A simple p2p network in Python twisted

Let’s do a simple p2p network in Python. It should be able to discover other nodes and ping them over the network. We will be using twisted for building the network.

I mostly used the Bitcoin Developer Documentation to teach me how to write a p2p network. I wrote an implementation of the model described here in  benediktkr / ncpoc.

Since this is a peer-to-peer network, every instance has to be both the a server and a client. The first clients need some way to find each other, and recognize itself in the event it tried to connect to it self.

UUID to identify peers

Since outgoing TCP connections are assigned random ports, we cannot rely on ip:port as identifies for instances of the p2p network. We are going assign each instance a random UUID for the session. A UUID is 128 bits, seems like a reasonably small overhead.

>>> from uuid import uuid4
>>> generate_nodeid = lambda: str(uuid4())

Defining a simple protocol in Twisted

We will only talk about Twisted to the extent that is nessacary to build this. For more information on how to build servers and protocols with twisted, Writing Servers in the Twisted documenation is a good place to start.

The Factory class instance is persistent between connections, so it’s where we store things like the peer list and the UUID for this session. A new instance of MyFactoryis created for each connection.

from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
from twisted.internet import reactor

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    def __init__(self, factory):
        self.factory = factory
        self.nodeid = self.factory.nodeid

class MyFactory(Factory):
    def startFactory(self):
        self.peers = {}
        self.nodeid = generate_nodeid()

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        return NCProtocol(self)
endpoint = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 5999)

This will define a listener for a completely empty protocol on localhost:5999. Not very useful so far. We want the nodes to be able to send each other messages and taalk.We will use JSON strings to create the messages, it is easy to serialize and very readable.

Let’s begin by creating a hello message for new nodes to introduce themselves to each other. We also include what kind of a message it is, so peers can easily figure out how to handle it.

    'nodeid' : 'a46de8d6-177e-4644-a711-63d182fdbade',
    'msgtype': 'hello',

Now we need to edit our code to be handle getting a hello from a new conncetion. We also need to keep a list of connected UUIDs (the peers property of the Factory class.

import json

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    def __init__(self, factory):
        self.factory = factory
        self.state = "HELLO"
        self.remote_nodeid = None
        self.nodeid = self.factory.nodeid

    def connectionMade(self):
        print "Connection from", self.transport.getPeer()

        def connectionLost(self, reason):
        if self.remote_nodeid in self.factory.peers:
        print self.nodeid, "disconnected"

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        for line in data.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if self.state == "HELLO":
                self.state = "READY"

    def send_hello(self):
        hello = json.puts({'nodeid': self.nodeid, 'msgtype': 'hello'})
        self.transport.write(hello + "\n")
    def handle_hello(self, hello):
        hello = json.loads(hello)
        self.remote_nodeid = hello["nodeid"]
        if self.remote_nodeid == self.nodeid:
            print "Connected to myself."
            self.factory.peers[self.remote_nodeid] = self

This will be capable of sending and reading a hello message, and keep track of connected peers.

Talking to the protocol

So now we have something that looks like a “server” thats able to handle a hello message. We need to make this also act as a “client”. Twisted is a nice-batteries included library, so this is almost for free with Twisted’s callbacks.

from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint, connectProtocol

def gotProtocol(p):
    """The callback to start the protocol exchange. We let connecting
    nodes start the hello handshake""" 

point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "localhost", 5999)
d = connectProtocol(point, MyProtocol())

Bootstrapping the network

If we run both of those parts, a succesful handshake will hopefully be performed and the listening factory will output something like

Connection from
Connected to myself. 
a46de8d6-177e-4644-a711-63d182fdbade disconnected.

We need more than one instance to have a p2p network. The simplest way to get the first clients in the network to find each other is to simply have a list with host:port combinations and then initially loop through this list and try connecting to them, starting each instance with a different listening port.

BOOTSTRAP_LIST = [ "localhost:5999"
                 , "localhost:5998"
                 , "localhost:5997" ]

for bootstrap in BOOTSTRAP_LIST:
    host, port = bootstrap.split(":")
    point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, int(port))
    d = connectProtocol(point, MyProtocol())

- And now we can bootstrap a network with a couple of different instances of our program.


Let’s make them do something useful and add a ping message, with an empty payload. We also need a pong message for the response.

     'msgtype': 'ping',
    'msgtype': 'pong',

When we send a ping to a connected node, we note when we got the pong reply. This is useful to detect dead clients, and gives our simple ping/pong message flow some purpose. We also use Twisted’s LoopingCall to ping nodes on a regular interval. Since each connection has it’s own MyProtocol instance, we don’t have to loop over all of them, we can think in the abstraction of connections.

Again, twisted does most of the heavy-lifting for us. Edit the MyProtocol class to operate the mechanics.

from time import time

from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    def __init__(self, factory):
        self.factory = factory
        self.state = "HELLO"
        self.remote_nodeid = None
        self.nodeid = self.factory.nodeid
        self.lc_ping = LoopingCall(self.send_ping)
        self.lastping = None

    def connectionMade(self):
        print "Connection from", self.transport.getPeer()

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        if self.remote_nodeid in self.factory.peers:
        print self.nodeid, "disconnected"

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        for line in data.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            msgtype = json.loads(line)['msgtype']
            if self.state == "HELLO" or msgtype == "hello":
                self.state = "READY"
            elif msgtype == "ping":
            elif msgtype == "pong":

    def send_hello(self):
        hello = json.puts({'nodeid': self.nodeid, 'msgtype': 'hello'})
        self.transport.write(hello + "\n")

    def send_ping(self):
        ping = json.puts({'msgtype': 'ping'})
        print "Pinging", self.remote_nodeid
        self.transport.write(ping + "\n")

    def send_pong(self):
        ping = json.puts({'msgtype': 'pong'})
        self.transport.write(pong + "\n")

    def handle_ping(self, ping):
   def handle_pong(self, pong):
        print "Got pong from", self.remote_nodeid
        ###Update the timestamp
        self.lastping = time()
    def handle_hello(self, hello):
        hello = json.loads(hello)
        self.remote_nodeid = hello["nodeid"]
        if self.remote_nodeid == self.nodeid:
            print "Connected to myself."
            self.factory.peers[self.remote_nodeid] = self

Now we have a bootstrapped peer-to-peer network where the peers ping each other every minute. But it can only find other nodes by bootstrapping.

Discovering nodes

The current version just has the ability to connect to a list of predefined nodes. We need to add som extra functionality to turn it into a true p2p network.

  • We need to distinguish between a peer that we are connected to and a peer we have a connection from. Outgoing TCP connections are assigned a random port number that we can’t connect to. To avoid the inevitable confusing that names in strings will bring, let’s use the integer 1 for the first type of peer and 2 for the second type described.
  • We need to advertise our own listening ip:port pair. (In the practical reality, NAT will get in the way a lot of the time, but we will ignore it here).
  • Define an addr messages to advertise peers and getaddr to request new peers.

After these changes, our Protocol instance looks like this

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    def __init__(self, factory, peertype):
        self.factory = factory
        self.state = "HELLO"
        self.remote_nodeid = None
        self.nodeid = self.factory.nodeid
        self.lc_ping = LoopingCall(self.send_ping)
        self.peertype = peertype
        self.lastping = None

    def connectionMade(self):
        remote_ip = self.transport.getPeer()
        host_ip = self.transport.getHost()
        self.remote_ip = remote_ip.host + ":" + str(remote_ip.port)
        self.host_ip = host_ip.host + ":" + str(host_ip.port)
        print "Connection from", self.transport.getPeer()

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        if self.remote_nodeid in self.factory.peers:
        print self.nodeid, "disconnected"

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        for line in data.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            msgtype = json.loads(line)['msgtype']
            if self.state == "HELLO" or msgtype == "hello":
                self.state = "READY"
            elif msgtype == "ping":
            elif msgtype == "pong":
            elif msg_type == "getaddr":

    ###The methods for ping and pong remain unchanged and are omitted
    ###for brevity

    def send_addr(self, mine=False):
        now = time()
        if mine:
            peers = [self.host_ip]
            peers = [(peer.remote_ip, peer.remote_nodeid)
                     for peer in self.factory.peers
                     if peer.peertype == 1 and peer.lastping > now-240]
        addr = json.puts({'msgtype': 'addr', 'peers': peers})
        self.transport.write(peers + "\n")

    def send_addr(self, mine=False):
        now = time()
        if mine:
            peers = [self.host_ip]
            peers = [(peer.remote_ip, peer.remote_nodeid)
                     for peer in self.factory.peers
                     if peer.peertype == 1 and peer.lastping > now-240]
        addr = json.puts({'msgtype': 'addr', 'peers': peers})
        self.transport.write(peers + "\n")

    def handle_addr(self, addr):
        json = json.loads(addr)
        for remote_ip, remote_nodeid in json["peers"]:
            if remote_node not in self.factory.peers:
                host, port = remote_ip.split(":")
                point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, int(port))
                d = connectProtocol(point, MyProtocol(2))
    def handle_getaddr(self, getaddr):
    def handle_hello(self, hello):
        hello = json.loads(hello)
        self.remote_nodeid = hello["nodeid"]
        if self.remote_nodeid == self.nodeid:
            print "Connected to myself."
            self.factory.peers[self.remote_nodeid] = self
            ###inform our new peer about us
            ###and ask them for more peers


And now we have a simple p2p network capable of the following

  • Boostrap by way of a preconfigured list
  • Connect to other nodes and make a handshake.
  • Ask peers for nodes and connect to them
  • Advertise it’s own peers as well as it self to other peers

  • Ping peers





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