Understanding Linux Network Internals-4. Preface

Today more than ever before, networking is a hot topic. Any electronic gadget in its latest generation embeds some kind of networking capability. The Internet continues to broaden in its population and opportunities. It should not come as a surprise that a robust, freely available, and feature-rich operating system like Linux is well accepted by many producers of embedded devices. Its networking capabilities make it an optimal operating system for networking devices of any kind. The features it already has are well implemented, and new ones can be added easily. If you are a developer for embedded devices or a student who would like to experiment with Linux, this book will provide you with good fodder.

今天相对以往更多的,网络不是一个热门的话题。任何最终版本的电子小器件嵌入某一种类的网络功能。因特网继续在它的容量和机会中机会扩展。它不应该作为一个令人惊奇的事物-一个鲁棒的、免费提供的、功能丰富的操作系统像linux被很多嵌入式设备生产商很好的接受 出现。它的网络能力使它对于任何一种网络设备成为一个营运的操作系统。这个功能已经被很好的完成,新功能的能够被很容易的添加。如果你是个嵌入式系统开发人员,或者你是个喜欢linux实践的学生,这本书会提供给你很好的素材。


The performance of a pure software-based product that uses Linux cannot compete with commercial products that can count on the help of specialized hardware. This of course is not a criticism of software; it is a simple recognition of the consequence of the speed difference between dedicated hardware and general-purpose CPUs. However, Linux can definitely compete with low-end commercial products that are entirely software-based. Of course, simple extensions to the Linux kernel allow vendors to use Linux on hybrid systems as well (software and hardware); it is only a matter of writing the necessary device drivers.



Linux is also often used as the operating system of choice for the implementation of university projects and theses. Not all of them make it to the official kernel (not right away, at least). A few do, and others are simply made available online as patches to the official kernel. Isn't it a great satisfaction and reward to see your contribution to the Linux kernel being used by potentially millions of users? There is only one drawback: if your contribution is really appreciated, you may not be able to cope with the numerous emails of thanks or requests for help.

The momentum for Linux has been growing continually over the past years, and apparently it can only keep growing.

I first encountered Linux at the University of Bologna, where I was a grad student in computer science around 10 years ago. What a wonderful piece of software! I could work on my image processing projects at home on an i286/486 computer without having to compete with other students for access to the few Sun stations available at the university labs.

Linux也被经常使用作为选择为大学项目和论文完成的操作系统。不是所有的核心成为正式的核心(至少不是马上)。做了一些后,其他的部分可以作为在线升级包用来作为正式的核心。看到你对linux的贡献可以预期存在数百万用户难道这不是一个非常伟大的满足和回报?仅仅有一个缺点:如果你的贡献被真正的感激, 你可能不会收到很多的感谢信或者帮助需求。这是linux在过去几年一直不断成长的动力,显然它仅仅能保持成长。我在博洛尼亚大学第一次遭遇Linux,在哪大概10年前我是个计算机专业的研究生。一个多么精彩的软件啊!我能在家里工作在我的图像处理项目,不用和其他学生争抢访问很少的只能在大学实验室使用的Sun工作站。


Since then, my marriage to Linux has never seen a gray day. It has even started to displace my fond memories of the glorious C64 generation, when I was first introduced to programming with Assembly language and the various dialects of BASIC. Yes, I belong to the C64 generation, and to some extent I can compare the joy of my first programming experiences with the C64 to my first journeys into the Linux kernel.



When I was first introduced to the beautiful world of networking, I started playing with the tools available on Linux. I also had the fortune to work for a UNESCO center in Italy where I helped develop their networking courses, based entirely on Linux boxes. That gave me access to a good lab equipped with all sorts of network devices and documentation, plus plenty of Linux enthusiasts to learn from and to collaborate with.



Unfortunately for my own peace of mind (but fortunately, I hope, for the reader of this book who benefits from the results), I am the kind of person that likes to understand everything and takes very little for granted. So at UNESCO, I started looking into the kernel code. This not only proved to be a good way to burn in my knowledge, but it also gave me more confidence in making use of user-space configuration tools: whenever a configuration tool did not provide a specific option, I usually knew whether it would be possible to add it or whether it would have required significant changes to the kernel. This kind of study turns into a path without an end: you always want more.

After developing a few tools as extensions to the Linux kernel (some revision of versions 2.0 and 2.2), my love for operating systems and networking led me to the Silicon Valley (Cisco Systems). When you learn a language, be it a human language or a computer programming language, a rule emerges: the more languages you know, the easier it becomes to learn new ones. You can identify each one's strengths and weaknesses, see the reasons behind design compromises, etc. The same applies to operating systems.




When I noticed the lack of good documentation about the networking code of the Linux kernel and the availability of good books for other parts of the kernel, I decided to try filling in the gapor at least part of it. I hope this book will give you the starting documentation that I would have loved to have had years ago.



I believe that this book, together with O'Reilly's other two kernel books (Understanding the Linux Kernel and Linux Device Drivers), represents a good starting point for anyone willing to learn more about the Linux kernel internals. They complement each other and, when they do not address a given feature, point the reader to external documentation sources (when available).



However, I still suggest you make some coffee, turn on the music, and spend some time on the source code trying to understand how a given feature is implemented. I believe the knowledge you build in this way lasts longer than that built in any other way. Shortcuts are good, but sometimes the long way has its advantages, too.




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Understanding Linux Network Internals”(了解Linux网络内部)是一本介绍Linux操作系统网络内部机制的书籍。该书深入介绍了Linux操作系统中网络协议栈的实现原理,以及网络设备驱动程序、套接字接口和网络管理等方面的知识。 该书以理论和实践相结合的方式,系统地介绍了Linux网络协议栈的设计、功能和实现。它从网络硬件驱动程序开始,逐步探讨了数据在不同网络层之间的传输过程,包括数据包的封装、解封装、路由选择和转发等关键步骤。 此外,该书还介绍了Linux内核中关键的网络数据结构、算法和协议。读者可以学习到如何使用套接字编程接口创建网络应用程序,并深入了解每个网络层的功能和工作原理,从而更好地理解Linux操作系统中网络的运行机制。 对于计算机网络相关的开发人员和系统管理员而言,深入了解Linux网络内部机制是非常重要的。通过掌握Linux网络协议栈的实现原理,操作系统和网络应用程序的开发者可以更好地进行网络性能调优、故障排查和安全加固等工作。同时,系统管理员可以更好地监控和管理网络资源,提高网络的可靠性和性能。 总的来说,阅读“Understanding Linux Network Internals”这本书可以帮助读者深入了解Linux操作系统中网络的工作原理和机制,进而提升计算机网络相关领域的技术能力。这对于开发人员和系统管理员来说都是非常有价值的。




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