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翻译 使用jQuery在AJAX请求中添加标头

I would like to add a custom header to an AJAX POST request from jQuery. 我想向jQuery的AJAX POST请求添加自定义

2020-05-31 17:41:44 1527

翻译 通过Android上的意图启动Google地图路线

My app needs to show Google Maps directions from A to B, but I don't want to put the Google Maps in

2020-05-31 14:21:30 494

翻译 春季:@Component与@Bean

I understand that @Component annotation was introduced in spring 2.5 in order to get rid of xml bea

2020-05-31 10:01:17 153

翻译 宽度为100%的HTML表格,在tbody中有垂直滚动

How can I set for <table> 100% width and put only inside <tbody> vertical scroll for so

2020-05-30 17:01:09 985

翻译 这四行棘手的C代码背后的概念

Why does this code give the output C++Sucks ? 为什么这段代码给输出C++Sucks ? What is the concept behind it? 它

2020-05-30 16:41:08 152

翻译 多个客户端如何同时连接到服务器上的一个端口(例如80)? [重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经在这里有了答案: Does the port change when a server

2020-05-30 14:40:56 3379

翻译 Bash脚本和/ bin / bash ^ M:错误的解释器:没有这样的文件或目录[重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经在这里有了答案: Are shell scripts sensitive to enc

2020-05-30 14:00:52 520

翻译 scp(安全副本)到ec2实例,无需密码

I have an EC2 instance running (FreeBSD 9 AMI ami-8cce3fe5), and I can ssh into it using my amazon-

2020-05-30 13:20:49 327

翻译 从数组中删除最后一项

I have the following array. 我有以下数组。 var arr = [1,0,2]; I would like to remove the last element i

2020-05-30 11:40:42 4880

翻译 删除StringBuilder的最后一个字符?

When you have to loop through a collection and make a string of each data separated by a delimiter,

2020-05-30 10:20:36 9190

翻译 比较浮点值有多危险?

I know UIKit uses CGFloat because of the resolution independent coordinate system. 我知道UIKit使用CGFloa

2020-05-30 09:40:33 521

翻译 如何在javascript中解析带有两个小数位的浮点数?

I have the following code. 我有以下代码。 I would like to have it such that if price_result equals an inte

2020-05-29 17:40:29 187

翻译 如何在JavaScript中检查变量是否为整数?

How do I check if a variable is an integer in JavaScript, and throw an alert if it isn't? 如何检查JavaS

2020-05-29 16:00:24 237

翻译 获取文件夹中所有文件的文件名[重复]

Possible Duplicate: 可能重复: Read all files in a folder 读取文件夹中的所有文件 I need to create a list with

2020-05-29 14:20:18 627

翻译 Python vs Cpython

What's all this fuss about Python and CPython (Jython,IronPython) , I don't get it: 什么是关于Python和CPy

2020-05-29 12:40:12 392 1

翻译 检查字段是否包含字符串

I'm looking for an operator, which allows me to check, if the value of a field contains a certain s

2020-05-29 11:00:07 2419

翻译 从Python中的另一个文件调用函数

Set_up: I have a .py file for each function I need to use in a program. Set_up:我有一个.py文件,用于我需要在程序中使

2020-05-29 10:00:04 6255

翻译 case / switch语句的Python等价物是什么? [重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: Replacements for switch statement in

2020-05-28 17:49:59 141

翻译 Android Studio升级中的“未找到默认活动”

I upgraded IntelliJ Idea from 12.0.4 to 12.10. 我将IntelliJ Idea从12.0.4升级到12.10。 Now all the module

2020-05-28 16:49:56 664

翻译 Rails I18n验证弃用警告

I just updated to rails 4.0.2 and I'm getting this warning: 我刚刚更新到rails 4.0.2并且我收到此警告: [depreca

2020-05-21 15:28:48 371

翻译 Markdown:继续编号列表

In the following markdown code I want item 3 to start with list number 3. But because of the code b

2020-05-21 12:28:39 2040

翻译 如何在熊猫数据框的列中将所有NaN值替换为零

I have a dataframe as below 我有一个数据框如下 itm Date Amount 67 420 2012-09-30

2020-05-21 12:08:38 2585 1

翻译 如何从控制台测试AngularJS服务?

I have a service like: 我有这样的服务: angular.module('app').factory('ExampleService', function(){ this

2020-05-21 11:48:37 164

翻译 对预检请求的响应未通过访问控制检查

I'm getting this error using ngResource to call a REST API on Amazon Web Services: 我在使用ngResource调用

2020-05-21 10:08:32 3538

翻译 无法执行dex:多个dex文件定义了Lcom / myapp / R $ array;

Since updating to ADT 14 I can no longer build my project. 由于更新为ADT 14,因此我无法再构建项目。 It was building

2020-05-21 09:48:32 238

翻译 如何在JUnit4中按特定顺序运行测试方法?

I want to execute test methods which are annotated by @Test in specific order. 我想执行以特定顺序由@Test注释的测试

2020-05-21 09:08:30 922

翻译 列出Git别名

如何打印我的git别名列表,即类似于bash alias命令的内容?

2020-05-20 17:48:29 1776

翻译 Scala的所有符号运算符都意味着什么?

Scala syntax has a lot of symbols. Scala语法有很多符号。 Since these kinds of names are difficult to find u

2020-05-20 13:08:12 164

翻译 在不推动提交的情况下触发Travis-CI重建?

Using Travis-CI, is it possible to trigger a rebuild without pushing a new commit to GitHub? 使用Trav

2020-05-20 12:48:11 389

翻译 有没有办法为Node.js项目自动构建package.json文件

Is package.json supposed to be manually edited? 是否应该手动编辑package.json? Couldn't a program like npm j

2020-05-20 11:48:09 424

翻译 在Python中使用try-except-else是否是一种好习惯?

From time to time in Python, I see the block: 在Python中,我不时看到该块: try: try_this(whatever)except

2020-05-19 17:47:59 455

翻译 将utf-8文本保存在json.dumps中为UTF8,而不是\\ u转义序列

sample code: 样例代码: >>> import json>>> json_string = json.dumps("ברי צקלה")>

2020-05-19 17:07:58 9305

翻译 使用节点或Express返回JSON的正确方法

So, one can attempt to fetch the following JSON object: 因此,可以尝试获取以下JSON对象: $ curl -i -X GET http:/

2020-05-19 16:27:55 2573 1

翻译 @ Before,@ BeforeClass,@ BeforeEach和@BeforeAll之间的区别

What is the main difference between 之间的主要区别是什么 @Before and @BeforeClass @Before和@BeforeClass

2020-05-19 11:47:41 2553

翻译 获取数组中的所有非唯一值(即:重复/多次出现)

I need to check a JavaScript array to see if there are any duplicate values. 我需要检查一个JavaScript数组,看看

2020-05-19 11:27:40 298

翻译 如何在Linux命令行中替换多个文件中的字符串

I need to replace a string in a lot of files in a folder, with only ssh access to the server. 我需要替换

2020-05-18 17:27:32 583

翻译 更改API级别的Android Studio

I want to change the minimum SDK version in Android Studio from API 12 to API 14. I have tried chan

2020-05-18 14:47:24 1333

翻译 错误:请求实体太大

I'm receiving the following error with express: 我收到以下错误快递: Error: request entity too large at

2020-05-18 13:47:21 1609

翻译 导航抽屉(Google+与YouTube)

Does anyone know how to implement a sliding menu like some of the top apps of today? 有谁知道如何实现像今天的一些

2020-05-18 12:07:16 439

翻译 如何在Android按钮上以编程方式设置drawableLeft?

I'm dynamically creating buttons. 我正在动态创建按钮。 I styled them using XML first, and I'm trying to take

2020-05-18 11:07:13 331



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