GATK Event类介绍

GATK(Genome Analysis Toolkit)是一个广泛使用的工具包,主要用于分析高通量基因组数据。GATK的Event类是用于处理变异检测和基因组分析中的“事件”的一个重要类。这里的“事件”通常指的是在基因组上检测到的特定变异或变化,比如SNP(单核苷酸多态性)或Indel(插入/缺失变异)。


  1. 事件表示:Event类用于表示基因组中的特定事件,包括变异的类型、位置、频率等信息。
  2. 数据结构:它提供了一个数据结构来存储和操作与事件相关的信息,便于进一步的分析和处理。
  3. 变异注释:在GATK中,Event类可能还涉及到变异的注释功能,包括对变异的功能影响进行注释。
  4. 集成:Event类与GATK的其他组件紧密集成,以支持从数据输入到变异检测再到结果输出的整个流程。


package org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype;

import htsjdk.samtools.util.Locatable;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Allele;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContextBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Utils;
import picard.sam.util.Pair;

import java.util.*;

 * Very simple class wrapping VariantContext when we want to be explicit that a variant is biallelic, such as
 * in a haplotype EventMap
public class Event implements Locatable {
    private final String contig;
    private final int start;
    private final int stop;
    private final Allele refAllele;
    private final Allele altAllele;

    private Map<String, String> attributesForVariantContext = null;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public Event(final String contig, final int start, final Allele ref, final Allele alt) {
        Utils.validateArg(ref.isReference(), "ref is not ref");
        this.contig = contig;
        this.start = start;
        final Pair<Allele, Allele> minimalAlleles = makeMinimalRepresentation(ref, alt);
        refAllele = minimalAlleles.getLeft();
        altAllele = minimalAlleles.getRight();
        stop = start + refAllele.length() - 1;

     * Returns a pair of alleles that are in minimal representation (removes identical suffixes)
     * @param ref allele not in minimal representation
     * @param alt allele not in minimal representation
     * @return pair of alleles in minimal representation
    private static Pair<Allele, Allele> makeMinimalRepresentation(Allele ref, Allele alt) {
        //check for minimal representation
        if(ref.length() == 1 || alt.length() == 1 || differentLastBase(ref.getBases(), alt.getBases())) {
            return new Pair<>(ref, alt);
        Utils.validateArg(!ref.basesMatch(alt), "ref and alt alleles are identical");
        final byte[] refBases = ref.getBases();
        final byte[] altBases = alt.getBases();
        int overlapCount = 0;
        final int minLen = Math.min(refBases.length, altBases.length);
        while (overlapCount < minLen && refBases[refBases.length - 1 - overlapCount] == altBases[altBases.length - 1 - overlapCount]) {
        final byte[] newRefBases = Arrays.copyOf(refBases, ref.getBases().length - overlapCount);
        final byte[] newAltBases = Arrays.copyOf(altBases, alt.getBases().length - overlapCount);
        final Allele newRefAllele = Allele.create(newRefBases, true);
        final Allele newAltAllele = Allele.create(newAltBases, false);
        return(new Pair<>(newRefAllele, newAltAllele));

    public static Event ofWithoutAttributes(final VariantContext vc) {
        Utils.validateArg(vc.isBiallelic(), "variant must be biallelic");
        return new Event(vc.getContig(), vc.getStart(), vc.getReference(), vc.getAlternateAllele(0));

    // This should only be used once in the lifecycle of an event: when we make the jump from discovered event to variant context for output
    public VariantContext convertToVariantContext(final String source) {
        final VariantContext result = new VariantContextBuilder(source, contig, start, stop, Arrays.asList(refAllele, altAllele)).make();
        if (attributesForVariantContext != null) {
            attributesForVariantContext.forEach((key, value) -> result.getCommonInfo().putAttribute(key, value));
        return result;

    public String getContig() { return contig; }

    public int getStart() {
        return start;

    public int getEnd() { return stop; }

    public Allele refAllele() {
        return refAllele;

    public Allele altAllele() {
        return altAllele;

    public boolean isSNP() { return refAllele.length() == 1 && refAllele.length() == altAllele.length(); }

    public boolean isIndel() { return refAllele.length() != altAllele.length() && !altAllele.isSymbolic(); }

    public boolean isSimpleInsertion() { return refAllele.length() == 1 && altAllele.length() > 1; }

    public boolean isSimpleDeletion() { return refAllele.length() > 1 && altAllele.length() == 1; }

    public boolean isMNP() { return refAllele.length() > 1 && refAllele.length() == altAllele.length(); }

    public void setVariantAttribute(final String key, final String value) {
        if (attributesForVariantContext == null) {
            attributesForVariantContext = new HashMap<>();
        attributesForVariantContext.put(key, value);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != this.getClass()) {
            return false;

        final Event other = (Event) obj;

        return this.start == other.start && this.refAllele.equals(other.refAllele) && this.altAllele.equals(other.altAllele);

    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder().append(start).append(refAllele).append(altAllele).hashCode();

    private static boolean differentLastBase(final byte[] ref, final byte[] alt) {
        return ref.length == 0 || alt.length == 0 || ref[ref.length-1] != alt[alt.length-1];

    public String toString() {
        return "[Event @ " + contig + ":" + (start - stop == 0 ? start : start + "-" + stop) + ", " +
                refAllele + "->" + altAllele + ", " + attributesForVariantContext + "]";





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