论文阅读——Contextualized Point-of-Interest Recommendation

00 文章基本信息

  • 文章来源:IJCAI-20
  • 作者信息:在这里插入图片描述

01 摘要

  • POI recommandation目前存在的不足: none of existing methods utilize
    similarity explicitly to make recommendations.
  • 我们的contributions: we propose a new framework for POI recommendation,
    which explicitly utilizes similarity with contextual information.

1 Introduction

Point of interest (POI) recommendation的目标:
aims to find new places for users that they might be interested in.


  • help users find interesting spots that will make them enjoy their
    vacations when they are in unfamiliar regions.
  • increase the shopkeepers’income by attracting more customers who
    would like to spend time and money at the store.

one of the most challenging one is the data sparsity problem.

To tackle this problem, many methods incorporate the contextual information into the recommendation method with different assumptions.
the common property behind them is that similar users should visit similar POIs and similar POIs should be visited by similar users.
the only difference between these assumptions is the way they construct the similarity

  • they usually consider only one type of contextual information in one entity.
  • they design the model specially for a specific type of context, making the models lack extensibility.
  • they are not utilizing the contextual information explicitly, as most
    of the models focuse on check-in history, making contextual
    information utilization only to be an accessory component in the
    objective function.Making contextual information cannot be fully

为了提高模型的可拓展性和更充分地利用上下文信息,我们提出了一个新的POI recommendation方法,该方法的主要创新点如下:

  • we construct one user matrix and one POI similarity matrix
    according to the corresponding user and POI contextual information. A
    lot of types of similarity can be computed by cosine similarity
    between feature vectors between two entities.
  • different types of similarity can be combined as a weighted sum.(our
    framework is extensible for a large class of contextual information)
  • Once the similarity matrices of users and POIs are constructed, we
    will use two global Laplacian regularization terms to constrain the
    predicted preference matrix.(These can directly make sure that, in
    the final prediction, similar users should visit similar POIs and
    similar POIs should be visited by similar users.)
  • to exploit the contextual information hierarchically, we also impose
    a local regularizer to make the predicted preference matrix have
    local patterns.
  • Based on user similarity, we use spectral clustering to sort users
    into different groups. Then we impose an l 2 -norm as a
    regularization term for the predicted preference matrix of every
    group(which can make the preference of users in the same group to be
    sparse and have similar patterns.)

关于目标函数objective function:
We form the objective function by putting the global and local regularizers together.

  • To solve this optimization problem efficiently, we propose an
    alternating optimization method which decompose the objective
    function into two parts with an auxiliary variable.
  • Accelerated proximal grdient (APG) algorithm is used to optimize the
    l2 -regularized part of the problem.


  • We propose a new framework for POI recommendation, which focuses on
    the explicit utilization of contextual information;
  • We can utilize different types of contextual information of both user
    and POI in our method;
  • We categorize contextual information into global and local types and
    utilize them by different regularization terms respectively;
  • We design an alternating optimization method to optimize the model;
  • The results of our method outperform the state-of-the-art methods on
    two large datasets.

2 Related Works


  • One group of methods exploit the user-based context.
  • Another group of methods focus on exploiting the POI-based context.
  • there also exist some methods exploit hybrid context for recommendation.

3 Preliminaries


3.1 Problem Definition


  • the set of users: U = {u 1 , u 2 , . . . , u m }
  • the set of POIs: V = {v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n }
  • 用户u访问过的POIs:Pu
  • POI recommendation的工作: 为每一个用户推荐一个新的POIs索引集P̂ u(P u 交P̂ u = ∅)来满足用户的偏好需求preference。
  • transaction history D:a set of tuples of the users and their visited
    POIs, i.e., D = {(u, v)|u ∈ U, v ∈ V }.
  • contextual information of the users:e.g., social relations
  • contextual information of users’ visited POIs:e.g., geographical

3.2 Graph Laplacian Regularization


  • weighted undirected graph无向加权图:G
  • vertex set顶点集:V = {ν 1 , ν 2 , . . . , ν |V| }
  • weight matrix:W = [W ij ] i,j=1…|V|,W ij denotes the weight of edge
    between ν i and ν j .W为对称矩阵.
  • degree matrix D of G:D = diag (d 1 , d 2 , . . . , d |V|),where d i =
    j=1 W ij . normalized Laplacian matrix of G:
  • the normalized Laplacian matrix of G:
  • Let f : V → R be a realvalued function defined on the vertex space V.
  • The normalized Laplacian regularization of f on graph G is defined as
    the quadratic form:

4 The Proposed Recommendation Model

predict a rating matrix R ∈ R m×n by optimizing an objective function.其中,Each element R i,j in R represents the inferred preference of user u i over POI v j.然后,The new POIs for user u i are then recommended based on the values of R i,1 , R i,2 , . . . , R i,n .

The objective function includes three regularization terms on R,并且each of them will explicitly utilize user-based global contextual information, POI-based global contextual information, and local contextual information, respectively.

4.1 Exploiting Global Context Information

1.User-based Global Context


  • G user:a weighted undirected graph,其中,the vertex set is the user set
    U,The edge weights are given by a symmetric weight matrix
    另外, 在这里插入图片描述
    is the similarity between user i and user j.
  • 在这里插入图片描述 :the
    degree matrix of G user.
  • Luser =
    在这里插入图片描述 :the
    normalized Laplacian matrix of G user.
  • R:rating matrix,其中R ij represents the rating of user u i on POI v j


  • the normalized graph Laplacian regularization of R on G user for a
    particular POI v
    ,其中“:” indicates taking all items of a row/column.
  • 如果sum all the normalized graph Laplacian regularization of R on graph
    G user for all POIs,我们可以得到:
    该式可以作为 the user-based Laplacian regularization term for the rating
    matrix R.

2.POI-based Global Context
POI-based Global Context与上述User-based Global Context的定义类似,the POI-based Laplacian regularization term for the rating matrix R的定义如下:

4.2 Exploiting Local Context Information

this section takes into account local contextual information between users and POIs.
与global context information的不同之处:
the local regularizer divide users into groups, therefore making the similarity “local”.(实现方法:spectral clustering谱聚类)

R (g),j:the rating of POI v j by the users in g-th cluste.
local regularizer J®:在这里插入图片描述
the final objective function:
optimal rating matrix:

4.3 Similarity Graph Construction


  • the check-in transactions of each user;
  • the check-in time of each user at each POI;
  • the social relations between users;
  • the geographic coordinates of the POIs;

然后我们可以构建the user similarity graph和the POI similarity graph。

1.User Similarity Graph Construction

The user similarity graph G user的构建基于以下假设:

  • Users that visit similar set of POIs at similar periods of a day are
    more similar (spatial-temporal similarity);
  • The users having social relationships are more similar (social
    relation similarity);


  • feature vector
    :whose entries records the number of check-ins of user u i at each
    POI in each hour of a day(because the number of POIs is n and there
    are 24 hours in a day, the dimension of f chkin-u is 24 × n)
  • 在这里插入图片描述 :The
    spatial-temporal similarity between two users, u i and u j.
    由此得到the spatial-temporal similarity matrix as S ST.
  • 在这里插入图片描述
    :records the social SR relations between users.
  • the user similarity matrix:

2.POI Similarity Graph Construction
与上述User Similarity Graph Construction类似,只给出最终的the POI similarity matrix:

4.4 Optimization

算法优化分为user step和user step两部分,具体过程不详细展开。

5 Experiments


6 Conclusion

In this paper, we designed a new framework for POI recommendation, which explicitly exploits global contextual information of users and POIs through Laplacian regularization and local contextual information through a local regularizer.





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