ubuntu 18.04.1 ros工作空间创建 话题消息 服务消息 自定义消息



conda activate


conda deactivate


mkdir -p  ~/ros_basic/src




cd ..


cd ~/ros_basic/


sudo apt install tree


mkdri -p ~ros_basic/src
cd ros_basic/src
catkin init


mkdir -p  ~/ros_basic/src


cd ~/ros_basic/


catkin init


catkin build


tree ./


source devel/setup.bash

 创建功能包 依赖
cd ~/ros_basic/src需要到src文件下
catkin create pkg test_pkg -catkin_deps std_msgs roscpp rospy 名为test_pkg的功能包,依赖roscpp,rospy依赖
cd src/ 
catkin create pkg ros_communication --catkin-deps std_msgs roscpp rospy

catkin build ros_communication


cd ros_basic
catkin build+功能包


source devel/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash




发布者  talker.cpp

int main(int argc,char **argv){
	//ROS节点初始化 定义节点名称为talker
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::Publisher chatter_pub=n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter",1000);
	ros::Rate loop_rate(10);//休眼时间0.1s工作下一轮
	int count=0;
		std_msgs::String msg;
		std::stringstream ss;
		ss<<"hello world"<<count;
	return 0;

订阅者 listener.cpp

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg){
	ROS_INFO("I heard:{%s}",msg->data.c_str());
int main(int argc,char **argv){
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::Subscriber sub=n.subscribe("chatter",1000,chatterCallback);
	return 0;

CMakeLists.tx 修改

add_executable(talker src/talker.cpp)
add_dependencies(talker ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
target_link_libraries(talker ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
#add_dependencies(talker ${PROJECT_NAME}_generate_messages_cpp)
add_executable(listener src/listener.cpp)
add_dependencies(listener ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
target_link_libraries(listener ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
#add_dependencies(listener ${PROJECT_NAME}_generate_messages_cpp)


conda deactivate


source devel/setup.bash


catkin build ros_communication

报错处理 listener talker

Errors     << ros_communication:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_communication/build.check.000.log
CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_communication/CMakeLists.txt:129 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "listener" does
  not exist.

CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_communication/CMakeLists.txt:124 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "talker" does
  not exist.


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)




source devel/setup.bash




rosrun ros_communication talker
rosrun ros_communication listener


客户端 turtle_client.cpp

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <turtlesim/Spawn.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // 初始化ROS节点
	ros::init(argc, argv, "turtle_spawn");
    // 创建节点句柄
	ros::NodeHandle node;
    // 发现/spawn服务后,创建一个服务客户端,连接名为/spawn的service
	ros::ServiceClient add_turtle = node.serviceClient<turtlesim::Spawn>("/spawn");
    // 初始化turtlesim::Spawn的请求数据
	turtlesim::Spawn srv;
	srv.request.x = 5.0;
	srv.request.y = 3.0;
	srv.request.name = "turtle2";
    // 请求服务调用
	ROS_INFO("Call service to spawn turtle[x:%0.6f, y:%0.6f, name:%s]", 
			 srv.request.x, srv.request.y, srv.request.name.c_str());
	// 显示服务调用结果
	ROS_INFO("Spwan turtle successfully [name:%s]", srv.response.name.c_str());
	return 0;

服务端 turtle_server.cpp

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
#include <std_srvs/Trigger.h>
ros::Publisher turtle_vel_pub;
bool pubCommand = false;
// service回调函数,输入参数req,输出参数res
bool commandCallback(std_srvs::Trigger::Request  &req,
         			std_srvs::Trigger::Response &res)
	pubCommand = !pubCommand;
    // 显示请求数据
    ROS_INFO("Publish turtle velocity command [%s]", pubCommand==true?"Yes":"No");
	// 设置反馈数据
	res.success = true;
	res.message = "Change turtle command state!";
    return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // ROS节点初始化
    ros::init(argc, argv, "turtle_command_server");
    // 创建节点句柄
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    // 创建一个名为/turtle_command的server,注册回调函数commandCallback
    ros::ServiceServer command_service = n.advertiseService("/turtle_command", commandCallback);
	// 创建一个Publisher,发布名为/turtle1/cmd_vel的topic,消息类型为geometry_msgs::Twist,队列长度10
	turtle_vel_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/turtle1/cmd_vel", 10);
    // 循环等待回调函数
    ROS_INFO("Ready to receive turtle command.");
	// 设置循环的频率
	ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
		// 查看一次回调函数队列
		// 如果标志为true,则发布速度指令
			geometry_msgs::Twist vel_msg;
			vel_msg.linear.x = 0.5;
			vel_msg.angular.z = 0.2;
    return 0;



add_executable(turtle_server src/turtle_server.cpp)
#add_dependencies(turtle_server my_msg_srv_generate_messages_cpp)
add_dependencies(turtle_server ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
target_link_libraries(turtle_server ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_executable(turtle_client src/turtle_client.cpp)
#add_dependencies(turtle_client my_msg_srv_generate_messages_cpp)
add_dependencies(turtle_client ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
target_link_libraries(turtle_client ${catkin_LIBRARIES})


conda deactivate
cd ros_basic/
catkin build ros_communication



source devel/setup.bash
rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
rosservice list
rosrun  ros_communication turtle_client
rosrun  ros_communication turtle_server
rosservice call /turtle_command "{}"
rossrv show std_srvs/Trigger



cd src
catkin create pkg ros_define_data --catkin-deps std_msgs roscpp rospy

srv msg创建

ros_define_data包文件夹下创建srv msg文件夹



uint16 x
uint16 y
float64 z
float64 angle
float64 width



# request
uint16 x
uint16 y         # 键盘输入坐标点
# response
uint16 distance  # 几何距离

 msg 和srv文件内容


find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
  # 自定义消息时添加

  # Message2.msg
  # Service2.srv
#  INCLUDE_DIRS include
#  LIBRARIES ros_define_data
 CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy std_msgs geometry_msgs message_runtime
#  DEPENDS system_lib


  <!-- self define some message data -->


catkin build ros_define_data

设置变量  展示msg srv

cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
rosmsg show grasp
rossrv show grasp_




#include "ros/ros.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ros_define_data/grasp_.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // 初始化ros节点
    // 从命令行获取两个数
        ROS_INFO("usage:grasp_client X Y");
        return 1;
    // 创建节点句柄
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    // 创建一个client
    // 消息类型为ros_define_data::grasp_
    ros::ServiceClient client=n.serviceClient<ros_define_data::grasp_>("computing_distance");
    // 创建ros_define_data::grasp_类型的server消息
    ros_define_data::grasp_ srv;
    srv.request.x = atoll(argv[1]);
    srv.request.y = atoll(argv[2]);
    // 发布service消息,等待计算结果反馈回来,call表示发布服务请求了
        ROS_INFO("Distance:%ld",(long int)srv.response.distance);
        ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service computing_distance");
        return 1;
    return 0;


#include "ros/ros.h"
// 当前include文件夹中为本地地址devel下的include
#include <ros_define_data/grasp_.h>
// server设置回调函数,输入req,输出res
bool addCallback(ros_define_data::grasp_::Request &req,
                 ros_define_data::grasp_::Response &res){
    // 将输入参数中的请求数据相加,结果放到应答恢复中
    res.distance = req.x * req.x + req.y * req.y;
    ROS_INFO("request: x = %ld,y = %ld",(long int)req.x,(long int)req.y);
    ROS_INFO("response: distance = %ld",(long int)res.distance);
    return true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // ros节点初始化
    // 创建节点句柄
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    // 创建名为computing_distance的server,注册回调函数
    ros::ServiceServer service = n.advertiseService("computing_distance",addCallback);
    // 循环等待回调函数
    ROS_INFO("ready to computing distance");
    return 0;

client.cpp server.cpp放入src文件夹下

这两个文件和前面用的一样但要做一些路径修改 所以不用去复制前面的了,已经改好了



#CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy std_msgs geometry_msgs message_runtime

需要包含当前功能包文件,得取消122行注释 并打开

 不需要产生新的msg srv文件直接关了 74-77行 61-64行


add_executable(server src/server.cpp)
target_link_libraries(server ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(server ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
add_executable(client src/client.cpp)
target_link_libraries(client ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(client ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)


cd src
catkin build ros_define_data


Errors     << ros_define_data:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_define_data/build.check.000.log          
CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_define_data/CMakeLists.txt:131 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "client" does not

CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_define_data/CMakeLists.txt:127 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "server" does not

make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)


cd ros_basic
conda deactivate

cd ros_basic
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun ros_define_data
rosrun ros_define_data server

rosrun ros_define_data client 3 9



#include "ros/ros.h"
#include <ros_define_data/grasp.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    ros::Publisher grasp_info_pub = n.advertise<ros_define_data::grasp>("/grasp_info",10);
    ros::Rate loop_rate(1);
    int count = 0;
        // 初始化ros_define_data::grasp类型的消息
        ros_define_data::grasp grasp_msg;
        grasp_msg.x = 100;
        grasp_msg.y = 181;
        grasp_msg.z = 0.324;
        grasp_msg.angle = 1.252;
        grasp_msg.width = 3.05;
        // 发布消息
        ROS_INFO("Subcribe grasp Info: pos:(%d,%d),depth:%f,angle:%f,width:%f",
        // 按照循环频率延时
    return 0;


#include "ros/ros.h"
#include <ros_define_data/grasp.h>
// 接受到订阅的消息后,会进入消息回调函数
void GraspInfoCallback(const ros_define_data::grasp::ConstPtr& msg){
    ROS_INFO("Subcribe grasp Info: pos:(%d,%d),depth:%f,angle:%f,width:%f",
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // 初始化ros节点
    // 创建节点句柄
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    ros::Subscriber grasp_info_sub = n.subscribe("/grasp_info",10,GraspInfoCallback);
    // 循环等待回调函数
    return 0;




add_executable(publisher src/publisher.cpp)
add_dependencies(publisher ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
target_link_libraries(publisher ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_executable(subscriber src/subscriber.cpp)
add_dependencies(subscriber ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencpp)
target_link_libraries(subscriber  ${catkin_LIBRARIES})


cd ..
cd ros_basic
cd src
catkin build ros_define_data



cd ros_basic/
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun ros_define_data publisher

rosrun ros_define_data subscriber


chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
--2024-10-02 15:04:47--  https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
Resolving repo.anaconda.com (repo.anaconda.com)...,, 2606:4700::6810:bf9e, ...
Connecting to repo.anaconda.com (repo.anaconda.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 651745206 (622M) [application/x-sh]
Saving to: ‘Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh’

Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh       100%[======================================================================>] 621.55M  1.02MB/s    in 11m 30s  

2024-10-02 15:16:19 (922 KB/s) - ‘Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh’ saved [651745206/651745206]

chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ bash Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh

Welcome to Anaconda3 5.2.0

In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
Please, press ENTER to continue
Anaconda End User License Agreement

Copyright 2015, Anaconda, Inc.

All rights reserved under the 3-clause BSD License:

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distributio
  * Neither the name of Anaconda, Inc. ("Anaconda, Inc.") nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Notice of Third Party Software Licenses

Anaconda Distribution contains open source software packages from third parties. These are available on an "as is" basis and subject to their individual license agreements. These licenses are available in
 Anaconda Distribution or at http://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/pkg-docs. Any binary packages of these third party tools you obtain via Anaconda Distribution are subject to their individual licenses as wel
l as the Anaconda license. Anaconda, Inc. reserves the right to change which third party tools are provided in Anaconda Distribution.

In particular, Anaconda Distribution contains re-distributable, run-time, shared-library files from the Intel(TM) Math Kernel Library ("MKL binaries"). You are specifically authorized to use the MKL binar
ies with your installation of Anaconda Distribution. You are also authorized to redistribute the MKL binaries with Anaconda Distribution or in the conda package that contains them. Use and redistribution 
of the MKL binaries are subject to the licensing terms located at https://software.intel.com/en-us/license/intel-simplified-software-license. If needed, instructions for removing the MKL binaries after in
stallation of Anaconda Distribution are available at http://www.anaconda.com.

Anaconda Distribution also contains cuDNN software binaries from NVIDIA Corporation ("cuDNN binaries"). You are specifically authorized to use the cuDNN binaries with your installation of Anaconda Distrib
ution. You are also authorized to redistribute the cuDNN binaries with an Anaconda Distribution package that contains them. If needed, instructions for removing the cuDNN binaries after installation of An
aconda Distribution are available at http://www.anaconda.com.

Anaconda Distribution also contains Visual Studio Code software binaries from Microsoft Corporation ("VS Code"). You are specifically authorized to use VS Code with your installation of Anaconda Distribut
ion. Use of VS Code is subject to the licensing terms located at https://code.visualstudio.com/License.

Cryptography Notice

This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption softwa
re. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is perm
itted. See the Wassenaar Arrangement http://www.wassenaar.org/ for more information.

Anaconda, Inc. has self-classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D992b, which includes mass market information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with
 asymmetric algorithms. No license is required for export of this software to non-embargoed countries. In addition, the Intel(TM) Math Kernel Library contained in Anaconda, Inc.'s software is classified b
y Intel(TM) as ECCN 5D992b with no license required for export to non-embargoed countries and Microsoft's Visual Studio Code software is classified by Microsoft as ECCN 5D992.c with no license required fo
r export to non-embargoed countries.

The following packages are included in this distribution that relate to cryptography:

    The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SS
L) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library.

    A collection of both secure hash functions (such as SHA256 and RIPEMD160), and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, RSA, ElGamal, etc.).

    A thin Python wrapper around (a subset of) the OpenSSL library.

kerberos (krb5, non-Windows platforms)
    A network authentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography.

    A Python library which exposes cryptographic recipes and primitives.

Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> 
Please answer 'yes' or 'no':'
>>> yes

Anaconda3 will now be installed into this location:

  - Press ENTER to confirm the location
  - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
  - Or specify a different location below

[/home/chuanmei/anaconda3] >>> 
installing: python-3.6.5-hc3d631a_2 ...
Python 3.6.5 :: Anaconda, Inc.
installing: blas-1.0-mkl ...
installing: ca-certificates-2018.03.07-0 ...
installing: conda-env-2.6.0-h36134e3_1 ...
installing: intel-openmp-2018.0.0-8 ...
installing: libgcc-ng-7.2.0-hdf63c60_3 ...
installing: libgfortran-ng-7.2.0-hdf63c60_3 ...
installing: libstdcxx-ng-7.2.0-hdf63c60_3 ...
installing: bzip2-1.0.6-h14c3975_5 ...
installing: expat-2.2.5-he0dffb1_0 ...
installing: gmp-6.1.2-h6c8ec71_1 ...
installing: graphite2-1.3.11-h16798f4_2 ...
installing: icu-58.2-h9c2bf20_1 ...
installing: jbig-2.1-hdba287a_0 ...
installing: jpeg-9b-h024ee3a_2 ...
installing: libffi-3.2.1-hd88cf55_4 ...
installing: libsodium-1.0.16-h1bed415_0 ...
installing: libtool-2.4.6-h544aabb_3 ...
installing: libxcb-1.13-h1bed415_1 ...
installing: lzo-2.10-h49e0be7_2 ...
installing: mkl-2018.0.2-1 ...
installing: ncurses-6.1-hf484d3e_0 ...
installing: openssl-1.0.2o-h20670df_0 ...
installing: patchelf-0.9-hf79760b_2 ...
installing: pcre-8.42-h439df22_0 ...
installing: pixman-0.34.0-hceecf20_3 ...
installing: snappy-1.1.7-hbae5bb6_3 ...
installing: tk-8.6.7-hc745277_3 ...
installing: unixodbc-2.3.6-h1bed415_0 ...
installing: xz-5.2.4-h14c3975_4 ...
installing: yaml-0.1.7-had09818_2 ...
installing: zlib-1.2.11-ha838bed_2 ...
installing: blosc-1.14.3-hdbcaa40_0 ...
installing: glib-2.56.1-h000015b_0 ...
installing: hdf5-1.10.2-hba1933b_1 ...
installing: libedit-3.1.20170329-h6b74fdf_2 ...
installing: libpng-1.6.34-hb9fc6fc_0 ...
installing: libssh2-1.8.0-h9cfc8f7_4 ...
installing: libtiff-4.0.9-he85c1e1_1 ...
installing: libxml2-2.9.8-h26e45fe_1 ...
installing: mpfr-3.1.5-h11a74b3_2 ...
installing: pandoc- ...
installing: readline-7.0-ha6073c6_4 ...
installing: zeromq-4.2.5-h439df22_0 ...
installing: dbus-1.13.2-h714fa37_1 ...
installing: freetype-2.8-hab7d2ae_1 ...
installing: gstreamer-1.14.0-hb453b48_1 ...
installing: libcurl-7.60.0-h1ad7b7a_0 ...
installing: libxslt-1.1.32-h1312cb7_0 ...
installing: mpc-1.0.3-hec55b23_5 ...
installing: sqlite-3.23.1-he433501_0 ...
installing: curl-7.60.0-h84994c4_0 ...
installing: fontconfig-2.12.6-h49f89f6_0 ...
installing: gst-plugins-base-1.14.0-hbbd80ab_1 ...
installing: alabaster-0.7.10-py36h306e16b_0 ...
installing: asn1crypto-0.24.0-py36_0 ...
installing: attrs-18.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: backcall-0.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: backports-1.0-py36hfa02d7e_1 ...
installing: beautifulsoup4-4.6.0-py36h49b8c8c_1 ...
installing: bitarray-0.8.1-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: boto-2.48.0-py36h6e4cd66_1 ...
installing: cairo-1.14.12-h7636065_2 ...
installing: certifi-2018.4.16-py36_0 ...
installing: chardet-3.0.4-py36h0f667ec_1 ...
installing: click-6.7-py36h5253387_0 ...
installing: cloudpickle-0.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: colorama-0.3.9-py36h489cec4_0 ...
installing: contextlib2-0.5.5-py36h6c84a62_0 ...
installing: dask-core-0.17.5-py36_0 ...
installing: decorator-4.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: docutils-0.14-py36hb0f60f5_0 ...
installing: entrypoints-0.2.3-py36h1aec115_2 ...
installing: et_xmlfile-1.0.1-py36hd6bccc3_0 ...
installing: fastcache-1.0.2-py36h14c3975_2 ...
installing: filelock-3.0.4-py36_0 ...
installing: glob2-0.6-py36he249c77_0 ...
installing: gmpy2-2.0.8-py36hc8893dd_2 ...
installing: greenlet-0.4.13-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: heapdict-1.0.0-py36_2 ...
installing: idna-2.6-py36h82fb2a8_1 ...
installing: imagesize-1.0.0-py36_0 ...
installing: ipython_genutils-0.2.0-py36hb52b0d5_0 ...
installing: itsdangerous-0.24-py36h93cc618_1 ...
installing: jdcal-1.4-py36_0 ...
installing: kiwisolver-1.0.1-py36h764f252_0 ...
installing: lazy-object-proxy-1.3.1-py36h10fcdad_0 ...
installing: llvmlite-0.23.1-py36hdbcaa40_0 ...
installing: locket-0.2.0-py36h787c0ad_1 ...
installing: lxml-4.2.1-py36h23eabaa_0 ...
installing: markupsafe-1.0-py36hd9260cd_1 ...
installing: mccabe-0.6.1-py36h5ad9710_1 ...
installing: mistune-0.8.3-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: mkl-service-1.1.2-py36h17a0993_4 ...
installing: mpmath-1.0.0-py36hfeacd6b_2 ...
installing: msgpack-python-0.5.6-py36h6bb024c_0 ...
installing: multipledispatch-0.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: numpy-base-1.14.3-py36h9be14a7_1 ...
installing: olefile-0.45.1-py36_0 ...
installing: pandocfilters-1.4.2-py36ha6701b7_1 ...
installing: parso-0.2.0-py36_0 ...
installing: path.py-11.0.1-py36_0 ...
installing: pep8-1.7.1-py36_0 ...
installing: pickleshare-0.7.4-py36h63277f8_0 ...
installing: pkginfo-1.4.2-py36_1 ...
installing: pluggy-0.6.0-py36hb689045_0 ...
installing: ply-3.11-py36_0 ...
installing: psutil-5.4.5-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: ptyprocess-0.5.2-py36h69acd42_0 ...
installing: py-1.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: pycodestyle-2.4.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pycosat-0.6.3-py36h0a5515d_0 ...
installing: pycparser-2.18-py36hf9f622e_1 ...
installing: pycrypto-2.6.1-py36h14c3975_8 ...
installing: pycurl- ...
installing: pyodbc-4.0.23-py36hf484d3e_0 ...
installing: pyparsing-2.2.0-py36hee85983_1 ...
installing: pysocks-1.6.8-py36_0 ...
installing: pytz-2018.4-py36_0 ...
installing: pyyaml-3.12-py36hafb9ca4_1 ...
installing: pyzmq-17.0.0-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: qt-5.9.5-h7e424d6_0 ...
installing: qtpy-1.4.1-py36_0 ...
installing: rope-0.10.7-py36h147e2ec_0 ...
installing: ruamel_yaml-0.15.35-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: send2trash-1.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: simplegeneric-0.8.1-py36_2 ...
installing: sip-4.19.8-py36hf484d3e_0 ...
installing: six-1.11.0-py36h372c433_1 ...
installing: snowballstemmer-1.2.1-py36h6febd40_0 ...
installing: sortedcontainers-1.5.10-py36_0 ...
installing: sphinxcontrib-1.0-py36h6d0f590_1 ...
installing: sqlalchemy-1.2.7-py36h6b74fdf_0 ...
installing: tblib-1.3.2-py36h34cf8b6_0 ...
installing: testpath-0.3.1-py36h8cadb63_0 ...
installing: toolz-0.9.0-py36_0 ...
installing: tornado-5.0.2-py36_0 ...
installing: typing-3.6.4-py36_0 ...
installing: unicodecsv-0.14.1-py36ha668878_0 ...
installing: wcwidth-0.1.7-py36hdf4376a_0 ...
installing: webencodings-0.5.1-py36h800622e_1 ...
installing: werkzeug-0.14.1-py36_0 ...
installing: wrapt-1.10.11-py36h28b7045_0 ...
installing: xlrd-1.1.0-py36h1db9f0c_1 ...
installing: xlsxwriter-1.0.4-py36_0 ...
installing: xlwt-1.3.0-py36h7b00a1f_0 ...
installing: babel-2.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0-py36hfea85ff_2 ...
installing: cffi-1.11.5-py36h9745a5d_0 ...
installing: conda-verify-2.0.0-py36h98955d8_0 ...
installing: cycler-0.10.0-py36h93f1223_0 ...
installing: cytoolz- ...
installing: harfbuzz-1.7.6-h5f0a787_1 ...
installing: html5lib-1.0.1-py36h2f9c1c0_0 ...
installing: jedi-0.12.0-py36_1 ...
installing: more-itertools-4.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: networkx-2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: nltk-3.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: openpyxl-2.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: packaging-17.1-py36_0 ...
installing: partd-0.3.8-py36h36fd896_0 ...
installing: pathlib2-2.3.2-py36_0 ...
installing: pexpect-4.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pillow-5.1.0-py36h3deb7b8_0 ...
installing: pyqt-5.9.2-py36h751905a_0 ...
installing: python-dateutil-2.7.3-py36_0 ...
installing: qtawesome-0.4.4-py36h609ed8c_0 ...
installing: setuptools-39.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: singledispatch- ...
installing: sortedcollections-0.6.1-py36_0 ...
installing: sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.0.1-py36hb5cb234_1 ...
installing: sympy-1.1.1-py36hc6d1c1c_0 ...
installing: terminado-0.8.1-py36_1 ...
installing: traitlets-4.3.2-py36h674d592_0 ...
installing: zict-0.1.3-py36h3a3bf81_0 ...
installing: astroid-1.6.3-py36_0 ...
installing: bleach-2.1.3-py36_0 ...
installing: clyent-1.2.2-py36h7e57e65_1 ...
installing: cryptography-2.2.2-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: cython-0.28.2-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: distributed-1.21.8-py36_0 ...
installing: get_terminal_size-1.0.0-haa9412d_0 ...
installing: gevent-1.3.0-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: isort-4.3.4-py36_0 ...
installing: jinja2-2.10-py36ha16c418_0 ...
installing: jsonschema-2.6.0-py36h006f8b5_0 ...
installing: jupyter_core-4.4.0-py36h7c827e3_0 ...
installing: navigator-updater-0.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: nose-1.3.7-py36hcdf7029_2 ...
installing: pango-1.41.0-hd475d92_0 ...
installing: pyflakes-1.6.0-py36h7bd6a15_0 ...
installing: pygments-2.2.0-py36h0d3125c_0 ...
installing: pytest-3.5.1-py36_0 ...
installing: wheel-0.31.1-py36_0 ...
installing: flask-1.0.2-py36_1 ...
installing: jupyter_client-5.2.3-py36_0 ...
installing: nbformat-4.4.0-py36h31c9010_0 ...
installing: pip-10.0.1-py36_0 ...
installing: prompt_toolkit-1.0.15-py36h17d85b1_0 ...
installing: pylint-1.8.4-py36_0 ...
installing: pyopenssl-18.0.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pytest-openfiles-0.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pytest-remotedata-0.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: flask-cors-3.0.4-py36_0 ...
installing: ipython-6.4.0-py36_0 ...
installing: nbconvert-5.3.1-py36hb41ffb7_0 ...
installing: urllib3-1.22-py36hbe7ace6_0 ...
installing: ipykernel-4.8.2-py36_0 ...
installing: requests-2.18.4-py36he2e5f8d_1 ...
installing: anaconda-client-1.6.14-py36_0 ...
installing: jupyter_console-5.2.0-py36he59e554_1 ...
installing: notebook-5.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: qtconsole-4.3.1-py36h8f73b5b_0 ...
installing: sphinx-1.7.4-py36_0 ...
installing: anaconda-navigator-1.8.7-py36_0 ...
installing: anaconda-project-0.8.2-py36h44fb852_0 ...
installing: jupyterlab_launcher-0.10.5-py36_0 ...
installing: numpydoc-0.8.0-py36_0 ...
installing: widgetsnbextension-3.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: ipywidgets-7.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: jupyterlab-0.32.1-py36_0 ...
installing: spyder-3.2.8-py36_0 ...
installing: _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf-0.1.0-py36he11e457_0 ...
installing: jupyter-1.0.0-py36_4 ...
installing: bokeh-0.12.16-py36_0 ...
installing: bottleneck-1.2.1-py36haac1ea0_0 ...
installing: conda-4.5.4-py36_0 ...
installing: conda-build-3.10.5-py36_0 ...
installing: datashape-0.5.4-py36h3ad6b5c_0 ...
installing: h5py-2.7.1-py36ha1f6525_2 ...
installing: imageio-2.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: matplotlib-2.2.2-py36h0e671d2_1 ...
installing: mkl_fft-1.0.1-py36h3010b51_0 ...
installing: mkl_random-1.0.1-py36h629b387_0 ...
installing: numpy-1.14.3-py36hcd700cb_1 ...
installing: numba-0.38.0-py36h637b7d7_0 ...
installing: numexpr-2.6.5-py36h7bf3b9c_0 ...
installing: pandas-0.23.0-py36h637b7d7_0 ...
installing: pytest-arraydiff-0.2-py36_0 ...
installing: pytest-doctestplus-0.1.3-py36_0 ...
installing: pywavelets-0.5.2-py36he602eb0_0 ...
installing: scipy-1.1.0-py36hfc37229_0 ...
installing: bkcharts-0.2-py36h735825a_0 ...
installing: dask-0.17.5-py36_0 ...
installing: patsy-0.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pytables-3.4.3-py36h02b9ad4_2 ...
installing: pytest-astropy-0.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: scikit-learn-0.19.1-py36h7aa7ec6_0 ...
installing: astropy-3.0.2-py36h3010b51_1 ...
installing: odo-0.5.1-py36h90ed295_0 ...
installing: scikit-image-0.13.1-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: statsmodels-0.9.0-py36h3010b51_0 ...
installing: blaze-0.11.3-py36h4e06776_0 ...
installing: seaborn-0.8.1-py36hfad7ec4_0 ...
installing: anaconda-5.2.0-py36_3 ...
installation finished.
    You currently have a PYTHONPATH environment variable set. This may cause
    unexpected behavior when running the Python interpreter in Anaconda3.
    For best results, please verify that your PYTHONPATH only points to
    directories of packages that are compatible with the Python interpreter
    in Anaconda3: /home/chuanmei/anaconda3
Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
to PATH in your /home/chuanmei/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Appending source /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/bin/activate to /home/chuanmei/.bashrc
A backup will be made to: /home/chuanmei/.bashrc-anaconda3.bak

For this change to become active, you have to open a new terminal.

Thank you for installing Anaconda3!


Anaconda is partnered with Microsoft! Microsoft VSCode is a streamlined
code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task
running and version control.

To install Visual Studio Code, you will need:
  - Administrator Privileges
  - Internet connectivity

Visual Studio Code License: https://code.visualstudio.com/license

Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Microsoft VSCode? [yes|no]
>>> yes
Proceeding with installation of Microsoft VSCode
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> 
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> 
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> no
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ bash Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh

Welcome to Anaconda3 5.2.0

In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
Please, press ENTER to continue
Anaconda End User License Agreement

Copyright 2015, Anaconda, Inc.

All rights reserved under the 3-clause BSD License:

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentat
ion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  * Neither the name of Anaconda, Inc. ("Anaconda, Inc.") nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 
this software without specific prior written permission.


Notice of Third Party Software Licenses

Anaconda Distribution contains open source software packages from third parties. These are available on an "as is" basis and subject to their indivi
dual license agreements. These licenses are available in Anaconda Distribution or at http://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/pkg-docs. Any binary packages
 of these third party tools you obtain via Anaconda Distribution are subject to their individual licenses as well as the Anaconda license. Anaconda,
 Inc. reserves the right to change which third party tools are provided in Anaconda Distribution.

In particular, Anaconda Distribution contains re-distributable, run-time, shared-library files from the Intel(TM) Math Kernel Library ("MKL binaries
"). You are specifically authorized to use the MKL binaries with your installation of Anaconda Distribution. You are also authorized to redistribute
 the MKL binaries with Anaconda Distribution or in the conda package that contains them. Use and redistribution of the MKL binaries are subject to t
he licensing terms located at https://software.intel.com/en-us/license/intel-simplified-software-license. If needed, instructions for removing the M
KL binaries after installation of Anaconda Distribution are available at http://www.anaconda.com.

Anaconda Distribution also contains cuDNN software binaries from NVIDIA Corporation ("cuDNN binaries"). You are specifically authorized to use the c
uDNN binaries with your installation of Anaconda Distribution. You are also authorized to redistribute the cuDNN binaries with an Anaconda Distribut
ion package that contains them. If needed, instructions for removing the cuDNN binaries after installation of Anaconda Distribution are available at

Anaconda Distribution also contains Visual Studio Code software binaries from Microsoft Corporation ("VS Code"). You are specifically authorized to 
use VS Code with your installation of Anaconda Distribution. Use of VS Code is subject to the licensing terms located at https://code.visualstudio.c

Cryptography Notice

This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption softwa
re. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is perm
itted. See the Wassenaar Arrangement http://www.wassenaar.org/ for more information.

Anaconda, Inc. has self-classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D992b, which includes mass market information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with
 asymmetric algorithms. No license is required for export of this software to non-embargoed countries. In addition, the Intel(TM) Math Kernel Library contained in Anaconda, Inc.'s software is classified b
y Intel(TM) as ECCN 5D992b with no license required for export to non-embargoed countries and Microsoft's Visual Studio Code software is classified by Microsoft as ECCN 5D992.c with no license required fo
r export to non-embargoed countries.

The following packages are included in this distribution that relate to cryptography:

    The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SS
L) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library.

    A collection of both secure hash functions (such as SHA256 and RIPEMD160), and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, RSA, ElGamal, etc.).

    A thin Python wrapper around (a subset of) the OpenSSL library.

kerberos (krb5, non-Windows platforms)
    A network authentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography.

    A Python library which exposes cryptographic recipes and primitives.

Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Anaconda3 will now be installed into this location:

  - Press ENTER to confirm the location
  - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
  - Or specify a different location below

[/home/chuanmei/anaconda3] >>> 
installing: python-3.6.5-hc3d631a_2 ...
Python 3.6.5 :: Anaconda, Inc.
installing: blas-1.0-mkl ...
installing: ca-certificates-2018.03.07-0 ...
installing: conda-env-2.6.0-h36134e3_1 ...
installing: intel-openmp-2018.0.0-8 ...
installing: libgcc-ng-7.2.0-hdf63c60_3 ...
installing: libgfortran-ng-7.2.0-hdf63c60_3 ...
installing: libstdcxx-ng-7.2.0-hdf63c60_3 ...
installing: bzip2-1.0.6-h14c3975_5 ...
installing: expat-2.2.5-he0dffb1_0 ...
installing: gmp-6.1.2-h6c8ec71_1 ...
installing: graphite2-1.3.11-h16798f4_2 ...
installing: icu-58.2-h9c2bf20_1 ...
installing: jbig-2.1-hdba287a_0 ...
installing: jpeg-9b-h024ee3a_2 ...
installing: libffi-3.2.1-hd88cf55_4 ...
installing: libsodium-1.0.16-h1bed415_0 ...
installing: libtool-2.4.6-h544aabb_3 ...
installing: libxcb-1.13-h1bed415_1 ...
installing: lzo-2.10-h49e0be7_2 ...
installing: mkl-2018.0.2-1 ...
installing: ncurses-6.1-hf484d3e_0 ...
installing: openssl-1.0.2o-h20670df_0 ...
installing: patchelf-0.9-hf79760b_2 ...
installing: pcre-8.42-h439df22_0 ...
installing: pixman-0.34.0-hceecf20_3 ...
installing: snappy-1.1.7-hbae5bb6_3 ...
installing: tk-8.6.7-hc745277_3 ...
installing: unixodbc-2.3.6-h1bed415_0 ...
installing: xz-5.2.4-h14c3975_4 ...
installing: yaml-0.1.7-had09818_2 ...
installing: zlib-1.2.11-ha838bed_2 ...
installing: blosc-1.14.3-hdbcaa40_0 ...
installing: glib-2.56.1-h000015b_0 ...
installing: hdf5-1.10.2-hba1933b_1 ...
installing: libedit-3.1.20170329-h6b74fdf_2 ...
installing: libpng-1.6.34-hb9fc6fc_0 ...
installing: libssh2-1.8.0-h9cfc8f7_4 ...
installing: libtiff-4.0.9-he85c1e1_1 ...
installing: libxml2-2.9.8-h26e45fe_1 ...
installing: mpfr-3.1.5-h11a74b3_2 ...
installing: pandoc- ...
installing: readline-7.0-ha6073c6_4 ...
installing: zeromq-4.2.5-h439df22_0 ...
installing: dbus-1.13.2-h714fa37_1 ...
installing: freetype-2.8-hab7d2ae_1 ...
installing: gstreamer-1.14.0-hb453b48_1 ...
installing: libcurl-7.60.0-h1ad7b7a_0 ...
installing: libxslt-1.1.32-h1312cb7_0 ...
installing: mpc-1.0.3-hec55b23_5 ...
installing: sqlite-3.23.1-he433501_0 ...
installing: curl-7.60.0-h84994c4_0 ...
installing: fontconfig-2.12.6-h49f89f6_0 ...
installing: gst-plugins-base-1.14.0-hbbd80ab_1 ...
installing: alabaster-0.7.10-py36h306e16b_0 ...
installing: asn1crypto-0.24.0-py36_0 ...
installing: attrs-18.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: backcall-0.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: backports-1.0-py36hfa02d7e_1 ...
installing: beautifulsoup4-4.6.0-py36h49b8c8c_1 ...
installing: bitarray-0.8.1-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: boto-2.48.0-py36h6e4cd66_1 ...
installing: cairo-1.14.12-h7636065_2 ...
installing: certifi-2018.4.16-py36_0 ...
installing: chardet-3.0.4-py36h0f667ec_1 ...
installing: click-6.7-py36h5253387_0 ...
installing: cloudpickle-0.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: colorama-0.3.9-py36h489cec4_0 ...
installing: contextlib2-0.5.5-py36h6c84a62_0 ...
installing: dask-core-0.17.5-py36_0 ...
installing: decorator-4.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: docutils-0.14-py36hb0f60f5_0 ...
installing: entrypoints-0.2.3-py36h1aec115_2 ...
installing: et_xmlfile-1.0.1-py36hd6bccc3_0 ...
installing: fastcache-1.0.2-py36h14c3975_2 ...
installing: filelock-3.0.4-py36_0 ...
installing: glob2-0.6-py36he249c77_0 ...
installing: gmpy2-2.0.8-py36hc8893dd_2 ...
installing: greenlet-0.4.13-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: heapdict-1.0.0-py36_2 ...
installing: idna-2.6-py36h82fb2a8_1 ...
installing: imagesize-1.0.0-py36_0 ...
installing: ipython_genutils-0.2.0-py36hb52b0d5_0 ...
installing: itsdangerous-0.24-py36h93cc618_1 ...
installing: jdcal-1.4-py36_0 ...
installing: kiwisolver-1.0.1-py36h764f252_0 ...
installing: lazy-object-proxy-1.3.1-py36h10fcdad_0 ...
installing: llvmlite-0.23.1-py36hdbcaa40_0 ...
installing: locket-0.2.0-py36h787c0ad_1 ...
installing: lxml-4.2.1-py36h23eabaa_0 ...
installing: markupsafe-1.0-py36hd9260cd_1 ...
installing: mccabe-0.6.1-py36h5ad9710_1 ...
installing: mistune-0.8.3-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: mkl-service-1.1.2-py36h17a0993_4 ...
installing: mpmath-1.0.0-py36hfeacd6b_2 ...
installing: msgpack-python-0.5.6-py36h6bb024c_0 ...
installing: multipledispatch-0.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: numpy-base-1.14.3-py36h9be14a7_1 ...
installing: olefile-0.45.1-py36_0 ...
installing: pandocfilters-1.4.2-py36ha6701b7_1 ...
installing: parso-0.2.0-py36_0 ...
installing: path.py-11.0.1-py36_0 ...
installing: pep8-1.7.1-py36_0 ...
installing: pickleshare-0.7.4-py36h63277f8_0 ...
installing: pkginfo-1.4.2-py36_1 ...
installing: pluggy-0.6.0-py36hb689045_0 ...
installing: ply-3.11-py36_0 ...
installing: psutil-5.4.5-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: ptyprocess-0.5.2-py36h69acd42_0 ...
installing: py-1.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: pycodestyle-2.4.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pycosat-0.6.3-py36h0a5515d_0 ...
installing: pycparser-2.18-py36hf9f622e_1 ...
installing: pycrypto-2.6.1-py36h14c3975_8 ...
installing: pycurl- ...
installing: pyodbc-4.0.23-py36hf484d3e_0 ...
installing: pyparsing-2.2.0-py36hee85983_1 ...
installing: pysocks-1.6.8-py36_0 ...
installing: pytz-2018.4-py36_0 ...
installing: pyyaml-3.12-py36hafb9ca4_1 ...
installing: pyzmq-17.0.0-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: qt-5.9.5-h7e424d6_0 ...
installing: qtpy-1.4.1-py36_0 ...
installing: rope-0.10.7-py36h147e2ec_0 ...
installing: ruamel_yaml-0.15.35-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: send2trash-1.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: simplegeneric-0.8.1-py36_2 ...
installing: sip-4.19.8-py36hf484d3e_0 ...
installing: six-1.11.0-py36h372c433_1 ...
installing: snowballstemmer-1.2.1-py36h6febd40_0 ...
installing: sortedcontainers-1.5.10-py36_0 ...
installing: sphinxcontrib-1.0-py36h6d0f590_1 ...
installing: sqlalchemy-1.2.7-py36h6b74fdf_0 ...
installing: tblib-1.3.2-py36h34cf8b6_0 ...
installing: testpath-0.3.1-py36h8cadb63_0 ...
installing: toolz-0.9.0-py36_0 ...
installing: tornado-5.0.2-py36_0 ...
installing: typing-3.6.4-py36_0 ...
installing: unicodecsv-0.14.1-py36ha668878_0 ...
installing: wcwidth-0.1.7-py36hdf4376a_0 ...
installing: webencodings-0.5.1-py36h800622e_1 ...
installing: werkzeug-0.14.1-py36_0 ...
installing: wrapt-1.10.11-py36h28b7045_0 ...
installing: xlrd-1.1.0-py36h1db9f0c_1 ...
installing: xlsxwriter-1.0.4-py36_0 ...
installing: xlwt-1.3.0-py36h7b00a1f_0 ...
installing: babel-2.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0-py36hfea85ff_2 ...
installing: cffi-1.11.5-py36h9745a5d_0 ...
installing: conda-verify-2.0.0-py36h98955d8_0 ...
installing: cycler-0.10.0-py36h93f1223_0 ...
installing: cytoolz- ...
installing: harfbuzz-1.7.6-h5f0a787_1 ...
installing: html5lib-1.0.1-py36h2f9c1c0_0 ...
installing: jedi-0.12.0-py36_1 ...
installing: more-itertools-4.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: networkx-2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: nltk-3.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: openpyxl-2.5.3-py36_0 ...
installing: packaging-17.1-py36_0 ...
installing: partd-0.3.8-py36h36fd896_0 ...
installing: pathlib2-2.3.2-py36_0 ...
installing: pexpect-4.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pillow-5.1.0-py36h3deb7b8_0 ...
installing: pyqt-5.9.2-py36h751905a_0 ...
installing: python-dateutil-2.7.3-py36_0 ...
installing: qtawesome-0.4.4-py36h609ed8c_0 ...
installing: setuptools-39.1.0-py36_0 ...
installing: singledispatch- ...
installing: sortedcollections-0.6.1-py36_0 ...
installing: sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.0.1-py36hb5cb234_1 ...
installing: sympy-1.1.1-py36hc6d1c1c_0 ...
installing: terminado-0.8.1-py36_1 ...
installing: traitlets-4.3.2-py36h674d592_0 ...
installing: zict-0.1.3-py36h3a3bf81_0 ...
installing: astroid-1.6.3-py36_0 ...
installing: bleach-2.1.3-py36_0 ...
installing: clyent-1.2.2-py36h7e57e65_1 ...
installing: cryptography-2.2.2-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: cython-0.28.2-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: distributed-1.21.8-py36_0 ...
installing: get_terminal_size-1.0.0-haa9412d_0 ...
installing: gevent-1.3.0-py36h14c3975_0 ...
installing: isort-4.3.4-py36_0 ...
installing: jinja2-2.10-py36ha16c418_0 ...
installing: jsonschema-2.6.0-py36h006f8b5_0 ...
installing: jupyter_core-4.4.0-py36h7c827e3_0 ...
installing: navigator-updater-0.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: nose-1.3.7-py36hcdf7029_2 ...
installing: pango-1.41.0-hd475d92_0 ...
installing: pyflakes-1.6.0-py36h7bd6a15_0 ...
installing: pygments-2.2.0-py36h0d3125c_0 ...
installing: pytest-3.5.1-py36_0 ...
installing: wheel-0.31.1-py36_0 ...
installing: flask-1.0.2-py36_1 ...
installing: jupyter_client-5.2.3-py36_0 ...
installing: nbformat-4.4.0-py36h31c9010_0 ...
installing: pip-10.0.1-py36_0 ...
installing: prompt_toolkit-1.0.15-py36h17d85b1_0 ...
installing: pylint-1.8.4-py36_0 ...
installing: pyopenssl-18.0.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pytest-openfiles-0.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pytest-remotedata-0.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: flask-cors-3.0.4-py36_0 ...
installing: ipython-6.4.0-py36_0 ...
installing: nbconvert-5.3.1-py36hb41ffb7_0 ...
installing: urllib3-1.22-py36hbe7ace6_0 ...
installing: ipykernel-4.8.2-py36_0 ...
installing: requests-2.18.4-py36he2e5f8d_1 ...
installing: anaconda-client-1.6.14-py36_0 ...
installing: jupyter_console-5.2.0-py36he59e554_1 ...
installing: notebook-5.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: qtconsole-4.3.1-py36h8f73b5b_0 ...
installing: sphinx-1.7.4-py36_0 ...
installing: anaconda-navigator-1.8.7-py36_0 ...
installing: anaconda-project-0.8.2-py36h44fb852_0 ...
installing: jupyterlab_launcher-0.10.5-py36_0 ...
installing: numpydoc-0.8.0-py36_0 ...
installing: widgetsnbextension-3.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: ipywidgets-7.2.1-py36_0 ...
installing: jupyterlab-0.32.1-py36_0 ...
installing: spyder-3.2.8-py36_0 ...
installing: _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf-0.1.0-py36he11e457_0 ...
installing: jupyter-1.0.0-py36_4 ...
installing: bokeh-0.12.16-py36_0 ...
installing: bottleneck-1.2.1-py36haac1ea0_0 ...
installing: conda-4.5.4-py36_0 ...
installing: conda-build-3.10.5-py36_0 ...
installing: datashape-0.5.4-py36h3ad6b5c_0 ...
installing: h5py-2.7.1-py36ha1f6525_2 ...
installing: imageio-2.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: matplotlib-2.2.2-py36h0e671d2_1 ...
installing: mkl_fft-1.0.1-py36h3010b51_0 ...
installing: mkl_random-1.0.1-py36h629b387_0 ...
installing: numpy-1.14.3-py36hcd700cb_1 ...
installing: numba-0.38.0-py36h637b7d7_0 ...
installing: numexpr-2.6.5-py36h7bf3b9c_0 ...
installing: pandas-0.23.0-py36h637b7d7_0 ...
installing: pytest-arraydiff-0.2-py36_0 ...
installing: pytest-doctestplus-0.1.3-py36_0 ...
installing: pywavelets-0.5.2-py36he602eb0_0 ...
installing: scipy-1.1.0-py36hfc37229_0 ...
installing: bkcharts-0.2-py36h735825a_0 ...
installing: dask-0.17.5-py36_0 ...
installing: patsy-0.5.0-py36_0 ...
installing: pytables-3.4.3-py36h02b9ad4_2 ...
installing: pytest-astropy-0.3.0-py36_0 ...
installing: scikit-learn-0.19.1-py36h7aa7ec6_0 ...
installing: astropy-3.0.2-py36h3010b51_1 ...
installing: odo-0.5.1-py36h90ed295_0 ...
installing: scikit-image-0.13.1-py36h14c3975_1 ...
installing: statsmodels-0.9.0-py36h3010b51_0 ...
installing: blaze-0.11.3-py36h4e06776_0 ...
installing: seaborn-0.8.1-py36hfad7ec4_0 ...
installing: anaconda-5.2.0-py36_3 ...
installation finished.
    You currently have a PYTHONPATH environment variable set. This may cause
    unexpected behavior when running the Python interpreter in Anaconda3.
    For best results, please verify that your PYTHONPATH only points to
    directories of packages that are compatible with the Python interpreter
    in Anaconda3: /home/chuanmei/anaconda3
Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
to PATH in your /home/chuanmei/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Appending source /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/bin/activate to /home/chuanmei/.bashrc
A backup will be made to: /home/chuanmei/.bashrc-anaconda3.bak

For this change to become active, you have to open a new terminal.

Thank you for installing Anaconda3!


Anaconda is partnered with Microsoft! Microsoft VSCode is a streamlined
code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task
running and version control.

To install Visual Studio Code, you will need:
  - Administrator Privileges
  - Internet connectivity

Visual Studio Code License: https://code.visualstudio.com/license

Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Microsoft VSCode? [yes|no]
>>> yes
Proceeding with installation of Microsoft VSCode
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Checking Internet connectivity ...
   Please make sure you are connected to the internet!
   Check /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/vscode_inst.py.log for more info
   Do you wish to retry? [yes|no]
[no] >>> no
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
[sudo] password for chuanmei: 

** (gedit:7756): WARNING **: 15:41:01.580: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-spell-language not supported

** (gedit:7756): WARNING **: 15:41:01.580: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-encoding not supported

** (gedit:7756): WARNING **: 15:44:14.170: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-position not supported
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda -V
conda: command not found
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ anaconda -V
anaconda: command not found
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ source ~/.bashrc
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda -V
conda 4.5.4
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ anaconda -V
anaconda Command line client (version 1.6.14)
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda create -n pytorch python=3.8
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 4.5.4
  latest version: 24.9.1

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base conda

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch

  added / updated specs: 
    - python=3.8

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    python-3.8.13              |       h12debd9_0        22.7 MB
    openssl-1.1.1w             |       h7f8727e_0         3.8 MB
    _libgcc_mutex-0.1          |             main           3 KB
    zlib-1.2.12                |       h7f8727e_2         130 KB
    ld_impl_linux-64-2.40      |       h12ee557_0         706 KB
    pip-24.2                   |   py38h06a4308_0         2.2 MB
    libgcc-ng-9.1.0            |       hdf63c60_0         8.1 MB
    xz-5.2.5                   |       h7f8727e_1         389 KB
    setuptools-75.1.0          |   py38h06a4308_0         1.7 MB
    sqlite-3.38.5              |       hc218d9a_0         1.5 MB
    readline-8.1.2             |       h7f8727e_1         423 KB
    wheel-0.44.0               |   py38h06a4308_0         102 KB
    libstdcxx-ng-9.1.0         |       hdf63c60_0         4.0 MB
    ncurses-6.3                |       h7f8727e_2         1.0 MB
    libffi-3.3                 |       he6710b0_2          54 KB
    tk-8.6.12                  |       h1ccaba5_0         3.3 MB
    ca-certificates-2024.9.24  |       h06a4308_0         137 KB
                                           Total:        50.3 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    _libgcc_mutex:    0.1-main             
    ca-certificates:  2024.9.24-h06a4308_0 
    ld_impl_linux-64: 2.40-h12ee557_0      
    libffi:           3.3-he6710b0_2       
    libgcc-ng:        9.1.0-hdf63c60_0     
    libstdcxx-ng:     9.1.0-hdf63c60_0     
    ncurses:          6.3-h7f8727e_2       
    openssl:          1.1.1w-h7f8727e_0    
    pip:              24.2-py38h06a4308_0  
    python:           3.8.13-h12debd9_0    
    readline:         8.1.2-h7f8727e_1     
    setuptools:       75.1.0-py38h06a4308_0
    sqlite:           3.38.5-hc218d9a_0    
    tk:               8.6.12-h1ccaba5_0    
    wheel:            0.44.0-py38h06a4308_0
    xz:               5.2.5-h7f8727e_1     
    zlib:             1.2.12-h7f8727e_2    

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages
python-3.8.13        | 22.7 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
openssl-1.1.1w       |  3.8 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
_libgcc_mutex-0.1    |    3 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
zlib-1.2.12          |  130 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
ld_impl_linux-64-2.4 |  706 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
pip-24.2             |  2.2 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
libgcc-ng-9.1.0      |  8.1 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
xz-5.2.5             |  389 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
setuptools-75.1.0    |  1.7 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
sqlite-3.38.5        |  1.5 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
readline-8.1.2       |  423 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
wheel-0.44.0         |  102 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
libstdcxx-ng-9.1.0   |  4.0 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
ncurses-6.3          |  1.0 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
libffi-3.3           |   54 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
tk-8.6.12            |  3.3 MB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
ca-certificates-2024 |  137 KB | ################################################################################## | 100% 
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate pytorch
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda activate pytorch
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 4.5.4
  latest version: 24.9.1

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base conda

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch

  added / updated specs: 
    - cpuonly
    - pytorch
    - torchvision

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    libiconv-1.16              |       h7f8727e_2         1.4 MB
    gmp-6.2.1                  |       h295c915_3         803 KB
    mkl-service-2.3.0          |   py38he904b0f_0          68 KB
    idna-3.7                   |   py38h06a4308_0         120 KB
    mpmath-1.3.0               |   py38h06a4308_0         972 KB
    giflib-5.2.1               |       h7b6447c_0          82 KB
    lame-3.100                 |       h7b6447c_0         502 KB
    lz4-c-1.9.3                |       h295c915_1         216 KB
    bzip2-1.0.8                |       h7b6447c_0         105 KB
    jpeg-9e                    |       h7f8727e_0         273 KB
    lcms2-2.12                 |       h3be6417_0         396 KB
    numpy-base-1.19.2          |   py38hfa32c7d_0         5.3 MB
    mkl_fft-1.3.0              |   py38h54f3939_0         195 KB
    mkl_random-1.1.1           |   py38h0573a6f_0         394 KB
    six-1.16.0                 |     pyhd3eb1b0_1          19 KB
    freetype-2.11.0            |       h70c0345_0         943 KB
    libidn2-2.3.2              |       h7f8727e_0          95 KB
    sympy-1.13.2               |   py38h06a4308_0        11.3 MB
    zstd-1.5.2                 |       ha4553b6_0         808 KB
    libtasn1-4.16.0            |       h27cfd23_0          62 KB
    libpng-1.6.37              |       hbc83047_0         364 KB
    libwebp-base-1.2.2         |       h7f8727e_0         869 KB
    markupsafe-2.1.1           |   py38h7f8727e_0          22 KB
    libtiff-4.2.0              |       h2818925_1         579 KB
    nettle-3.7.3               |       hbbd107a_1        1009 KB
    cpuonly-2.0                |                0           2 KB  pytorch
    pytorch-2.0.1              |      py3.8_cpu_0        86.0 MB  pytorch
    filelock-3.13.1            |   py38h06a4308_0          20 KB
    libunistring-0.9.10        |       h27cfd23_0         689 KB
    certifi-2024.8.30          |   py38h06a4308_0         164 KB
    openh264-2.1.1             |       h4ff587b_0         1.5 MB
    numpy-1.19.2               |   py38h54aff64_0          21 KB
    requests-2.32.3            |   py38h06a4308_0          95 KB
    urllib3-2.2.3              |   py38h06a4308_0         166 KB
    intel-openmp-2020.2        |              254         947 KB
    brotli-python-1.0.9        |   py38heb0550a_2         364 KB
    typing_extensions-4.11.0   |   py38h06a4308_0          59 KB
    ffmpeg-4.3                 |       hf484d3e_0         9.9 MB  pytorch
    pillow-9.0.1               |   py38h22f2fdc_0         716 KB
    mkl-2020.2                 |              256       213.9 MB
    libwebp-1.2.2              |       h55f646e_0          88 KB
    torchvision-0.15.2         |         py38_cpu        33.1 MB  pytorch
    charset-normalizer-3.3.2   |     pyhd3eb1b0_0          42 KB
    networkx-3.1               |   py38h06a4308_0         2.8 MB
    pysocks-1.7.1              |   py38h06a4308_0          31 KB
    jinja2-3.1.4               |   py38h06a4308_0         263 KB
    gnutls-3.6.15              |       he1e5248_0         1.2 MB
    pytorch-mutex-1.0          |              cpu           3 KB  pytorch
                                           Total:       378.8 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    blas:               1.0-mkl                         
    brotli-python:      1.0.9-py38heb0550a_2            
    bzip2:              1.0.8-h7b6447c_0                
    certifi:            2024.8.30-py38h06a4308_0        
    charset-normalizer: 3.3.2-pyhd3eb1b0_0              
    cpuonly:            2.0-0                    pytorch
    ffmpeg:             4.3-hf484d3e_0           pytorch
    filelock:           3.13.1-py38h06a4308_0           
    freetype:           2.11.0-h70c0345_0               
    giflib:             5.2.1-h7b6447c_0                
    gmp:                6.2.1-h295c915_3                
    gnutls:             3.6.15-he1e5248_0               
    idna:               3.7-py38h06a4308_0              
    intel-openmp:       2020.2-254                      
    jinja2:             3.1.4-py38h06a4308_0            
    jpeg:               9e-h7f8727e_0                   
    lame:               3.100-h7b6447c_0                
    lcms2:              2.12-h3be6417_0                 
    libiconv:           1.16-h7f8727e_2                 
    libidn2:            2.3.2-h7f8727e_0                
    libpng:             1.6.37-hbc83047_0               
    libtasn1:           4.16.0-h27cfd23_0               
    libtiff:            4.2.0-h2818925_1                
    libunistring:       0.9.10-h27cfd23_0               
    libwebp:            1.2.2-h55f646e_0                
    libwebp-base:       1.2.2-h7f8727e_0                
    lz4-c:              1.9.3-h295c915_1                
    markupsafe:         2.1.1-py38h7f8727e_0            
    mkl:                2020.2-256                      
    mkl-service:        2.3.0-py38he904b0f_0            
    mkl_fft:            1.3.0-py38h54f3939_0            
    mkl_random:         1.1.1-py38h0573a6f_0            
    mpmath:             1.3.0-py38h06a4308_0            
    nettle:             3.7.3-hbbd107a_1                
    networkx:           3.1-py38h06a4308_0              
    numpy:              1.19.2-py38h54aff64_0           
    numpy-base:         1.19.2-py38hfa32c7d_0           
    openh264:           2.1.1-h4ff587b_0                
    pillow:             9.0.1-py38h22f2fdc_0            
    pysocks:            1.7.1-py38h06a4308_0            
    pytorch:            2.0.1-py3.8_cpu_0        pytorch
    pytorch-mutex:      1.0-cpu                  pytorch
    requests:           2.32.3-py38h06a4308_0           
    six:                1.16.0-pyhd3eb1b0_1             
    sympy:              1.13.2-py38h06a4308_0           
    torchvision:        0.15.2-py38_cpu          pytorch
    typing_extensions:  4.11.0-py38h06a4308_0           
    urllib3:            2.2.3-py38h06a4308_0            
    zstd:               1.5.2-ha4553b6_0                

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages
libiconv-1.16        |  1.4 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
gmp-6.2.1            |  803 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
mkl-service-2.3.0    |   68 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
idna-3.7             |  120 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
mpmath-1.3.0         |  972 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
giflib-5.2.1         |   82 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
lame-3.100           |  502 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
lz4-c-1.9.3          |  216 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
bzip2-1.0.8          |  105 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
jpeg-9e              |  273 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
lcms2-2.12           |  396 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
numpy-base-1.19.2    |  5.3 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
mkl_fft-1.3.0        |  195 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
mkl_random-1.1.1     |  394 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
six-1.16.0           |   19 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
freetype-2.11.0      |  943 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
libidn2-2.3.2        |   95 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
sympy-1.13.2         | 11.3 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
zstd-1.5.2           |  808 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
libtasn1-4.16.0      |   62 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
libpng-1.6.37        |  364 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
libwebp-base-1.2.2   |  869 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
markupsafe-2.1.1     |   22 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
libtiff-4.2.0        |  579 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
nettle-3.7.3         | 1009 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
cpuonly-2.0          |    2 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
pytorch-2.0.1        | 86.0 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
filelock-3.13.1      |   20 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
libunistring-0.9.10  |  689 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
certifi-2024.8.30    |  164 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
openh264-2.1.1       |  1.5 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
numpy-1.19.2         |   21 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
requests-2.32.3      |   95 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
urllib3-2.2.3        |  166 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
intel-openmp-2020.2  |  947 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
brotli-python-1.0.9  |  364 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
typing_extensions-4. |   59 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
ffmpeg-4.3           |  9.9 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
pillow-9.0.1         |  716 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
mkl-2020.2           | 213.9 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################## | 100% 
libwebp-1.2.2        |   88 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
torchvision-0.15.2   | 33.1 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
charset-normalizer-3 |   42 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
networkx-3.1         |  2.8 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
pysocks-1.7.1        |   31 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
jinja2-3.1.4         |  263 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
gnutls-3.6.15        |  1.2 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
pytorch-mutex-1.0    |    3 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 4.5.4
  latest version: 24.9.1

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base conda

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch

  added / updated specs: 
    - cpuonly
    - pytorch
    - torchvision

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    mpc-1.1.0                  |       h10f8cd9_1          94 KB
    sympy-1.5.1                |           py38_0        10.3 MB
    gmpy2-2.1.2                |   py38heeb90bb_0         213 KB
    fastcache-1.1.0            |   py38h7b6447c_0          37 KB
    mpfr-4.0.2                 |       hb69a4c5_1         653 KB
                                           Total:        11.3 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    fastcache: 1.1.0-py38h7b6447c_0 
    gmpy2:     2.1.2-py38heeb90bb_0 
    mpc:       1.1.0-h10f8cd9_1     
    mpfr:      4.0.2-hb69a4c5_1     

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    sympy:     1.13.2-py38h06a4308_0 --> 1.5.1-py38_0

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages
mpc-1.1.0            |   94 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
sympy-1.5.1          | 10.3 MB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
gmpy2-2.1.2          |  213 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
fastcache-1.1.0      |   37 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
mpfr-4.0.2           |  653 KB | ################################################################################################################################################################### | 100% 
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 4.5.4
  latest version: 24.9.1

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base conda

# All requested packages already installed.

(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 4.5.4
  latest version: 24.9.1

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base conda

# All requested packages already installed.

(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ python
Python 3.8.13 (default, Mar 28 2022, 11:38:47) 
[GCC 7.5.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import torch
>>> torch.cuda.is_available()
>>> exit
Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit
>>> exit()
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda deactivate
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda deactivate
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python3-dev python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-numpy python3-yaml ros-kinetic-cv-bridge
[sudo] password for chuanmei: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-cv-bridge
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python3-dev python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-numpy python3-yaml ros-melodic-cv-bridge
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
python3-yaml is already the newest version (3.12-1build2).
python3-dev is already the newest version (3.6.7-1~18.04).
python3-dev set to manually installed.
ros-melodic-cv-bridge is already the newest version (1.13.1-1bionic.20221025.190044).
ros-melodic-cv-bridge set to manually installed.
The following additional packages will be installed:
  python-osrf-pycommon python3-dateutil python3-docutils python3-pygments python3-pyparsing python3-roman
Suggested packages:
  fonts-linuxlibertine | ttf-linux-libertine texlive-lang-french texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended gfortran python-numpy-doc python3-nose
  python3-numpy-dbg python-pyparsing-doc
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  python-catkin-tools python-osrf-pycommon python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-dateutil python3-docutils python3-numpy python3-pygments python3-pyparsing
0 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 410 not upgraded.
Need to get 3,320 kB/3,373 kB of archives.
After this operation, 17.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python-osrf-pycommon all 0.2.1-1 [23.4 kB]
Get:2 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python3-roman all 2.0.0-3 [8,624 B] 
Get:3 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python-catkin-tools all 0.6.1-1 [314 kB]
Get:4 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python3-docutils all 0.14+dfsg-3 [363 kB]
Get:5 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python3-catkin-pkg-modules all 0.5.2-1 [43.2 kB]
Get:6 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python3-pyparsing all 2.2.0+dfsg1-2 [52.2 kB]
Get:7 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 python3-numpy amd64 1:1.13.3-2ubuntu1 [1,943 kB]
Get:8 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic-security/main amd64 python3-pygments all 2.2.0+dfsg-1ubuntu0.2 [574 kB]
Fetched 3,320 kB in 2s (1,437 kB/s)       
Selecting previously unselected package python-osrf-pycommon.
(Reading database ... 203082 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../0-python-osrf-pycommon_0.2.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking python-osrf-pycommon (0.2.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python-catkin-tools.
Preparing to unpack .../1-python-catkin-tools_0.6.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking python-catkin-tools (0.6.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-dateutil.
Preparing to unpack .../2-python3-dateutil_2.6.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-dateutil (2.6.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-roman.
Preparing to unpack .../3-python3-roman_2.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-roman (2.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-docutils.
Preparing to unpack .../4-python3-docutils_0.14+dfsg-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-docutils (0.14+dfsg-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-pyparsing.
Preparing to unpack .../5-python3-pyparsing_2.2.0+dfsg1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-pyparsing (2.2.0+dfsg1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-catkin-pkg-modules.
Preparing to unpack .../6-python3-catkin-pkg-modules_0.5.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-catkin-pkg-modules (0.5.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-numpy.
Preparing to unpack .../7-python3-numpy_1%3a1.13.3-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking python3-numpy (1:1.13.3-2ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-pygments.
Preparing to unpack .../8-python3-pygments_2.2.0+dfsg-1ubuntu0.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-pygments (2.2.0+dfsg-1ubuntu0.2) ...
Setting up python3-roman (2.0.0-3) ...
Setting up python3-numpy (1:1.13.3-2ubuntu1) ...
Setting up python3-pyparsing (2.2.0+dfsg1-2) ...
Setting up python3-docutils (0.14+dfsg-3) ...
Setting up python-osrf-pycommon (0.2.1-1) ...
Setting up python3-dateutil (2.6.1-1) ...
Setting up python3-pygments (2.2.0+dfsg-1ubuntu0.2) ...
Setting up python-catkin-tools (0.6.1-1) ...
Setting up python3-catkin-pkg-modules (0.5.2-1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python3-dev python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-numpy python3-yaml ros-melodic-cv-bridge
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
python3-numpy is already the newest version (1:1.13.3-2ubuntu1).
python3-yaml is already the newest version (3.12-1build2).
python3-dev is already the newest version (3.6.7-1~18.04).
python-catkin-tools is already the newest version (0.6.1-1).
python3-catkin-pkg-modules is already the newest version (0.5.2-1).
ros-melodic-cv-bridge is already the newest version (1.13.1-1bionic.20221025.190044).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 410 not upgraded.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Release:	18.04
Codename:	bionic
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd ~
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ mkdir -p catkin_workspace/src
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.6m.so
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace
Build Space:       [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/build
Devel Space:       [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/install
Log Space:         [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.6m.so
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.

Initialized new catkin workspace in `/home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace`
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ catkin config --install
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace
Build Space:       [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/build
Devel Space:       [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/devel
Install Space:     [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/install
Log Space:         [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        merged
Additional CMake Args:       -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.6m.so
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src$ git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git src/vision_opencv
Cloning into 'src/vision_opencv'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 6882, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1296/1296), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (312/312), done.
remote: Total 6882 (delta 1085), reused 1043 (delta 984), pack-reused 5586 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (6882/6882), 1.56 MiB | 1.43 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4138/4138), done.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src$ apt-cache show ros-noetic-cv-bridge | grep Version
E: No packages found
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ cd src/vision_opencv
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src/vision_opencv$ cd ../ ../
bash: cd: too many arguments
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src/vision_opencv$ cd ../../
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ apt-cache show ros-melodic-cv-bridge | grep Version
Version: 1.13.1-1bionic.20221025.190044
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ cd src/vision_opencv
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src/vision_opencv$ git checkout 1.13.1
Note: checking out '1.13.1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 0818d3a 1.13.1
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace/src/vision_opencv$ cd ../../
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ catkin build
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/devel
Install Space:     [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/install
Log Space:         [missing] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        merged
Additional CMake Args:       -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.6m.so
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.

NOTE: Forcing CMake to run for each package.
[build] Found '4' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                                                                                      
Starting  >>> catkin_tools_prebuild                                                                                                                                             
Finished  <<< catkin_tools_prebuild                [ 1.9 seconds ]                                                                                                              
Starting  >>> cv_bridge                                                                                                                                                         
Starting  >>> image_geometry                                                                                                                                                    
Warnings   << cv_bridge:cmake /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/logs/cv_bridge/build.cmake.000.log                                                                                
CMake Warning at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1626 (message):
  No header defined for python3; skipping header check
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:11 (find_package)

cd /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/build/cv_bridge; catkin build --get-env cv_bridge | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/cmake /home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/src/vision_opencv/cv_bridge --no-warn-unused-cli -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/devel/.private/cv_bridge -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/chuanmei/catkin_workspace/install -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.6m.so; cd -
Finished  <<< image_geometry                       [ 3.9 seconds ]                                                                                                              
Finished  <<< cv_bridge                            [ 7.2 seconds ]                                                                                                             Starting  >>> opencv_tests                                                                                                                                                    
Finished  <<< opencv_tests                         [ 1.6 seconds ]                                                                                                            
[build] Summary: All 4 packages succeeded!                                                                                                                                    
[build]   Ignored:   1 packages were skipped or are blacklisted.                                                                                                              
[build]   Warnings:  1 packages succeeded with warnings.                                                                                                                      
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                                                                                    
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                                                                                    
[build] Runtime: 10.7 seconds total.                                                                                                                                          
[build] Note: Workspace packages have changed, please re-source setup files to use them.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/catkin_workspace$ cd
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd /usr/bin
chuanmei@ubuntu:/usr/bin$ ls -l python*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 Apr 16  2018 python -> python2.7
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 Apr 16  2018 python2 -> python2.7
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3637096 Mar  8  2023 python2.7
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      33 Mar  8  2023 python2.7-config -> x86_64-linux-gnu-python2.7-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      16 Apr 16  2018 python2-config -> python2.7-config
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     365 Aug 22  2016 python2-qr
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 Oct 25  2018 python3 -> python3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4526456 Mar 10  2023 python3.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      33 Mar 10  2023 python3.6-config -> x86_64-linux-gnu-python3.6-config
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4526456 Mar 10  2023 python3.6m
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      34 Mar 10  2023 python3.6m-config -> x86_64-linux-gnu-python3.6m-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      16 Oct 25  2018 python3-config -> python3.6-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      10 Oct 25  2018 python3m -> python3.6m
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      17 Oct 25  2018 python3m-config -> python3.6m-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      16 Apr 16  2018 python-config -> python2.7-config
chuanmei@ubuntu:/usr/bin$ cd
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ mkdir test
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ touch test.py
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ rm test.py
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd test
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ ​
: command not found
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ 删除文件
删除文件: command not found
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ rm test.py
rm: cannot remove 'test.py': No such file or directory
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ ​touch test.py

Command '​touch' not found, did you mean:

  command 'touch' from deb coreutils
  command 'ktouch' from deb ktouch

Try: sudo apt install <deb name>

chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ cd
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ mkdir test
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ touch test.py
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ rm test.py
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd test
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ touch test.py
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ gedit test.py
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd test/
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ python test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 4, in <module>
    import torch
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ conda activate pytorch
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ python test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 5, in <module>
    import cv2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ python test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 6, in <module>
    from cv_bridge import CvBridge,CvBridgeError
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cv_bridge/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
    from .core import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cv_bridge/core.py", line 34, in <module>
    import sensor_msgs.msg
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sensor_msgs/msg/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
    from ._BatteryState import *
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sensor_msgs/msg/_BatteryState.py", line 6, in <module>
    import genpy
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/__init__.py", line 34, in <module>
    from . message import Message, SerializationError, DeserializationError, MessageException, struct_I
  File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/message.py", line 48, in <module>
    import yaml
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'yaml'
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ pip3 install pyyaml
Collecting pyyaml
  Downloading PyYAML-6.0.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (2.1 kB)
Downloading PyYAML-6.0.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (746 kB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0/746.5 kB ? eta -:--:--
ERROR: Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 438, in _error_catcher
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 561, in read
    data = self._fp_read(amt) if not fp_closed else b""
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 527, in _fp_read
    return self._fp.read(amt) if amt is not None else self._fp.read()
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/filewrapper.py", line 98, in read
    data: bytes = self.__fp.read(amt)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/http/client.py", line 459, in read
    n = self.readinto(b)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/http/client.py", line 503, in readinto
    n = self.fp.readinto(b)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/socket.py", line 669, in readinto
    return self._sock.recv_into(b)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/ssl.py", line 1241, in recv_into
    return self.read(nbytes, buffer)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/ssl.py", line 1099, in read
    return self._sslobj.read(len, buffer)
socket.timeout: The read operation timed out

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py", line 105, in _run_wrapper
    status = _inner_run()
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py", line 96, in _inner_run
    return self.run(options, args)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/req_command.py", line 67, in wrapper
    return func(self, options, args)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/install.py", line 379, in run
    requirement_set = resolver.resolve(
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/resolver.py", line 179, in resolve
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/prepare.py", line 554, in prepare_linked_requirements_more
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/prepare.py", line 469, in _complete_partial_requirements
    for link, (filepath, _) in batch_download:
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/download.py", line 184, in __call__
    for chunk in chunks:
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/progress_bars.py", line 55, in _rich_progress_bar
    for chunk in iterable:
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/utils.py", line 65, in response_chunks
    for chunk in response.raw.stream(
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 622, in stream
    data = self.read(amt=amt, decode_content=decode_content)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 587, in read
    raise IncompleteRead(self._fp_bytes_read, self.length_remaining)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/contextlib.py", line 131, in __exit__
    self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
  File "/home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 443, in _error_catcher
    raise ReadTimeoutError(self._pool, None, "Read timed out.")
pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='files.pythonhosted.org', port=443): Read timed out.
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ pip3 install pyyaml
Collecting pyyaml
  Using cached PyYAML-6.0.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (2.1 kB)
Downloading PyYAML-6.0.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (746 kB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 746.5/746.5 kB 10.8 kB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: pyyaml
Successfully installed pyyaml-6.0.2
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ pip3 install pyyaml
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages (6.0.2)
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ python test.py
hello pytorch cv_bridge
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ pip3 install opencv-python -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
Collecting opencv-python
  Downloading https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/packages/3f/a4/d2537f47fd7fcfba966bd806e3ec18e7ee1681056d4b0a9c8d983983e4d5/opencv_python- (62.5 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 62.5/62.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17.0 in /home/chuanmei/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from opencv-python) (1.19.2)
Installing collected packages: opencv-python
Successfully installed opencv-python-
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ python test.py
hello pytorch cv_bridge
(pytorch) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ conda deactivate
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/test$ cd
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install tree
[sudo] password for chuanmei: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 410 not upgraded.
Need to get 40.7 kB of archives.
After this operation, 105 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic/universe amd64 tree amd64 1.7.0-5 [40.7 kB]
Fetched 40.7 kB in 1s (41.8 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package tree.
(Reading database ... 204059 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../tree_1.7.0-5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking tree (1.7.0-5) ...
Setting up tree (1.7.0-5) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ mkdir -p  ~/ros_basic/src
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/ros_basic/
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ catkin init
Initializing catkin workspace in `/home/chuanmei/ros_basic`.
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:       [missing] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:       [missing] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:         [missing] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ catkin build
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:         [missing] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.

NOTE: Forcing CMake to run for each package.
[build] No packages were found in the source space '/home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src'
[build] No packages to be built.
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                                                                                                                                       
Starting  >>> catkin_tools_prebuild                                                                                                                                                                        
Finished  <<< catkin_tools_prebuild                [ 1.3 seconds ]                                                                                                                                         
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                                                                                                                                 
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                                                                                                                                                 
[build]   Warnings:  None.                                                                                                                                                                                 
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                                                                                                                 
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                                                                                                                 
[build] Runtime: 1.3 seconds total.                                                                                                                                                                        
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ tree ./
├── build
│   └── catkin_tools_prebuild
│       ├── atomic_configure
│       │   ├── env.sh
│       │   ├── local_setup.bash
│       │   ├── local_setup.sh
│       │   ├── local_setup.zsh
│       │   ├── setup.bash
│       │   ├── setup.sh
│       │   ├── _setup_util.py
│       │   └── setup.zsh
│       ├── catkin
│       │   └── catkin_generated
│       │       └── version
│       │           └── package.cmake
│       ├── catkin_generated
│       │   ├── env_cached.sh
│       │   ├── generate_cached_setup.py
│       │   ├── installspace
│       │   │   ├── catkin_tools_prebuildConfig.cmake
│       │   │   ├── catkin_tools_prebuildConfig-version.cmake
│       │   │   ├── catkin_tools_prebuild.pc
│       │   │   ├── env.sh
│       │   │   ├── local_setup.bash
│       │   │   ├── local_setup.sh
│       │   │   ├── local_setup.zsh
│       │   │   ├── setup.bash
│       │   │   ├── setup.sh
│       │   │   ├── _setup_util.py
│       │   │   └── setup.zsh
│       │   ├── package.cmake
│       │   ├── pkg.develspace.context.pc.py
│       │   ├── pkg.installspace.context.pc.py
│       │   ├── setup_cached.sh
│       │   └── stamps
│       │       └── catkin_tools_prebuild
│       │           ├── interrogate_setup_dot_py.py.stamp
│       │           ├── package.xml.stamp
│       │           ├── pkg.pc.em.stamp
│       │           └── _setup_util.py.stamp
│       ├── CMakeCache.txt
│       ├── CMakeFiles
│       │   ├── 3.10.2
│       │   │   ├── CMakeCCompiler.cmake
│       │   │   ├── CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake
│       │   │   ├── CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin
│       │   │   ├── CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin
│       │   │   ├── CMakeSystem.cmake
│       │   │   ├── CompilerIdC
│       │   │   │   ├── a.out
│       │   │   │   ├── CMakeCCompilerId.c
│       │   │   │   └── tmp
│       │   │   └── CompilerIdCXX
│       │   │       ├── a.out
│       │   │       ├── CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp
│       │   │       └── tmp
│       │   ├── _catkin_empty_exported_target.dir
│       │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   └── progress.make
│       │   ├── clean_test_results.dir
│       │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   └── progress.make
│       │   ├── cmake.check_cache
│       │   ├── CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
│       │   ├── CMakeError.log
│       │   ├── CMakeOutput.log
│       │   ├── CMakeRuleHashes.txt
│       │   ├── CMakeTmp
│       │   ├── download_extra_data.dir
│       │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   └── progress.make
│       │   ├── doxygen.dir
│       │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   └── progress.make
│       │   ├── feature_tests.bin
│       │   ├── feature_tests.c
│       │   ├── feature_tests.cxx
│       │   ├── Makefile2
│       │   ├── Makefile.cmake
│       │   ├── progress.marks
│       │   ├── run_tests.dir
│       │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   └── progress.make
│       │   ├── TargetDirectories.txt
│       │   └── tests.dir
│       │       ├── build.make
│       │       ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │       ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │       └── progress.make
│       ├── cmake_install.cmake
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── CTestConfiguration.ini
│       ├── CTestCustom.cmake
│       ├── CTestTestfile.cmake
│       ├── gtest
│       │   ├── CMakeFiles
│       │   │   ├── CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
│       │   │   └── progress.marks
│       │   ├── cmake_install.cmake
│       │   ├── CTestTestfile.cmake
│       │   ├── googlemock
│       │   │   ├── CMakeFiles
│       │   │   │   ├── CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
│       │   │   │   ├── gmock.dir
│       │   │   │   │   ├── __
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── googletest
│       │   │   │   │   │       └── src
│       │   │   │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   ├── depend.make
│       │   │   │   │   ├── flags.make
│       │   │   │   │   ├── link.txt
│       │   │   │   │   ├── progress.make
│       │   │   │   │   └── src
│       │   │   │   ├── gmock_main.dir
│       │   │   │   │   ├── __
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── googletest
│       │   │   │   │   │       └── src
│       │   │   │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   ├── depend.make
│       │   │   │   │   ├── flags.make
│       │   │   │   │   ├── link.txt
│       │   │   │   │   ├── progress.make
│       │   │   │   │   └── src
│       │   │   │   └── progress.marks
│       │   │   ├── cmake_install.cmake
│       │   │   ├── CTestTestfile.cmake
│       │   │   ├── gtest
│       │   │   │   ├── CMakeFiles
│       │   │   │   │   ├── CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   ├── gtest.dir
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── depend.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── flags.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── link.txt
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── progress.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── src
│       │   │   │   │   ├── gtest_main.dir
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── build.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── cmake_clean.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── DependInfo.cmake
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── depend.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── flags.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── link.txt
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── progress.make
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── src
│       │   │   │   │   └── progress.marks
│       │   │   │   ├── cmake_install.cmake
│       │   │   │   ├── CTestTestfile.cmake
│       │   │   │   └── Makefile
│       │   │   └── Makefile
│       │   └── Makefile
│       ├── Makefile
│       ├── package.xml
│       └── test_results
├── devel
│   ├── cmake.lock -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/cmake.lock
│   ├── env.sh -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/env.sh
│   ├── etc
│   │   └── catkin
│   │       └── profile.d
│   │           └── 06-ctr-nuke.sh
│   ├── lib
│   │   └── pkgconfig
│   │       └── catkin_tools_prebuild.pc -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/lib/pkgconfig/catkin_tools_prebuild.pc
│   ├── local_setup.bash -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/local_setup.bash
│   ├── local_setup.sh -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/local_setup.sh
│   ├── local_setup.zsh -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/local_setup.zsh
│   ├── setup.bash -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/setup.bash
│   ├── setup.sh -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/setup.sh
│   ├── _setup_util.py -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/_setup_util.py
│   ├── setup.zsh -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/setup.zsh
│   └── share
│       └── catkin_tools_prebuild
│           └── cmake
│               ├── catkin_tools_prebuildConfig.cmake -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/share/catkin_tools_prebuild/cmake/catkin_tools_prebuildConfig.cmake
│               └── catkin_tools_prebuildConfig-version.cmake -> /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel/.private/catkin_tools_prebuild/share/catkin_tools_prebuild/cmake/catkin_tools_prebuildConfig-version.cmake
├── logs
│   └── catkin_tools_prebuild
│       ├── build.cache-manifest.000.log
│       ├── build.cache-manifest.log
│       ├── build.cmake.000.log
│       ├── build.cmake.log
│       ├── build.ctr-nuke.000.log
│       ├── build.ctr-nuke.log
│       ├── build.loadenv.000.log
│       ├── build.loadenv.log
│       ├── build.make.000.log
│       ├── build.make.log
│       ├── build.mkdir.000.log
│       ├── build.mkdir.001.log
│       ├── build.mkdir.log
│       ├── build.symlink.000.log
│       └── build.symlink.log
└── src

56 directories, 154 files
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ source devel/setup.bash
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin create pkg ros_communication --catkin-deps std_msgs roscpp rospy
Creating package "ros_communication" in "/home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src"...
Created file ros_communication/package.xml
Created file ros_communication/CMakeLists.txt
Created folder ros_communication/include/ros_communication
Created folder ros_communication/src
Successfully created package files in /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_communication.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin build ros_communication
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '1' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                                          
[build] Updating package table.                                                                                                     
Starting  >>> ros_communication                                                                                                     
Finished  <<< ros_communication                [ 1.4 seconds ]                                                                      
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                                                          
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                                                                          
[build]   Warnings:  None.                                                                                                          
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                                          
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                                          
[build] Runtime: 1.4 seconds total.                                                                                                 
[build] Note: Workspace packages have changed, please re-source setup files to use them.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ sudo apt-get install nano
[sudo] password for chuanmei: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
nano is already the newest version (2.9.3-2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 410 not upgraded.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ sudo nano ~/.bashrc
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ sudo apt-get install nano
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
nano is already the newest version (2.9.3-2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 410 not upgraded.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor display-line-numbers true
GLib-GIO-Message: 01:22:43.344: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
[sudo] password for chuanmei: 

** (gedit:14892): WARNING **: 01:29:22.526: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-spell-language not supported

** (gedit:14892): WARNING **: 01:29:22.526: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-encoding not supported

** (gedit:14892): WARNING **: 01:30:38.987: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-position not supported
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ source ~/.bashrc
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor display-line-numbers true
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

** (gedit:15013): WARNING **: 01:46:21.135: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-position not supported
(base) chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ conda deactivate
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ source devel/setup.bash
bash: devel/setup.bash: No such file or directory
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ source devel/setup.bash
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ catkin build ros_communication
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '1' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                        
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                              
Starting  >>> ros_communication                                                                   
Errors     << ros_communication:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_communication/build.check.000.log
CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_communication/CMakeLists.txt:129 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "listener" does
  not exist.

CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_communication/CMakeLists.txt:124 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "talker" does
  not exist.

make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
cd /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build/ros_communication; catkin build --get-env ros_communication | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make cmake_check_build_system; cd -
Failed     << ros_communication:check          [ Exited with code 2 ]                             
Failed    <<< ros_communication                [ 0.5 seconds ]                                    
[build] Summary: 0 of 1 packages succeeded.                                                       
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                                        
[build]   Warnings:  None.                                                                        
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                        
[build]   Failed:    1 packages failed.                                                           
[build] Runtime: 0.5 seconds total.                                                               
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ catkin build ros_communication
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '1' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                                                                                       
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                                                                                                             
Starting  >>> ros_communication                                                                                                                                                  
Warnings   << ros_communication:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_communication/build.check.001.log                                                                        
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:129 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "listener" does
  not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:124 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "talker" does
  not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

cd /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build/ros_communication; catkin build --get-env ros_communication | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make cmake_check_build_system; cd -
Finished  <<< ros_communication                [ 1.7 seconds ]                                                                                                                   
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                                                                                                       
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                                                                                                                       
[build]   Warnings:  1 packages succeeded with warnings.                                                                                                                         
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                                                                                       
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                                                                                       
[build] Runtime: 1.7 seconds total.                                                                                                                                              
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ source devel/setup.bash
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ cd
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ roscore
... logging to /home/chuanmei/.ros/log/016b683c-8172-11ef-80c1-000c2997208d/roslaunch-ubuntu-15726.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:44259/
ros_comm version 1.14.13


 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.13


auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [15737]

setting /run_id to 016b683c-8172-11ef-80c1-000c2997208d
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [15750]
started core service [/rosout]
^C[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ conda deactivate
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd ros_basic/
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ catkin build ros_communication
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '1' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                      
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                                            
Starting  >>> ros_communication                                                                                 
Finished  <<< ros_communication                [ 0.1 seconds ]                                                  
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                                      
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                                                      
[build]   Warnings:  None.                                                                                      
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                      
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                      
[build] Runtime: 0.1 seconds total.                                                                             
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ catkin build ros_communication
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '1' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                      
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                                            
Starting  >>> ros_communication                                                                                 
Warnings   << ros_communication:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_communication/build.check.003.log       
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:140 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "turtle_client"
  does not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:135 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "turtle_server"
  does not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:129 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "listener" does
  not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:124 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_communication_gencpp" of target "talker" does
  not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

cd /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build/ros_communication; catkin build --get-env ros_communication | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make cmake_check_build_system; cd -
Finished  <<< ros_communication                [ 1.5 seconds ]                                                  
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                                      
[build]   Ignored:   None.                                                                                      
[build]   Warnings:  1 packages succeeded with warnings.                                                        
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                      
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                      
[build] Runtime: 1.5 seconds total.                                                                             
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ roscore
... logging to /home/chuanmei/.ros/log/0f294d36-817c-11ef-80c1-000c2997208d/roslaunch-ubuntu-16660.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:34119/
ros_comm version 1.14.13


 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.13


auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [16670]

setting /run_id to 0f294d36-817c-11ef-80c1-000c2997208d
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [16683]
started core service [/rosout]
^C[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ cd src
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin create pkg ros_define_data --catkin-deps std_msgs roscpp rospy
Creating package "ros_define_data" in "/home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src"...
Created file ros_define_data/CMakeLists.txt
Created file ros_define_data/package.xml
Created folder ros_define_data/include/ros_define_data
Created folder ros_define_data/src
Successfully created package files in /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_define_data.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ cd src
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin build ros_define_data
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '2' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                        
[build] Updating package table.                                                                   
Starting  >>> ros_define_data                                                                     
Finished  <<< ros_define_data                [ 2.3 seconds ]                                      
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                        
[build]   Ignored:   1 packages were skipped or are blacklisted.                                  
[build]   Warnings:  None.                                                                        
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                        
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                        
[build] Runtime: 2.3 seconds total.                                                               
[build] Note: Workspace packages have changed, please re-source setup files to use them.
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ ource devel/setup.bash

Command 'ource' not found, did you mean:

  command 'gource' from deb gource

Try: sudo apt install <deb name>

chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~$ cd ros_basic
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ source devel/setup.bash
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ rosmsg show grasp
uint16 x
uint16 y
float64 z
float64 angle
float64 width

chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ rossrv show grasp_
uint16 x
uint16 y
uint16 distance

chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ cd src
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin build ros_define_data
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '2' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                     
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                                           
Starting  >>> ros_define_data                                                                                  
Errors     << ros_define_data:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_define_data/build.check.000.log          
CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_define_data/CMakeLists.txt:131 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "client" does not

CMake Error at /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src/ros_define_data/CMakeLists.txt:127 (add_dependencies):
  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "server" does not

make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
cd /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build/ros_define_data; catkin build --get-env ros_define_data | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make cmake_check_build_system; cd -
Failed     << ros_define_data:check          [ Exited with code 2 ]                                            
Failed    <<< ros_define_data                [ 0.7 seconds ]                                                   
[build] Summary: 0 of 1 packages succeeded.                                                                    
[build]   Ignored:   1 packages were skipped or are blacklisted.                                               
[build]   Warnings:  None.                                                                                     
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                     
[build]   Failed:    1 packages failed.                                                                        
[build] Runtime: 0.7 seconds total.                                                                            
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin build ros_define_data
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '2' packages in 0.0 seconds.                                                                                                                      
[build] Package table is up to date.                                                                                                                            
Starting  >>> ros_define_data                                                                                                                                   
Warnings   << ros_define_data:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_define_data/build.check.001.log                                                           
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:131 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "client" does not
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:127 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "server" does not
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

cd /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build/ros_define_data; catkin build --get-env ros_define_data | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make cmake_check_build_system; cd -
Finished  <<< ros_define_data                [ 2.6 seconds ]                                                                                                    
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                                                                                                                      
[build]   Ignored:   1 packages were skipped or are blacklisted.                                                                                                
[build]   Warnings:  1 packages succeeded with warnings.                                                                                                        
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                                                                                                                      
[build]   Failed:    None.                                                                                                                                      
[build] Runtime: 2.7 seconds total.                                                                                                                             
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ cd ..
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ roscore
... logging to /home/chuanmei/.ros/log/1ce7ab64-8192-11ef-80c1-000c2997208d/roslaunch-ubuntu-45524.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:45635/
ros_comm version 1.14.13


 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.13


auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [45534]

setting /run_id to 1ce7ab64-8192-11ef-80c1-000c2997208d
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [45547]
started core service [/rosout]
^C[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic$ cd src
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ catkin build ros_define_data
Profile:                     default
Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/melodic
Workspace:                   /home/chuanmei/ros_basic
Build Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/devel
Install Space:      [unused] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/install
Log Space:          [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs
Source Space:       [exists] /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/src
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        None
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.
[build] Found '2' packages in 0.0 seconds.                           
[build] Package table is up to date.                                 
Starting  >>> ros_define_data                                        
Warnings   << ros_define_data:check /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/logs/ros_define_data/build.check.002.log
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:138 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "subscriber" does
  not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:131 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "client" does not
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:127 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "server" does not
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:134 (add_dependencies):
  Policy CMP0046 is not set: Error on non-existent dependency in
  add_dependencies.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0046" for policy details.
  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.

  The dependency target "ros_define_data_gencpp" of target "publisher" does
  not exist.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

cd /home/chuanmei/ros_basic/build/ros_define_data; catkin build --get-env ros_define_data | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make cmake_check_build_system; cd -
Finished  <<< ros_define_data                [ 2.0 seconds ]         
[build] Summary: All 1 packages succeeded!                           
[build]   Ignored:   1 packages were skipped or are blacklisted.     
[build]   Warnings:  1 packages succeeded with warnings.             
[build]   Abandoned: None.                                           
[build]   Failed:    None.                                           
[build] Runtime: 2.0 seconds total.                                  
chuanmei@ubuntu:~/ros_basic/src$ roscore
... logging to /home/chuanmei/.ros/log/828f206e-8197-11ef-970b-000c2997208d/roslaunch-ubuntu-106012.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:45133/
ros_comm version 1.14.13


 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.13


auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [106022]

setting /run_id to 828f206e-8197-11ef-970b-000c2997208d
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [106035]
started core service [/rosout]
^A^C[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


