TiNO-Edit、LongVQ、SLAIM、IntrinsicAnything、Factorized Diffusion




Residual Connections Harm Self-Supervised Abstract Feature Learning


We demonstrate that adding a weighting factor to decay the strength of identity shortcuts within residual networks substantially improves semantic feature learning in the state-of-the-art self-supervised masked autoencoding (MAE) paradigm. Our modification to the identity shortcuts within a VIT-B/16 backbone of an MAE boosts linear probing accuracy on ImageNet from 67.3% to 72.3%. This significant gap suggests that, while residual connection structure serves an essential role in facilitating gradient propagation, it may have a harmful side effect of reducing capacity for abstract learning by virtue of injecting an echo of shallower representations into deeper layers. We ameliorate this downside via a fixed formula for monotonically decreasing the contribution of identity connections as layer depth increases. Our design promotes the gradual development of feature abstractions, without impacting network trainability. Analyzing the representations learned by our modified residua......

LAPTOP-Diff: Layer Pruning and Normalized Distillation for Compressing  Diffusion Models


In the era of AIGC, the demand for low-budget or even on-device applications of diffusion models emerged. In terms of compressing the Stable Diffusion models (SDMs), several approaches have been proposed, and most of them leveraged the handcrafted layer removal methods to obtain smaller U-Nets, along with knowledge distillation to recover the network performance. However, such a handcrafting manner of layer removal is inefficient and lacks scalability and generalization, and the feature distillation employed in the retraining phase faces an imbalance issue that a few numerically significant feature loss terms dominate over others throughout the retraining process. To this end, we proposed the layer pruning and normalized distillation for compressing diffusion models (LAPTOP-Diff). We, 1) introduced the layer pruning method to compress SDM's U-Net automatically and proposed an effective one-shot pruning criterion whose one-shot performance is guaranteed by its good additivity ......

TiNO-Edit: Timestep and Noise Optimization for Robust Diffusion-Based  Image Editing


Despite many attempts to leverage pre-trained text-to-image models (T2I) like Stable Diffusion (SD) for controllable image editing, producing good predictable results remains a challenge. Previous approaches have focused on either fine-tuning pre-trained T2I models on specific datasets to generate certain kinds of images (e.g., with a specific object or person), or on optimizing the weights, text prompts, and/or learning features for each input image in an attempt to coax the image generator to produce the desired result. However, these approaches all have shortcomings and fail to produce good results in a predictable and controllable manner. To address this problem, we present TiNO-Edit, an SD-based method that focuses on optimizing the noise patterns and diffusion timesteps during editing, something previously unexplored in the literature. With this simple change, we are able to generate results that both better align with the original images and reflect the desired result.......

LongVQ: Long Sequence Modeling with Vector Quantization on Structured  Memory


Transformer models have been successful in various sequence processing tasks, but the self-attention mechanism's computational cost limits its practicality for long sequences. Although there are existing attention variants that improve computational efficiency, they have a limited ability to abstract global information effectively based on their hand-crafted mixing strategies. On the other hand, state-space models (SSMs) are tailored for long sequences but cannot capture complicated local information. Therefore, the combination of them as a unified token mixer is a trend in recent long-sequence models. However, the linearized attention degrades performance significantly even when equipped with SSMs. To address the issue, we propose a new method called LongVQ. LongVQ uses the vector quantization (VQ) technique to compress the global abstraction as a length-fixed codebook, enabling the linear-time computation of the attention matrix. This technique effectively maintains dynamic......

SLAIM: Robust Dense Neural SLAM for Online Tracking and Mapping


We present SLAIM - Simultaneous Localization and Implicit Mapping. We propose a novel coarse-to-fine tracking model tailored for Neural Radiance Field SLAM (NeRF-SLAM) to achieve state-of-the-art tracking performance. Notably, existing NeRF-SLAM systems consistently exhibit inferior tracking performance compared to traditional SLAM algorithms. NeRF-SLAM methods solve camera tracking via image alignment and photometric bundle-adjustment. Such optimization processes are difficult to optimize due to the narrow basin of attraction of the optimization loss in image space (local minima) and the lack of initial correspondences. We mitigate these limitations by implementing a Gaussian pyramid filter on top of NeRF, facilitating a coarse-to-fine tracking optimization strategy. Furthermore, NeRF systems encounter challenges in converging to the right geometry with limited input views. While prior approaches use a Signed-Distance Function (SDF)-based NeRF and directly supervise SDF valu......

Towards Highly Realistic Artistic Style Transfer via Stable Diffusion  with Step-aware and Layer-aware Prompt


Artistic style transfer aims to transfer the learned artistic style onto an arbitrary content image, generating artistic stylized images. Existing generative adversarial network-based methods fail to generate highly realistic stylized images and always introduce obvious artifacts and disharmonious patterns. Recently, large-scale pre-trained diffusion models opened up a new way for generating highly realistic artistic stylized images. However, diffusion model-based methods generally fail to preserve the content structure of input content images well, introducing some undesired content structure and style patterns. To address the above problems, we propose a novel pre-trained diffusion-based artistic style transfer method, called LSAST, which can generate highly realistic artistic stylized images while preserving the content structure of input content images well, without bringing obvious artifacts and disharmonious style patterns. Specifically, we introduce a Step-aware and La......

MoA: Mixture-of-Attention for Subject-Context Disentanglement in  Personalized Image Generation


We introduce a new architecture for personalization of text-to-image diffusion models, coined Mixture-of-Attention (MoA). Inspired by the Mixture-of-Experts mechanism utilized in large language models (LLMs), MoA distributes the generation workload between two attention pathways: a personalized branch and a non-personalized prior branch. MoA is designed to retain the original model's prior by fixing its attention layers in the prior branch, while minimally intervening in the generation process with the personalized branch that learns to embed subjects in the layout and context generated by the prior branch. A novel routing mechanism manages the distribution of pixels in each layer across these branches to optimize the blend of personalized and generic content creation. Once trained, MoA facilitates the creation of high-quality, personalized images featuring multiple subjects with compositions and interactions as diverse as those generated by the original model. Crucially, MoA......

IntrinsicAnything: Learning Diffusion Priors for Inverse Rendering Under  Unknown Illumination


This paper aims to recover object materials from posed images captured under an unknown static lighting condition. Recent methods solve this task by optimizing material parameters through differentiable physically based rendering. However, due to the coupling between object geometry, materials, and environment lighting, there is inherent ambiguity during the inverse rendering process, preventing previous methods from obtaining accurate results. To overcome this ill-posed problem, our key idea is to learn the material prior with a generative model for regularizing the optimization process. We observe that the general rendering equation can be split into diffuse and specular shading terms, and thus formulate the material prior as diffusion models of albedo and specular. Thanks to this design, our model can be trained using the existing abundant 3D object data, and naturally acts as a versatile tool to resolve the ambiguity when recovering material representations from RGB image......

Factorized Diffusion: Perceptual Illusions by Noise Decomposition


Given a factorization of an image into a sum of linear components, we present a zero-shot method to control each individual component through diffusion model sampling. For example, we can decompose an image into low and high spatial frequencies and condition these components on different text prompts. This produces hybrid images, which change appearance depending on viewing distance. By decomposing an image into three frequency subbands, we can generate hybrid images with three prompts. We also use a decomposition into grayscale and color components to produce images whose appearance changes when they are viewed in grayscale, a phenomena that naturally occurs under dim lighting. And we explore a decomposition by a motion blur kernel, which produces images that change appearance under motion blurring. Our method works by denoising with a composite noise estimate, built from the components of noise estimates conditioned on different prompts. We also show that for certain decomp......





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