Chapter 1 - Introduction - 深度学习的来历

  • 对人工智能来说,真正的挑战是完成那些,对人类来说直觉性的、无意识的但是人类很难说得清的简单行为。比如,听懂别人说的词语,认出图片里的人脸。
    The true challenge to artificial intelligence proved to be solving the tasks that are easy for people to perform but hard for people to describe formally—problems that we solve intuitively, that feel automatic, like recognizing spoken words or faces in images.

  • 深度学习可以较好的对付这种直觉性的问题,因为它让计算机从经验中学习,并且一层层认识这个世界复杂的概念。因为复杂的概念总是一层一层由更简单的概念组成。
    This solution is to allow computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts, with each concept defined in terms of its relation to simpler concepts.

  • Knowledge base: 手动的把知识硬编码到程序里.
    Several artificial intelligence projects have sought to hard-code knowledge about the world in formal languages. A computer can reason about statements in these formal languages automatically using logical inference rules. This is known as the knowledge base approach to artificial intelligence.

  • Machine learning: The difficulties faced by systems relying on hard-coded knowledge suggest that AI systems need the ability to acquire their own knowledge, by extracting patterns from raw data. This capability is known as machine learning.

  • The performance of these simple machine learning algorithms depends heavily on the representation of the data they are given.

 Example of different representations

  • However, for many tasks, it is difficult to know what features should be extracted.

  • Representation learning: One solution to this problem is to use machine learning to discover not only the mapping from representation to output but also the representation itself. This approach is known as representation learning.

  • Deep learning solves this central problem in representation learning by introducing representations that are expressed in terms of other, simpler representations. Deep learning allows the computer to build complex concepts out of simpler concepts.

 Illustration of a deep learning model

  • Nor is there a consensus about how much depth a model requires to qualify as “deep.” However, deep learning can safely be regarded as the study of models that either involve a greater amount of composition of learned functions or learned concepts than traditional machine learning does.

  • According to the authors of this book, machine learning is the only viable approach to building AI systems that can operate in complicated, real-world environments. Deep learning is a particular kind of machine learning that achieves great power and flexibility by learning to represent the world as a nested hierarchy of concepts, with each concept defined in relation to simpler concepts, and more abstract representations computed in terms of less abstract ones.

 Different parts of an AI system
Flowcharts showing how the different parts of an AI system relate to each other within different AI disciplines. Shaded boxes indicate components that are able to learn from data.

AI approaches
A Venn diagram showing how deep learning is a kind of representation learning, which is in turn a kind of machine learning, which is used for many but not all approaches to AI. Each section of the Venn diagram includes an example of an AI technology.





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