Neural Networks for Applied Sciences and Engineering--Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Learning of Nonlinear Patterns by Neural Networks
4.1 Introduction and Overview
first-order error minimization methods:backpropagation,delta-bar-delta(adaptive learning rate),steepest descent
second-order error minimization methods:QuickProp,Gaus-Newton,LM learning

4.4 Backpropagation Learning Erroe Gradient with Respect to Output Neuron Weights The Error Gradient with Respect to the Hidden-Neuron Weights Batch Learning
example-by-example learning(online learning,OGD):weights change after every new pattern presented.This method may yield effective results and it may be the most suitable method for online learning,in which learning or updating required as and when data arrives in real time.So,it not exists the concepts of epoch.
batch learning(offline learning):In the complete training,all patterns are used.It contains batch gradient descent,stochastic gradient desecent and so on.
batch gradient descent(BGD):A learning algorithm is BGD or not depends on the predicted lables is stable or re-culculated in a epoch.
stochastic gradient descent(SGD):It's like online learning,but the environment is very different.And we can use several not one pattern to calculate the gradient to change the weights in a epoch. Learning Rate and Weight Update
Even if the mse is stable,the mse may be not the optimal but the suboptimal. Momentum

Why need Momentum?

We need small weight change around the optimum points.So,for the ravine,we can use momentum to reduce the weight change to subdue the oscillations.But for the bowl,because of it's flat,the weight change without momentum is appropriate for learning process.If we use momentum in it,whereas reducing to oscillations.

4.4.6 Example:Backpropagation Learning Case Study--Solving a Complex Clasification Problem

How to choose appropriate parameters?

4.5 Delata-Bar-Delta Learning(Adaptive Learning Rate) Method

fm is the recent direction,and the sign of dmfm determines whether the learning rate increases or not!

4.6 Steepest Descent Method

In each epoch,the epsilon(the learning rate) returns to the initial value first,e.g.
So,it can set a large value as initial learning rate,and resulting to the faster descent at the beginning.

4.7 Second-Order Methods of Error Minnimization and Weight Optimization
4.7.1 QuickProp Comparison of QuickProp with Steepest Descent,Delta-Bar-Delta,and Backpropagation

QuickProp don't have the learning rate parameters.

4.7.2 General Concept of Second-Order Methods of Error Minimization

Why?First-order Taylor expansion with derived function.

If R=1,they're the first-order gradient methods.

4.7.3 Gauss-Newton Method

基本区别是:Gauss-Newton只用于求解非线性最小二乘问题,Newton法可用于求解任意连续函数的最优化问题。高斯牛顿法的一个小技巧是,将二次偏导省略,不需要计算二阶导数。 Example:Network Training with Gauss-Newton Method-A Computer Experiment

4.7.4 The Levenberg-Marquardt Method

4.7.5 Comparison of the Efficiency of the First-Order and Second-Order Methods in Minimizing Error

First-order methods are slow and need find appropriate parameters by trial and error.Second-order methods are fast but have a substantial computational cost and the risk of the numerical instability in the handling of the second derivative.
In response to the exponentially increasing need to analyze vast amounts of data, Neural Networks for Applied Sciences and Engineering: From Fundamentals to Complex Pattern Recognition provides scientists with a simple but systematic introduction to neural networks. Beginning with an introductory discussion on the role of neural networks in scientific data analysis, this book provides a solid foundation of basic neural network concepts. It contains an overview of neural network architectures for practical data analysis followed by extensive step-by-step coverage on linear networks, as well as, multi-layer perceptron for nonlinear prediction and classification explaining all stages of processing and model development illustrated through practical examples and case studies. Later chapters present an extensive coverage on Self Organizing Maps for nonlinear data clustering, recurrent networks for linear nonlinear time series forecasting, and other network types suitable for scientific data analysis. With an easy to understand format using extensive graphical illustrations and multidisciplinary scientific context, this book fills the gap in the market for neural networks for multi-dimensional scientific data, and relates neural networks to statistics. Features x Explains neural networks in a multi-disciplinary context x Uses extensive graphical illustrations to explain complex mathematical concepts for quick and easy understanding ? Examines in-depth neural networks for linear and nonlinear prediction, classification, clustering and forecasting x Illustrates all stages of model development and interpretation of results, including data preprocessing, data dimensionality reduction, input selection, model development and validation, model uncertainty assessment, sensitivity analyses on inputs, errors and model parameters Sandhya Samarasinghe obtained her MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Lumumba University in Russia and an MS and PhD in Engineering from Virginia Tech, USA. Her neural networks research focuses on theoretical understanding and advancements as well as practical implementations.




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