【吴恩达deeplearning.ai】基于ChatGPT API打造应用系统(下)


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(17条消息) 【吴恩达deeplearning.ai】基于ChatGPT API打造应用系统(上)_shanesu的博客-CSDN博客

六、Check outputs检查生成结果



final_response_to_customer = f"""
The SmartX ProPhone has a 6.1-inch display, 128GB storage, \
12MP dual camera, and 5G. The FotoSnap DSLR Camera \
has a 24.2MP sensor, 1080p video, 3-inch LCD, and \
interchangeable lenses. We have a variety of TVs, including \
the CineView 4K TV with a 55-inch display, 4K resolution, \
HDR, and smart TV features. We also have the SoundMax \
Home Theater system with 5.1 channel, 1000W output, wireless \
subwoofer, and Bluetooth. Do you have any specific questions \
about these products or any other products we offer?
response = openai.Moderation.create(
moderation_output = response["results"][0]



system_message = f"""
You are an assistant that evaluates whether \
customer service agent responses sufficiently \
answer customer questions, and also validates that \
all the facts the assistant cites from the product \
information are correct.
The product information and user and customer \
service agent messages will be delimited by \
3 backticks, i.e. ```.
Respond with a Y or N character, with no punctuation:
Y - if the output sufficiently answers the question \
AND the response correctly uses product information
N - otherwise

Output a single letter only.
customer_message = f"""
tell me about the smartx pro phone and \
the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. \
Also tell me about your tvs"""
product_information = """{ "name": "SmartX ProPhone", "category": "Smartphones and Accessories", "brand": "SmartX", "model_number": "SX-PP10", "warranty": "1 year", "rating": 4.6, "features": [ "6.1-inch display", "128GB storage", "12MP dual camera", "5G" ], "description": "A powerful smartphone with advanced camera features.", "price": 899.99 } { "name": "FotoSnap DSLR Camera", "category": "Cameras and Camcorders", "brand": "FotoSnap", "model_number": "FS-DSLR200", "warranty": "1 year", "rating": 4.7, "features": [ "24.2MP sensor", "1080p video", "3-inch LCD", "Interchangeable lenses" ], "description": "Capture stunning photos and videos with this versatile DSLR camera.", "price": 599.99 } """
q_a_pair = f"""
Customer message: ```{customer_message}```
Product information: ```{product_information}```
Agent response: ```{final_response_to_customer}```

Does the response use the retrieved information correctly?
Does the response sufficiently answer the question

Output Y or N
messages = [
    {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
    {'role': 'user', 'content': q_a_pair}

response = get_completion_from_messages(messages, max_tokens=1)

七、Build an End-to-End System打造一个端到端的应用


import os
import openai
import sys
import utils

import panel as pn  # GUI

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # read local .env file

openai.api_key  = os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']

def get_completion_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0, max_tokens=500):
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    return response.choices[0].message["content"]


def process_user_message(user_input, all_messages, debug=True):
    delimiter = "```"
    # Step 1: 检查提问内容是否违规
    response = openai.Moderation.create(input=user_input)
    moderation_output = response["results"][0]

    if moderation_output["flagged"]:
        print("Step 1: Input flagged by Moderation API.")
        return "Sorry, we cannot process this request."

    if debug: print("Step 1: Input passed moderation check.")
    category_and_product_response = utils.find_category_and_product_only(user_input, utils.get_products_and_category())
    # Step 2: 提取提问中的产品或产品类型
    category_and_product_list = utils.read_string_to_list(category_and_product_response)

    if debug: print("Step 2: Extracted list of products.")

    # Step 3: 基于提问中的产品,提取相关产品信息
    product_information = utils.generate_output_string(category_and_product_list)
    if debug: print("Step 3: Looked up product information.")

    # Step 4: 生成回答内容
    system_message = f"""
    You are a customer service assistant for a large electronic store. \
    Respond in a friendly and helpful tone, with concise answers. \
    Make sure to ask the user relevant follow-up questions.
    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}"},
        {'role': 'assistant', 'content': f"Relevant product information:\n{product_information}"}

    final_response = get_completion_from_messages(all_messages + messages)
    if debug:print("Step 4: Generated response to user question.")
    all_messages = all_messages + messages[1:]

    # Step 5: 通过Moderation API,检查答复内容是否合规
    response = openai.Moderation.create(input=final_response)
    moderation_output = response["results"][0]

    if moderation_output["flagged"]:
        if debug: print("Step 5: Response flagged by Moderation API.")
        return "Sorry, we cannot provide this information."

    if debug: print("Step 5: Response passed moderation check.")

    # Step 6: 通过ai,判断答复内容是否有效答复用户提问
    user_message = f"""
    Customer message: {delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}
    Agent response: {delimiter}{final_response}{delimiter}

    Does the response sufficiently answer the question?
    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message}
    evaluation_response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    if debug: print("Step 6: Model evaluated the response.")

    # Step 7: 以上都通过,则答复用户;否则提示转人工处理
    if "Y" in evaluation_response:  # Using "in" instead of "==" to be safer for model output variation (e.g., "Y." or "Yes")
        if debug: print("Step 7: Model approved the response.")
        return final_response, all_messages
        if debug: print("Step 7: Model disapproved the response.")
        neg_str = "I'm unable to provide the information you're looking for. I'll connect you with a human representative for further assistance."
        return neg_str, all_messages

user_input = "tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also what tell me about your tvs"
response,_ = process_user_message(user_input,[])


def collect_messages(debug=False):
    user_input = inp.value_input
    if debug: print(f"User Input = {user_input}")
    if user_input == "":
    inp.value = ''
    global context
    #response, context = process_user_message(user_input, context, utils.get_products_and_category(),debug=True)
    response, context = process_user_message(user_input, context, debug=False)
    context.append({'role':'assistant', 'content':f"{response}"})
        pn.Row('User:', pn.pane.Markdown(user_input, width=600)))
        pn.Row('Assistant:', pn.pane.Markdown(response, width=600, style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'})))
    return pn.Column(*panels)

panels = [] # collect display 

context = [ {'role':'system', 'content':"You are Service Assistant"} ]  

inp = pn.widgets.TextInput( placeholder='Enter text here…')
button_conversation = pn.widgets.Button(name="Service Assistant")

interactive_conversation = pn.bind(collect_messages, button_conversation)

dashboard = pn.Column(
    pn.panel(interactive_conversation, loading_indicator=True, height=300),




def find_category_and_product_v2(user_input,products_and_category):
    Added: Do not output any additional text that is not in JSON format.
    Added a second example (for few-shot prompting) where user asks for 
    the cheapest computer. In both few-shot examples, the shown response 
    is the full list of products in JSON only.
    delimiter = "####"
    system_message = f"""
    You will be provided with customer service queries. \
    The customer service query will be delimited with {delimiter} characters.
    Output a python list of json objects, where each object has the following format:
        'category': <one of Computers and Laptops, Smartphones and Accessories, Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \
    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders>,
        'products': <a list of products that must be found in the allowed products below>
    Do not output any additional text that is not in JSON format.
    Do not write any explanatory text after outputting the requested JSON.

    Where the categories and products must be found in the customer service query.
    If a product is mentioned, it must be associated with the correct category in the allowed products list below.
    If no products or categories are found, output an empty list.

    List out all products that are relevant to the customer service query based on how closely it relates
    to the product name and product category.
    Do not assume, from the name of the product, any features or attributes such as relative quality or price.

    The allowed products are provided in JSON format.
    The keys of each item represent the category.
    The values of each item is a list of products that are within that category.
    Allowed products: {products_and_category}

    few_shot_user_1 = """I want the most expensive computer. What do you recommend?"""
    few_shot_assistant_1 = """ 
    [{'category': 'Computers and Laptops', \
'products': ['TechPro Ultrabook', 'BlueWave Gaming Laptop', 'PowerLite Convertible', 'TechPro Desktop', 'BlueWave Chromebook']}]
    few_shot_user_2 = """I want the most cheapest computer. What do you recommend?"""
    few_shot_assistant_2 = """ 
    [{'category': 'Computers and Laptops', \
'products': ['TechPro Ultrabook', 'BlueWave Gaming Laptop', 'PowerLite Convertible', 'TechPro Desktop', 'BlueWave Chromebook']}]
    messages =  [  
    {'role':'system', 'content': system_message},    
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{few_shot_user_1}{delimiter}"},  
    {'role':'assistant', 'content': few_shot_assistant_1 },
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{few_shot_user_2}{delimiter}"},  
    {'role':'assistant', 'content': few_shot_assistant_2 },
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}"},  
    return get_completion_from_messages(messages)



msg_ideal_pairs_set = [
    # eg 0
    {'customer_msg':"""Which TV can I buy if I'm on a budget?""",
        'Televisions and Home Theater Systems':set(
            ['CineView 4K TV', 'SoundMax Home Theater', 'CineView 8K TV', 'SoundMax Soundbar', 'CineView OLED TV']

    # eg 1
    {'customer_msg':"""I need a charger for my smartphone""",
        'Smartphones and Accessories':set(
            ['MobiTech PowerCase', 'MobiTech Wireless Charger', 'SmartX EarBuds']
    # eg 2
    {'customer_msg':f"""What computers do you have?""",
           'Computers and Laptops':set(
               ['TechPro Ultrabook', 'BlueWave Gaming Laptop', 'PowerLite Convertible', 'TechPro Desktop', 'BlueWave Chromebook'

    # eg 3
    {'customer_msg':f"""tell me about the smartx pro phone and \
    the fotosnap camera, the dslr one.\
    Also, what TVs do you have?""",
        'Smartphones and Accessories':set(
            ['SmartX ProPhone']),
        'Cameras and Camcorders':set(
            ['FotoSnap DSLR Camera']),
        'Televisions and Home Theater Systems':set(
            ['CineView 4K TV', 'SoundMax Home Theater','CineView 8K TV', 'SoundMax Soundbar', 'CineView OLED TV'])


import json
def eval_response_with_ideal(response,
    if debug:
    # json.loads() expects double quotes, not single quotes
    json_like_str = response.replace("'",'"')
    # parse into a list of dictionaries
    l_of_d = json.loads(json_like_str)
    # special case when response is empty list
    if l_of_d == [] and ideal == []:
        return 1
    # otherwise, response is empty 
    # or ideal should be empty, there's a mismatch
    elif l_of_d == [] or ideal == []:
        return 0
    correct = 0    
    if debug:
        print("l_of_d is")
    for d in l_of_d:

        cat = d.get('category')
        prod_l = d.get('products')
        if cat and prod_l:
            # convert list to set for comparison
            prod_set = set(prod_l)
            # get ideal set of products
            ideal_cat = ideal.get(cat)
            if ideal_cat:
                prod_set_ideal = set(ideal.get(cat))
                if debug:
                    print(f"did not find category {cat} in ideal")
                    print(f"ideal: {ideal}")
            if debug:

            if prod_set == prod_set_ideal:
                if debug:
                correct +=1
                print(f"prod_set: {prod_set}")
                print(f"prod_set_ideal: {prod_set_ideal}")
                if prod_set <= prod_set_ideal:
                    print("response is a subset of the ideal answer")
                elif prod_set >= prod_set_ideal:
                    print("response is a superset of the ideal answer")

    # count correct over total number of items in list
    pc_correct = correct / len(l_of_d)
    return pc_correct


score_accum = 0
for i, pair in enumerate(msg_ideal_pairs_set):
    print(f"example {i}")
    customer_msg = pair['customer_msg']
    ideal = pair['ideal_answer']
    # print("Customer message",customer_msg)
    # print("ideal:",ideal)
    response = find_category_and_product_v2(customer_msg,

    # print("products_by_category",products_by_category)
    score = eval_response_with_ideal(response,ideal,debug=False)
    print(f"{i}: {score}")
    score_accum += score

n_examples = len(msg_ideal_pairs_set)
fraction_correct = score_accum / n_examples
print(f"Fraction correct out of {n_examples}: {fraction_correct}")


cust_prod_info = {
    'customer_msg': customer_msg,
    'context': product_info
# 用户提问和背景产品知识

def eval_with_rubric(test_set, assistant_answer):

    cust_msg = test_set['customer_msg']
    context = test_set['context']
    completion = assistant_answer
    system_message = """\
    You are an assistant that evaluates how well the customer service agent \
    answers a user question by looking at the context that the customer service \
    agent is using to generate its response. 

    user_message = f"""\
You are evaluating a submitted answer to a question based on the context \
that the agent uses to answer the question.
Here is the data:
    [Question]: {cust_msg}
    [Context]: {context}
    [Submission]: {completion}
    [END DATA]

Compare the factual content of the submitted answer with the context. \
Ignore any differences in style, grammar, or punctuation.
Answer the following questions:
    - Is the Assistant response based only on the context provided? (Y or N)
    - Does the answer include information that is not provided in the context? (Y or N)
    - Is there any disagreement between the response and the context? (Y or N)
    - Count how many questions the user asked. (output a number)
    - For each question that the user asked, is there a corresponding answer to it?
      Question 1: (Y or N)
      Question 2: (Y or N)
      Question N: (Y or N)
    - Of the number of questions asked, how many of these questions were addressed by the answer? (output a number)

    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message}

    response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    return response
# 设计评估模型

evaluation_output = eval_with_rubric(cust_prod_info, assistant_answer)
# 输出对比结果


def eval_vs_ideal(test_set, assistant_answer):

    cust_msg = test_set['customer_msg']
    ideal = test_set['ideal_answer']
    completion = assistant_answer
    system_message = """\
    You are an assistant that evaluates how well the customer service agent \
    answers a user question by comparing the response to the ideal (expert) response
    Output a single letter and nothing else. 

    user_message = f"""\
You are comparing a submitted answer to an expert answer on a given question. Here is the data:
    [Question]: {cust_msg}
    [Expert]: {ideal}
    [Submission]: {completion}
    [END DATA]

Compare the factual content of the submitted answer with the expert answer. Ignore any differences in style, grammar, or punctuation.
    The submitted answer may either be a subset or superset of the expert answer, or it may conflict with it. Determine which case applies. Answer the question by selecting one of the following options:
    (A) The submitted answer is a subset of the expert answer and is fully consistent with it.
    (B) The submitted answer is a superset of the expert answer and is fully consistent with it.
    (C) The submitted answer contains all the same details as the expert answer.
    (D) There is a disagreement between the submitted answer and the expert answer.
    (E) The answers differ, but these differences don't matter from the perspective of factuality.
  choice_strings: ABCDE

    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message}

    response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    return response

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