⃗ ) , u 2 ( x ⃗ ) , ⋯   , u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) , q ( x n ) u_1(\vec{x}),u_2(\vec{x}),\cdots,u_{n-1}(\vec{x}),q(x_n) u1(x ),u2(x ),,un1(x ),q(xn)和系数 c 0 , c 1 , ⋯   , c k c_0,c_1,\cdots,c_k c0,c1,,ck,满足 f ( x ⃗ ) = ∑ i = 1 n − 2 [ r i ( x i − a i ) + x i + 1 − a i + 1 ] u i ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − 1 − a n − 1 ) u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) + ( x n − a n ) k + 1 q ( x n ) + c k x n k + ⋯ + c 1 x n + c 0 f(\vec{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{n-2}[r_i(x_i-a_i)+x_{i+1}-a_{i+1}]u_i(\vec{x})+(x_{n-1}-a_{n-1})u_{n-1}(\vec{x})+(x_n-a_n)^{k+1}q(x_n)+c_kx_n^k+\cdots + c_1x_n+c_0 f(x )=i=1n2[ri(xiai)+xi+1ai+1]ui(x )+(xn1an1)un1(x )+(xnan)k+1q(xn)+ckxnk++c1xn+c0
    3)signature w w w为a vector of n n n witnesses w = [ w 1 , w 2 , ⋯   , w n − 2 , g q ( t n ) , c k − 1 , ⋯   , c 1 , c 0 , p o l y n o m i a l   u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) ] w=[w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_{n-2},g^{q_(t_n)},c_{k-1},\cdots,c_1,c_0,polynomial\ u_{n-1}(\vec{x})] w=[w1,w2,,wn2,gq(tn),ck1,,c1,c0,polynomial un1(x )],其中 w i = g q i ( t ⃗ ) w_i=g^{q_i(\vec{t})} wi=gqi(t ) for all i ∈ [ n − 2 ] i\in [n-2] i[n2]。而the polynomial u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) u_{n-1}(\vec{x}) un1(x ) 为degree at most d d d的双变量( x n − 1 x_{n-1} xn1 x n x_n xn变量)多项式,最多有 d 2 d^2 d2个term,即 最多有 d 2 d^2 d2个系数 β d 2 − 1 , ⋯   , β 0 \beta_{d^2-1},\cdots,\beta_0 βd21,,β0。同时,signature w w w中部包含 c k c_k ck term,因为 c k = v / k ! c_k=v/k! ck=v/k! 直接计算获得。
    注意 w i w_i wi很容易根据 P K PK PK中包含的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d来计算。
    Compute最终的输出为 pair ( v , w ⃗ ) (v,\vec{w}) (v,w ),其中 v v v为多变量多项式evaluate at a ⃗ \vec{a} a 的结果值, w ⃗ \vec{w} w 为the signature of correctness。

  • V e r i f y ( P K , F K ( f ) , a ⃗ , v , w ⃗ , k , i n d ) Verify(PK,FK(f), \vec{a},v,\vec{w},k,ind) Verify(PK,FK(f),a ,v,w ,k,ind)算法:
    设置 c k = v k ! c_k=\frac{v}{k!} ck=k!v,为了验证 v v v 确实是the outcome of the k k k-th paritial derivative on variable x i n d ( i n d = n ) x_{ind}(ind=n) xind(ind=n) evaluated at point a ⃗ ∈ Z p n \vec{a}\in\mathbb{Z}_p^n a Zpn
    1)将 a ⃗ \vec{a} a 解析为 [ a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ] [a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n] [a1,a2,,an]
    2)将 w ⃗ \vec{w} w 解析为 [ w 1 , w 2 , ⋯   , w n − 2 , w n , c k − 1 , ⋯   , c 1 , c 0 , p o l y n o m i a l   u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) ] [ w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_{n-2},w_n,c_{k-1},\cdots,c_1,c_0,polynomial\ u_{n-1}(\vec{x})] [w1,w2,,wn2,wn,ck1,,c1,c0,polynomial un1(x )]
    3)为了证明 f ( a ⃗ ) = v f(\vec{a})=v f(a )=v
    3.1)Verifier首先需要 P K PK PK中包含的signature generation set W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d来计算 g u n − 1 ( x ⃗ ) g^{u_{n-1}(\vec{x})} gun1(x )
    3.2)然后计算相应的random values r 1 , r 2 , ⋯   , r n − 2 r_1,r_2,\cdots,r_{n-2} r1,r2,,rn2
    ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 2 : r i = H ( a ⃗ ∣ ∣ i n d ∣ ∣ k ∣ ∣ i ) \forall 1\leq i\leq n-2: r_i= H(\vec{a}||ind||k||i) 1in2:ri=H(a indki) …… (5.8)
    e ( F K ( f ) , g ) = ∏ i = 1 n − 2 e ( g r i ( t i − a i ) + t i + 1 − a i + 1 , w i ) e ( g t n − 1 − a n − 1 , g u n − 1 ( t ⃗ ) ) ⋅ e ( g ( t n − a n ) k + 1 , w n ) ⋅ ∏ i = 0 k e ( g t n i , g ) c i e(FK(f),g)=\prod_{i=1}^{n-2}e(g^{r_i(t_i-a_i)+t_{i+1}-a_{i+1}}, w_i)e(g^{t_{n-1}-a_{n-1}},g^{u_{n-1}(\vec{t})})\cdot e(g^{(t_n-a_n)^{k+1}},w_n)\cdot \prod_{i=0}^{k}e(g^{t_n^i},g)^{c_i} e(FK(f),g)=i=1n2e(gri(tiai)+ti+1ai+1,wi)e(gtn1an1,gun1(t ))e(g(tnan)k+1,wn)i=0ke(gtni,g)ci …… (4.6)
    其中,terms g t i g^{t_i} gti 已包含在 P K PK PK W n , d \mathcal{W}_{n,d} Wn,d中。
    整个Verifier的计算复杂度为 O ( n + d 2 ) O(n+d^2) O(n+d2)次multi-exponentiation计算和 n + k + 2 n+k+2 n+k+2次pairing运算。

  • F K ( f ’ ) ← U p d a t e ( S K , P K , F K ( f ) , f ’ ) FK(f’)\leftarrow Update(SK,PK,FK(f), f’) FK(f)Update(SK,PK,FK(f),f)算法:

6. 算法开销分析

【Lemma 1中的多项式直接进行分解复杂度为 O ( n d ( n + d d ) ) O(nd \binom{n+d}{d}) O(nd(dn+d)),当 d > log ⁡ n d>\log n d>logn时,可使用FFT来进行polynomial division,相应的复杂度可降为 O ( n log ⁡ n ( n + d d ) ) O(n\log n \binom{n+d}{d}) O(nlogn(dn+d))

7. 展望

7.1 I/O 隐私

本文,client的sensitive input 时明文的,untrusted server可直接读取。为了同时满足input privacy和 output privacy,在由untrusted server运行的Compute算法中,可借助fully-homomorphic public-key encryption scheme [16] (即全同态加密)来实现——operate on encrypted points。

7.2 采用stronger assumption来替换random oracle

采用stronger assumption来替换adaptively secure SCC中的random oracle:

  • 使用subexponential assumption:
  • 限制the size of the domain of the inputs of our polynomials to be subexponential (now it is exponential):




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