Review of 4246 Algorithms for Data Science

Important algorithms

  • Sort: Insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort
  • Binary search
  • Graph: BFS、DFS and their application
  • Greedy: Dijkstra’s algorithm and improved implementation
  • Dynamic programming: Bellman-Ford
  • Network flow: Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
  • NPC: Vertex Cover(D), Independent Set(D), SAT, 3SAT, integer programming
  • Linear programming (integer programming)



Lecture1: Insertion sort, efficient algorithm

Insertion sort

Analysis of algorithms

  • Correctness: Proof by induction.
  • Running time: Best case: 5n − 4; worst case. 3n^2 + 7n − 4
  • Space: in-place algorithm

Efficient algorithms (polynomial running time)

Lecture2: Merge sort

Asymptotic notation

  • Asymptotic upper bounds: Big-O notation
  • Asymptotic lower bounds: Big-Ω notation
  • Asymptotic tight bounds: Θ notation
  • Asymptotic upper bounds that are not tight: little-o
  • Asymptotic lower bounds that are not tight: little-ω

Divide & conquer principle, application: merge sort

  • Correctness
  • Running time: O(nlogn)
  • Space: Θ(n)

Solving recurrences and running time of merge sort

  • recursion trees
  • Master theorem

Lecture3: Binary search, quicksort

Binary search

  • Running time: O(log n)


  • divide and conquer
  • Space: in-place
  • Running time:
  • Its worst-case running time is Θ(n^2) but its average-case running time is Θ(nlogn)
  • Correctness:
    • strong induction (the induction step at n requires that the inductive hypothesis holds at all steps 1, 2, …, n−1 and not just at step n−1, as with simple induction.)

Lecture5: Graphs, Breadth-First Search (BFS)


  • Undirected / directed
  • Simple: all vertices are distinct.

  • An undirected graph is connected when there is a path between every pair of vertices.
  • The connected component of a node u is the set of all node in the graph reachable by a path from u.
  • A directed graph is strongly connected if for every pair of vertices u, v, there is a path from u to v and from v to u.
  • The strongly connected component of a node u in a directed graph is the set of nodes v in the graph such that there is a path from u to v and from v to u.

  • Tree: connected acyclic graph
  • Bipartite graphs
  • Degree theorem
  • Linear graph algorithms run in O(n+m) time

Representing graphs

  • adjacency matrix
  • adjacency list

Breadth-first search (BFS)

  • queue: FIFO data structure
  • s-t connectivity
  • shortest s-v paths in unweighted graphs.
  • Connected components in undirected graphs
  • Testing bipartiteness & graph 2-colorability
  • SCC(u): SCC of node u
  • All SCC: but not linear

Lecture6: Depth-first search, topological sorting

Depth-first search (DFS)

  • stack: LIFO (Last-In First-Out)
  • s-t connectivity
  • Cycle detection
  • Topological sorting in DAGs (directed acyclic graph)
    • Run DFS(G); compute finish times.
    • Process the tasks in decreasing order of finish times.
    • Running time: O(m+n)
    • different edges: forward, back, cross --> time intervals for vertices
  • Undirected graphs: find all connected components
  • SCC(u): SCC of node u
  • All SCC: linear
    • Compute Gr.
    • Run DFS(Gr); compute finish(u) for all u.
    • Run DFS(G) in decreasing order of finish(u).
    • Output the vertices of each tree in the DFS forest of line 3 as an SCC.

Lecture7&8: Strongly connected components, single-origin shortest paths in weighted graphs

Applications of DFS: Strongly connected components

(combine it with the above)

Shortest paths in graphs with non-negative edge weights (Dijkstra’s algorithm)

  • Greedy principle
  • implementation and improved implementation
  • running time

Lecture12: Data compression and Huffman coding

  • Prefix codes and trees
  • The Huffman algorithm

Lecture9: The dynamic programming principle; segmented least squares

  • Overlapping subproblems
  • An easy-to-compute recurrence
  • Iterative, bottom-up computations

  • Segmented least squares
  • Sequence alignment

After midterm

Lecture 11 Shortest paths in weighted graphs (Bellman-Ford)

  • Bellman-Ford algorithm (DP solution)
    • OPT (i, v) = cost of shortest s-v path using at most I edges
    • 二维数组: time: O(nm), space: O(n^2)
      • Pseudocode: M [i, v]
    • 一维数组: time: O(nm), space: O(n)
      • Early termination condition: if at some iteration I no value in M changed, then stop.
      • Pseudocode: M[v] similar to Dijkstra algorithm
    • Detecting negative cycle
      • Update all edges n times (1 more time)

Lecture 15&16 Network flows


  • Capacity constrains
  • Flow conservation
  • |f| = f_out
  • Max flow and min cut

Residual graph and augmenting paths

  • Residual graph (forward, backward)
  • P is simple path. Augment f by pushing extra flow on P
  • Bottleneck

Ford-Fulkerson algorithm

  • Running time: O(nmU) —— pseudo-polynomial
  • Correctness
  • Application: max bipartite matching
  • Reduction (Forward direction, Reverse direction)

Lecture 20&21 Reductions; independent set and vertex cover; decision problems


  • x of X
  • y=R(x) of Y

Reduction as a means to design efficient algorithm

  • Y has polynomial computational steps
  • Call polynomial number of Y
  • X <= pY

Reduction as a means to argue about hard problems

  • X <= p Y
  • Y is at least as hard as X
  • If X cannot be solved in polynomial time, then Y cannot.
  • Relative level of difficulty: X <= pY, Y <= pX

Two hard problems

  • Independent set
  • Vertex cover

Optimization versions for IS and VC

  • Max independent size
  • Min vertex cover

Decision version of optimization problems

  • Yes/no answer
  • Max – lower, min – upper

Rough equivalence of decision & optimization problems

  • Suppose we have an algorithm to solve MIS we can use it to solve IS(D)
  • Suppose we have an algorithm to solve IS(D) we can use it to solve MIS

Reduction from Independent Set to Vertex Cover

  • Forward direction
  • Reverse direction

Class P

  • Set of decision problems that can be solved by polynomial-time algorithm.


  • If we were given a solution S for such a problem X(D), we could check if it is correct quickly.
  • Such an S is a succinct certificate that x 属于X(D)

Class NP

  • An efficient certifier (or verification algorithm) B for a problem X(D) is a polynomial algorithm that

    • Takes two input arguments: instance x (which is a specific input of the problem) and the short certificate t
    • B(x, t) = yes and |t| <= Poly(|x|), then we have x 属于 X(D)
  • Set of decision problems that have an efficient certifier.

P vs NP

  • P 属于 NP
  • P = NP ?
  • Why would NP contain more problems than P? Intuitively, the hardest problems in NP are the least likely to belong to P


  • The hardest problems
  • NPC X(D) 定义:
    • If X(D) 属于 NP
    • For all Y 属于 NP, Y <= p X(D)

Show a problem is NP-complete

  • Suppose we had an NP-complete problem X, to show Y is NPC, we only need to show:
    • Y 属于 NP
    • X <= p Y
  • (相比根据定义证明NPC,这种方法只需要做一次reduction,简化了很多)

Lecture 22 Satisfiability problems: SAT, 3SAT, Circuit-SAT


  • truth assignment
  • A truth assignment satisfies a clause if it causes the clause to evaluate to 1.
  • A formula φ is satisfiable if it has a satisfying truth assignment.

Satisfiability (SAT) and 3SAT

  • SAT: Given a formula φ in CNF with n variables and m clauses, is φ
  • 3SAT: Given a formula φ in CNF with n variables and m clauses such that each clause has exactly 3 literals, is φ satisfiable?

The art of proving NP-completeness

  • Circuit-SAT ≤p SAT
  • SAT ≤P 3SAT
  • 3SAT ≤p IS(D)

Lecture 23&25 Representative NP-complete problems: TSP, Set Cover

  • Circuit SAT
  • TSP
  • Integer programming

Lecture18&19 Linear programming


  • feasible solutions
  • Feasible region
  • Optimal solution


  • We can alternatively solve the dual to find the optimal objective value.

  • An optimal dual solution can be used to derive an optimal primal solution (complementary slackness).

  • The dual may have structure making it easier to solve at scale (e.g., via parallel optimization).请添加图片描述

  • 7-step dualization

formulating LPs

  • 将其他形式的问题转化为LP或IP




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