2021 新标准大学英语综合教程3 第二版 答案 Unit7 西电研究生B类综合英语

Active reading 1

Choose the best summary of the extract


Answer the questions.


1. He was on the 35th floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center.

2. About two dozen firefighters.

3. They were resting and trying to work out what was going on.

4. Nearly an hour.

5. They stood still.

6. It was falling down.

7. He started thinking about his family, job and the bagels in the kitchen.

8. To him, it seems things were happening slowly while in truth they weren’t.

9. He climbed through the rubble and led his men to safety.

10. Altogether 343 firefighters.

11. He wrote it as a tribute to his colleagues.

Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words given in the table.


1 chaotic

2 extinguish

3 immediately

4 tragedy

5 nightmare

6 toll

7 utmost

8 heroism

Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words given in the table


1 decent

2 gratitude

3 herd

4 massive

5 evacuate

6 leadership

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions given in the table.


1 picked up on

2 came from nowhere

3 make it through

4 out of action

5 steeled himself against

6 on the scene of

Choose the right words or expressions to complete the sentences.



Language in use

*Word formation:*


1. Someone whose job is to fight fires.

2. The person is male.

3. Both.

Word formation: gender-inclusive language

1 headteacher

2 heroes

3 police officers

4 firefighters

5 salespersons

Why is it that … ?


1. Why is it that we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town?

2. Why is it that in this part of the world we are not able to organize fair elections?

3. Why is it that in this hotel they never employ qualified people?

4. Why is it that in this country the system of welfare is still not working properly?

5. Why is it that you always find such an easy answer to all the questions I ask?

adj. + *though it* + be


1. My time in the United States, short though it was, was interesting.

2. The scenes of destruction, terrible though they were, were not surprising.

3. The rescue operation, costly though it was, was successful.

4. The lesson he gave, interesting though it was, was soon forgotten.

5. Mother Teresa, old though she may have been, was extremely active.

6. His actions, unconscious though they may have been, have had very serious consequences

Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.


1 massive heart attack

2 volume of smoke

3 decreasing volume

4 take a toll on

5 heavy toll

6 volume of noise

7 pay a toll

8 stroke of genius

9 has a genius for

10 massive amount

Translate the paragraph into Chinese.


Translate the paragraph into English.

China is one of the countries that are most affected by natural disasters. In peacetime, rescue and relief work is an important part of the mission of the Chinese military. China’s armed forces always form task forces for rescue and relief work, taking on the most urgent, most difficult and most dangerous jobs. Chinese military personnel perform their rescue and relief work as if they were fighting a war, sometimes even at the risk of their own lives. Whenever the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) arrives at an area hit by a natural disaster, the local people will welcome them warmly and feel greatly relieved. The sense of organization, professionalism and efficiency they have displayed has helped them win the trust and praise of the public.

Unit test

1 decent

2 summit

3 extinguish

4 selfless

5 genius

6 nightmare .

7 leadership

8 tragedy

9 uncommon

10 unconscious

11 with

12 up

13 that

14 out

15 though

16 down

17 of

18 out

19 over

20 through

21 with

22 over

23 of

24 for

25 of

26 amid

27 in

28 about

29 to

30 of

\31) massive 32) tragic 33) bravery 34) evacuate 35) homeless 36) superlative 37) turnout 38) admiration 39) correspondents 40) humane


A. On a marketing brochure for a volunteer vacation organizer.


C. Volunteer Vacations: Great Opportunities for Meaningful Work


B. Paragraph 3.


D. persuasive


D. You might make all the difference in the world.





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