
ViFin: Harness Passive Vibration to Continuous Micro Finger Writing with a Commodity Smartwatch3.2. SenseCollect: We Need Efficient Ways to Collect On-body Sensor-based Human Activity Data!3.3. ApneaDetector: Detecting Sleep Apnea with Smartwatches3.4. Full-Dimension Relative Positioning for RFID-Enabled Self-Checkout Services3.5. S3: Side-Channel Atack on Stylus Pencil through Sensors3.6. RF-Identity: Non-Intrusive Person Identification Based on Commodity RFID Devices3.7. Voice In Ear: Spoofing-Resistant and Passphrase-Independent Body Sound Authentication3.8. OpiTrack: A Wearable-based Clinical Opioid Use Tracker with Temporal Convolutional Atention Networks3.9. Attend and Discriminate: Beyond the State-of-the-Art for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors3.10. LOCI: Privacy-aware, Device-free, Low-power Localization of Multiple Persons using IR Sensors3.11. Ok Google, What Am I Doing? Acoustic Activity Recognition Bounded by Conversational Assistant Interactions3.12. ViscoCam: Smartphone-based Drink Viscosity Control Assistant for Dysphagia Patients3.13. Modelling Memory for Individual Re-identification in Decentralised Mobile Contact Tracing Applications3.14. Outliers in Smartphone Sensor Data Reveal Outliers in Daily Happiness3.15. Investigating the Effect of Sensory Concurrency on Learning Haptic Spatiotemporal Signals3.16. User Expectations and Mental Models for Communicating Emotions through Compressive & Warm Affective Garment Actuation.3.17. 11 Years with Wearables: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media, Academia, News Agencies, and Lead User Community from 2009-2020 on Wearable Technologies3.18. PREFER: Point-of-interest REcommendation with efficiency and privacy-preservation via Federated Edge leaRning3.19. Unravelling Spatial Privacy Risks of Mobile Mixed Reality Data3.20. To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places.3.21. Determinants of Longitudinal Adherence in Smartphone-Based Self-Tracking for Chronic Health Conditions: Evidence from Axial Spondyloarthritis3.22. Ray Tracing-based Light Energy Prediction for Indoor Batteryless Sensors3.23. Beneficial Neglect: Instant Message Notification Handling Behaviors and Academic Performance3.24. When Do Drivers Interact with In-Vehicle Well-being Interventions?: An Exploratory Analysis of a Longitudinal Study on Public Roads3.25. DronePrint: Acoustic Signatures for Open-set Drone Detection and Identification with Online Data3.26. CrossGR: Accurate and Low-cost Cross-target Gesture Recognition Using Wi-Fi3.27. Towards Finding the Optimum Position in the Visual Field for a Head Worn Display Used for Task Guidance with Non-registered Graphics3.28. WiPhone: Smartphone-based Respiration Monitoring Using Ambient Reflected WiFi Signals3.29. AdaSpring: Context-adaptive and Runtime-evolutionary Deep Model Compression for Mobile Applications3.30. SplitSR: An End-to-End Approach to Super-Resolution on Mobile Devices3.31. One More Bite?: Inferring Food Consumption Level of College Students Using Smartphone Sensing and Self-Reports3.32. Pantomime: Mid-Air Gesture Recognition with Sparse Millimeter-Wave Radar Point Clouds3.33. Efficient Schedule of Energy-Constrained UAV Using Crowdsourced Buses in Last-Mile Parcel Delivery3.34. The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile System for Rapid Diagnostic Test Interpretation3.35. LSVP: Towards Effective On-the-go Video Learning Using Optical Head-Mounted Displays3.36. A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens3.37. Person-Centered Predictions of Psychological Constructs with Social Media Contextualized by Multimodal Sensing3.38. Fine-Grained and Context-Aware Behavioral Biometrics for Pattern Lock on Smartphones3.39. TagFi: Locating Ultra-Low Power WiFi Tags Using Unmodified WiFi Infrastructure3.40. Multimodal Joint Head Orientation Estimation in Interacting Groups via Proxemics and Interaction Dynamics3.41. SelfHAR: Improving Human Activity Recognition through Self-training with Unlabeled Data3.42. WiFiTrace: Network-based Contact Tracing for Infectious Diseases Using Passive WiFi Sensing3.43. Ride Substitution Using Electric Bike Sharing: Feasibility, Cost, and Carbon Analysis3.44. EarDynamic: An Ear Canal Deformation Based Continuous User Authentication Using In-Ear Wearables3.45. Objective Measures of Cognitive Load Using Deep Multi-Modal Learning: A Use-Case in Aviation3.46. Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling: A Case Study of Depression Detection among College Students3.47. Listen2Cough: Leveraging End-to-End Deep Learning Cough Detection Model to Enhance Lung Health Assessment Using Passively Sensed Audio3.48. SoundLip: Enabling Word and Sentence-level Lip Interaction for Smart Devices3.49. A Feature Adaptive Learning Method for High-Density sEMG-Based Gesture Recognition3.50. Orbuculum - Predicting When Users Intend to Leave Large Public Displays3.51. Urban Map Inference by Pervasive Vehicular Sensing Systems with Complementary Mobility3.52. Unsupervised Human Activity Representation Learning with Multi-task Deep Clustering3.53. Passive Health Monitoring Using Large Scale Mobility Data3.54. CrowdAct: Achieving High-Quality Crowdsourced Datasets in Mobile Activity Recognition3.55. Acoustic-based Upper Facial Action Recognition for Smart Eyewear3.56. Identifying Mobile Sensing Indicators of Stress-Resilience3.57. CoolMoves: User Motion Accentuation in Virtual Reality3.58. mTeeth: Identifying Brushing Teeth Surfaces Using Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensors3.59. Every Byte Matters: Traffic Analysis of Bluetooth Wearable Devices3.60. UVLens: Urban Village Boundary Identification and Population Estimation Leveraging Open Government Data3.61. ApneaDetector: Detecting Sleep Apnea with Smartwatches3.62. Investigating Retention in Passive Haptic Learning of Piano Songs3.63. Who Will Survive and Revive Undergoing the Epidemic: Analyses about POI Visit Behavior in Wuhan via Check-in Records3.64. Douleur: Creating Pain Sensation with Chemical Stimulant to Enhance User Experience in Virtual Reality3.65. SonicASL: An Acoustic-based Sign Language Gesture Recognizer Using Earphones3.66. : Enforcing Location Privacy through Re-identification Risk Assessment: A Federated Learning Approach3.67. Designing Kitchen Technologies for Ageing in Place: A Video Study of Older Adults’ Cooking at Home3.68. A Survey and Taxonomy of Electronics Toolkits for Interactive and Ubiquitous Device Prototyping3.69. AmbientBreath: Unobtrusive Just-in-time Breathing Intervention Using Multi-sensory Stimulation and its Evaluation in a Car Simulator3.70. DropMonitor: Millimeter-level Sensing for RFID-based Infusion Drip Rate Monitoring3.71. : “Listen” to Your Eye Blink Using Your Smartphone3.72. Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment3.73. ShaZam: Charge-Free Wearable Devices via Intra-Body Power Transfer from Everyday Objects3.74. FabHandWear: An End-to-End Pipeline from Design to Fabrication of Customized Functional Hand Wearables3.75. Enabling Real-time Sign Language Translation on Mobile Platforms with On-board Depth Cameras3.76. IriTrack: Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Iris Tracking3.77. LumNet: Learning to Estimate Vertical Visual Field Luminance for Adaptive Lighting Control3.78. Exploration of Person-Independent BCIs for Internal and External Attention-Detection in Augmented Reality3.79. Leveraging Activity Recognition to Enable Protective Behavior Detection in Continuous Data3.80. Watching Your Phone’s Back: Gesture Recognition by Sensing Acoustical Structure-borne Propagation3.81. Embracing Collisions to Increase Fidelity of Sensing Systems with COTS Tags3.82. LightGuide: Directing Visually Impaired People along a Path Using Light Cues3.83. Unlocking the Beamforming Potential of LoRa for Long-range Multi-target Respiration Sensing3.84. Towards Early Detection and Burden Estimation of Atrial Fibrillation in an Ambulatory Free-living Environment3.85. We Hear Your PACE: Passive Acoustic Localization of Multiple Walking Persons3.86. MemX: An Atention-Aware Smart Eyewear System for Personalized Moment Auto-capture3.87. NeckFace: Continuously Tracking Full Facial Expressions on Neck-mounted Wearables3.88. Towards Position-Independent Sensing for Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi3.89. Robust Inertial Motion Tracking through Deep Sensor Fusion across Smart Earbuds and Smartphone3.90. Toward User-Driven Sound Recognizer Personalization with People Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing3.91. Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition3.92. REHASH: A Flexible, Developer Focused, Heuristic Adaptation Platform for Intermittently Powered Computing.3.93. Towards Early Detection and Burden Estimation of Atrial Fibrillation in an Ambulatory Free-living Environment3.94. Who Am I? A Design Probe Exploring Real-Time Transparency about Online and Offline User Profiling Underlying Targeted Ads3.95. Smartphone-Based Tapping Frequency as a Surrogate for PerceivedFatigue. An in-the-Wild Feasibility Study in Multiple Sclerosis Patients3.96. GlucoMine-- A Case for Improving the Use of Wearable Device Data in Diabetes Management3.97. SenseCollect: We Need Efficient Ways to Collect On-body Sensor-based Human Activity Data!3.98. Duco: Autonomous Large-Scale Direct-Circuit-Writing (DCW) on Vertical Everyday Surfaces Using A Scalable Hanging Plotter3.99. Captivates-- A Smart Eyeglass Platform for Across-Context Physiological Measurement3.100. How Should Automated Vehicles Communicate Critical Situations? A Comparative Analysis of Visualization Concepts3.101. A City-Wide Crowdsourcing Delivery System with Reinforcement Learning3.102. Is Someone Listening? Audio-Related Privacy Perceptions and Design Recommendations from Guardians, Pragmatists, and Cynics3.103. ISACS: In-Store Autonomous Checkout System for Retail3.104. CellSense: Human Mobility Recovery via Cellular Network Data Enhancement3.105. RF Vital Sign Sensing under Free Body Movement3.106. OpiTrack: A Wearable-based Clinical Opioid Use Tracker with Temporal Convolutional Attention Networks3.107. WiStress: Contactless Stress Monitoring Using Wireless Signals3.108. Multi-Head Spatio-Temporal Attention Mechanism for Urban Anomaly Event Prediction3.109. Self-supervised Learning for Reading Activity Classification3.110. SwingNet: Ubiquitous Fine-Grained Swing Tracking Framework via Stochastic Neural Architecture Search and Adversarial Learning3.111. ALWAES: an Automatic Outdoor Location-Aware Correction System for Online Delivery Platforms3.112. DriverSonar: Fine-Grained Dangerous Driving Detection Using Active Sonar3.113. LAX-Score: Quantifying Team Performance in Lacrosse and Exploring IMU Features towards Performance Enhancement3.114. FaceSense: Sensing Face Touch with an Ear-worn System3.115. Approaching the Real-World: Supporting Activity Recognition Training with Virtual IMU Data3.116. Honeysuckle: Annotation-Guided Code Generation of In-App Privacy Notices3.117. EchoSpot: Spotting Your Locations via Acoustic Sensing3.118. Fall Detection via Inaudible Acoustic Sensing3.119. DualRing: Enabling Subtle and Expressive Hand Interaction with Dual IMU Rings3.120. FG-LiquID: A Contact-less Fine-grained Liquid Identifier by Pushing the Limits of Millimeter-wave Sensing3.121. The Empathetic Car: Exploring Emotion Inference via DriverBehaviour and Traffic Context3.122. WR-Hand: Wearable Armband Can Track User’s Hand3.123. VeriMask: Facilitating Decontamination of N95 Masks in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, essons Learned, and Safeguarding the Future3.124. DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data3.125. Examining the Social Context of Alcohol Drinking in Young Adults with Smartphone Sensing3.126. Inverse Foraging: Inferring Users’ Interest in Pervasive Displays3.127. Reducing Muscle Activity when Playing Tremolo by Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation to Learn Efficient Motor Skills3.128. BreathTrack: Detecting Regular Breathing Phases from Unannotated Acoustic Data Captured by a Smartphone3.129. SquiggleMilli: Approximating SAR Imaging on Mobile Millimeter-Wave Devices3.130. How Low Can You Go? Performance Trade-offs in Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors for Occupancy Detection: A Systematic Evaluation3.131. Overthere : A Simple and Intuitive Object Registration Method for an Absolute Mid-air Pointing Interface3.132. HERMAS: A Human Mobility Embedding Framework with Large-scale Cellular Signaling Data3.133. ExpressEar: Sensing Fine-Grained Facial Expressions with Earables3.134. Demystifying the Vetting Process of Voice-controlled Skills on Markets3.135. Context-aware Adaptive Surgery: A Fast and Effective Framework for Adaptative Model Partition3.136. Audio Keyword Reconstruction from On-Device Motion Sensor Signals via Neural Frequency Unfolding3.137. Learning When Agents Can Talk to Drivers Using the INAGT Dataset and Multisensor Fusion3.138. Pushing the Limits of Long Range Wireless Sensing with LoRa3.139. CardiacWave: A mmWave-based Scheme of Non-Contact and High-Definition Heart Activity Computing3.140. Model-based Head Orientation Estimation for Smart Devices3.141. Sensing to Hear: Speech Enhancement for Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals3.142. Write, Attend and Spell: Streaming End-to-end Free-style Handwriting Recognition Using Smartwatches3.143. Anti-Spoofing Voice Commands: A Generic Wireless Assisted Design3.144. ULoc: Low-Power, Scalable and cm-Accurate UWB-Tag Localization and Tracking for Indoor Applications3.145. MetaTP: Traffic Prediction with Unevenly-Distributed Road Sensing Data via Fast Adaptation3.146. The Crowd Wisdom for Location Privacy of Crowdsensing Photos: Spear or Shield?3.147. SyncUp: Vision-based Practice Support for Synchronized Dancing3.148. RF-ray: Joint RF and Linguistics Domain Learning for Object Recognition3.149. RFTemp: Monitoring Microwave Oven Leakage to Estimate Food Temperature3.150. IMU2Doppler: Cross-Modal Domain Adaptation for Doppler-based Activity Recognition Using IMU Data3.151. Handwriting-Assistant: Reconstructing Continuous Strokes with Millimeter-level Accuracy via Attachable Inertial Sensors3.152. Constructing Floor Plan through Smoke Using Ultra Wideband Radar3.153. ChestLive: Fortifying Voice-based Authentication with Chest Motion Biometric on Smart Devices3.154. Auditable Augmented/Mixed/Virtual Reality: The Practicalities of Mobile System Transparency3.155. SwiVR-Car-Seat: Exploring Vehicle Motion Effects on Interaction Quality in Virtual Reality Automated Driving Using a Motorized Swivel Seat3.156. FaceBit: Smart Face Masks Platform3.157. Leakage or Identification: Behavior-irrelevant User Identification Leveraging Leakage Current on Laptops3.158. SmartLOC: Indoor Localization with Smartphone Anchors for On-Demand Delivery3.159. Smart Webcam Cover: Exploring the Design of an Intelligent Webcam Cover to Improve Usability and Trust3.160. SmartKC: Smartphone-based Corneal Topographer for Keratoconus Detection3.161. SonicFace: Tracking Facial Expressions Using a Commodity Microphone Array3.162. My(o) Armband Leaks Passwords: An EMG and IMU Based Keylogging Side-Channel Attack3.163. MSLife — Digital Behavioral Phenotyping of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms in the Wild Using Wearables and Graph-Based Statistical Analysis3.164. ModElec: A Design Tool for Prototyping Physical Computing Devices Using Conductive 3D Printing3.165. Unobtrusive Pedestrian Identification by Leveraging Footstep Sounds with Replay Resistance3.166. iMon: Appearance-based Gaze Tracking System on Mobile Devices3.167. Janus: Dual-radio Accurate and Energy-E!icient Proximity Detection3.168. CycleGuard: A Smartphone-based Assistive Tool for Cyclist Safety Using Acoustic Ranging3.169. “Be Consistent, Work the Program, Be Present Every Day”: Exploring Technologies for Self-Tracking in Early Recovery3.170. SkinKit: Construction Kit for On-Skin Interface Prototyping3.171. Understanding and Supporting Self-Tracking App Selection3.172. DAFI: WiFi-based Device-free Indoor Localization via Domain Adaptation3.173. DistFL: Distribution-aware Federated Learning for Mobile Scenarios3.174. Wi-Fruit: See Through Fruits with Smart Devices3.175. RFaceID: Towards RFID-based Facial Recognition3.176. Mover: Generalizability Verification of Human Mobility Models via Heterogeneous Use Cases3.177. A CNN-based Human Activity Recognition System Combining a Laser Feedback Interferometry Eye Movement Sensor and an IMU for Context-aware Smart Glasses3.178. An Interview Method for Engaging Personal Data3.179. CHIMERA: Supporting Wearables Development across Multidisciplinary Perspectives3.180. Adaptive Computation Offloading for Mobile Augmented Reality3.181. Winect: 3D Human Pose Tracking for Free-form Activity Using Commodity WiFi3.182. Towards Device Independent Eavesdropping on Telephone Conversations with Built-in Accelerometer3.183. VREED: Virtual Reality Emotion Recognition Dataset Using Eye Tracking & Physiological Measures3.184. Twin Meander Coil: Sensitive Readout of Battery-free On-body Wireless Sensors Using Body-scale Meander Coils3.185. Zero-Shot Learning for IMU-Based Activity Recognition Using Video Embeddings3.186. Are Those Steps Worth Your Privacy? Fitness-Tracker Users’ Perceptions of Privacy and Utility3.187. Thru-the-wall Eavesdropping on Loudspeakers via RFID by Capturing Sub-mm Level Vibration3.188. CSMC: Cellular Signal Map Construction via Mobile Crowdsensing3.189. Spatio-Temporal Urban Knowledge Graph Enabled Mobility Prediction3.190. Understanding User Perceptions of Proactive Smart Speakers3.191. Computing Touch-Point Ambiguity on Mobile Touchscreens for Modeling Target Selection Times3.192. Spatio-Temporal Graph Attention Embedding for Joint Crowd Flow and Transition Predictions: A Wi-Fi-based Mobility Case Study3.193. Context-Aware Compilation of DNN Training Pipelines across Edge and Cloud3.194. KATN: Key Activity Detection via Inexact Supervised Learning3.195. Exploring Multiple Antennas for Long-range WiFi Sensing3.196. Ubi-SleepNet: Advanced Multimodal Fusion Techniques for Three-stage Sleep Classification Using Ubiquitous Sensing3.197. SpeeChin: A Smart Necklace for Silent Speech Recognition3.198. Quantifying the Causal Effect of Individual Mobility on Health Status in Urban Space4.

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