小哥我今日突然诗性大发想写点什么,可是又找不到头绪于是乎直接打开google,登陆leetcode 找到database 目录栏的tree栏目。闲话我们从倒数的第一个题目开始先带着大家从easy 部分开始。当然先从java部分开始。
Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not.
Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value.
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* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* struct TreeNode *left;
* struct TreeNode *right;
* };
bool isSameTree(struct TreeNode* p, struct TreeNode* q) {
``bool isSameTree(struct TreeNode* p, struct TreeNode* q) {
//1. exception protection
//2 when both of tree are empty,LOL we should reture true;
if(p == NULL && q == NULL){
return true;
}else if(p == NULL || q == NULL) {
return false; // why?
// 3.开始递归与判断(为啥不用英文了,因为小哥我不知道英文的递归咋写)
return (p->val == q->val) && isSameTree(p->left,q->left)
&& isSameTree(p->right,q->right);
1、 准备两个队列,分别用来存在左右子树的节点。
public class Solution {
public boolean isSameTree(TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
//1.prepar two queue leftq and rightq
// 2.put root node into queue
// 3. init tmp TreeNode lq and rq to store root.left node and root.right node.
// 4.clear queue lq and rq.
LinkedList<TreeNode> leftq = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
LinkedList<TreeNode> rightq = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
while (leftq.size() != 0 && rightq.size() != 0) {
TreeNode lq = leftq.poll();
TreeNode rq = rightq.poll();
if (lq == null && rq == null) continue;
if (lq == null || rq == null) return false;
if (lq.val != rq.val) return false;
left.offer(lq.left); leftq.offer(lq.right);
right.offer(rq.left); rightq.offer(rq.right);
if (leftq.size() != 0 || rightq.size() != 0) return false; // why?please think about it.
return true;