hermal Science and Engineering Progress (TSEP) -热科学与工程进展-sci的投稿范围-编委会


Aims & Scope

Thermal Science and Engineering Progress (TSEP) publishes original, high-quality research articles that span activities ranging from fundamental scientific research and discussion of the more controversial thermodynamic theories, to developments in thermal engineering that are in many instances examples of the way scientists and engineers are addressing the challenges facing a growing population, smart cities and global warming, maximising thermodynamic efficiencies and minimising all heat losses. It is intended that these will be of current relevance and interest to industry, academia and other practitioners.

It is evident that many specialised journals in thermal and, to some extent, in fluid disciplines tend to focus on topics that can be classified as fundamental in nature, or are `applied? and near-market. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress will bridge the gap between these two areas, allowing authors to make an easy choice, should they or a journal editor feel that their papers are `out of scope? when considering other journals.

The range of topics covered by Thermal Science and Engineering Progress addresses the rapid rate of development being made in thermal transfer processes as they affect traditional fields, and important growth in the topical research areas of aerospace, thermal biological and medical systems, electronics and nano-technologies, renewable energy systems, food production (including agriculture), and the need to minimise man-made thermal impacts on climate change.

Review articles on appropriate topics for TSEP are encouraged. Before submitting such articles, please contact one of the Editors, or a member of the Editorial Advisory Board with an outline of your proposal and your expertise in the area of your review. This should be done by completing this questionnaire (which includes a note on submission after approval by an Editor).

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Thermal Science and Engineering Progress

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Gender diversity of editors

  • 82%man

  • 18%woman

  • 0%non-binary or gender diverse

  • 0%prefer not to disclose

Data represents responses from 85.00% of 20 editors

Editorial board by country/region

62 editors and editorial board members in 24 countries/regions

  1. United Kingdom (15)
  2. China (10)
  3. United States of America (6)

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Editorial board


Photo of David Reay, MSc

David Reay, MSc

David Reay and Associates, Whitley Bay, United Kingdom

Process intensification,  Compact heat exchangers,  Heat pumps,  Energy recovery,  Heat pipes and Thermal control,  Process thermal technologies,  Heat pipes,  Enhanced heat and mass transfer,  Carbon capture

Photo of Barbara Sturm, PhD

Barbara Sturm, PhD

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam, Germany

Energy efficiency,  Renewable energies,  Drying,  Systems engineering,  (thermo-) Fluid dynamics

Executive Editor

Photo of Hussam Jouhara, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, FIEI, FCIBSE

Hussam Jouhara, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, FIEI, FCIBSE

Brunel University London, London, United Kingdom

Heat pipes, Heat Energy Storage, Cryogenic heat transfer systems, Single and two-phase heat transfer, Waste heat recovery systems, Heat pipe based solar collectors, Development of sizing tools of heat exchangers, Energy active shelves, Thermal management 

Associate Editors

Photo of Evangelos Bellos, PhD

Evangelos Bellos, PhD

National Technical University of Athens, Zografos, Greece

Solar Energy, Refrigeration, Thermodynamics, Concentrating Solar Power, Nanofluids,  Polygeneration, Nanofluids, Thermal enhancement

Photo of Nick Bennett, PhD

Nick Bennett, PhD

University of Technology Sydney, Broadway, Australia

Energy generation,  Conversion and storage,  Manufacturing processes and technologies,  Ccomposite and hybrid materials

Photo of Vincenzo Bianco, PhD

Vincenzo Bianco, PhD

University of Genoa, Genova, Italy

Energy Planning and Policy, Energy Efficiency, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Energy Economics, Renewables

Photo of Qihong Deng, PhD

Qihong Deng, PhD

Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

Early life exposure, Air pollution, Healthy cities, Environmental epidemiology, Environmental health, Health effects of global warming

Photo of Pradip Dutta, PhD

Pradip Dutta, PhD

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Development of advanced energy technologies related to solar energy, Cooling of electronics, Spacecraft thermal management and on thermal technologies related to phase change, Heat transfer, Thermal storage, Cooling technologies, Solar thermal, Computational modelling

Photo of Richard Law, PhD

Richard Law, PhD

Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Heat Transfer Enhancement,  Process Intensification,  Energy Storage,  Transport Processes,  Waste Heat Recovery

Photo of Amanda Lea-Langton, PhD

Amanda Lea-Langton, PhD

The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Development of future fuels, Emissions minimisation, Efficient use of biomass, and sustainable transport solutions

Photo of Simone Mancin, PhD

Simone Mancin, PhD

University of Padua, Padova, Italy

Advanced single- and two- phase heat transfer solutions for refrigeration, Air conditioning and electronics cooling applications

Photo of Alina Adriana Minea, PhD

Alina Adriana Minea, PhD

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Iași, Romania

Nanomaterials, Nanofluids, Heat transfer, Thermal conductivity, Rheology, Specific heat, Electrical conductivity, Phase change materials

Photo of Abozar Nasirahmadi, PhD

Abozar Nasirahmadi, PhD

University of Kassel Chair of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Witzenhausen, Germany

Artificial Intelligence,  Signal Processing,  Machine Vision,  Process Modelling and Optimization

Photo of Daniel Onwude, PhD

Daniel Onwude, PhD

EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, DUEBENDORF, Switzerland

Computational fluid dynamic, Mechanistic modeling, Digital twins, Drying Technology, Postharvest Technology, Agricultural Engineering, Food preservation and processing

Photo of Sharvari Raut, PhD

Sharvari Raut, PhD

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam, Germany

System process engineering,  Drying,  Thermal food processing,  Chemical engineering,  Measurement and control

Photo of Guilherme Ribeiro, PhD

Guilherme Ribeiro, PhD

Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil

Thermodynamics, Refrigeration, Heat Exchangers, Boiling, Energy Conversion, Air-conditioning, Power cycles, Thermal management

Photo of Bidyut Baran Saha, PhD

Bidyut Baran Saha, PhD

Kyushu University International Institute for Carbon-neutral Energy Research, Fukuoka, Japan

Adsorption, Heat transfer enhancement, Renewable energy systems, Refrigeration, Thermodynamics, Energy policy

Photo of Md Irfanul Haque Siddiqui, PhD

Md Irfanul Haque Siddiqui, PhD

King Saud University Mechanical Engineering Department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Heat and mass trasfer, Computional Fluid Dynamics, Modeling and Simulation, Thermal Energy Storage, Molten Metals, Solar Energy

Photo of Valentina Stojceska, PhD

Valentina Stojceska, PhD

Brunel University London, London, United Kingdom

Sustainability,  Life cycle assessment,  Energy efficiency,  Renewable energy,  Food processing

Photo of Changying Zhao, PhD

Changying Zhao, PhD

Shanghai Jiao Tong University - MinHang Campus, Shanghai, China

Heat transfer,  Thermal radiation,  Electronics cooling,  Smart energy system,  Micro/nano-scale thermal radiation,  Novel energy storage,  Phase change heat transfer in porous media

Editorial Board

Photo of Atsushi Akisawa, Dr

Atsushi Akisawa, Dr

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo, Japan

Thermally driven heat pumps, Combined heat and power, Distributed energy systems, Solar thermal, Energy system analysis

Photo of Raya Al-Dadah, PhD

Raya Al-Dadah, PhD

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Adsorption,  heat transfer enhancement,  solar energy,  organic Rankine Cycle,  Desiccant cooling

Photo of Waseem Amjad, PhD

Waseem Amjad, PhD

University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faisalābād, Pakistan

Solar thermal applications in agricultural processes,  Decentralized energy solutions,  Thermal process analysis and energy auditing,  Process optimization,  exergetic based thermal analysis. ANSYS-CFX,  CFD modeling,  Energy and exergy based thermal analysis

Abderrahmane Baïri, PhD

Paris-Nanterre University Thermal and Energetics Engineering Department, Ville d'Avray, France

Heat transfer,  Natural convection,  Fluid dynamics,  Nanofluid,  Numerical and experimental methods,  Applied energy,  Modelling,   simulation,  CFD,  thin films and nanotechnology,  Engineering thermodynamics

Photo of Pradeep K. Bansal, PhD

Pradeep K. Bansal, PhD

Satya International Ltd, Greenwood, Indiana, United States of America

Refrigeration,  Energy efficiency,  Heat transfer,  Appliances

Michael Bantle, PhD

SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway

Drying,  Heat pump technology,  High temperature industrial heat pumps

Photo of Huashan Bao, PhD

Huashan Bao, PhD

Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom

Thermochemical sorption,  Low grade heat recovery,  Thermal energy storage,  Sorption heating and Cooling

Photo of Miqdam Tariq Chaichan, MSc

Miqdam Tariq Chaichan, MSc

University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

Renewable and Sustainable Energy,  Nano-PCM,  PV/T,  Paraffin,  Hydrogen combustion

Photo of Xiangjie Chen, PhD

Xiangjie Chen, PhD

Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom

Heat transfer,  Energy in buildings,  Air conditioning,  Heat recovery

Photo of Xiao Dong Chen, PhD

Xiao Dong Chen, PhD

Soochow University, School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Suzhou, China

In-Vitro GIT technologies,  Drying,  Fouling and Cleaning,  Powder Technology,  Bioinspired Chemical Engineering

Photo of Umberto Desideri, PhD

Umberto Desideri, PhD

University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Energy engineering,  Hydrogen and Fuel Cells,  Energy storage,  Renewable Energy,  Energy efficiency,   Power generation,   Carbon capture,  Life cycle assessment

Photo of Ibrahim Dincer, PhD

Ibrahim Dincer, PhD

Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Sustainable energy technologies,  Renewables,  hydrogen and fuel cell technologies,  Energy storage,  Alternative fuels,  Exergy analysis,  Thermal energy storage,  Heat transfer

Photo of El-Genk, PhD

El-Genk, PhD

The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States of America

Boiling heat Transfer,  Space Nuclear Power,  heat pipes and thermal management,  Liquid metals coolants

Photo of Yunhua Gan, PhD

Yunhua Gan, PhD

South China University of Technology School of Electric Power, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Combustion and flame, Heat Transfer, Thermal management, Electrospray, Energy conversion and saving, Microscale combustion, Microscale heat transfer, Heat pipe

Photo of Rohit Gupta, PhD

Rohit Gupta, PhD

University College London, London, United Kingdom

Heat Transfer, Electronics Cooling, Machine Learning, Thermodynamic Modelling, Chemical Process Modelling, Life Cycle Assessment, Techno-economics, Systems Integration, Net-zero Technologies

Photo of Kamel Hooman, PhD

Kamel Hooman, PhD

Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands

Heat exchangers, Cooling towers, Energy, Porous media, Applied heat transfer, Modelling, Experimental techniques, Numerical simulation, Thermal management, Energy storage, Heat transformation

Dengwei Jing, PhD

Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xian, China

Multiphase Flow,  Hydrogen Energy,  Heat and Mass Transfer,  Biomass,  Energy conversion and utilisation,  Energy systems analysis,  Heat exchangers

Photo of Tassos Karayiannis, PhD

Tassos Karayiannis, PhD

Brunel University London College of Engineering Design and Physical Sciences, London, United Kingdom

Single and Two-Phase Heat Transfer,  Thermal Systems,  Renewables 

Photo of Jun Li, PhD

Jun Li, PhD

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America

Heat transfer,  Surface science,  Multiphase flow,  Microchannels,  Energy conversion systems

Photo of Zhijian Liu, PhD

Zhijian Liu, PhD

North China Electric Power University - Baoding Campus, Baoding, China

Indoor air quality,  ,  , bioaerosol transmission, exposure risk, healthy buildings, building ventilation, microbial contamination

Photo of Yiji Lu, BEng (Hons), MPhil, PhD

Yiji Lu, BEng (Hons), MPhil, PhD

University of Glasgow James Watt School of Engineering, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Future Energy Systems,  Energy Storage and Conversion,  Renewable/Clean Energy Research,  Alternative/Cleaner Fuels

Photo of Oronzio Manca, MSc

Oronzio Manca, MSc

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Department of Engineering, Aversa, Italy

Convective heat transfer,  Heat transfer in Porous Media,  Nanofluids,  Thermal Energy Storage

Yuri F. Maydanik, PhD

FSBSI Institute of Thermal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Heat transfer,  Heat exchangers,  Loop heat pipes,  Thermal management

Photo of Soheil Mohtaram, PhD

Soheil Mohtaram, PhD

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shanghai, China

Energy Systems, Thermophysics, Energy and Economics, Turbomachinery, Renewable Energy, Thermal Engineering, Energy Conversion, Energy Efficiency, CO2 Capturing

Photo of Luca Montorsi, PhD

Luca Montorsi, PhD

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

Energy Conversion Systems, Numerical Modelling, Thermo-fluid Dynamics, Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes, Engines, Renewable energy, Waste heat recovery, Carbon capture, Cogeneration

Photo of S. Srinivasa Murthy, PhD

S. Srinivasa Murthy, PhD

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Sorption Heating and Cooling,  Thermal Energy Storage,  Solid State Hydrogen Storage

Photo of Ahmad Mustaffar, PhD

Ahmad Mustaffar, PhD

Energy storage, Machine learning, Digital health, Biomedical diagnostics

Photo of Hakan Oztop, PhD

Hakan Oztop, PhD

Firat University, Elazığ, Turkey

Nanofluids, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy, CFD, Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering

Björn Palm, PhD

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Compact heat exchangers,  Refrigeration,  Two-phase flow

Photo of Aditya Parmar, PhD

Aditya Parmar, PhD

University of Greenwich Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, United Kingdom

Food supply chains,  Solar thermal energy,  Thermal processing,  Drying

Michael Pate, PhD

Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, United States of America

Alternative energy,  Nuclear energy,  Green building technology,  Refrigeration,  Heat transfer and heat exchangers

Photo of Petros A. Pilavachi, PhD

Petros A. Pilavachi, PhD

Panepistemio Dytikes Makedonias, Kozani, Greece

Heat recovery and heat exchangers,  Energy conservation,  Process intensification,  Renewable energies

Photo of Muhammad Wakil Shahzad, PhD

Muhammad Wakil Shahzad, PhD

Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

System design engineering, Thermal energy storage, Heating and cooling, Heat and Mass transfer, Life cycle costing

Photo of Igor Shevchuk, PhD

Igor Shevchuk, PhD

TH Köln University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany

Forced convective heat and mass transfer, natural and mixed convection, rotating and swirl flows, microscale and nanoscale heat and mass transfer, heat transfer enhancement, cooling systems

Photo of Guihua Tang, PhD

Guihua Tang, PhD

Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xian, China

Thermoelectrics,  Condensation,  Heat transfer enhancement

Photo of Samuel Kofi Tulashie, PhD

Samuel Kofi Tulashie, PhD

University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

Separation Engineering, Process Safety, Biomass and Bioenergy, Construction and Building Materials and Recycling, Biomass and Bioenergy, Enantioselective Crystallization, Process Safety, Environmental Recycling

Hua Sheng Wang, PhD

Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom

Heat transfer,  Micro-channel heat exchangers,  Boiling and condensation,  Heat pumps

Photo of Jun Wang, PhD

Jun Wang, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering Physics, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America

Safety and Reliability,  Severe Accident,  Advanced Reactors,  Multi-physical Simulation,  Artificial Intelligence,  Nuclear power safety,  Two-phase flow,  CFD,  Critical heat flux prediction,  Deep learning

Photo of Yun Wang, PhD

Yun Wang, PhD

University of California Irvine, Irvine, California, United States of America

Complex Multi-phase Flow,  Advanced Hydrogen Storage,  High Power Fuel Cells,  New Batteries,  Efficient Cooling,  High-resolution Neutron/Optical Imaging,  Advanced Fabrication,  MD,  Machine Learning

Photo of Wei Wu, PhD

Wei Wu, PhD

City University of Hong Kong School of Energy and Environment, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Advanced heat pump, Novel working fluid, Thermal energy storage, Thermal management, Renewable energy utilization, Net-zero energy building, PV cooling, Absorption and desorption

Jinliang Xu, PhD

North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China

heat transfer

Photo of Yuying Yan, PhD

Yuying Yan, PhD

University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Heat transfer, Phase change, Thermal management, Heat pipes, Energy storage

Photo of Biao Zhou, PhD

Biao Zhou, PhD

China University of Mining and Technology - Beijing, Beijing, China

Energy saving in buildings, Lithium-ion battery thermal management, Fire safety, Combustion, Fluorinated fluids, external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS), Halon

All members of the Editorial Board have identified their affiliated institutions or organizations, along with the corresponding country or geographic region. Elsevier remains neutral with regard to any jurisdictional claims.

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