

when we are happy for what we win, we should keep in mind that one's good vintage may be another''s  bitter cup.

For  a man with career-ambition, there's no greater happiness than that of succeeding in one's career  that不可数名词,指代happiness


It makes me feel sick the way she thinks everybody's in love with her.  what that as 都不是形式主语,it是形式主语

Did a letter come for me? yes, one came for you.   one 替代letter,又表示泛指

To know more about Japan's recent nuclear radiation leak, you can use the internet or watch CCTV news , or both.     或者两者都看。

some 一些表示三者或三者以上


His children are well-behaved ,while those of his sister's are rude. 所填词需表复数,(that,the one 不是)ones表复数泛指,those表复数有一定范围

Talking about buying cars, I prefer a car less than 100000 yuan to one over the amount.高于10000元


The crueity of the terrorists towards foreigners and that of the terrorists towards NewYoke ten years ago filled everyone with horror. that指代crueity残忍

In my opinion, achieving what you set out to do isn't so important. it is joy in the journey that truly matters.   it is ...that 强调句

第五节 形容词和副词的基本用法,形容词一般做定语或表语,状语


the happier表示两者当中那个更快乐更幸福

a happier表示一个更加。。。的 Everybody said it was an ideal marriage; no one had ever known  a happier couple.

be twice as good 好了2倍    as 接原型    My car's performance is twice as good since the engine's been tuned and tires have been changed.

倍数后用形容词的比较级形式    the house is too small and i want one three times larger.

no more than 仅仅         not more than 不多于,至多于   more than 不仅仅   11::52

no more than 仅仅         not more than 不多于,至多于   more than 不仅仅   11::52

描述性,大小 国籍

five times the size of

five times larger than

it's really nice, but it is a  little too small for me                 a little 放在形容词的前面表示大(小)一点      a little 可以修饰small表示一点点但small要用比较级

too small 太小了       outspoken 直言不讳,坦率   easy-going 随和

cautious 小心谨慎   responsible 负责任的, reliable可靠地   reasonable 合情合理的  previous先前的   reliable system 可靠地系统

ordinary 普通的  common 共同的 normal 正常的  typical 有特点的,不出所料的

it's typical  of bob。bob 的特点

permanent永久的   compulsory 必须的  fundamental 基础的


 somewhere between = about 大约

therefore因此   however然而  thus 如此   anyhow = anyway 无论如何

most student  are against the new rules, but they have come into being anyhow.          同学们不喜欢这个新规定,但不管怎样它还是出台了

never/not  to 再怎么样也不为过

but remember you can never  be to careful  when driving a car in the street. 开车时再小心也不为过。


disturbingly令人担忧的  slightly 轻微的 exactly 确切的 flexibly 灵活的    disturbingly high level 令人担忧的程度

particularly 尤其  actually 实际上 usually 通常  naturally 自然的 

when you feed the horses, watch that one particularly --it bites.当你喂马时,尤其当心,马咬人

having a big nose 喜欢打听别人的事情

constant 连续的 considerate 周到的 unique 独一无二的  appointment 约会  grateful 感激的

likely 可能(可作表语)  possible 可能  probable 可能

possible 的主语不能是人 

be likely   to 

it is possible 

it's  the last place I'd like to go to.这是我最不想去的地方

too much + 可数????

much too difficult                  too 是副词

rather too difficult 

far too difficult 太难了 (正确项)

They returned home after a long journey hungrily and tiredly(副词).他们又累又饿的回到了家。

they returned home after a long journey , tired and hungry.(状语,有逗号)

convenient 方便的 ,主语不能是人

come and see me whenever it is convenient  to you.

invaluable 极有用的   valuable 有用的

He is not just a teacher

(not just ==not only == more than 不仅仅)

be fed up with 厌烦    otherwise 否则

time is pressing时间紧迫

you can not start you work too soon.

namely即,那就是   eventually 最终的

in the future , the us policy is likely to be strongly determined by internal developments in a number of key states,  namely China and Russian.这是在举例

anxiously 急切的  be particularly about/over  对。。。挑剔

that old man was so particularly about everything that nobody could please him.

formal 正规的 frequent 频繁的 

safe and sound(安然无恙) 两个形容词(状语)  safely and soundly两个副词

第七节  动词和动词词组

compromise 妥协  informed sb of sth 通知  recall  /remembered记起想起  不接sb

remind sb of sth 

you‘d better wash the shirt in cold water, or the color will run.(掉色, 不及物动词)

suggest、agree 一般不接sb

persuaded sb to do sth

cast 投掷

draw sb's attention 吸引人们的注意

defend from/against

 judge from 判断。

save from

prevent from


experiment 实验

examined 仔细观察,检查 check 检查检验,核实,test 对人的品质进行检查

a long time tests a person, which is really a truth.日久见人心

abandon 放弃 adopt 收养 adapt 修改advocate提倡,拥护,主张  lay off 暂时解雇,停止使用(及物动词词组)

make up 编造,虚构,构成,占比例  take over接管 hold back 阻止,抑制come out生出,产出,出现

use up耗尽,用完 (及物动词词组)been given out 用完,耗尽(不及物动词词组)my strength has given out

run out耗尽,用完(不及物动词词组)my strength has run out   

lay  down 放下,规定,制定   lay out摆出,展开     lay aside 把。。。放在一边,储存  lay off 暂时解雇,停止使用(及物动词词组)

go for 想要获得 appeal to吸引,求助于, made for 走向 react for 对。。。做出反应

hang out 经常去某处 (不及物动词)turn up 露面,到达  work out 计算出,做运动

  be involved in 与。。。有关联 (被动形式)consist of 由。。。组成 account for 解释,说明

the purpose of the theory is to  account for these experimental findings.  理论的目的是为了解释实验的发现

call for 要求,需求 call on号召,call out 召集,召唤call back 收回,回电

us governors call for  increased economic cooperation between China and the United States at  the China_us Governors Forum on Wednesday.

have a quarrel 吵架

take up 占据(时间,空间)make up 补上,和好,和解 put up 举起来,张贴 bring up 抚养

get off下车,下班get back取回,拿回,回家 get down (从高处)下来 get away 逃离,得以离开

keep track of了解。。。动态,跟踪  put up with忍受,忍耐 come up with想出,想到 fit in with 适合,与。。。保持一致

rise 上升,上涨(不及物)arise 呈现,发生(不及物)arouse 提高,引起(及物)raise提高,抚养(及物动词)

after the war, a lot of serious problems arose and price of food rose by 20%.

 set off出发 put out灭火,出版  gave out 用完,耗尽(不及物动词词组)fuel gave out 

 used up (及物动词词组)fuel be used up

account for 说明,解释 stick (stuck)to坚持

result from 由。。。导致 bring out 出版,推出 account for说明,解释 approve of支持,赞成

Poor preparations and shortage of equipment accounted for their failure of climbing to the top of the mountain.

turn 旋转,转变  turn teacher 成为一名老师

make a person like that 成为。。。人

intend to do sth打算做某事 attach to 把。。。附在上面  appeal to 吸引 ,有助于apply to 应用于,适用于

bring about 造成,带来bring in引进,获利 bring down 把。。。降低/落下bring out生产,出版

bring about the big fire and caused a great loss .

give out 耗尽,用完,筋疲力尽 gave off 散发。。。气味 ,发出。。。光give in 屈服 give up 放弃

take down 拆卸,记下 hand down 把。。。传下去 tear down 拆除,拆掉

put away收拾,整理 put up 举起,搭建,安置put out灭火,出版 put off推迟

many people had to be put up in stadium.体育场

broke in 打断,插嘴   broke up 打碎,散开   broke off中断     broke down 破坏

a voice broke in to announce the result of election.

owed sth to ... 把。。。归功于 attach to 把。。。附在上面,contribute to 贡献,有助于

make out 看出来   turn out 结果是    wear out 穿破(鞋),用坏,耗尽

lie in 在于,take in 吸收接纳,欺骗 set in以。。。为背景   put in投入,花费

the novel was set in the American Civil War.以美国内战为背景

find out 查明 point out指出 carry out 实施,贯彻 rule out 排除,取消

the experiment has ruled out the possibility of the existence of any lift on that planet, but it dose not...

take off 脱(衣服)(飞机)起飞hold off 推迟,抵挡 turn off 关闭,关掉

the government will hold off their decision政府会推迟他们的决定。

pick up捡起,接某人,(身体)好转 come up 出现,发生,keep up 保持   make up编造,和解,化妆

everyone in the village hoped that he was pick up after a few day's treatment.

left out 遗漏 held out 伸出(手),维持 set out 启程,开始 made out 看出,辨认出,理解

in the end.最后

pay off 成功,奏效keep off使。。。不接近 show off炫耀 give off放出(光,热)

My parents often tell me that to work honestly pays off in the long run.父母告诉我,诚实工作会带来回报。

lesson 9





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