





Calculates a histogram of a set of arrays.

C++: void calcHist(const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels, InputArray mask, OutputArray hist, int dims, const int* histSize, const float** ranges, bool uniform=true, bool accumulate=false )

C++: void calcHist(const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels, InputArray mask, SparseMat& hist, int dims, const int* histSize, const float** ranges, bool uniform=true, bool accumulate=false )

Python: cv2.calcHist(images, channels, mask, histSize, ranges[, hist[, accumulate]]) → hist

C: void cvCalcHist(IplImage** image, CvHistogram* hist, int accumulate=0, const CvArr* mask=NULL )

Python: cv.CalcHist(image, hist, accumulate=0, mask=None) → None

  • images – Source arrays. They all should have the same depth, CV_8U or CV_32F , and the same size. Each of them can have an arbitrary number of channels.
  • nimages – Number of source images.
  • channels – List of the dims channels used to compute the histogram. The first array channels are numerated from 0 to images[0].channels()-1 , the second array channels are counted from images[0].channels() to images[0].channels() +images[1].channels()-1, and so on.
  • mask – Optional mask. If the matrix is not empty, it must be an 8-bit array of the same size as images[i] . The non-zero mask elements mark the array elements counted in the histogram.
  • hist – Output histogram, which is a dense or sparse dims -dimensional array.
  • dims – Histogram dimensionality that must be positive and not greater than CV_MAX_DIMS (equal to 32 in the current OpenCV version).
  • histSize – Array of histogram sizes in each dimension.
  • ranges – Array of the dims arrays of the histogram bin boundaries in each dimension. When the histogram is uniform ( uniform =true), then for each dimension i it is enough to specify the lower (inclusive) boundary L_{0} of the 0-th histogram bin and the upper (exclusive) boundary U_{\texttt{histSize[i]}-1} for the last histogram bin histSize[i]-1 . That is, in case of a uniform histogram each of ranges[i] is an array of 2 elements. When the histogram is not uniform ( uniform=false ), then each of ranges[i] contains histSize[i]+1 elements: L_0, U_0=L_1, U_1=L_2, ..., U_{\texttt{histSize[i]}-2}=L_{\texttt{histSize[i]}-1}, U_{\texttt{histSize[i]}-1} . The array elements, that are not between L_{0} and U_{\texttt{histSize[i]}-1} , are not counted in the histogram.
  • uniform – Flag indicating whether the histogram is uniform or not (see above).
  • accumulate – Accumulation flag. If it is set, the histogram is not cleared in the beginning when it is allocated. This feature enables you to compute a single histogram from several sets of arrays, or to update the histogram in time.

The functions calcHist calculate the histogram of one or more arrays. The elements of a tuple used to increment a histogram bin are taken from the corresponding input arrays at the same location. The sample below shows how to compute a 2D Hue-Saturation histogram for a color image.

#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

using namespace cv;

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    Mat src, hsv;
    if( argc != 2 || !(src=imread(argv[1], 1)).data )
        return -1;

    cvtColor(src, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);

    // Quantize the hue to 30 levels
    // and the saturation to 32 levels
    int hbins = 30, sbins = 32;
    int histSize[] = {hbins, sbins};
    // hue varies from 0 to 179, see cvtColor
    float hranges[] = { 0, 180 };
    // saturation varies from 0 (black-gray-white) to
    // 255 (pure spectrum color)
    float sranges[] = { 0, 256 };
    const float* ranges[] = { hranges, sranges };
    MatND hist;
    // we compute the histogram from the 0-th and 1-st channels
    int channels[] = {0, 1};

    calcHist( &hsv, 1, channels, Mat(), // do not use mask
             hist, 2, histSize, ranges,
             true, // the histogram is uniform
             false );
    double maxVal=0;
    minMaxLoc(hist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0);

    int scale = 10;
    Mat histImg = Mat::zeros(sbins*scale, hbins*scale, CV_8UC3);

    for( int h = 0; h < hbins; h++ )
        for( int s = 0; s < sbins; s++ )
            float binVal =<float>(h, s);
            int intensity = cvRound(binVal*255/maxVal);
            rectangle( histImg, Point(h*scale, s*scale),
                        Point( (h+1)*scale - 1, (s+1)*scale - 1),
                        CV_FILLED );

    namedWindow( "Source", 1 );
    imshow( "Source", src );

    namedWindow( "H-S Histogram", 1 );
    imshow( "H-S Histogram", histImg );


  • An example for creating histograms of an image can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/demhist.cpp
  • (Python) An example for creating color histograms can be found at opencv_source/samples/python2/
  • (Python) An example illustrating RGB and grayscale histogram plotting can be found at opencv_source/samples/python2/




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