[转]三.人机接口设计 2时刻为用户着想


Keep Your Users in Mind



In addition to the basic principles of interface design, consider the needs of your audience. Are your users more comfortable in a language other than English? Do they have special needs that might affect the way you present data to them? The following sections identify areas that might influence your design.



Worldwide Compatibility

Mac OS X system software is designed to address the complex problems you encounter when you create an application intended to be compatible with regional, linguistic, and writing systems around the globe. Be aware that your users might be more comfortable with another language or culture even if they live in your home country. It’s much easier to include worldwide compatibility from the beginning of your development process than to try to incorporate support for script systems after your product development is complete. For more information, see Getting Started With Internationalization.


Before you develop software for worldwide use, consider the issues discussed in the following sections.



Cultural Values

Make sure that visible interface elements can be localized (that is, translated into other languages and otherwise adapted for use in other countries). Whenever you design a user interface, consider that various regions of the world may differ in their use of color, graphics, calendars, text, and the representation of time. Specific objects or symbols (such as electrical outlets and the currency symbol) may also have a different appearance, or not be understood, in other countries.


Graphics can enhance your application, but an image can also be offensive to certain audiences. Cultures assign varying values and characteristics to living creatures, plants, and inanimate objects. For example, in the United States the owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, whereas in Central America the owl represents witchcraft and black magic. It’s a good idea to avoid the use of seasons, holidays, or calendar events in software that you expect to distribute worldwide. If you include images that represent holidays or seasons—such as Christmas trees, pumpkins, or snow—be sure they can be localized.


Different calendars are used to mark time around the world. The United States and most of Europe observe time according the Gregorian calendar. The traditional Arabic calendar, the Jewish calendar, and the Chinese calendar are lunar rather than solar. In many places, time is marked according to one calendar for business and government purposes, and another for religious events. Mac OS X allows users to select and customize the way such information is displayed in the Formats pane of International preferences. Most APIs take these locale preferences into account when getting or formatting dates, times, and number-based data, such as monetary values or measurements. In most cases, therefore, your application should not have to perform formatting or conversion tasks. See Internationalization Programming Topics for more information on how to handle locale-sensitive data.

在世界上有很多种日历被用来标记时间。美国和大部分欧洲国家使用阳历。传统的阿拉伯历法,犹太历,以及中国农历都是月历。在有些国家,按照商业和政府的需要来使用历法,而有些根据宗教需要使用历法。Mac OS X允许用户在国际化偏好设置中选择和定制这些信息的显示格式。在获取或者格式化日期,时间以及数字相关的数据,如货币和度量时,大部分API都考虑到了本地化配置问题。因此,大部分情况下,您的程序无需考虑转换格式的问题。关于如何处理本地化数据的更多信息,请参考国际化编程。

Also remember to support different address formats. Don’t assume all addresses are in the native format of your country. Address Book lets users store address data for users in multiple countries. If you support or display Address Book data, you must be prepared to handle different address formats and postal code information.



Language Differences

Translating text is a sophisticated, delicate task. Avoid using colloquial phrases or nonstandard usage and syntax that can be difficult to translate. Carefully choose words for menu commands, dialogs, and help text. Be aware that text in U.S. English can grow up to 50 percent longer when translated to other languages.

Use complete sentences in string resources whenever possible. Grammar problems may arise when you concatenate multiple strings to create sentences; the word order may become completely different in another language, rendering the message nonsensical when translated. For example, word order in German sometimes places the verb at the end of a sentence. For more information on handling text in other languages, see Internationalization Programming Topics.




Text Display and Text Editing

Writing systems differ in the direction in which their characters and lines flow, the size of the character set used, and whether certain characters are context-dependent. Mac OS X supports Unicode, a single character set for most writing systems in the world. Unicode is a cross-platform, international standard for character encoding.

文字编辑在字符顺序,每一行的方向,字符集的大小,以及特定的字符是否是上下文相关的等方面都有很大差异。Mac OS X支持Unicode,Unicode是一个跨平台的,国际标准的字符集合。

Text handling for Cocoa is entirely based on Unicode. For Carbon developers, there is a set of functions for manipulating Unicode text. For more information about Unicode support, see Internationalization Programming Topics.


No matter what level of worldwide text support you provide, it’s important to keep in mind that:


  • Text isn’t always left-aligned and read from left to right. This includes text within controls (such as button labels), text that describes controls, and static text fields. Be aware that text translated into a right-to-left language must also be displayed as right-aligned.
  • Text isn’t always read by a person; it might be spoken through a screen reader.
  • System and application fonts may change, so don’t assume any particular font will be present. Instead, use the calls provided by your application framework.


It’s essential to store region-dependent information in separate resource files so that user-visible text can be translated during localization without requiring your application’s code to be modified.

When creating window layouts, consider text size, location, and direction. Text size varies in different languages. Also, depending on the script system, the direction of the text may change. Most Middle Eastern languages read from right to left. Text location and alignment within a window should be easy to change.

As much as possible, identify the logical flow of content and use that to determine the layout of your user interface. For example, the more important or higher level objects are usually placed near the upper left of a window that is designed for regions associated with left-to-right languages. In a version of the window that targets users who read right-to-left languages, it makes sense to reverse this layout. The more you can characterize user interface objects according to their logical, not visual, position, the more easily you can extend your application to other markets.

For more information on internationalization and localization, read Internationalization Programming Topics and visit the Apple International Technologies website at http://developer.apple.com/intl.



Universal Accessibility

Millions of people have a disability or special need and computers hold tremendous promise for increasing the productivity of such users. Many countries, including the United States, have laws mandating that certain equipment provide access for users with a disability.


It’s a good idea to build in support for universal access from the beginning of your design process rather than add it at the end of your implementation cycle. When you think about designing for the wide range of abilities in your target audience, think about increasing productivity for the entire audience; be careful not to overcompensate for the disabilities of certain members. Don’t let accommodations for a particular disability create a burden for people who do not have that disability.


Mac OS X has many built-in features designed to accommodate people with special needs. Users can access these features in the Universal Access pane of System Preferences. Once activated, these technologies programmatically manipulate the user interface of your application in ways that can help users with disabilities.

Mac OS X具有很多内建功能来适应用户的特殊需求。用户可以用过系统偏好设置程序中的万能辅助面板来使用这些功能。一旦被激活,这些技术就可以帮助有障碍的用户来操作您的用户接口。

Important: Your application should not override any of the accessibility features built in to Mac OS X, such as the ability to perform all user interface functions using the keyboard instead of the mouse, or any preference that a user might select to assist with a disability.

重要: 您的程序不应该覆盖任何Mac OS X内建的辅助功能,例如用键盘而不是鼠标来操作所有用户接口控件的功能,也不应该覆盖用户设置的有关辅助性的配置。

Be sure to test your applications with the assistive features available in the Universal Access pane of System Preferences. Although there may be situations in which you do not need to accommodate all these features, you should fully understand your user audience before making any design decisions that override these features. For example, it might be extremely difficult to create a visual design tool that works in grayscale, but you should still try to make the other parts of the program accessible whenever possible.


To learn more about the Mac OS X accessibility architecture and how to support accessibility in your application (a process called access enabling), see Accessibility Overview. For more information on assistive technologies, see Mac OS X Technology Overview.

需要了解Mac OS X辅助功能架构以及怎样在您的程序中支持辅助功能的更多信息,请参考辅助功能概述。关于辅助技术的更多信息,请参考Mac OS X技术概述

When you design your application, you should be aware of potential manipulation by assistive technologies and implement features in a way that does not degrade the experience for users with disabilities. The following sections describe the main categories of disabilities and give suggestions for specific design solutions and adaptations you can make. Keep in mind that there is a wide range of disabilities within each category and there are many people with multiple disabilities.



Visual Disabilities

People with a visual disability have the most trouble with the display (the screen). Some users need high contrast. Software that can handle different text sizes makes it easier to support people with a visual disability. Mac OS X (version 10.2 and later) provides an onscreen zooming option in Universal Access preferences. Following the layout guidelines provided in “Layout Guidelines” helps users with low vision by ensuring the proper use of spacing and alignment.

有视觉障碍的用户阅读显示器(屏幕)显示的内容很困难。有的用户需要更高的对比度。软件可以使用不同的文字大小从而帮助具有视觉障碍的用户。Mac OS X(10.2及以后版本)在万能辅助设置中提供屏幕缩放的功能。您应该遵守 “布局”中的建议,从而确保您的间距和对齐对低视力的用户有帮助。

In Mac OS X version 10.4, Apple introduced VoiceOver, a full-featured spoken interface for the Macintosh. VoiceOver allows users to navigate the user interface of the system and any accessible application and provides an audible description of the user’s workspace and all the activities occurring on the computer. You should test your application using VoiceOver to make sure it’s fully accessible. For more information on accessibility in Mac OS X, see Accessibility Overview.

在Mac OS X 10.4中,Apple提供了VoiceOver技术。VoiceOver是Macintosh上语音朗读的接口,当用户访问系统中或者支持这一技术的程序的用户接口时,对用户正在操作的控件和计算机当前发生的事件提供相应的语音描述。您应该使用VoiceOver测试您的程序来确保程序的可访问性。关于Mac OS X中辅助功能的更多信息,请参考辅助功能概述

Keep in mind that some people have color-vision deficiencies. Although the judicious use of color can enhance your application’s user interface, don’t create interfaces that rely solely on color coding to convey important information. Color coding should always be redundant to other types of cues, such as text, position, or highlighting. Allowing users to select from a variety of colors to convey information enables them to choose colors appropriate for their needs.



Hearing Disabilities

People with a hearing disability cannot hear auditory output at normal volume levels or cannot hear it at all. Software should never rely solely on sound to provide information; if cues are given with sound, they should be available visually as well. Since Mac OS X allows users to specify a visual cue in addition to the standard audible cue for the system alert, be sure to use the standard system alert when you need to get the user’s attention.

有听力障碍的用户听不到正常音量的音频输出,甚至一点都听不见。程序不应仅仅依赖于声音来提供信息,同时也应该提供可视化版本。Mac OS X允许用户针对标准的语音提示提供可视化的版本,所以如果您希望引起用户注意的话,请尽量使用标准的系统告警。

To indicate activity, hardware should have visible lights in addition to the sound generated by the mechanisms. Hardware that specifically produces sound should facilitate external amplification. For example, including a jack for external speakers or headphones allows people to amplify sound to an appropriate level.



Physical Disabilities

People who have a physical disability sometimes require additional access methods. For example, individuals may be without the use of a hand or an arm because of congenital anomalies, spinal cord injuries, repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, or progressive diseases. People in this group often have difficulty with computer input devices—such as the mouse or keyboard—and with removable storage media.


Some people have difficulty pressing more than one key at a time (required for many keyboard shortcuts, for example). With Sticky Keys, which can be turned on in the Keyboard pane of Universal Access preferences, users can press keys sequentially instead of simultaneously.


Users who have difficulty with fine motor movements may be unable to use a conventional mouse or may require modifications to keyboard behavior. In Keyboard preferences, users can choose how long they must press a key before it repeats; they may also specify a delay between when a key is pressed and when it is registered. In addition, Mac OS X provides ways for users to perform actions using the keyboard instead of the mouse. When full keyboard access mode is on, users can navigate to and select interface items using the keyboard. Mouse Keys, which can be turned on in the Mouse pane of Universal Access preferences, enables users to control the mouse with the numeric keypad to perform tasks such as dragging and resizing windows.

有些用户可能有移动障碍从而不能使用传统的鼠标或者需要对键盘行为做一些修改。在键盘设置中,用户可以设定按键多长时间会产生连续输入;也可以指定从按键到按键被识别的延迟。此外,Mac OS X提供了使用键盘来代替鼠标的途径。当全键盘访问选项被打开时,用户可以使用键盘来访问用户接口元素。万能辅助中鼠标面板的鼠标键提供了使用数字键盘来控制鼠标的功能,可以进行拖拽,更改窗口大小等操作。

Make sure your application does not override any keyboard navigation settings. For more information, see “Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference.” In addition, don’t override the keyboard shortcuts used by assistive technologies. When an assistive technology is enabled, keyboard shortcuts used by that technology take precedence over the ones defined in your program.

确保您的程序不会覆盖任何键盘设置,更多信息请参考 “键盘快捷键快速参考。”此外,不要覆盖辅助功能使用的快捷键。当辅助功能被激活时,该辅助功能使用的快捷键会先于用户程序被处理。

If you design hardware, be sure not to impose physical barriers that would impede someone with limited or no use of the hands or arms. For example, a disk drive with a latch would be difficult to open for a user who interacts with the computer using a pencil held in the mouth.


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