



try(destroyDialog TKT)catch()
rollout TKT "批量导出" width:248 height:544
	global StartTime
	global EndTime
	local theClasses = exporterPlugin.classes
	local The_INI_Path = ((GetDir #userScripts) + "/N00BY_Scripts/Export_Settings_1_8_3.ini")
	local TheChildren = #()
	local CollisionMeshes = #()
	local MeshesToSelect = #()
	local LinkedToDummy = False
	global TheSelection = #()
	checkbox 'MoveToCenter' "移动到[0,0,0]" pos:[16,62] width:96 height:15 checked:true toolTip:"导出前将对象移动到原点,但保留其当前位置." align:#left
	checkbox 'ResetX' "重置变换" pos:[16,86] width:85 height:15 checked:true toolTip:"导出前重置对象几何体。原始对象保持不变。" align:#left
	checkbox 'ConvertToEditableMesh' "转换为可编辑网格" pos:[16,110] width:141 height:15 checked:true toolTip:"将对象导出为可编辑网格。这样可以避免一些奇怪的错误,有时原始对象保持不变." align:#left
	checkbox 'MergeAllNodes' "合并所有节点" pos:[16,136] width:101 height:15 checked:true align:#left tooltip:"如果作为点辅助对象或虚拟对象的父对象:\请在导出之前合并对象."
	checkbox 'NameChange' "更改名称" pos:[16,192] width:91 height:15 toolTip:"将以下字符串添加到导出的对象名称中。场景中对象的名称保持不变." align:#left
	edittext 'prefix' "" pos:[10,213] width:70 height:17 align:#left
	edittext 'suffix' "" pos:[157,213] width:70 height:17 align:#left
	label 'lbl1' "+ 物体名称 +" pos:[86,213] width:68 height:25 align:#left
	checkbox 'AddCollision' "添加碰撞" pos:[16,280] width:96 height:15 toolTip:"将具有相同名称和以下前缀的所有网格合并导出每个对象." align:#left
	edittext 'UCXMeshName' "前缀" pos:[120,280] width:104 height:17 align:#left text:"UCX_"
	dropdownList 'ExportFormat' "格式" pos:[14,385] width:70 height:40 items:#("FBX", "OBJ", "3DS", "DWG", "DXF", "ABC", "SAT", "DAE", "IGS", "W3D", "FLT", "ASE", "DWF", "VRSCENE", "MAX") align:#left
	dropdownList 'ExportPaths' "路径" pos:[14,426] width:192 height:40 toolTip:"Right click to open selected folder ;)" align:#left
	button 'Browse' "..." pos:[210,444] width:25 height:21 toolTip:"浏览导出文件夹。右击可清除列表" align:#left
	button 'Export_Button' "导出所选内容" pos:[8,482] width:232 height:54 toolTip:"导出所选内容." align:#left
	GroupBox 'GeometryGroupBox' "几何体" pos:[8,38] width:232 height:122 align:#left
	GroupBox 'NameGroupBox' "名称" pos:[8,168] width:232 height:80 align:#left
	GroupBox 'CollisionGroupBox' "碰撞" pos:[8,256] width:232 height:56 align:#left
	GroupBox 'GeneralGroupBox' "常规" pos:[8,315] width:232 height:159 align:#left
	checkbox 'ShowPrompt' "导出前显示提示" pos:[16,338] width:150 height:15 checked:true toolTip:"导出前显示对话框(取决于格式)" align:#left
	checkbox 'Show_Dialog' "导出后显示对话框" pos:[16,362] width:140 height:15 checked:false align:#left
	label 'version' "v2.2" pos:[12,14] width:60 height:16 align:#left

-- ***********************************************************************************************************************************
-- **************************************************  FUNCTIONS  ********************************************************************
-- ***********************************************************************************************************************************

	fn GetINISettings = -- Get / save settings from .ini file
		if (getfiles The_INI_Path).count != 0 then
			Global DialogPositionExportTool = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Dialog_Position" "DialogPositionExportTool")
			ExportPaths.items = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Paths" "Export_Paths")
			if ExportPaths.items.count == 0 do
				temp01 = GetDir #export
				insertItem temp01 ExportPaths.items 1
				ExportPaths.items = makeUniqueArray ExportPaths.items
-- 				ExportPathsPersistent = ExportPaths.items
				setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Paths" "Export_Paths" (ExportPaths.items as string)
			ExportFormat.selection = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Format" "Selected_Format")
			prefix.text = getINISetting The_INI_Path "Texts" "Name_Prefix"
			suffix.text = getINISetting The_INI_Path "Texts" "Name_Suffix"
			UCXMeshName.text = getINISetting The_INI_Path "Texts" "Collision_Prefix"
			MoveToCenter.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "MoveToCenter")
			ResetX.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "ResetX")
			ConvertToEditableMesh.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "ConvertToEditableMesh")
			NameChange.Checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "NameChange")
			AddCollision.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "AddCollision")
			MergeAllNodes.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "MergeAllNodes")
			ShowPrompt.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "Show_Prompt")
			Show_Dialog.checked = execute (getINISetting The_INI_Path "Checkboxes" "Show_Dialog")
			DialogPositionExportTool = GetDialogPos TKT
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Dialog_Position" "DialogPositionExportTool" (GetDialogPos TKT as string)
			temp01 = GetDir #export
			insertItem temp01 ExportPaths.items 1
			ExportPaths.items = makeUniqueArray ExportPaths.items
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Paths" "Export_Paths" (ExportPaths.items as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Format" "Selected_Format" (ExportFormat.selection as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Texts" "Name_Prefix" (prefix.text as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Texts" "Name_Suffix" (suffix.text as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Texts" "Collision_Prefix" (UCXMeshName.text as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "MoveToCenter" (MoveToCenter.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "ResetX" (ResetX.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "ConvertToEditableMesh" (ConvertToEditableMesh.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "NameChange" (NameChange.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "AddCollision" (AddCollision.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "MergeAllNodes" (MergeAllNodes.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "Show_Prompt" (ShowPrompt.checked as string)
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "Show_Dialog" (Show_Dialog.checked as string)
	fn FindExporterClass TheClass =
		Counter = 1
		for i in theClasses do
			if i as string == TheClass then
				return Counter
			Counter += 1
		if Counter == theClasses.count then return 0
	fn GetExporterClass = -- Get exporter class corresponding to the selected format
		case ExportFormat.selection of
			1 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "FBXEXP"								--FBX
			2 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "ObjExp"								--OBJ
			3 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "3D_StudioExporterPlugin"		--3DS
			4 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "DWG_ExportExporterPlugin"	--DWG
			5 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "DWG_Export"						--DXF
			6 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "Alembic_Export"					--ABC
			7 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "ACIS_SAT"							--SAT
			8 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "DAEEXP"								--DAE
			9 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "IGES_Export"						--IGS
			10 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "SW3D_Exp"						--W3D
			11 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "OpenFltExport"					--FLT
			12 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "AsciiExp"							--ASE
			13 : ExporterClass = FindExporterClass "DWF_Exporter"					--DWF
			14 : ExporterClass = (-1)															--VRSCENE
			15 : ExporterClass = (-2)							--MAX
		return ExporterClass
	fn GetRoot obj = -- Get the root of obj
		while obj.parent != undefined do obj = obj.parent
		return obj
	fn SelectObjAndCollisionMeshes obj UcxMeshes InitialUCXPos =
		if LinkedToDummy == True then
			for i in CollisionMeshes do i.pos = obj.pos
			if MergeAllNodes.checked == False then select (CollisionMeshes + MeshesToSelect)
			else select (CollisionMeshes + obj)
			execute("select $" + UCXMeshName.text + + "*")
			for i in selection do
				append InitialUCXPos i.pos
				i.pos = obj.pos
				append UcxMeshes i
			select (UcxMeshes + obj)
	fn GetAllChildren obj TheChildren = -- Get all the children of obj and append them to TheChildren
		if obj.children != undefined then
		for i in obj.children do
			appendifunique TheChildren i
			GetAllChildren i TheChildren
	fn MergeChildren TheRoot CollisionMeshes = -- Merge all the children of TheRoot and return them as a collapsed mesh,  and store collision meshes in CollisionMeshes (snap collision pivot point on root)
		free TheChildren
		free CollisionMeshes
		free MeshesToSelect
		MeshesToMerge = #()
		GetAllChildren TheRoot TheChildren
		for i in TheChildren do
			if UCXMeshName.text != "" and matchPattern pattern:(UCXMeshName.text + "*") then
				if AddCollision.checked then
					NewObj = copy i =
					NewObj.parent = TheRoot
					NewObj.pivot = TheRoot.pos
					appendifunique CollisionMeshes NewObj
				if MergeAllNodes.checked == true then
					if superClassOf i != GeometryClass then
						-- nothing ^^
						NewObj = copy i
						NewObj.parent = none
						collapseStack NewObj
						resetxform NewObj
						if classOf NewObj != Editable_Poly then convertTo NewObj Editable_Poly
						append MeshesToMerge NewObj
					append MeshesToSelect i

		if MergeAllNodes.checked == true then
			FirstObj = MeshesToMerge[1]
			for i = 2 to MeshesToMerge.count do
				FirstObj.attach MeshesToMerge[i] FirstObj
			FirstObj.parent = none
			FirstObj.pivot = TheRoot.pos
			FirstObj.transform = TheRoot.transform =
			return FirstObj
			return TheRoot
	fn SortSelection SelectionList = -- If any of the selected objects is linked to a dummy or a point helper, then keep this helper only in the selection
	( -- if no parent or no helper then keep a copy of the selected objects in the selection
		local NewSelectionList = #()
		for i in SelectionList do
			TheRoot = GetRoot i
			if classOf (TheRoot) == Dummy or classOf (TheRoot) == Point then appendifunique NewSelectionList TheRoot
				NewObj = copy i =
				append NewSelectionList NewObj
		return NewSelectionList
	fn AddFormatToName TheName = -- Adds the format at the end of the name to avoid bug when exporting object that contains a '.' in its name
		case ExportFormat.selection of
			1 : TheName = (TheName + ".FBX")
			2 : TheName = (TheName + ".OBJ")
			3 : TheName = (TheName + ".3DS")
			4 : TheName = (TheName + ".DMG")
			5 : TheName = (TheName + ".DXF")
			6 : TheName = (TheName + ".ABC")
			7 : TheName = (TheName + ".SAT")
			8 : TheName = (TheName + ".DAE")
			9 : TheName = (TheName + ".IGS")
			10 : TheName = (TheName + ".W3D")
			11 : TheName = (TheName + ".FLT")
			12 : TheName = (TheName + ".ASE")
			13 : TheName = (TheName + ".DWF")
			14 : TheName = (TheName + ".VRSCENE")
			15 : TheName = (TheName + ".MAX")
		return TheName

	fn Export_Stuff obj ExporterClass = -- Make the actual export with the right name, format and collisions
		if AddCollision.checked then
			UcxMeshes = #()
			InitialUCXPos = #()
			SelectObjAndCollisionMeshes obj UcxMeshes InitialUCXPos
			if MergeAllNodes.checked == False and LinkedToDummy == True then
			/*if ExporterClass == -2 then
				free TheChildren
				GetAllChildren obj TheChildren
				appendifunique TheChildren obj
				select TheChildren
			else*/ select MeshesToSelect
			else select obj
		if ExportCounter == 0 and Show_Dialog.checked then StartTime = timeGetTime()
		if ExporterClass == -2 and ExportFormat.selection != 2 then
			if NameChange.checked then TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" + Prefix.text + + Suffix.text)
			else TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" +

			TheObjName = AddFormatToName TheObjName
			saveNodes $ TheObjName
			if ShowPrompt.checked then  --ExportCounter == 0 and ShowPrompt.checked then
				if NameChange.checked then TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" + Prefix.text + + Suffix.text)
				else TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" +
				TheObjName = AddFormatToName TheObjName


				--FBXExporterSetParam "ASCII" False
				--FBXExporterSetParam "Cameras" False
				--FBXExporterSetParam "FileVersion" "FBX201500"
				--FBXExporterSetParam "Lights" False
				--FBXExporterSetParam "UpAxis" "Y"
				--FBXExporterSetParam "ConvertUnit" "Centimeters"
				--FBXExporterSetParam "ScaleFactor" 1.0
				--FBXExporterSetParam "BakeAnimation" False
				-- FBXExporterSetParam "LoadPreset" "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\3dsmax\\FBX\\3dsMax2024_X64\\Presets\\export\\用户定义.fbxexportpreset"

				exportFile TheObjName  selectedOnly:true using:FBXEXP
				if NameChange.checked then TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" + Prefix.text + + Suffix.text)
				else TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" +
				TheObjName = AddFormatToName TheObjName

				FBXExporterSetParam "ASCII" False
				FBXExporterSetParam "Cameras" False
				FBXExporterSetParam "FileVersion" "FBX201600"
				FBXExporterSetParam "Lights" False
				FBXExporterSetParam "UpAxis" "Y"
				FBXExporterSetParam "ConvertUnit" "cm"
				FBXExporterSetParam "BakeAnimation" False

				exportFile TheObjName #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:FBXEXP
		if AddCollision.checked then
			if LinkedToDummy then
				for i = CollisionMeshes.count to 1 by -1 do delete CollisionMeshes[i]
				for j = 1 to UcxMeshes.count do UcxMeshes[j].pos = InitialUCXPos[j]
		if MergeAllNodes.checked == True or LinkedToDummy == False then delete obj

-- ***********************************************************************************************************************************
-- **************************************************  EVENTS  ***********************************************************************
-- ***********************************************************************************************************************************

	on TKT open do
		windows.sendmessage ExportPaths.hwnd[1] 352 450 0
		if DialogPositionExportTool != undefined do SetDialogPos TKT DialogPositionExportTool
		if ExportFormat.selection == 14 then
			AddCollision.enabled = false
			UCXMeshName.enabled = false
			AddCollision.enabled = true
			UCXMeshName.enabled = true

		if MergeAllNodes.checked == False then
			ResetX.enabled = False
			ConvertToEditableMesh.enabled = False
		else if MergeAllNodes.checked == True then
			ResetX.enabled = True
			ConvertToEditableMesh.enabled = True
	on TKT close do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Dialog_Position" "DialogPositionExportTool" (GetDialogPos TKT as string)
	on MoveToCenter changed MoveToCenterState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "MoveToCenter" (MoveToCenterState as string)
	on ResetX changed ResetXState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "ResetX" (ResetXState as string)
	on ConvertToEditableMesh changed ConvertToEditableMeshState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "ConvertToEditableMesh" (ConvertToEditableMeshState as string)
	on MergeAllNodes changed MergeAllNodesState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "MergeAllNodes" (MergeAllNodesState as string)
		if MergeAllNodesState == False then
			ResetX.enabled = False
			ConvertToEditableMesh.enabled = False
		else if MergeAllNodesState == True then
			ResetX.enabled = True
			ConvertToEditableMesh.enabled = True
	on NameChange changed NameChangeState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "NameChange" (NameChangeState as string)
	on prefix changed prefixText do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Texts" "Name_Prefix" (prefixText as string)
	on suffix changed suffixText do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Texts" "Name_Suffix" (suffixText as string)
	on AddCollision changed AddCollisionState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "AddCollision" (AddCollisionState as string)
	on UCXMeshName changed UCXMeshNameText do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Texts" "Collision_Prefix" (UCXMeshNameText as string)
	on ExportFormat selected ExportFormatSelection do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Format" "Selected_Format" (ExportFormatSelection as string)
		if ExportFormat.selection == 14 then
			AddCollision.enabled = false
			UCXMeshName.enabled = false
			AddCollision.enabled = true
			UCXMeshName.enabled = true
	on ExportPaths selected ExportPathsSelection do
		insertItem ExportPaths.selected ExportPaths.items 1
		ExportPaths.items = makeUniqueArray ExportPaths.items
		ExportPaths.selection = 1
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Paths" "Export_Paths" (ExportPaths.items as string)
	on ExportPaths rightClick do -- Open the selected path in windows explorer
		if ExportPaths.selected != undefined do shellLaunch "explorer.exe" ExportPaths.selected
	on Browse pressed do
		if ExportPaths.selected != undefined then Global ExportPath = getSavepath initialDir:ExportPaths.selected
		else Global ExportPath = getSavepath initialDir:(GetDir #export)
		if ExportPath != undefined do
			insertItem ExportPath ExportPaths.items 1
			ExportPaths.items = makeUniqueArray ExportPaths.items
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Paths" "Export_Paths" (ExportPaths.items as string)
	on Browse rightClick do
		if QueryBox "Are you sure you want to remove the selected path from the list ?" then
			ExportPaths.items = deleteItem ExportPaths.items 1
			setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Paths" "Export_Paths" (ExportPaths.items as string)
	on Export_Button pressed do
		undo off
			max create mode
			if selection.count == 0 then
				if TheSelection == undefined or TheSelection.count == 0 then
					MessageBox "Selection is empty !"
					return 0
					TheSelection = for node in TheSelection where isvalidnode node collect node -- Remove any deleted scene objects from TheSelection

					local SelectedObj = #()
					if TheSelection.count > 0 then SelectedObj = SortSelection TheSelection
						MessageBox "Selection is empty !"
						return 0
				TheSelection = selection as array
				local SelectedObj = SortSelection (selection as array)

			if ExportPaths.selected == undefined then
				MessageBox "Please select an export path ;)"
				return 0
			global ExportCounter = 0
			global ExporterClass
			ExporterClass = GetExporterClass()
			if ExporterClass == undefined or ExporterClass == 0 then
				MessageBox "Export plugin not found !"
				return 0
			if ExporterClass == (-1) then -- VRSCENE
				local UnHiddenObj = #()
				for o in objects do -- Make any visible object hidden and append them in UnHiddenObj
					if o.isHidden == false then
						append UnHiddenObj o
						o.isHidden = true
				StartTime = timeGetTime()
				ParentedToDummy = False
				for i in SelectedObj do -- VRSCENE export loop
					if classOf i == Dummy or classOf i == Point then
						ParentedToDummy = True
						free TheChildren
						GetAllChildren i TheChildren
						TheNewRoot = copy i =
						i = TheNewRoot
						for j in TheChildren do
							NewObj = copy j
							NewObj.parent = i
						free TheChildren
						GetAllChildren i TheChildren -- Fill TheChildren with the copies
					i.isHidden = false -- Unhide i
					if MoveToCenter.Checked then i.pos = [0,0,0]
					if ResetX.checked then
						if ParentedToDummy then
							for j in TheChildren do
								resetxform j
								collapseStack j
							resetxform i
							collapseStack i
					if ConvertToEditableMesh.Checked then
						if ParentedToDummy then
							for j in TheChildren do convertToMesh j
						else convertToMesh i
					if ParentedToDummy then
						for j in TheChildren do j.isHidden = False
					if NameChange.checked then TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" + Prefix.text + + Suffix.text)
					else TheObjName = (ExportPaths.selected + "\\" +

					TheObjName = AddFormatToName TheObjName
					if ParentedToDummy then
						for j in TheChildren do delete j
						delete i
					else delete i
					ExportCounter += 1
				for o in UnHiddenObj do -- Makes everything Unhidden
					if isValidNode o then o.isHidden = false
				if Show_Dialog.checked then

					EndTime = timeGetTime()
					ExportTime = (EndTime as float - StartTime as float) / 1000
					if QueryBox (ExportCounter as string + " object(s) exported successfully ;)\nExport took " + ExportTime as string + " seconds.\n\nOpen export folder ?") then
						shellLaunch "explorer.exe" ExportPaths.selected
				max modify mode
				select TheSelection
				return 0
			)-- End VRSCENE
			ParentedToDummy = False
			for obj in SelectedObj do -- Main export loop
				if classOf obj == Dummy or classOf obj == Point then
					obj = MergeChildren obj CollisionMeshes
					LinkedToDummy = True
				else LinkedToDummy = False
				if MoveToCenter.Checked then
					if MergeAllNodes.checked then obj.pos = [0,0,0]
						local InitialPos = obj.pos
						obj.pos = [0,0,0]

				if ResetX.checked and (MergeAllNodes.checked or LinkedToDummy == False) then
					resetxform obj
					collapseStack obj
				if ConvertToEditableMesh.Checked and (MergeAllNodes.checked or LinkedToDummy == False) then convertToMesh obj
				Export_Stuff obj ExporterClass
				ExportCounter += 1

				if MoveToCenter.Checked and MergeAllNodes.checked == False and LinkedToDummy then obj.pos = InitialPos
			select TheSelection
			if Show_Dialog.checked then
				EndTime = timeGetTime()
				ExportTime = (EndTime as float - StartTime as float) / 1000
				if QueryBox (ExportCounter as string + " object(s) exported successfully ;)\nExport took " + ExportTime as string + " seconds.\n\nOpen export folder ?") then
					shellLaunch "explorer.exe" ExportPaths.selected
			max modify mode
	on ShowPrompt changed ShowPromptState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "Show_Prompt" (ShowPromptState as string)
	on Show_Dialog changed Show_DialogState do
		setINISetting (The_INI_Path) "Checkboxes" "Show_Dialog" (Show_DialogState as string)

CreateDialog TKT style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


