Lua ValueType


  1. nil(空)类型
  2. boolean(布尔)类型
  3. number(数字)类型
  4. string(字符串)类型
  5. userdata(自定义类型)
  6. function(函数)类型
  7. thread(线程)类型
  8. table(表)类型


local iValue = 10
local fValue = 10.2
local strValue = "Hello World"
local funcValue = print
local bValue = true
local nilValue = nil
local tbValue = {}

if type(iValue) == "number" then
     print("It is a number")

if type(fValue) == "number" then
     print("It is a number")

if type(strValue) == "string" then
     print("It is a string")

if type(funcValue) == "function" then
     print("It is a function")

if type(bValue) == "boolean" then
     print("It is a boolean")

if type(nilValue) == "nil" then
     print("It is a nil")

if type(tbValue) == "table" then
     print("It is a table")








local page = [[
     <html xmlns="">
  • 1
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0
What is LUA? LUA is a scripting language, its power lies in the fact that it can be embedded in your C++ programs. Scripts give you the possibility to change the behaviour of your C++ programs without any need to recompile your program. A real world example would be game programming: you only have to change the script(s) and you can create a whole new game using the same engine. LUA is fully customizable, you can create your own script functions and expose them to a 3th party. Or you can create scripts, encrypt them and then decrypt them at run-time so that only a number of limited people can script for your program. Allowing the end-user to modify your program, gives your program a point ahead to the competition. Using LUA in your program does require some thinking ahead... You have to choose what kind of functions you allow in the scripts. For example: a function savegame would be logic and usefull and so could be a function deletesavegame but making a function such as deletefile public can be dangerous. The LUA version discussed is 5.0.2. Don't forget that this document is only a quick introduction and that it is not a complete tutorial about LUA. How to embed LAU into C++? Another way to formulate this question : "How can I use LUA in my Visual C++ Project?". The answer is actually pretty easy, you download it from and you follow the instructions below. Know that there are several ways to add LUA to your project and I only explain one of them. NOTE: I'm assuming that you know the basics about how to use your compiler, the instructions outlined below are ment for Microsoft Visual C++ 6. Installation : dowload LUA here (links to official website) Extract the files to a folder, for example "c:\Program Files\LUA SDK" Configuration : In your Microsoft Visual C++ IDE Go to Tools->Options. Select Directories and add the LUA include-directory. Add LUA to your project (non-MFC) : Create a new folder in your project's workspace and call it LUA. Add the files. Select and insert all the files in the LUA src-directory (from lapi.c to lzio.h). Add LUA to your project (MFC) : Create a new folder in your project's workspace and call it LUA. Add the files. Select and insert all the files in the LUA src-directory (from lapi.c to lzio.h). MFC uses precompiled headers, LUA doesn't, so let's disable them. Select the LUA folder in your workspace and press the right mouse button, then select Settings from the menu. Select "All Configurations". Then open the LUA folder and select all the .c-files (make sure your selection doesn't include a folder or a .h file!). On the right side a C++-tab will appear. In that C++-tab select the "Precompiled Headers"-catagory. And select "Not using precompiled headers". Press the OK-button to finish. About ANSI C and C++ LUA is pure ANSI C code, this means that if you build the code with a C++ compiler it will complain with "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol" messages. Two easy ways exist to resolve this problem without modifying the original source files : Tell the compiler that the function definitions are C style by enclosing the include directive with the extern keyword : extern "C" { #include <lua.h> } You can also define LUA_API before including lua.h : #define LUA_API extern "C" #include <lua.h> I recommend that you use the first method. The LUA State In order to use LUA you have to initialize it and when you're done with it you have to deinitialize LUA. This is done by respectivily opening and closing an LUA state. // Open the LUA state lua_State *L = lua_open(); // Use LUA... ; // Close the LUA state lua_close(L); You can have multiple LUA states in your program which are all indepedent of each other. The LUA Stack LUA is stack-based. The communication between the script and the C/C++ application happens between a stack maintained by LUA. Note that each LUA state has its own stack. A clean programmer will ensure that the stack is zero at the end of his program. You can verify this by calling the lua_gettop function, the result must be zero, it's a good candidate for the _ASSERT macro (defined in crtdbg.h). // Open the LUA state lua_State *L = lua_open(); // Use LUA... ; // Verify the stack // (don't forget to include crtdbg.h) _ASSERT(lua_gettop(L) == 0); // Close the LUA state lua_close(L); LUA defines lua_pushXXX (where XXX can be "string", "number", "boolean", ...) but it doesn't define the lua_popXXX versions. Here's an example how to define them by yourself : inline LUA_API lua_Number lua_popnumber(lua_State *L) { register lua_Number tmp = lua_tonumber(L, lua_gettop(L)); lua_pop(L, 1); return tmp; } inline LUA_API const char *lua_popstring(lua_State *L) { register const char *tmp = lua_tostring(L, lua_gettop(L)); lua_pop(L, 1); return tmp; } When popping the values they are converted automaticly when possible : // Push -1 as a number lua_pushnumber(L, -1); // And pop it again as a string (s --> "-1") const char *s = lua_popstring(L); If the conversion is impossible then NULL/0 will be returned. For example we can't convert a boolean to a string : // Push 1 (true) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); // And pop it again as a string (s --> NULL) const char *s = lua_popstring(L); There are many other stack manipulation functions and there are also functions to verify the value type on the stack. I suggest that you check out the LUA manual that comes with the distribution. Executing an LUA script Executing an LUA script isn't that straight-forward at first but at the end it turns out the be very simple. I'm explaining you the full implementation of how to execute a script by creating your own "reader". LUA comes with its own library that contains ready-to-use functions but I prefer you to explain the complete version so you can understand better how LUA works. In order to execute LUA scripts you have to load them first and call them afterwarts, this is done by respectivily calling the lua_load and the lua_call or lua_pcall function. The lua_load function takes four parameters : LUA_API int lua_load (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *data, const char *chunkname); The first one is the pointer to the LUA state, the second one is a pointer to a user-defined reader function, the third pointer is a user-defined value that the reader function will receive, and the fourth one is a name we decide ourselves for debugging purposes. As you can see from this call, there is no argument accepting a script. We have to define this ourselves using the data argument. Let's take a look at this structure (taken from the LUA library), we will define : typedef struct luaMemFile { const char *text; size_t size; } luaMemFile; The text variable will be our script line(s) and the size variable will tell us if we have finished reading or not (see later). A value of zero will mean : we are no longer reading. We now define a simple callback function : const char *readMemFile(lua_State *, void *ud, size_t *size) { // Convert the ud pointer (UserData) to a pointer of our structure luaMemFile *luaMF = (luaMemFile *) ud; // Are we done? if(luaMF->size == 0) return NULL; // Read everything at once // And set size to zero to tell the next call we're done *size = luaMF->size; luaMF->size = 0; // Return a pointer to the readed text return luaMF->text; } Once the script has been loaded, a simple call to lua_pcall will suffice. I prefer lua_pcall above lua_call because the later one will terminate the program if there was an error. The lua_call takes three parameters and the lua_pcall function takes four parameters : LUA_API void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); LUA_API int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc); The first parameter is the pointer to the LUA state, the second parameter is the number of arguments on the stack that the command takes (and when executing a loaded script this can remain 0). The third parameter is the number of result parameters the command will return on the stack. If nresult equals LUA_MULTRET then the number of parameters that will be pushed on the stack is controlled by the called function! Yes indeed, an LUA function can return more than one parameter, for example : return "i", "return", 5, "strings", "and", 2, "numbers" The fourth parameter (errfunc) is only valid for the lua_pcall function and is used for controlling the error-handling. Please read the LUA manual for more information about this parameter. A note about the nresults argument: if we take the example return statement above, then we see that 7 values would be returned. If we execute this script with nresult==LUA_MULTRET then 7 values would be returned, if we would call the function with nresult==3 then only the 3 first values would be returned ("i", "return" and 5). This is the test script we will execute : const char *testscript = { "function double(n)\n" " return n * 2\n" "end\n" "\n" "return double(1)\n" }; function double(n) return n * 2 end return double(1) A quick but nasty way of executing would be this : // luaMemFile luaMF; // Load the command and try to execute it... luaMF.text = testscript; luaMF.size = strlen(luaMF.text); lua_load(L, readMemFile, &luaMF, "test script"); lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0); You may ask why is this a bad method? Well, there is no error checking, if the script contains error or an execution error occur than the stack will be messed-up, LUA functions push their error values on the stack so you need to check the result of both lua_load and lua_pcall and act accordingly! This is the implementation that I prefer : // luaMemFile luaMF; // Load the command and try to execute it... luaMF.text = testscript; luaMF.size = strlen(luaMF.text); if(lua_load(L, readMemFile, &luaMF, "test script") == 0) { // Execute the loaded command... // The function takes 0 parameters and will return 1 result if(lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0) == 0) { // There was no error // Let's get the result from the stack lua_Number result = lua_tonumber(L, lua_gettop(L)); } // Clean-up the stack lua_pop(L, 1); } else { // There was a lua_load error... // Pop the error value from the stack lua_pop(L, 1); } Calling C functions from LUA In order to make this topic more accessible, a whole new page has been assigned to it, please follow this link : Calling C functions from LUA or How to expose C function to LUA scripts. 来源:
来源: 目录: | LuaUnicode.url | +---0.13A | | | \---0.2B 下面的来源于: This is an attempt to answer the LuaFaq : Can I use unicode strings? or Does Lua support unicode? In short, yes and no. Lua gives you the bare bones support and enough rope and not much else. Unicode is a large and complex standard and questions like "does lua support unicode" are extremely vague. Some of the issues are: Can I store and retrieve Unicode strings? Can my Lua programs be written in Unicode? Can I compare Unicode strings for equality? Sorting strings. Pattern matching. Can I determine the length of a Unicode string? Support for bracket matching, bidirectional printing, arbitrary composition of characters, and other issues that arise in high quality typesetting. Lua strings are fully 8-bit clean, so simple uses are supported (like storing and retrieving), but there's no built in support for more sophisticated uses. For a fuller story, see below. Unicode strings and Lua strings A Lua string is an aribitrary sequence of values which have at least 8 bits (octets); they map directly into the char type of the C compiler. (This may be wider than eight bits, but eight bits are guaranteed.) Lua does not reserve any value, including NUL. That means that you can store a UTF-8 string in Lua without problems. Note that UTF-8 is just one option for storing Unicode strings. There are many other encoding schemes, including UTF-16 and UTF-32 and their various big-endian/little-endian variants. However, all of these are simply sequences of octets and can be stored in a Lua string without problems. Input and output of strings in Lua (using the io library) uses C's stdio library. ANSI C does not require the stdio library to handle arbitrary octet sequences unless the file is opened in binary mode; furthermore, in non-binary mode, some octet sequences are converted into other ones (in order to deal with varying end-of-line markers on different platforms). This may affect your ability to do non-binary file input and output of Unicode strings in formats other than UTF-8. UTF-8 strings will probably be safe because UTF-8 does not use control characters such as \n and \r as part of multi-octet encodings. However, there are no guarantees; if you need to be certain, you must use binary mode input and output. (If you do so, line-endings will not be converted.) Unix file IO has been 8-bit clean for a long while. If you are not concerned with portability and are only using Unix and Unix-like operating systems, you can almost certainly not worry about the above. If your use of Unicode is restricted to passing the strings to external libraries which support Unicode, you should be OK. For example, you should be able to extract a Unicode string from a database and pass it to a Unicode-aware graphics library. But see the sections below on pattern matching and string equality. Unicode Lua programs Literal Unicode strings can appear in your lua programs. Either a UTF-8 encoded string can appear directly with 8-bit characters or you can use the \ddd syntax (note that ddd is a decimal number, unlike some other languages). However, there is no facility for encoding multi-octet sequences (such as \U+20B4); you would need to either manually encode them to UTF-8, or insert individual octets in the correct big-endian/little-endian order (for UTF-16 or UTF-32). Unless you are using an operating system in which a char is more than eight bits wide, you will not be able to use arbitrary Unicode characters in Lua identifers (for the names of variables and so on). You may be able to use eight-bit characters outside of the ANSI range. Lua uses the C functions isalpha and isalnum to identify valid characters in identifiers, so it will depend on the current locale. To be honest, using characters outside of the ANSI range in Lua identifiers is not a good idea, since your programs will not compile in the standard C locale. Comparison and Sorting Lua string comparison (using the == operator) is done byte-by-byte. That means that == can only be used to compare Unicode strings for equality if the strings have been normalized in one of the four Unicode normalizations. (See the [Unicode FAQ on normalization] for details.) The standard Lua library does not provide any facility for normalizing Unicode strings. Consequently, non-normalized Unicode strings cannot be reliably used as table keys. If you want to use the Unicode notion of string equality, or use Unicode strings as table keys, and you cannot guarantee that your strings are normalized, then you'll have to write or find a normalization function and use that; this is non-trivial exercise! The Lua comparison operators on strings (< and <=) use the C function strcoll which is locale dependent. This means that two strings can compare in different ways according to what the current locale is. For example, strings will compare differently when using Spanish Traditional sorting to that when using Welsh sorting. It may be that your operating system has a locale that implements the sorting algorithm that you want, in which case you can just use that, otherwise you will have to write a function to sort Unicode strings. This is an even more non-trivial exercise. UTF-8 was designed so that a naive octet-by-octet string comparison of an octet sequence would produce the same result if a naive octet-by-octet string comparison were done on the UTF-8 encoding of the octet sequence. This is also true of UTF-32BE but I do not know of any system which uses that encoding. Unfortunately, naive octet-by-octet comparison is not the collation order used by any language. (Note: sometimes people use the terms UCS-2 and UCS-4 for "two-byte" and four-byte encodings. These are not Unicode standards; they come from the closely corresponding ISO standard ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 and currently differ in that they allow codes outside of the Unicode range, which runs from 0x0 to 0x10FFFF.) Pattern Matching Lua's pattern matching facilities work character by character. In general, this will not work for Unicode pattern matching, although some things will work as you want. For example, "%u" will not match all Unicode upper case letters. You can match individual Unicode characters in a normalized Unicode string, but you might want to worry about combining character sequences. If there are no following combining characters, "a" will match only the letter a in a UTF-8 string. In UTF-16LE you could match "a%z". (Remember that you cannot use \0 in a Lua pattern.) Length and string indexing If you want to know the length of a Unicode string there are different answers you might want according to the circumstances. If you just want to know how many bytes the string occupies, so that you can make space for copying it into a buffer for example, then the existing Lua function string.len will work. You might want to know how many Unicode characters are in a string. Depending on the encoding used, a single Unicode character may occupy up to four bytes. Only UTF-32LE and UTF-32BE are constant length encodings (four bytes per character); UTF-32 is mostly a constant length encoding but the first element in a UTF-32 sequence should be a "Byte Order Mark", which does not count as a character. (UTF-32 and variants are part of Unicode with the latest version, Unicode 4.0.) Some implementations of UTF-16 assume that all characters are two bytes long, but this has not been true since Unicode version 3.0. Happily UTF-8 is designed so that it is relatively easy to count the number of unicode symbols in a string: simply count the number of octets that are in the ranges 0x00 to 0x7f (inclusive) or 0xC2 to 0xF4 (inclusive). (In decimal, 0-127 and 194-244.) These are the codes which can start a UTF-8 character code. Octets 0xC0, 0xC1 and 0xF5 to 0xFF (192, 193 and 245-255) cannot appear in a conforming UTF-8 sequence; octets in the range 0x80 to 0xBF (128-191) can only appear in the second and subsequent octets of a multi-octet encoding. Remember that you cannot use \0 in a Lua pattern. For example, you could use the following code snippet to count UTF-8 characters in a string you knew to be conforming (it will incorrectly count some invalid characters): local _, count = string.gsub(unicode_string, "[^\128-\193]", "") If you want to know how many printing columns a Unicode string will occupy when you print it out using a fixed-width font (imagine you are writing something like the Unix ls program that formats its output into several columns), then that is a different answer again. That's because some Unicode characters do not have a printing width, while others are double-width characters. Combining characters are used to add accents to other letters, and generally they do not take up any extra space when printed. So that's at least 3 different notions of length that you might want at different times. Lua provides one of them (string.len) the others you'll need to write functions for. There's a similar issue with indexing the characters of a string by position. string.sub(s, -3) will return the last 3 bytes of the string which is not necessarily the same as the last three characters of the string, and may or may not be a complete code. You could use the following code snippet to iterate over UTF-8 sequences (this will simply skip over most invalid codes): for uchar in string.gfind(ustring, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do -- something end More sophisticated issues As you might have guessed by now, Lua provides no support for things like bidirectional printing or the proper formatting of Thai accents. Normally such things will be taken care of by a graphics or typography library. It would of course be possible to interface to such a library that did these things if you had access to one. There is a little string-like package [slnunicode] with upper/lower, len/sub and pattern matching for UTF-8. See ValidateUnicodeString for a smaller library. [ICU4Lua] is a Lua binding to ICU (International Components for Unicode [1]), an open-source library originally developed by IBM. See UnicodeIdentifers for platform independent Unicode Lua programs.
1 介绍 LuaBind 是一个帮助你绑定C++和Lua的库.她有能力暴露 C++ 函数和类到 Lua . 她也有 能力支持函数式的定义一个Lua类,而且使之继承自C++或者Lua. Lua类可以覆写从 C++ 基类 继承来的虚函数. 她的目标平台是Lua 5.0 ,不能支持Lua 4.0 . 她利用模板原编程技术实现.这意味着,你不需要额外的预处理过程去编译你的工程(编译器 会替你完成全部的工作).这还意味着,你也不需要(通常)知道你注册的每一个函数的精确的签名. 因为,LuaBind库会在编译时生成所需的代码.这样做的不利点是,编译时间会随着需要注册的 文件的数目增加而增加.因此建议你把所有的需要注册的东西放到一个cpp文件里面. LuaBind 遵循 MIT 协议 发布. 我们非常希望听说有工程使用了LuaBind, 请告诉我们,如果你的工程使用了LuaBind. 主要的反馈渠道是 LuaBind邮件列表 .在 irc.freenode.net还可以找到一个IRC频道 #luabind . 2 功能 LuaBind支持: * 重载自由函数 * C++类导入Lua * 重载成员函数 * 操作符 * 属性 * 枚举 * Lua函数导入C++ * Lua类导入C++ * Lua类(单继承) * 从Lua或C++类继承 * 覆写C++类的虚函数 * 注册类型间隐式的类型转换 * 最好匹配式签名匹配 * 返回值策略和参数策略 3 可移植性 LuaBind 已经通过下面的编译器环境的测试: Visual Studio 7.1 Visual Studio 7.0 Visual Studio 6.0 (sp 5) Intel C++ 6.0 (Windows) GCC 2.95.3 (cygwin) GCC 3.0.4 (Debian/Linux) GCC 3.1 (SunOS 5.8) GCC 3.2 (cygwin) GCC 3.3.1 (cygwin) GCC 3.3 (Apple, MacOS X) GCC 4.0 (Apple, MacOS X) LuaBind被确认不能在 GCC 2.95.2 (SunOS 5.8) 下工作. Metrowerks 8.3 (Windows) 可以编译LuaBind,但是通不过常量测试.这就意味着常量 成员函数被视同非常量成员函数. 如果你测试了LuaBind和其他未列出的编译器的兼容性,请告诉我们你的结果. 4 构建LuaBind 为了抑制LuaBind的编译时间最好是将其编译为一个库. 这意味着你要不编译并连接LuaBind 库要不就添加其所有源码到你的工程里面.你必须确保LuaBind目录在你的编译器包含目录中. LuaBind需要Boost 1.32.0 或者 1.33.0 (只需要头文件即可). LuaBind还需要Lua. 官方的构建LuaBind的方式是通过 Boost.Build V2 . 为此,你需要设置两个环境变量: BOOST_ROOT 指向你的Boost安装目录 LUA_PATH 指向你的Lua目录.编译系统将假定包含文件和库文件分别放在 $(LUA_PATH)/include/ 和 $(LUA_PATH)/lib/. 为了向后兼容性,LuaBind在根目录下还保留了一个makefile.这可以构建库和测试程序.如果 你正在使用一个UNIX系统(或者 cygwin),他们将使得构建LuaBind静态库变得很简单.如果 你正在使用 Visual Studio ,很简单的包含 src 目录下的文件到你的工程即可. 构建LuaBind的时候,你可以设定一些选项来使得库更加符合你的需求.特别重要的是,你的应用 程序也必须使用和库一样的设定.可用的选项的介绍参见 Build options 章节. 如果你希望改变缺省的设置,推荐你通过修改命令行参数的方式来实现.(在Visual Studio 的工程设置项里面). 5 基本使用 为了使用LuaBind, 你必须包含 lua.h 和 LuaBind 的主要头文件: extern "C" { #include "lua.h" } #include <luabind/luabind.hpp> 这些头文件提供了注册函数和类的功能. 如果你只是想获得函数或者类的支持,你可以分开 包含 luabind/function.hpp 和 luabind/class.hpp: #include <luabind/function.hpp> #include <luabind/class.hpp> 你需要去做的第一件事是 调用 luabind::open(lua_State*), 由此注册可以在Lua创建类 的函数并初始化 LuaBind需要使用的 状态机全局结构. 如果你不调用这个函数, 你会在后面 触发一个 断言 . 不没有一个对应的关闭函数.因为,一旦一个类被注册到Lua,真没有什么好 的方法去移除它.部分原因是任何剩余的类实例都将依赖其类. 当状态机被关闭的时候,所有 的一切都将被清理干净. LuaBind 的头文件不会直接包含 Lua.h , 而是透过 <luabind/lua_include.hpp> . 如果你 出于某种原因需要包含其他的Lua头文件,你可以修改此文件. 5.1 Hello World 新建一个控制台DLL工程, 名字是 luabind_test. #include <iostream> #include <luabind/luabind.hpp> #include <luabind/lua_include.hpp> extern "C" { #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" } void greet() { std::cout << "hello world!\n"; } extern "C" int luaopen_luabind_test(lua_State* L) { using namespace luabind; open(L); module(L) [ def("greet", &greet) ]; return 0; } 把生成的DLL和lua.exe/lua51.dll放在同一个目录下. Lua 5.1.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio > require "luabind_test" > greet() Hello world! > 6 作用域 注册到Lua里面的所有东西要不注册于一个名空间下(Lua table)要不注册于全局作用域(lua module). 所有注册的东西必须放在一个作用域里面.为了定义一个模块, luabind::module 类必须被使用. 使用方式如下: module(L) [ // declarations ]; 这将会注册所有的函数或者类到 Lua 全局作用域. 如果你想要为你的模块设定一个名空间(类似标准模块), 你可以给构造函数设定一个名字,例如: module(L, "my_library") [ // declarations ]; 这里所有的申明都将被放置在 my_libary 表. 如果你想要嵌套名空间,你可以用 luabind::namespace_ 类. 它和 luabind::module 类似,除了构造器 没有lua_State* 输入参数.用例如下: module(L, "my_library") [ // declarations namespace_("detail") [ // library-private declarations ] ]; 你可能会想到,下面两个声明是等价的: module(L) [ namespace_("my_library") [ // declarations ] ]; module(L, "my_library") [ // declarations ]; 每一个声明必须用逗号分隔,例如: module(L) [ def("f", &f), def("g", &g), class_<A>("A") .def(constructor<int, int>), def("h", &h) ]; 更多实际的例子请参阅 绑定函数到Lua 和 绑定类到Lua 章节. 请注意, (如果你对性能有很高的需求)把你的函数放到表里面将增加查找函数的时间. 7 绑定函数到Lua 为了绑定函数到Lua,你可以使用函数 luabind::def(). 它的声明如下: template<class F, class policies> void def(const char* name, F f, const Policies&); * name 是该函数在Lua里面的名字 * F 是该函数的指针 * 策略参数是用来描述怎样处理该函数参数和返回值的.这是一个可选参数,参见 策略 章节. 下面的例子演示注册函数 float std::sin(float): module(L) [ def("sin", &std::sin) ]; 7.1 重载函数 如果你有同名函数需要注册到Lua, 你必须显示的给定函数的签名. 这可以让C++知道你指定的是哪一个函数. 例如, 如果你有两个函数, int f(const char*) 和 void f(int). module(L) [ def("f", (int(*)(const char*)) &f), def("f", (void(*)(int)) &f) ]; 7.2 签名匹配 LuaBind 将会生成代码来检查Lua栈的内容是否匹配你的函数的签名. 它会隐式的在 派生类之间进行类型转换,并且它会按照尽量少进行隐式类型转换的原则经行匹配.在 一个函数调用中,如果函数是重载过的,并且重载函数的参数匹配分不出好坏的话 (都经行同样次数的隐式类型转换),那么将产生一个二义性错误.这将生成一个运行时 错误,程序挂起在产生二义性调用的地方.一个简单的例子是,注册两个函数,一个函数 接受一个int参数,另外一个函数接受一个float参数. 因为Lua将不区别浮点数和整形数, 所以他们都是匹配的. 因为所有的重载是被测试过的,这将总是找到最好的匹配(不是第一个匹配).这样意味着, LuaBind可以处理签名的区别只是const和非const的重载函数. 例如,如果如下的函数和类被注册: struct A { void f(); void f() const; }; const A* create_a();所有权转移 为了正确处理所有权转移问题,create_a()将用来适配返回值策略. 参见 策略 章节. -Linker Lin 4/5/08 6:32 PM struct B: A {}; struct C: B {}; void g(A*); void g(B*); 执行以下 Lua 代码即结果: a1 = create_a() a1:f() -- 常量版本被调用 a2 = A() a2:f() -- 非常量版本被调用 a = A() b = B() c = C() g(a) -- calls g(A*) g(b) -- calls g(B*) g(c) -- calls g(B*) 7.3 调用Lua函数 为了调用一个Lua函数, 你可以或者用 call_function() 或者用 一个对象(object). template<class Ret> Ret call_function(lua_State* L, const char* name, ...) template<class Ret> Ret call_function(object const& obj, ...) call_function()函数有两个重载版本.一个是根据函数的名字来调用函数, 另一个是调用一个可以作为函数调用的Lua值. 使用函数名来调用的版本只能调用Lua全局函数. "..."代表传递给Lua函数的 可变个数的参数. 这使得你可以指定调用的策略.你可以通过 operator[] 来实现 这个功鞥.你可以同过方括号来指定策略,例如: int ret = call_function<int>( L , "a_lua_function" , new complex_class() )[ adopt(_1) ]; 如果你想通过引用方式传递参数,你必须用Boost.Ref来包装一下. 例如: int ret = call_function(L, "fun", boost::ref(val)); 如果你想给一个函数调用指定自己的错误捕获处理函数(error handler),可以参阅 pcall errorfunc 章节的 set_pcall_callback . 7.4 使用Lua协程 为了使用Lua协程,你必须调用 lua_resume(),这就意味着你不能用先前介绍的函数 call_function()来开始一个协程.你必须用这个: template<class Ret> Ret resume_function(lua_State* L, const char* name, ...) template<class Ret> Ret resume_function(object const& obj, ...) 和: template<class Ret> Ret resume(lua_State* L, ...) 第一次开始一个协程的时候,你必须给它一个入口函数. 当一个协程返回(yield)的时候, resume_fucntion()调用的返回值是 lua_yield()的第一个传入参数.当你想要继续一个 协程的时候,你只需要调用 resume() 在你的 lua_State() 上,因为它已经在执行一个函数 (即先前出入的入口函数),所以你不需要再次传入函数.resume()的传入参数将作为Lua侧的 yield()调用的返回值. 为了暂停(yielding)C++函数,(不支持在C++侧和Lua侧传送数据块),你可以使用 yield 策略. 接受 object 参数的resume_function()的重载版本要求对象必须是一个协程对象.(thread) lua_State* thread = lua_newthread(L); object fun = get_global(thread)["my_thread_fun"]; resume_function(fun); 8 绑定类到Lua 为了注册一个类,你可以用 class_ 类. 它的名字和C++关键字类似是为了比较直观.它有一个重载 过的成员函数 def() .这个函数被用来注册类的成员函数,操作符,构造器,枚举和属性.它将返回 this 指针,从而方便你直接注册更多的成员. 让我们开始一个简单的例子.考虑下面的C++类: class testclass { public: testclass(const std::string& s): m_string(s) {} void print_string() { std::cout << m_string << "\n"; } private: std::string m_string; }; 为了注册这个类到Lua环境,可以像下面这样写(假设你使用了名空间): module(L) [ class_<testclass>("testclass") .def(constructor<const std::string&>()) .def("print_string", &testclass::print_string) ]; 这将注册 testclass 类以及接受一个string参数的构造器以及一个成员叫print_string()的函数. Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio > a = testclass('a string') > a:print_string() a string 还可以注册自由函数作为成员函数.对这个自由函数的要求是,它必须接受该类的一个指针或常量指针或 引用或常量引用作为函数的第一个参数.该函数的剩下的参数将在Lua侧可见,而对象指针将被赋值给第一个 参数.如果我们有如下的C++代码: struct A { int a; }; int plus(A* o, int v) { return o->a + v; } 你可以注册 plus() 作为A的一个成员函数,如下: class_<A>("A") .def("plus", &plus) plus() 现在能够被作为A的一个接受一个int参数的成员函数来调用.如果对象指针(this指针)是const, 这个函数也将表现的像一个常量成员函数那样(它可以通过常量对象来调用). 8.1 重载成员函数 当绑定超过一个以上的重载过的成员函数的时候,或只是绑定其中的一个的时候,你必须消除你传递给 def() 的 成员函数指针的歧义.为此,你可以用普通C风格的类型转换来转型匹配正确的重载函数. 为此,你必须知道怎么去 描述C++成员函数的类型.这里有一个简短的教程(更多信息请查阅你的C++参考书): 成员函数指着的语法如下: return-value (class-name::*)(arg1-type, arg2-type, ...) 例如: struct A { void f(int); void f(int, int); }; class_<A>() .def("f", (void(A::*)(int))&A::f) A的第一个成员函数f(int)被绑定了,而第二个没哟被绑定. 8.2 属性 很容易注册类的全局数据成员.考虑如下的类: struct A { int a; }; 这个类可以这样注册: module(L) [ class_<A>("A") .def_readwrite("a", &A::a) ]; 这使得成员变量 A::a 获得了读写访问权. 还可以注册一个只读的属性: module(L) [ class_<A>("A") .def_readonly("a", &A::a) ]; 当绑定成员是一个非原始数据类型的时候,自动生成的 getter 函数将会返回一个它引用. 这就允许你可以链式使用 . 操作符.例如,当有一个结构体包含另外一个结构体的时候.如下: struct A { int m; }; struct B { A a; }; 当绑定B到Lua的时候,下面的表达式应该可以工作: b = B() b.a.m = 1 assert(b.a.m == 1) 这要求 a 属性必须返回一个A的引用, 而不是一个拷贝. 这样,LuaBind将会自动使用依赖策略来 确保返回值依赖于它所在的对象.所以,如果返回的引用的生命长于该对象的所有的引用(这里是b). 它将保持对象是激活的,从而避免出现悬挂指针. 你还可以注册 getter 或者 setter 函数来使得它们看上去像一个 public 的成员.考虑下面的类: class A { public: void set_a(int x) { a = x; } int get_a() const { return a; } private: int a; }; 可以这样注册成一个公共数据成员: class_<A>("A") .property("a", &A::get_a, &A::set_a) 这样 set_a() 和 get_a() 将取代简单的数据成员操作.如果你想使之只读,你只需要省略最后一个参数. 请注意, get 函数必须是 const 的,否则不能通过编译. 8.3 枚举 如果你的类包含枚举,你可以注册它们到Lua. 注意,它们不是类型安全的,所有的枚举在Lua侧都是整型的, 并且所有接受枚举参数的函数都将接受任何整型.你可以像这样注册它们: module(L) [ class_<A>("A") .enum_("constants") [ value("my_enum", 4), value("my_2nd_enum", 7), value("another_enum", 6) ] ]; 在Lua侧,他们可以像数据成员那样被操作,除了它们是只读的而且属于类本身而不是类的实例. Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio > print(A.my_enum) 4 > print(A.another_enum) 6 8.4 操作符 为了绑定操作符,你需要包含头文件 <luabind/operator.hpp>. 注册你的类的操作符的机制非常的简单.你通过一个全局名字 luabind::self 来引用类自己,然后你就 可以在def()调用里面直接用操作符表达式. 类如下: struct vec { vec operator+(int s); }; 可以这样注册: module(L) [ class_<vec>("vec") .def(self + int()) ]; 不管你的 + 操作符是定义在类里面还是自由函数都可以工作. 如果你的操作符是常量的(const)(或者,是一个自由函数, 接受一个类的常量的引用)你必须用 const_self 替代 self. 如下: module(L) [ class_<vec>("vec") .def(const_self + int()) ]; 支持如下操作符: + - * / == < <= 这意味着,没有"就地操作符"(in-place)(++ --). 相等操作符(==)有些敏锐;如果引用是相等的就不会 被调用. 这意味着, 相等操作符的效率非常好. Lua不支持操作符包括: !=,>和<=.这是为什么你只能注册上面那些操作符. 当你调用这些操作符的时候, Lua会把调用转换到支持的操作符上.(译注:例如:==和!=有逻辑非得关系) -Linker Lin 4/6/08 11:09 PM 在上面的示例中,操作数的类型是 int().如果操作数的类型是复杂类型,就不是那么简单了,你需要用 other<> 来包装下.例如: 为了注册如下的类,我们不想用一个string的实例来注册这个操作符. struct vec { vec operator+(std::string); }; 取而代之的是,我们用 other<> 包装下,如下: module(L) [ class_<vec>("vec") .def(self + other<std::string>()) ]; 注册一个应用程序操作符(函数调用): module(L) [ class_<vec>("vec") .def( self(int()) ) ]; 这里有个特殊的操作符.在Lua里,它叫做 __tostring,它不是一个真正的操作符.它是被用来转换一个对象到 string的标准Lua方法.如果你注册之,可以通过Lua的标准函数 tostring() 来转换你的对象到一个string. 为了在C++里实现这个操作符,你需要为 std::ostream 提供 operator<< .像这样: class number {}; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, number&); ... module(L) [ class_<number>("number") .def(tostring(self)) ]; 8.5 嵌套作用域和静态函数 可以添加嵌套的作用域到一个类.当你需要包装一个嵌套类或者一个静态函数的时候就会很有用. class_<foo>("foo") .def(constructor<>() .scope [ class_<inner>("nested"), def("f", &f) ]; 在上面的例子里, f 将表现的像一个类 foo 的静态函数,而 类 nested 将表现的像类 foo 的嵌套类. 还可以用同样的语法添加名空间到类里面. 8.6 继承类 如果你想要注册一个继承自其它类的类到Lua, 你可以指定一个模板参数 bases<> 给 class_ 的构造器. 如下的继承关系: struct A {}; struct B : A {}; 可以这样注册: module(L) [ class_<A>("A"), class_<B, A>("B") ]; 如果你使用了多继承,你可以指定多于一个的基类.如果 B 还继承了类 C , 它可以这样注册: module(L) [ class_<B, bases<A, C> >("B") ]; 注意,你可以省去 bases<> 当你用的是单继承的时候. 注意 如果你不指定类的继承关系, LuaBind 将不能在相关的继承类型间进行隐式类型转换. 8.7 智能指针 当你注册一个类的时候,你可以告诉 LuaBind 所有的该类的实例应该被某种智能指针持有.(例如: boost::shared_ptr) 你可通过把一个 持有器类型模板参数 给 class_ 类的构造器来实现该功能.例如: module(L) [ class_<A, boost::shared_ptr<A> >("A") ]; 你还必须为你的智能指针提供两个函数.一个返回常量版本的智能指针类型(这里是: boost:shared_ptr< const A >). 另一个函数要可以从智能指针萃取流指针(raw pointer). 之所以需要第一个函数是因为,LuaBind 允许 非常量 -> 转换在传递Lua值到C++的时候.之所以需要第二个函数是因为,当Lua调用一个被智能指针持有 的类的成员函数的时候,this 指针必须是一个流指针.还有一个原因是,从Lua转换到C++的时候,需要实现 智能指针到普通指针的转换.看上去像这样: namespace luabind { template<class T> T* get_pointer(boost::shared_ptr<T>& p) { return p.get(); } template<class A> boost::shared_ptr<const A>* get_const_holder(boost::shared_ptr<A>*) { return 0; } } 第二个函数只在编译时用于映射 boost::shared_ptr<A>到其常量版本 boost::shared_ptr<const A>. 它从来不会被调用,所以返回值是无所谓的(返回值的类型才是关键). 这个转换将这样工作(假定 B 是A的基类): 从Lua到C++ Source Target holder_type<A> A* holder_type<A> B* holder_type<A> A const* holder_type<A> B const* holder_type<A> holder_type<A> holder_type<A> holder_type<A const> holder_type<A const> A const* holder_type<A const> B const* holder_type<A const> holder_type<A const 从C++到Lua Source Target holder_type<A> holder_type<A> holder_type<A const> holder_type<A const> holder_type<A> const& holder_type<A> holder_type<A const> const& holder_type<A const> 当使用持有器类型的时候,知道指针是不是合法(例如:非空)是很有用的.例如,当使用 std::auto_ptr 的时候, 持有器通过一个参数传递给函数的时候将会变得无效. 为了这个目的,所有的对象实例都有一个成员叫: __ok. struct X {}; void f(std::auto_ptr<X>); module(L) [ class_<X, std::auto_ptr<X> >("X") .def(constructor<>()), def("f", &f) ]; Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio > a = X() > f(a) > print a.__ok false 当注册一个继承树的时候,所有的实例被智能指针持有的地方,所有的类必须包含持有器类型.例如: module(L) [ class_<base, boost::shared_ptr<base> >("base") .def(constructor<>()), class_<derived, base, boost::shared_ptr<base> >("base") .def(constructor<>()) ]; 在内部, LuaBind 将会做必要的转换于萃取自持有器的流指针之上. 8.8 拆分类注册 在某些情况下,可能需要分开注册一个类在不同的编译单元. 部分原因可能是节约重编译时间,而某些编译器的 限制可能要求不得不分开注册一个类.其实很简单.考虑下面的示例代码: void register_part1(class_<X>& x) { x.def(/*...*/); } void register_part2(class_<X>& x) { x.def(/*...*/); } void register_(lua_State* L) { class_<X> x("x"); register_part1(x); register_part2(x); module(L) [ x ]; } 这里,类X被分两步注册.两个函数 register_part 和 register_part2 可能被放到不同的编译单元里. 关于分开注册一个模块的信息请参阅: 分开注册 章节. 9 对象 因为函数必须能够接受Lua值作为参数,我们必须包装之. 这个包装被称作 luabind::object. 如果你注册的函数 接受一个对象,那它就可以匹配任何Lua值.为了使用它,你需要包含头文件: <luabind/object.hpp>. 摘要 class object { public: template<class T> object(lua_State*, T const& value); object(from_stack const&); object(object const&); object(); ~object(); lua_State* interpreter() const; void push() const; bool is_valid() const; operator safe_bool_type () const; template<class Key> implementation-defined operator[](Key const&); template<class T> object& operator=(T const&); object& operator=(object const&); bool operator==(object const&) const; bool operator<(object const&) const; bool operator<=(object const&) const; bool operator>(object const&) const; bool operator>=(object const&) const; bool operator!=(object const&) const; template <class T> implementation-defined operator[](T const& key) const void swap(object&); implementation-defined operator()(); template<class A0> implementation-defined operator()(A0 const& a0); template<class A0, class A1> implementation-defined operator()(A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1); /* ... */ }; 当你需要一个Lua对象的时候,你可以通过=操作符给它赋一个新值.当你这么做的时候,default_policy 会被用来转换C++值到Lua. 如果你的 luabind::object 是一个table,你可以通过 []操作符或者迭代器 来访问它的成员.[]操作符的返回值是一个代理对象,这个对象可以用于读写表里的值(通过=操作符). 注意,没有办法知道一个Lua对象是否可以索引化访问( lua_gettable 不会失败,要不成功,要不崩溃 ). 这意味着,如果你在一个不可以索引化访问的东西上进行索引,你就只能靠自己了.Lua将会调用它的 panic() 函数. 还有一些自由函数可以用来索引一张table,参阅 相关函数 章节. 那个接受 from_stack 对象作为参数的构造器是用来初始化一个关联Lua栈值的对象的. from_stack 类型 有如下的构造器: from_stack(lua_State* L, int index); index参数就是原始的Lua栈的索引,负值是从栈顶开始索引的.你可以这样用: object o(from_stack(L, -1)); 这将会创建一个 object的实例 o,并拷贝Lua栈顶的对象的值. interpreter() 函数返回保存object实例的Lua状态机.如果你想要直接用Lua函数操作object对象的实例,你 可以通过调用 push() 来把它压入Lua栈. ==操作符将会在操作数上调用 lua_equal()并返回它的结果. is_valid() 函数会告诉你object的实例是否已经初始化过了.通过默认构造器来初始化的实例是非法的.要使之 合法,你可以给其赋一个值.如果你想使一个 object 不合法,最简单的办法就是给它赋一个非法的 object. operator safe_bool_type() 和 to is_valid() 是等价的.这意味着,下面的代码片段是等价的: object o; // ... if (o) { // ... } ... object o; // ... if (o.is_valid()) { // ... } 应用程序操作符() 将会像对待一个函数那样来调用绑定的值. 你可以给它任何数量的参数 (目前, default_policy 将被用于转换 ).返回的对象将代表函数的返回值(当前只支持一个返回值).该操作符 可能会抛出 luabind::error ,如果函数调用失败.如果你想指定一个特殊的函数调用策略,你可以通过在函数 调用时使用 []操作符来指定策略.像这样: my_function_object( 2 , 8 , new my_complex_structure(6) ) [ adopt(_3) ]; 这告诉 LuaBind 让 Lua 接受所有权和负责传入给lua函数的指针. 重要的是当Lua状态机关闭的时候,所有的 object 的实例都会被析构.object实例会持有Lua状态机的指针,并在 自己析构的时候释放它的Lua对象. 这里有一个函数怎样使用 table 的例子: void my_function(object const& table) { if (type(table) == LUA_TTABLE) { table["time"] = std::clock(); table["name"] = std::rand() < 500 ? "unusual" : "usual"; std::cout << object_cast<std::string>(table[5]) << "\n"; } } 如果函数接受一个object作为参数,那么任何Lua值都将匹配这个参数.这就是为什么,我们必须保证入参是一个table 的原因. std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, object const&); 流操作符可以把object实例借由 boost::lexical_cast 转换到string或者方便打印输出.这将会使用Lua的string 转换函数.如果你用 tostring 去转换一个C++对象,对应类型的流操作符将会被使用. 9.1 迭代器 有两种迭代器. 普通迭代器将会使用对象的原方法(如果存在)来获取值. 普通迭代器被称为 luabind::iterator. 另一个 迭代器被称为 luabind::raw_iterator ,它将忽略原方法而直接给出表里的真实内容. 它们具有相同的接口, 都实现了 ForwardIterator 概念.大部分标准迭代器都有如下的成员和构造器: class iterator { iterator(); iterator(object const&); object key() const; standard iterator members }; 接受一个 luabind::object 的构造器实际上是一个用于操作 object 的模板.通过传入一个 object 给构造器来构造出 一个指向 object 里的第一个元素的迭代器. 缺省的构造器将会初始化迭代器为一个指向最后一个元素的后面位置的迭代器.这可以用来测试是否抵达了序列的末端. 迭代器的值类型是一个支持和 luabind::object 相同的操作的代理类型.这意味着,大部分情况下你可以当它就是一个原始 的 object 实例. 它们之间的不同之处在于,任何对代理的赋值操作都会导致值被插入到表中迭代器所指的位置. key() 成员返回迭代器用于索引表的键. 一个迭代器的例子如下: for (iterator i(globals(L)["a"]), end; i != end; ++i) { *i = 1; } end 迭代器是一个缺省的指向序列末尾的迭代器.在这个例子里,我们简单的迭代了表 a 里面所有的实体,并将之赋值为 1. 9.2 相关函数 这里介绍些用于 对象 和 表 操作的函数. int type(object const&); 这个函数将会返回lua类型索引.例如: . LUA_TNIL, LUA_TNUMBER 等. template<class T, class K> void settable(object const& o, K const& key, T const& value); template<class K> object gettable(object const& o, K const& key); template<class T, class K> void rawset(object const& o, K const& key, T const& value); template<class K> object rawget(object const& o, K const& key); 这些函数是用来索引 table 用的. settable 和 gettable 函数分别翻译调用到 lua_settable 和 lua_gettable 函数. 这意味着,你可以在对象上使用索引操作符. rawset 和 rawget 将会翻译调用到 lua_rawset 和 lua_rawget. 所以他们可以绕开任何原方法而给你表里实体的 真实值. template<class T> T object_cast<T>(object const&); template<class T, class Policies> T object_cast<T>(object const&, Policies); template<class T> boost::optional<T> object_cast_nothrow<T>(object const&); template<class T, class Policies> boost::optional<T> object_cast_nothrow<T>(object const&, Policies); object_cast 函数转型对象的值到C++值.你可以给这个从lua到C++的转换提供一个转换策略.如果转型失败, cast_failed 异常将被抛出. 如果你已经定义了 LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING (参阅 编译选项)宏,就不会 进行任何检查,如果转型非法,应用程序将会彻底崩溃. 不抛出异常的版本会返回一个没有初始化的 boost::optional<T> 对象,由此来指出转型不能进行. 上面的函数的签名确实是模板化的 object 参数,但是这里你应该只传递 object 对象. object globals(lua_State*); object registry(lua_State*); 这些函数分别返回全局环境表和Lua注册表. object newtable(lua_State*); 这个函数创建一个新的 table 并以一个 object 来返回它. 10 在Lua里定义类 作为一个附加功能,LuaBind还提供了一个 Lua侧OO系统来绑定C++函数和对象. class 'lua_testclass' function lua_testclass:__init(name)-- 译注:这个风格类似Python的OO语法 = name end function lua_testclass:print() print( end a = lua_testclass('example') a:print() 在Lua类之间可以使用继承: class 'derived' (lua_testclass) function derived:__init() super('derived name') end function derived:print() print('Derived:print() -> ') lua_testclass.print(self)-- 译注:注意这里 : 和 . 的区别 end 这里的 super 关键字用来初始化基类.用户必须在构造器里面第一个调用 super. 正如你在这个例子里看到的,你可以调用基类的成员函数.你可以找到所有的基类成员,但是你必须把 this指针(self) 做为函数的第一个参数. 10.1 在Lua里继承 你还可以从Lua侧继承一个C++类,并用Lua函数来覆写虚函数.为了实现这个,我们必须为C++基类创建一个封装类. 当我们实例化一个Lua类的时候,这个封装类将持有Lua对象. class base { public: base(const char* s) { std::cout << s << "\n"; } virtual void f(int a) { std::cout << "f(" << a << ")\n"; } }; struct base_wrapper : base, luabind::wrap_base { base_wrapper(const char* s) : base(s) {} virtual void f(int a) { call<void>("f", a); } static void default_f(base* ptr, int a) { return ptr->base::f(a); } }; ... module(L) [ class_<base, base_wrapper>("base") .def(constructor<const char*>()) .def("f", &base::f, &base_wrapper::default_f) ]; 重要 因为MSVC6.5不支持成员函数的显示模板参数化,作为成员函数 call()的替代, 你可以调用自由函数 call_member()并把 this指针作为第一个参数传入该函数. 注意,如果你同时绑定 base 类 和 base类封装,你必须把基类和基类的封装一起作为模板参数提供给 class_ (就像上面的例子中所做的一样).你指定它们的顺序并不重要.你必须还要从wrapper注册静态版本的和虚函数版 本的封装函数,这是让LuaBind实现动态和静态分派函数调用的必须. 重要 极其重要的是静态(缺省)函数的签名必须和虚函数一致.


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