Unity Toon Shader 卡通着色器(一):卡通着色

一直对非真实感渲染 (Non-Photorealistic Rendering) 很感兴趣,正好发现某社出的新游戏中可以选择真实质感或卡通质感,所以想试试在 Unity 里实现一下卡通着色器。



* 本文主要参考 Unity Assets Store 中的 Toony Colors Pro 2 ,模型也来自该工具包。着色器全部使用 Surface Shader 实现。

Github 仓库地址: github.com/Sorumi/UnityToonShader

首先搭一下基本的着色器框架,在 Surface Shader 中自定义光照模型 LightingToon,编译指令中排除多余的渲染路径通道,减少最终生成 shader 的体积。

    _Color ("Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
    _MainTex ("Main Texture", 2D) = "white" { }

    Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }


    #pragma surface surf Toon addshadow fullforwardshadows exclude_path:deferred exclude_path:prepass
    #pragma target 3.0

    fixed4 _Color;
    sampler2D _MainTex;

    struct Input
        float2 uv_MainTex;
        float3 viewDir;

    inline fixed4 LightingToon(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, half atten)
        half3 normalDir = normalize(s.Normal);
        float ndl = max(0, dot(normalDir, lightDir));

        fixed3 lightColor = _LightColor0.rgb;

        fixed4 color;
        fixed3 diffuse = s.Albedo * lightColor * ndl * atten;

        color.rgb = diffuse;
        color.a = s.Alpha;
        return color;

    void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
        fixed4 mainTex = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
        o.Albedo = mainTex.rgb * _Color.rgb;

        o.Alpha = mainTex.a * _Color.a;


这是非卡通渲染只有环境光照 (ambient) 和漫反射 (diffuse) 的效果。

No Toon


实现原理是把 diffuse 漫反射颜色简化成对比较明显的几个色阶,首先尝试一下降到 2 阶色阶。Diffuse 模型中,法线方向向量与光线方向向量的点积控制着漫反射的强度。

float ndl = max(0, dot(normalDir, lightDir));

设置属性:RampThreshold 色阶阈值, ndl>=threshold n d l >= t h r e s h o l d ramp=1 r a m p = 1 ndl<threshold n d l < t h r e s h o l d ramp=0 r a m p = 0 。但是这样会导致分界线十分明显,所以再增加属性:RampSmooth 色阶间平滑度。使用 smoothstep 平滑函数,根据 RampSmooth 对色阶之间进行过渡。

fixed3 ramp = smoothstep(_RampThreshold - _RampSmooth * 0.5, _RampThreshold + _RampSmooth * 0.5, ndl);
ramp *= atten;
fixed3 diffuse = s.Albedo * lightColor * ramp;

Toon Ramp

可以看到光影对比很明显了,但是这个阴影也太丑了,所以直接用颜色叠加作为阴影和高光。设置属性 HColor 高光颜色和 SColor 阴影颜色。

_SColor = lerp(_HColor, _SColor, _SColor.a);
float3 rampColor = lerp(_SColor.rgb, _HColor.rgb, ramp);
fixed3 diffuse = s.Albedo * lightColor * rampColor;

Toon Color


之后再做一些增强画面效果的工作,首先设置镜面光照的相关属性:SpecColor 高光颜色、SpecSmooth 高光色阶的平滑度、Shininess 镜面反射度。

surf 着色器里,使用纹理的 alpha 通道作为光泽度 Gloss 。

void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
    o.Specular = _Shininess;
    o.Gloss = mainTex.a;
inline fixed4 LightingToon(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, half atten)
    half3 halfDir = normalize(lightDir + viewDir);
    float ndh = max(0, dot(normalDir, halfDir));
    float spec = pow(ndh, s.Specular * 128.0) * s.Gloss;
    spec *= atten;
    spec = smoothstep(0.5 - _SpecSmooth * 0.5, 0.5 + _SpecSmooth * 0.5, spec);
    fixed3 specular = _SpecColor.rgb * lightColor * spec;

    color.rgb = diffuse + specular;
    color.a = s.Alpha;
    return color;

设置边缘光的属性:RimColor 边缘光颜色、RimThreshold 边缘光阈值、RimSmooth 边缘光色阶的平滑度。法线方向与视线方向夹角越小,与光线方向夹角越大,则边缘光强度越强。

inline fixed4 LightingToon(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, half atten)
    float ndv = max(0, dot(normalDir, viewDir));
    float rim = (1.0 - ndv) * ndl;
    rim *= atten;
    rim = smoothstep(_RimThreshold - _RimSmooth * 0.5, _RimThreshold + _RimSmooth * 0.5, rim);
    fixed3 rimColor = _RimColor.rgb * lightColor * _RimColor.a * rim;

    color.rgb = diffuse + specular + rimColor;
    color.a = s.Alpha;
    return color;

Toon SpecularAndRim


对于模型不同部分,单纯用颜色来做阴影可能缺少层次感,可以考虑使用纹理,对不同部分添加不同的阴影颜色。这里需要自定义 SurfaceOutput ,添加 Shadow 保存纹理采样的颜色。

void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputCustom o)
    fixed4 shadowTex = tex2D(_ShadowTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
    o.Shadow = shadowTex.rgb;

inline fixed4 LightingToon(SurfaceOutputCustom s, half3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, half atten)
    s.Albedo = lerp(s.Shadow, s.Albedo, ramp);



同样使用 RampThreshold 控制光影的比例。

float diff = smoothstep(_RampThreshold - ndl, _RampThreshold + ndl, ndl);

增加属性 ToonSteps 表示色阶层数。

float ramp = floor(diff * _ToonSteps) / _ToonSteps;

色阶之间需要根据 RampSmooth 平滑过渡,首先来看一下一直使用的 smoothstep 函数。

smoothstep(float min, float max, float t);

根据 t , min 和 max ,返回在 0 到 1之间的一个数,类似于插值函数 lerp 。但是 lerp 是线性,而 smoothstep 在min和 max 处增长缓慢,中间增长较快。

如果 ToonSteps = 5 ,则 ramp 关于 diff 的函数图像为


float interval = 1 / _ToonSteps;
float level = round(diff * _ToonSteps) / _ToonSteps;
ramp = interval * smoothstep(level - _RampSmooth * interval * 0.5, level + _RampSmooth * interval * 0.5, diff) + level - interval;
ramp = max(0, ramp);
ramp *= atten;

但是当 RampSmooth = 1 ,即完全平滑,图像应该是线性的,但是函数图像如下图



float linearstep(float min, float max, float t)
    return saturate((t - min) / (max - min));

inline fixed4 LightingToon(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, half atten)
    if (_RampSmooth == 1)
        ramp = interval * linearstep(level - _RampSmooth * interval * 0.5, level + _RampSmooth * interval * 0.5, diff) + level - interval;
        ramp = interval * smoothstep(level - _RampSmooth * interval * 0.5, level + _RampSmooth * interval * 0.5, diff) + level - interval;

Toon Multisteps


Toony Colors Pro 2
Unity3d shader之卡通着色Toon Shading

Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher. RealToon v5.1.2 An AAA Anime/Toon Shader to make your characters & objects to look as close to real Anime/Cartoon. Toon/Cel shading shader. (For Games, Film/Animations & Illustrations/Arts) - It is Fully Multi-Lighting. Features: - Smooth Object Normal: *Smooth object normal for better or clean shading. - Self Shadow: *(Adjust Size/Threshold and Hardness without using any texture) - Normal Map: *(For more details) - FReflection: *(Use images/textures as reflection.) *(Can also adjust the size and position) *(This is not a matcap style reflection or cubemap.) - Outline: *(Can change the Color and Width) *(With noise/distort outline for sketch style outline and dynamic) *(You can choose to use outline or without outline "for less drawcalls"). - Gloss (Texture) (Custom Gloss): *(Use images/textures as gloss) *(Can choose to follow light position & object rotation.) - ShadowT (Texture): *(Gradient or Flat base shadow/shade.) - RealToon Refraction: *Anime/cartoon style glass, ice, liquid, etc. - Reduce Shadow: *Reduce real-time shadow of an object - material without affecting other parts of an object. - Fade Transparency with outline and transparent affects shadow. - Vertex color support for Outline, Self Shadow & Smooth Object Normal features. - Includes RealToon (Lite Version) shaders for mobile or lite type games. - Includes RealToon (Tessellation Version) shaders. - Includes RealToon (LWRP Version) (Unity 2018 with LWRP V4.0.0 to latest) - Includes effects like sobel outline. - More... Other Features - Use Directional Light and Point & Spot light or multiple lights at the same time without problem and maintaining that anime/cartoon style shadow color & brightness. - Fully color shadow and maintain light falloff. - Fog affect Outline. - Receive GI with Flat/Smooth shade & Skylight/Environment Light. - Do baked/real-time reflection. - Can use patterned textures for manga/comics like shadow. - Use it with or without shadow. - Computer (PC,Mac & Linux), Mobile & Video Game Console (Nintendo Switch) in one shader. - You can also use this in creating Anime/Cartoon film & Illustrations/Arts in unity3d. - You can also use this in making VTuber works with or without real-time shadows. - Can now be used in 2D type games. - Includes a simple tool/script Frame By Frame Rendering for animation & illustration/art use. *Renders frames to Image Sequence or PNG Sequence file. - Includes a simple custom shadow resolution script for higher quality shadow. (For Film/Animation & Illustration/Art use) - This can also be use in VRChat/VRC. - More features to come so be sure to check my social network/media.
评论 2




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