Multi-grained Attention Network for Aspect-LevelSentiment Classification 阅读笔记


Multi-grained Attention Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification


来源:2018 EMNLP 北京大学


现有方法大多采用粗粒度的注意力机制,如果方面有多个词或更大的上下文,可能会导致信息丢失,因为以往的工作都是简单的将 aspect/context vector 做个平均池化。

例如:“I like coming back to Mac OS but this laptop is lacking in speaker quality compared to my $400 old HP laptop” ,但将模型对上下文词给予不同的关注时,如果简单的将“speaker quality”做个平均,那么得到的结果会偏离 “quality” 这个核心的意思。



此外,以往的工作是单独地训练每个方面,没有考虑具有相同上下文单词的实例之间的关系,因为具有相同上下文的实例之间的方面级交互可能会带来额外有用的信息。如上面那个例子,“speaker quality”这个方面相较于“Mac OS”方面来说,应该更关注于“lacking”,少关注于“like”。作者设计了一个方面对齐损失(aspect alignment loss)来描述具有相同上下文的方面之间的交互

Our Approach

Task Definition

给定一个句子 s = { w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w N } s=\{w_1,w_2,...,w_N\} s={w1,w2,...,wN} 和一个Aspect的列表 A = { a 1 , . . . , a k } A=\{a_1,...,a_k\} A={a1,...,ak} k k k 表示列表的size,每个aspect a i = { w i 1 , . . . , w i M } a_i=\{w_{i_1},...,w_{i_M}\} ai={wi1,...,wiM} 是句子 s s s 的子序列。

Multi-grained Attention Network (MGAN) 模型包含 Input Embedding layer,the Contextual Layer,the Multi-grained Attention Layer 和 Output Layer。



Multi-grained Attention Layer

Coarse-grained Attention

(1)C-Aspect2Context:根据 averaged aspect vector 来为 context words 分配注意力权重。

对于 aspect contextual 生成的 Q = { h 1 , h 2 , h 3 } Q=\{h1,h2,h3\} Q={h1,h2,h3},使用一个平均池化层生成 averaged aspect vector Q a v g Q_{avg} Qavg 。对于上下文中的每个词向量 H i H_i Hi ,我们可以计算它的注意力权重 a i c a a_i^{ca} aica 如下:

加权后的context表示为 m c a m^{ca} mca :

(2)C-Context2Aspect:根据 averaged context vector 来为 aspect words 分配注意力权重。

也是先获取 averaged context vector H a v g H_{avg} Havg ,对于 aspect phrase 中的每个词 w i w_i wi 计算权重 a i c c a_i^{cc} aicc ,再计算加权后的 aspect vector m c c m^{cc} mcc

Fine-grained Attention

细粒度注意力机制来刻画词级的交互,并评估每个 aspect/context word 如何影响每个 context/aspect word。

我们定义了上下⽂ H H H 和⽅⾯ Q Q Q 之间的对⻬矩阵 U U U,其中 U i j U_{ij} Uij表示第i个上下⽂词和第j个⽅⾯词之间的相似性。
U i j = W u ( [ H i ; Q j ; H i ∗ Q j ] ) U_{ij}=W_u([H_i;Q_j;H_i*Q_j]) Uij=Wu([Hi;Qj;HiQj])
(1)F-Aspect2Context:评估哪一个 context word 与其中一个aspect word 最相似,因此对于确定情感至关重要。

我们计算上下文词的注意力权重 a f a a^{fa} afa

s i f a s_i^{fa} sifa 根据每列获取最大的相似度值。然后计算加权和(context的表示):

(2)F-Context2Aspect:衡量 aspect words 与每个 context word 的相关性,得到的 m f c m^{fc} mfc 为 aspect 平均池话后的表示。

Output Layer

最后,我们将粗粒度attention和细粒度attention vectors 拼接在一起,得到最终的representation m m m,再将它送入softmax做情感极性分类。

Model Training
Aspect Alignment Loss


C-Aspect2Context用于根据特定 aspect 查找重要的上下文单词。在方面对齐损失的约束下,通过与其他相关 aspect 的比较,每个 aspect 都将更加关注重要的词。

(我的理解:如果一个 aspect 关注了一个词,那么另一个 aspect 对这个词的关注将减少。那他就默认两个aspect由不同的上下文词来描述,如果真实情况是两个aspect都由同一个上下文词描述呢?如:“快递收到啦,耳机和包装都非常不错!”,“不错”描述了“耳机”和“包装”)

例如之前的例子,“I like coming back to Mac OS but this laptop is lacking in speaker quality compared to my $400 old HP laptop” 中,the aspect “speaker quality” 与 the aspect “Mac OS” 相比,应该更关注于 “lacking” ,少关注于“like”。

a i a_i ai a j a_j aj 是一个方面对,我们在粗粒度 attention vector a i c a a_i^{ca} aica a j c a a_j^{ca} ajca 计算平方差损失,用 d i j ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] d_{ij}\in [0,1] dij[0,1] 作为 a i a_i ai a j a_j aj 之间的损失权重。 y i y_i yi y j y_j yj 是 aspect a i a_i ai a j a_j aj 的真实标签, a i k c a a_{ik}^{ca} aikca a j k c a a_{jk}^{ca} ajkca a i a_i ai a j a_j aj 分别关于第 k k k 个context word的注意力权重。


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Object detection in remote sensing images is a challenging task due to the complex backgrounds, diverse object shapes and sizes, and varying imaging conditions. To address these challenges, fine-grained feature enhancement can be employed to improve object detection accuracy. Fine-grained feature enhancement is a technique that extracts and enhances features at multiple scales and resolutions to capture fine details of objects. This technique includes two main steps: feature extraction and feature enhancement. In the feature extraction step, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used to extract features from the input image. The extracted features are then fed into a feature enhancement module, which enhances the features by incorporating contextual information and fine-grained details. The feature enhancement module employs a multi-scale feature fusion technique to combine features at different scales and resolutions. This technique helps to capture fine details of objects and improve the accuracy of object detection. To evaluate the effectiveness of fine-grained feature enhancement for object detection in remote sensing images, experiments were conducted on two datasets: the NWPU-RESISC45 dataset and the DOTA dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that fine-grained feature enhancement can significantly improve the accuracy of object detection in remote sensing images. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art object detection methods on both datasets. In conclusion, fine-grained feature enhancement is an effective technique to improve the accuracy of object detection in remote sensing images. This technique can be applied to a wide range of applications, such as urban planning, disaster management, and environmental monitoring.


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