配置RefineDet -- caffe 添加双线性插值函数功能

Table of Contents



1. 查看log文件

2. 进行log文件分析

3. 利用gnuplot绘制曲线



2. 在RefineDet/include/caffe/util下添加interp.hpp文件,添加代码如下:

3. 在RefineDet/include/caffe下添加文件common.cuh,添加代码如下:

4. 在RefineDet/src/caffe/layers下添加文件interp_layer.cpp,添加代码如下:

5. 在RefineDet/caffe/util下添加文件interp.cpp,添加代码如下:



8. OK啦




cd $RefineDet_ROOT
# Modify Makefile.config according to your Caffe installation.
# Make sure to include $RefineDet_ROOT/python to your PYTHONPATH.
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
make all -j && make py

这里的# Make sure to include $RefineDet_ROOT/python to your PYTHONPATH. 要将RefineDet中的python路径添加到.bashrc中并生效。因为刚开始没理解这个,所以后续训练一直报错。

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH=/media/****/****/RefineDet/python:$PYTHONPATH
source ~/.bashrc



1. 查看log文件


2. 进行log文件分析


cd RefineDet/tools/extra
./parse_log.sh ../../jobs/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_300x300/VGG_VOC0712_SSD_300x300.log 


3. 利用gnuplot绘制曲线

cp plot_log.gnuplot.example plot_log.gnuplot


gnuplot plot_log.gnuplot





#include <vector>

#include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"

namespace caffe {
 * @brief Changes the spatial resolution by bi-linear interpolation.
 *        The target size is specified in terms of pixels. 
 *        The start and end pixels of the input are mapped to the start
 *        and end pixels of the output.
template <typename Dtype>
class InterpLayer : public Layer<Dtype> {
  explicit InterpLayer(const LayerParameter& param)
      : Layer<Dtype>(param) {}
  virtual void LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);

  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "Interp"; }
  virtual inline int MinBottomBlobs() const { return 1; } // virtual inline int MinBottomBlobs() const { return 1; }
  virtual inline int ExactNumTopBlobs() const { return 1; }

  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
  int num_, channels_;
  int height_in_, width_in_;
  int height_out_, width_out_;
  int pad_beg_, pad_end_;
  int height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_;

}  // namespace caffe


2. 在RefineDet/include/caffe/util下添加interp.hpp文件,添加代码如下:

// Copyright 2014 George Papandreou


//#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"

namespace caffe {

// Bi-linear interpolation
// IN : [channels height1 width1] cropped from a bigger [Height1 Width1] image // OUT: [channels height2 width2] cropped from a bigger [Height2 Width2] image

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_interp2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
          Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2);

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_interp2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
          Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2);

// Backward (adjoint) operation
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_interp2_backward(const int channels,
	  Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    const Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2);

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_interp2_backward(const int channels,
	  Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    const Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2);

// Create Gaussian pyramid of an image. Assume output space is pre-allocated.
// IN : [channels height width]
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_pyramid2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data, const int height, const int width,
    Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels);

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_pyramid2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data, const int height, const int width,
    Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels);

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_mosaic(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params1,
    const Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels,
          Dtype *data2, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params2);

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_mosaic(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params1,
    const Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels,
          Dtype *data2, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params2);

}  // namespace caffe


3. 在RefineDet/include/caffe下添加文件common.cuh,添加代码如下:

// Copyright 2014 George Papandreou


#include <cuda.h>
#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 600  

// CUDA: atomicAdd is not defined for doubles
static __inline__ __device__ double atomicAdd(double *address, double val) {
  unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address;
  unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed;
  if (val==0.0)
    return __longlong_as_double(old);
  do {
    assumed = old;
    old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(val +__longlong_as_double(assumed)));
  } while (assumed != old);
  return __longlong_as_double(old);


4. 在RefineDet/src/caffe/layers下添加文件interp_layer.cpp,添加代码如下:

#include <vector>

#include "caffe/layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/interp.hpp"
#include "caffe/layers/interp_layer.hpp"

namespace caffe {

template <typename Dtype>
void InterpLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  InterpParameter interp_param = this->layer_param_.interp_param();
  pad_beg_ = interp_param.pad_beg();
  pad_end_ = interp_param.pad_end();
  CHECK_LE(pad_beg_, 0) << "Only supports non-pos padding (cropping) for now";
  CHECK_LE(pad_end_, 0) << "Only supports non-pos padding (cropping) for now";

template <typename Dtype>
void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  num_ = bottom[0]->num();
  channels_ = bottom[0]->channels();
  height_in_ = bottom[0]->height();
  width_in_ = bottom[0]->width();
  height_in_eff_ = height_in_ + pad_beg_ + pad_end_;
  width_in_eff_ = width_in_ + pad_beg_ + pad_end_;
  InterpParameter interp_param = this->layer_param_.interp_param();
  if (interp_param.use_blob_size()){
    CHECK_GT(bottom.size(),1)<<"use blob size should have another blob to supply size";
    height_out_ = bottom[1]->height();
    width_out_ = bottom[1]->width();

  } else if (interp_param.has_shrink_factor() &&
      !interp_param.has_zoom_factor()) {
    const int shrink_factor = interp_param.shrink_factor();
    CHECK_GE(shrink_factor, 1) << "Shrink factor must be positive";
    height_out_ = (height_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;
    width_out_ = (width_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;
  } else if (interp_param.has_zoom_factor() &&
             !interp_param.has_shrink_factor()) {
    const int zoom_factor = interp_param.zoom_factor();
    CHECK_GE(zoom_factor, 1) << "Zoom factor must be positive";
    height_out_ = height_in_eff_ + (height_in_eff_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);
    width_out_ = width_in_eff_ + (width_in_eff_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);
  } else if (interp_param.has_height() && interp_param.has_width()) {
    height_out_  = interp_param.height();
    width_out_  = interp_param.width();
  } else if (interp_param.has_shrink_factor() &&
             interp_param.has_zoom_factor()) {
    const int shrink_factor = interp_param.shrink_factor();
    const int zoom_factor = interp_param.zoom_factor();
    CHECK_GE(shrink_factor, 1) << "Shrink factor must be positive";
    CHECK_GE(zoom_factor, 1) << "Zoom factor must be positive";
    height_out_ = (height_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;
    width_out_ = (width_in_eff_ - 1) / shrink_factor + 1;
    height_out_ = height_out_ + (height_out_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);
    width_out_ = width_out_ + (width_out_ - 1) * (zoom_factor - 1);
  } else {
  CHECK_GT(height_in_eff_, 0) << "height should be positive";
  CHECK_GT(width_in_eff_, 0) << "width should be positive";
  CHECK_GT(height_out_, 0) << "height should be positive";
  CHECK_GT(width_out_, 0) << "width should be positive";
  top[0]->Reshape(num_, channels_, height_out_, width_out_);

template <typename Dtype>
void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  caffe_cpu_interp2<Dtype,false>(num_ * channels_,
    bottom[0]->cpu_data(), - pad_beg_, - pad_beg_, height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_, height_in_, width_in_,
    top[0]->mutable_cpu_data(), 0, 0, height_out_, width_out_, height_out_, width_out_);

template <typename Dtype>
void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
  if (!propagate_down[0]) { return; }
  caffe_set(bottom[0]->count(), Dtype(0), bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff());
  caffe_cpu_interp2_backward<Dtype,false>(num_ * channels_,
    bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff(), - pad_beg_, - pad_beg_, height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_, height_in_, width_in_,
    top[0]->cpu_diff(), 0, 0, height_out_, width_out_, height_out_, width_out_);

#ifndef CPU_ONLY
template <typename Dtype>
void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  caffe_gpu_interp2<Dtype,false>(num_ * channels_,
    bottom[0]->gpu_data(), - pad_beg_, - pad_beg_, height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_, height_in_, width_in_,
    top[0]->mutable_gpu_data(), 0, 0, height_out_, width_out_, height_out_, width_out_);

template <typename Dtype>
void InterpLayer<Dtype>::Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
  if (!propagate_down[0]) { return; }
  caffe_gpu_set(bottom[0]->count(), Dtype(0), bottom[0]->mutable_gpu_diff());
  caffe_gpu_interp2_backward<Dtype,false>(num_ * channels_,
    bottom[0]->mutable_gpu_diff(), - pad_beg_, - pad_beg_, height_in_eff_, width_in_eff_, height_in_, width_in_,
    top[0]->gpu_diff(), 0, 0, height_out_, width_out_, height_out_, width_out_);

#ifdef CPU_ONLY


}  // namespace caffe

5. 在RefineDet/caffe/util下添加文件interp.cpp,添加代码如下:

// Copyright 2014 George Papandreou

#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/interp.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

namespace caffe {

// Bi-linear interpolation
// IN : [channels height1 width1] cropped from a bigger [Height1 Width1] image
// OUT: [channels height2 width2] cropped from a bigger [Height2 Width2] image
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_interp2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {
  CHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && height1 > 0 && width1 > 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && height2 > 0 && width2 > 0);
  CHECK(Width1 >= width1 + x1 && Height1 >= height1 + y1 && Width2 >= width2 + x2 && Height2 >= height2 + y2);
  // special case: just copy
  if (height1 == height2 && width1 == width2) {
    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2) {
      const int h1 = h2;
      for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2) {
	const int w1 = w2;
	if (packed) {
	  const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
	  Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
	  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	    pos2[0] = pos1[0];
	else {
	  const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
	  Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
	  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	    pos2[0] = pos1[0];
	    pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	    pos2 += Width2 * Height2;
  const float rheight = (height2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(height1 - 1) / (height2 - 1) : 0.f;
  const float rwidth = (width2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(width1 - 1) / (width2 - 1) : 0.f;
  for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2) {
    const float h1r = rheight * h2;
    const int h1 = h1r;
    const int h1p = (h1 < height1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
    const Dtype h1lambda = h1r - h1;
    const Dtype h0lambda = Dtype(1.) - h1lambda;
    for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2) {
      const float w1r = rwidth * w2;
      const int w1 = w1r;
      const int w1p = (w1 < width1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
      const Dtype w1lambda = w1r - w1;
      const Dtype w0lambda = Dtype(1.) - w1lambda;
      if (packed) {
	const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
	Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos2[0] =
	    h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]            + w1lambda * pos1[channels * w1p]) + 
	    h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[channels * h1p * Width1] + w1lambda * pos1[channels * (h1p * Width1 + w1p)]);
      else {
	const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
	Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos2[0] =
	    h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]            + w1lambda * pos1[w1p]) + 
	    h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[h1p * Width1] + w1lambda * pos1[h1p * Width1 + w1p]);
	  pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	  pos2 += Width2 * Height2;

// Backward (adjoint) operation 1 <- 2 (accumulates)
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_interp2_backward(const int channels,
    Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    const Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {
  CHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && height1 > 0 && width1 > 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && height2 > 0 && width2 > 0);
  CHECK(Width1 >= width1 + x1 && Height1 >= height1 + y1 && Width2 >= width2 + x2 && Height2 >= height2 + y2);
  // special case: same-size matching grids
  if (height1 == height2 && width1 == width2) {
    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2) {
      const int h1 = h2;
      for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2) {
	const int w1 = w2;
	if (packed) {
	  Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
	  const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
	  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	    pos1[0] += pos2[0];
	else {
	  Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
	  const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
	  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	    pos1[0] += pos2[0];
	    pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	    pos2 += Width2 * Height2;
  const float rheight = (height2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(height1 - 1) / (height2 - 1) : 0.f;
  const float rwidth = (width2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(width1 - 1) / (width2 - 1) : 0.f;
  for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2) {
    const float h1r = rheight * h2;
    const int h1 = h1r;
    const int h1p = (h1 < height1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
    const Dtype h1lambda = h1r - h1;
    const Dtype h0lambda = Dtype(1.) - h1lambda;
    for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2) {
      const float w1r = rwidth * w2;
      const int w1 = w1r;
      const int w1p = (w1 < width1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
      const Dtype w1lambda = w1r - w1;
      const Dtype w0lambda = Dtype(1.) - w1lambda;
      if (packed) {
	Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
	const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos1[0] += h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1[channels * w1p] += h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1[channels * h1p * Width1] += h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1[channels * (h1p * Width1 + w1p)] += h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];
      else {
	Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
	const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos1[0] += h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1[w1p] += h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1[h1p * Width1] += h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1[h1p * Width1 + w1p] += h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0];
	  pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	  pos2 += Width2 * Height2;

// Create Gaussian pyramid of an image. Assume output space is pre-allocated.
// IN : [channels height width]
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_pyramid2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data, const int height, const int width,
    Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels) {
  CHECK(height > 0 && width > 0 && levels >= 0);
  int height1 = height, width1 = width;
  int height2 = height, width2 = width;
  const Dtype *data1 = data;
  Dtype *data2 = data_pyr;
  for (int l = 0; l < levels; ++l) {
    height2 /= 2;
    width2 /= 2;
    if (height2 == 0 || width2 == 0) {
    for (int h2 = 0; h2 < height2; ++h2) {
      const int h1 = 2 * h2;
      for (int w2 = 0; w2 < width2; ++w2) {
	const int w1 = 2 * w2;
	if (packed) {
	  const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * (h1 * width1 + w1)];
	  Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * (h2 * width2 + w2)];
	  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	    pos2[0] =  static_cast<Dtype>(.25) *
	      (pos1[0]                 + pos1[channels] + 
	       pos1[channels * width1] + pos1[channels * (width1 + 1)]);
	else {
	  const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[h1 * width1 + w1];
	  Dtype* pos2 = &data2[h2 * width2 + w2];
	  for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	    pos2[0] =  static_cast<Dtype>(.25) *
	      (pos1[0]      + pos1[1] + 
	       pos1[width1] + pos1[width1 + 1]);
	    pos1 += width1 * height1;
	    pos2 += width2 * height2;
    data1 = data2;
    height1 = height2;
    width1 = width2;
    data2 += channels * height2 * width2;

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_cpu_mosaic(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params1,
    const Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels,
          Dtype *data2, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params2) {
  const int num1 = mosaic_params1.rects_size();
  const int num2 = mosaic_params2.rects_size();
  CHECK(num1 == num2 || (num1 == 1 && num2 > 1) || (num2 == 1 && num1 > 1));
  const int num = std::max(num1, num2);
  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    const Rect rect1 = mosaic_params1.rects((i < num1) ? i : 0);
    const Rect rect2 = mosaic_params2.rects((i < num2) ? i : 0);
    int level = log2(sqrt((float)rect1.height() * rect1.width() / rect2.height() / rect2.width()));
    level = std::max(0, std::min(levels, level));
    if (data_pyr == 0 || level == 0) {
	  data1, rect1.x(), rect1.y(), rect1.height(), rect1.width(), mosaic_params1.height(), mosaic_params1.width(),
	  data2, rect2.x(), rect2.y(), rect2.height(), rect2.width(), mosaic_params2.height(), mosaic_params2.width());
    else {
      const Dtype *data_pyr_l = data_pyr;
      int factor = 2;
      for (int l = 1; l < level; ++l) {
	data_pyr_l += channels * (mosaic_params1.height() / factor) * (mosaic_params1.width() / factor);
	factor *= 2;
	  data_pyr_l, rect1.x() / factor, rect1.y() / factor, rect1.height() / factor, rect1.width() / factor, mosaic_params1.height() / factor, mosaic_params1.width() / factor,
	  data2, rect2.x(), rect2.y(), rect2.height(), rect2.width(), mosaic_params2.height(), mosaic_params2.width());      

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_mosaic(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params1,
    const Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels,
          Dtype *data2, const MosaicParameter mosaic_params2) {
  const int num1 = mosaic_params1.rects_size();
  const int num2 = mosaic_params2.rects_size();
  CHECK(num1 == num2 || (num1 == 1 && num2 > 1) || (num2 == 1 && num1 > 1));
  const int num = std::max(num1, num2);
  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    const Rect rect1 = mosaic_params1.rects((i < num1) ? i : 0);
    const Rect rect2 = mosaic_params2.rects((i < num2) ? i : 0);
    int level = log2(sqrt((float)rect1.height() * rect1.width() / rect2.height() / rect2.width()));
    level = std::max(0, std::min(levels, level));
    if (data_pyr == 0 || level == 0) {
	  data1, rect1.x(), rect1.y(), rect1.height(), rect1.width(), mosaic_params1.height(), mosaic_params1.width(),
	  data2, rect2.x(), rect2.y(), rect2.height(), rect2.width(), mosaic_params2.height(), mosaic_params2.width());
    else {
      const Dtype *data_pyr_l = data_pyr;
      int factor = 2;
      for (int l = 1; l < level; ++l) {
	data_pyr_l += channels * (mosaic_params1.height() / factor) * (mosaic_params1.width() / factor);
	factor *= 2;
	  data_pyr_l, rect1.x() / factor, rect1.y() / factor, rect1.height() / factor, rect1.width() / factor, mosaic_params1.height() / factor, mosaic_params1.width() / factor,
	  data2, rect2.x(), rect2.y(), rect2.height(), rect2.width(), mosaic_params2.height(), mosaic_params2.width());      


// Explicit instances
template void caffe_cpu_interp2<float,false>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_interp2<float,true>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_interp2<double,false>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_interp2<double,true>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);

template void caffe_cpu_interp2_backward<float,false>(const int, float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_interp2_backward<double,false>(const int, double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);

template void caffe_cpu_pyramid2<float,false>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, float *, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_pyramid2<float,true>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, float *, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_pyramid2<double,false>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, double *, const int);
template void caffe_cpu_pyramid2<double,true>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, double *, const int);

template void caffe_cpu_mosaic<float,false>(const int, const float *, const MosaicParameter, const float *, const int, float *, const MosaicParameter);
template void caffe_cpu_mosaic<float,true>(const int, const float *, const MosaicParameter, const float *, const int, float *, const MosaicParameter);
template void caffe_cpu_mosaic<double,false>(const int, const double *, const MosaicParameter, const double *, const int, double *, const MosaicParameter);
template void caffe_cpu_mosaic<double,true>(const int, const double *, const MosaicParameter, const double *, const int, double *, const MosaicParameter);

template void caffe_gpu_mosaic<float,false>(const int, const float *, const MosaicParameter, const float *, const int, float *, const MosaicParameter);
template void caffe_gpu_mosaic<float,true>(const int, const float *, const MosaicParameter, const float *, const int, float *, const MosaicParameter);
template void caffe_gpu_mosaic<double,false>(const int, const double *, const MosaicParameter, const double *, const int, double *, const MosaicParameter);
template void caffe_gpu_mosaic<double,true>(const int, const double *, const MosaicParameter, const double *, const int, double *, const MosaicParameter);

}  // namespace caffe

6. 在RefineDet/src/caffe/util下添加文件interp.cu,添加代码如下:

// Copyright 2014 George Papandreou

#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/common.cuh"
#include "caffe/util/interp.hpp"

namespace caffe {

// Bi-linear interpolation
// IN : [channels height1 width1] cropped from a bigger [Height1 Width1] image
// OUT: [channels height2 width2] cropped from a bigger [Height2 Width2] image
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
__global__ void caffe_gpu_interp2_kernel(const int n, const float rheight, const float rwidth,
    const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {
  int index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  if (index < n) {
    const int w2 = index % width2; // 0:width2-1
    const int h2 = index / width2; // 0:height2-1
    // special case: just copy
    if (height1 == height2 && width1 == width2) {
      const int h1 = h2;
      const int w1 = w2;
      if (packed) {
	const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
	Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos2[0] = pos1[0];
      else {
	const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
	Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	pos2[0] = pos1[0];
	pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	pos2 += Width2 * Height2;
    const float h1r = rheight * h2;
    const int h1 = h1r;
    const int h1p = (h1 < height1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
    const Dtype h1lambda = h1r - h1;
    const Dtype h0lambda = Dtype(1.) - h1lambda;
    const float w1r = rwidth * w2;
    const int w1 = w1r;
    const int w1p = (w1 < width1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
    const Dtype w1lambda = w1r - w1;
    const Dtype w0lambda = Dtype(1.) - w1lambda;
    if (packed) {
      const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
      Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	pos2[0] =
	  h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]            + w1lambda * pos1[channels * w1p]) + 
	  h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[channels * h1p * Width1] + w1lambda * pos1[channels * (h1p * Width1 + w1p)]);
    else {
      const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
      Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	pos2[0] =
	  h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0]            + w1lambda * pos1[w1p]) + 
	  h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[h1p * Width1] + w1lambda * pos1[h1p * Width1 + w1p]);
	pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	pos2 += Width2 * Height2;

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_interp2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {
  CHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && height1 > 0 && width1 > 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && height2 > 0 && width2 > 0);
  CHECK(Width1 >= width1 + x1 && Height1 >= height1 + y1 && Width2 >= width2 + x2 && Height2 >= height2 + y2);
  const float rheight = (height2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(height1 - 1) / (height2 - 1) : 0.f;
  const float rwidth = (width2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(width1 - 1) / (width2 - 1) : 0.f;
  const int num_kernels = height2 * width2;
  caffe_gpu_interp2_kernel<Dtype,packed><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(num_kernels), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>
    (num_kernels, rheight, rwidth, channels,
     data1, x1, y1, height1, width1, Height1, Width1,
     data2, x2, y2, height2, width2, Height2, Width2);

// Backward (adjoint) operation 1 <- 2 (accumulates)
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
__global__ void caffe_gpu_interp2_kernel_backward(const int n, const float rheight, const float rwidth,
    const int channels,
    Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    const Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {
  int index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  if (index < n) {
    const int w2 = index % width2; // 0:width2-1
    const int h2 = index / width2; // 0:height2-1
    // special case: just copy
    if (height1 == height2 && width1 == width2) {
      const int h1 = h2;
      const int w1 = w2;
      if (packed) {
	Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
	const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos1[0] += pos2[0];
      else {
	Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
	const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
	for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	  pos1[0] += pos2[0];
	  pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	  pos2 += Width2 * Height2;
    const float h1r = rheight * h2;
    const int h1 = h1r;
    const int h1p = (h1 < height1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
    const Dtype h1lambda = h1r - h1;
    const Dtype h0lambda = Dtype(1.) - h1lambda;
    const float w1r = rwidth * w2;
    const int w1 = w1r;
    const int w1p = (w1 < width1 - 1) ? 1 : 0;
    const Dtype w1lambda = w1r - w1;
    const Dtype w0lambda = Dtype(1.) - w1lambda;
    if (packed) {
      Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * ((y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1))];
      const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * ((y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2))];
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	atomicAdd(&pos1[0], h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0]);
	atomicAdd(&pos1[channels * w1p], h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0]);
	atomicAdd(&pos1[channels * h1p * Width1], h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0]);
	atomicAdd(&pos1[channels * (h1p * Width1 + w1p)], h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0]);
    else {
      Dtype* pos1 = &data1[(y1 + h1) * Width1 + (x1 + w1)];
      const Dtype* pos2 = &data2[(y2 + h2) * Width2 + (x2 + w2)];
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	atomicAdd(&pos1[0], h0lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0]);
	atomicAdd(&pos1[w1p], h0lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0]);
	atomicAdd(&pos1[h1p * Width1], h1lambda * w0lambda * pos2[0]);
	atomicAdd(&pos1[h1p * Width1 + w1p], h1lambda * w1lambda * pos2[0]);
	pos1 += Width1 * Height1;
	pos2 += Width2 * Height2;

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_interp2_backward(const int channels,
    Dtype *data1, const int x1, const int y1, const int height1, const int width1, const int Height1, const int Width1,
    const Dtype *data2, const int x2, const int y2, const int height2, const int width2, const int Height2, const int Width2) {
  CHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && height1 > 0 && width1 > 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && height2 > 0 && width2 > 0);
  CHECK(Width1 >= width1 + x1 && Height1 >= height1 + y1 && Width2 >= width2 + x2 && Height2 >= height2 + y2);
  const float rheight = (height2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(height1 - 1) / (height2 - 1) : 0.f;
  const float rwidth = (width2 > 1) ? static_cast<float>(width1 - 1) / (width2 - 1) : 0.f;
  const int num_kernels = height2 * width2;
  caffe_gpu_interp2_kernel_backward<Dtype,packed><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(num_kernels), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>
    (num_kernels, rheight, rwidth, channels,
     data1, x1, y1, height1, width1, Height1, Width1,
     data2, x2, y2, height2, width2, Height2, Width2);

// Create Gaussian pyramid of an image. Assume output space is pre-allocated.
// IN : [channels height width]
template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
__global__ void caffe_gpu_pyramid2_kernel(const int n, const int channels,
    const Dtype *data1, const int height1, const int width1,
    Dtype *data2, const int height2, const int width2) {
  int index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  if (index < n) {
    const int w2 = index % width2; // 0:width2-1
    const int h2 = index / width2; // 0:height2-1
    const int w1 = 2 * w2;
    const int h1 = 2 * h2;
    if (packed) {
      const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[channels * (h1 * width1 + w1)];
      Dtype* pos2 = &data2[channels * (h2 * width2 + w2)];
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	pos2[0] =  static_cast<Dtype>(.25) *
	  (pos1[0]                 + pos1[channels] + 
	   pos1[channels * width1] + pos1[channels * (width1 + 1)]);
    else {
      const Dtype* pos1 = &data1[h1 * width1 + w1];
      Dtype* pos2 = &data2[h2 * width2 + w2];
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
	pos2[0] =  static_cast<Dtype>(.25) *
	  (pos1[0]      + pos1[1] + 
	   pos1[width1] + pos1[width1 + 1]);
	pos1 += width1 * height1;
	pos2 += width2 * height2;

template <typename Dtype, bool packed>
void caffe_gpu_pyramid2(const int channels,
    const Dtype *data, const int height, const int width,
    Dtype *data_pyr, const int levels) {
  CHECK(height > 0 && width > 0 && levels >= 0);
  int height1 = height, width1 = width;
  int height2 = height, width2 = width;
  const Dtype *data1 = data;
  Dtype *data2 = data_pyr;
  for (int l = 0; l < levels; ++l) {
    height2 /= 2;
    width2 /= 2;
    if (height2 == 0 || width2 == 0) {
    const int num_kernels = height2 * width2;
    caffe_gpu_pyramid2_kernel<Dtype,packed><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(num_kernels), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>
      (num_kernels, channels, data1, height1, width1, data2, height2, width2);
    data1 = data2;
    height1 = height2;
    width1 = width2;
    data2 += channels * height2 * width2;

// Explicit instances
template void caffe_gpu_interp2<float,false>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_interp2<float,true>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_interp2<double,false>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_interp2<double,true>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);

template void caffe_gpu_interp2_backward<float,false>(const int, float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const float *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_interp2_backward<double,false>(const int, double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const double *, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int);

template void caffe_gpu_pyramid2<float,false>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, float *, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_pyramid2<float,true>(const int, const float *, const int, const int, float *, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_pyramid2<double,false>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, double *, const int);
template void caffe_gpu_pyramid2<double,true>(const int, const double *, const int, const int, double *, const int);

}  // namespace caffe


在message LayerParameter{}中末尾添加   optional InterpParameter interp_param = 20001; 数字可自己调整,但不能与其他数字重复


message InterpParameter {
  optional int32 height = 1 [default = 0]; // Height of output
  optional int32 width = 2 [default = 0]; // Width of output
  optional int32 zoom_factor = 3 [default = 1]; // zoom factor
  optional int32 shrink_factor = 4 [default = 1]; // shrink factor
  optional int32 pad_beg = 5 [default = 0]; // padding at begin of input
  optional int32 pad_end = 6 [default = 0]; // padding at end of input
  optional bool use_blob_size = 7 [default = false];// whether use another blob's size to resize the first one


1. 编译cafe.proto
protoc --version  //确定protobuf的版本
libprotoc 2.5.0

protoc -I=./ --cpp_out=./ ./caffe.proto

//会出现caffe.pb.cc  caffe.pb.h  caffe.proto

2. 编译caffe
make clean
make -j8
make pycaffe

8. OK啦



net['conv9_2_us'] = L.Interp(net['conv9_2'],interp_param={'height':5,'width':5})   





  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


