【ESMM论文精读】Entire Space Multi-Task Model: An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion


  • 本博客仅作为学习交流材料,论文版权归原作者所有:
  • ArXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.07931v2
  • MLA: Ma, X. , et al. "Entire Space Multi-Task Model: An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion Rate." The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference ACM, 2018.



Estimating post-click conversion rate (CVR) accurately is crucial for ranking systems in industrial applications such as recommendation and advertising.


Conventional CVR modeling applies popular deep learning methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


However it encounters several task-specific problems in practice, making CVR modeling challenging.


For example, conventional CVR models are trained with samples of clicked impressions while utilized to make inference on the entire space with samples of all impressions. This causes a sample selection bias problem.

例如,传统的CVR模型,在训练时,使用的是被点击的曝光样本;然而在应用时,却要在整个曝光样本空间(注:既包括被点击,也包含未被点击的曝光样本)中进行推断。这导致了 样本选择偏差问题

Besides,there exists an extreme data sparsity problem, making the model fitting rather difficult.


In this paper, we model CVR in a brand-new perspective by making good use of sequential pattern of user actions,i.e., impression → click → conversion.

在本文中,我们以一种全新的视角,对CVR进行建模,充分利用了用户行为的序列模式,即:曝光 → 点击 → 转化(购买)

The proposed Entire-Space Multi-task Model (ESMM) can eliminate the two problems simultaneously by


i) modeling CVR directly over the entire space,
ii) employing a feature representation transfer learning strategy.

  • i) 在整个空间上直接建模CVR,
  • ii) 采用特征表示迁移学习策略

Experiments on dataset gathered from traffic logs of Taobao’s recommender system demonstrate that ESMM significantly outperforms competitive methods.


We also release a sampling version of this dataset to enable future research.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first public dataset which contains samples with sequential dependence of click and conversion labels for CVR modeling.



post-click conversion rate, multi-task learning, sample selection bias, data sparsity, entire-space modeling




Conversion rate (CVR) prediction is an essential task for ranking system in industrial applications, such as online advertising and recommendation etc. For example, predicted CVR is used in OCPC (optimized cost-per-click) advertising to adjust bid price per click to achieve a win-win of both platform and advertisers [4]. It is also an important factor in recommender systems to balance users’ click preference and purchase preference.

在线广告、推荐等工业应用中,转化率(CVR)预测是排名系统的一项重要任务。例如,CVR预测 被应用于在OCPC(最优点击成本)广告任务中,用于调整每次点击竞价,达到平台和广告主的双赢[4]。此外,平衡(注:预估)用户的点击偏好和购买倾向,也是推荐系统的一个重要因素(注:重要需求)。

In this paper, we focus on the task of post-click CVR estimation. To simplify the discussion, we take the CVR modeling in recommender system in e-commerce site as an example. Given recommended items, users might click interested ones and further buy some of them. In other words, user actions follow a sequential pattern of impression → click → conversion. In this way, CVR modeling refers to the task of estimating the post-click conversion rate, i.e., pCVR = p(conversion|click, impression).

本文中,我们主要研究点击后CVR的估计任务。为了简化讨论,我们以电子商务网站中,推荐系统的CVR建模为例。给定若干推荐商品,用户可能会点击他感兴趣的一部分,进一步可能购买。换句话说,用户的操作遵循一个序列模式:曝光→点击→转化(购买)。在这里,CVR建模任务,指的是估算物品被点击后的转化概率,即pCVR = p(转化|点击,曝光)。

In general, conventional CVR modeling methods employ similar techniques developed in click-through rate (CTR) prediction task, for example, recently popular deep networks [2, 3]. However, there exist several task-specific problems, making CVR modeling challenging. Among them, we report two critical ones encountered in our real practice:


i) sample selection bias (SSB) problem [12]. As illustrated in Fig.1, conventional CVR models are trained on dataset composed of clicked impressions, while are utilized to make inference on the entire space with samples of all impressions. SSB problem will hurt the generalization performance of trained models.

  • (1)样本选择偏差(Sample Selection Bias, SSB) 问题[12]。如图1所示,传统的CVR模型在被点击的曝光样本组成的数据集上进行训练,然而在应用时,却要在整个曝光空间进行推断(注:也包含了未被点击的曝光样本)。样本选择偏差(SSB)问题会降低训练模型的泛化性能。

ii) data sparsity (DS) problem. In practice, data gathered for training CVR model is generally much less than CTR task. Sparsity of training data makes CVR model fitting rather difficult.

  • (2)数据稀疏性(Data Sparsity, DS) 问题。在实践中,可用于训练CVR模型的数据,通常远少于CTR任务。训练数据的稀疏性,使得CVR模型的拟合过程更加困难。

There are several studies trying to tackle these challenges.


In [5], hierarchical estimators on different features are built and combined with a logistic regression model to solve DS problem. However, it relies on a priori knowledge to construct hierarchical structures, which is difficult to be applied in recommender systems with tens of millions of users and items.

  • 在[5]中,建立了不同特征上的分层估计器,并结合逻辑回归模型来解决数据稀疏(DS)问题。但是,该方案依赖先验知识来构建层次结构,难以应用于拥有数千万用户和物品的推荐系统。

Oversampling method [11] copies rare class examples which helps lighten sparsity of data but is sensitive to sampling rates.

  • 过采样方案[11]通过对罕见类别的样本进行复制,缓解了数据的稀疏性,但对采样率很敏感。

All Missing As Negative (AMAN) applies random sampling strategy to select un-clicked impressions as negative examples [6]. It can eliminate the SSB problem to some degree by introducing unobserved examples, but results in a consistently underestimated prediction.

  • AMAN方案(All Missing As Negative)采用随机抽样策略,选取未被点击的曝光数据作为负样本[6]。它可以在一定程度上消除样本选择偏差(SSB)问题,即通过引入未被观察到的样本(注:原本不存在于真实数据集中,因为没有被点击,所以缺少点击和转化标签),但该方案可导致持续低估问题。

Unbiased method [10] addresses SSB problem in CTR modeling by fitting the truly underlying distribution from observations via rejection sampling. However, it might encounter numerical instability when weighting samples by division of rejection probability.

  • 去偏差方法[10]通过拒绝抽样,拟合观测数据的真实的潜在分布,以解决CTR建模中的样本选择偏差(SSB)问题。但是,该方案可能会遭遇数值不稳定,因为计算样本权重时,会有除以拒绝概率的操作(注:可能会除0或除以小值,引发病态问题)。

In all, neither SSB nor DS problem has been well addressed in the scenario of CVR modeling, and none of above methods exploits the information of sequential actions.

总之,在CVR建模场景中,SSB和DS问题都没有得到很好的解决,而且 上述方案都没有利用序列行为的信息

In this paper, by making good use of sequential pattern of user actions, we propose a novel approach named Entire Space Multitask Model (ESMM), which is able to eliminate the SSB and DS problems simultaneously.


In ESMM, two auxiliary tasks of predicting the post-view click-through rate (CTR) and post-view click-through & conversion rate (CTCVR) are introduced.


Instead of training CVR model directly with samples of clicked impressions, ESMM treats pCVR as an intermediate variable which multiplied by pCTR equals to pCTCVR.


Both pCTCVR and pCTR are estimated over the entire space with samples of all impressions, thus the derived pCVR is also applicable over the entire space. It indicates that SSB problem is eliminated.


Besides, parameters of feature representation of CVR network is shared with CTR network. The latter one is trained with much richer samples. This kind of parameter transfer learning [7] helps to alleviate the DS trouble remarkablely.


For this work, we collect traffic logs from Taobao’s recommender system. The full dataset consists of 8.9 billions samples with sequential labels of click and conversion. Careful experiments are conducted. ESMM consistently outperforms competitive models, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


We also release our dataset 1 ^1 1 for future research in this area.
(Note 1: https://tianchi.aliyun.com/datalab/dataSet.html?dataId=408)

同时,我们还发布了我们的数据集 1 ^1 1,用于该领域的进一步研究。


2.1 符号 Notation

We assume the observed dataset to be S = { ( x i , y i → z i ) } ∣ i = 1 N } \mathcal{S} = \{(x_i,y_i→z_i)\} |_{i=1}^N \} S={(xi,yizi)}i=1N} with sample ( x , y → z ) (x,y → z) (x,yz) drawn from a distribution D D D with domain X × Y × Z \mathcal{X \times Y \times Z} X×Y×Z, where X \mathcal{X} X is feature space, Y \mathcal{Y} Y and Z \mathcal{Z} Z are label spaces, and N N N is the total number of impressions.

定义观测数据集为 S = { ( x i , y i → z i ) } ∣ i = 1 N } \mathcal{S} = \{(x_i,y_i→z_i)\} |_{i=1}^N \} S={(xi,yizi)}i=1N} ,假设其中的样本 ( x , y → z ) (x,y→z) (x,yz)取自分布 D D D,所在域为 X × Y × Z \mathcal{X \times Y \times Z} X×Y×Z,其中 X \mathcal{X} X为特征空间, Y \mathcal{Y} Y Z \mathcal{Z} Z为标签空间, N N N为总曝光数。

x x x represents feature vector of observed impression, which is usually a high dimensional sparse vector with multi-fields [8], such as user field, item field etc.

x x x表示观察到的曝光(注:曝光事件或曝光场景)的特征向量,通常是一个高维稀疏向量,有多个特征域[8],如用户域、物品域等。

y y y and z z z are binary labels with y = 1 y = 1 y=1 or z = 1 z = 1 z=1 indicating whether click or conversion event occurs respectively. y → z y → z yz reveals the sequential dependence of click and conversion labels that there is always a preceding click when conversion event occurs.

y y y z z z是0-1标签, y = 1 y = 1 y=1 z = 1 z = 1 z=1分别表示出现了点击行为和转化(购买)行为。 y → z y → z yz表明了点击和转化标签的先后依赖关系:当出现转化(购买)行为时,前面总是会有一个点击行为。

Post-click CVR modeling is to estimate the probability of p C V R = p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) pCVR = p(z = 1|y = 1, x) pCVR=p(z=1∣y=1,x).

点击后CVR建模,即估计概率 p C V R = p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) pCVR = p(z = 1|y = 1, x) pCVR=p(z=1∣y=1,x)

Two associated probabilities are: post-view click-through rate (CTR) with p C T R = p ( z = 1 ∣ x ) pCTR = p(z = 1|x) pCTR=p(z=1∣x) and post-view click&conversion rate (CTCVR) with p C T C V R = p ( y = 1 , z = 1 ∣ x ) pCTCVR = p(y = 1, z = 1|x) pCTCVR=p(y=1,z=1∣x).

两个相关的概率是:浏览后的点击概率(CTR),即 p C T R = p ( y = 1 ∣ x ) pCTR = p(y = 1|x) pCTR=p(y=1∣x)(注:原文应该是出现了笔误,这里直接进行了修正,z改成了y),以及 浏览后点击并转化概率(CTCVR),即 p C T C V R = p ( y = 1 , z = 1 ∣ x ) pCTCVR = p(y = 1, z = 1|x) pCTCVR=p(y=1,z=1∣x)

Given impression x x x, these probabilities follow Eq.(1):

给定曝光事件的特征向量 x x x,上述概率遵循公式(1):


2.2 CVR建模和挑战 CVR Modeling and Challenges

Recently deep learning based methods have been proposed for CVR modeling, achieving state-of-the-art performance.


Most of them follow a similar Embedding & MLP network architecture, as introduced in [3]. The left part of Fig.2 illustrates this kind of architecture, which we refer to as BASE model, for the sake of simplicity.

它们大多数遵循了一种相似的Embedded & MLP神经网络架构,如文献[3]中所介绍。图2的左边展示了这种架构,为了简单起见,我们将其称为BASE模型。


In brief, conventional CVR modeling methods directly estimate the post-click conversion rate p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) p(z = 1|y = 1, x) p(z=1∣y=1,x).

简而言之,传统的CVR建模方法,直接估算点击后转化率 p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) p(z = 1|y = 1, x) p(z=1∣y=1,x)

They train models with samples of clicked impressions, i.e., S c = { ( x j , z j ) ∣ y j = 1 } ∣ j = 1 M \mathcal{S_c} = \{(x_j , z_j )|y_j = 1 \} |_{j=1}^M Sc={(xj,zj)yj=1}j=1M. M M M is the number of clicks over all impressions. Obviously, S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc is a subset of S \mathcal{S} S.

他们用被点击的曝光样本训练模型,即 S c = { ( x j , z j ) ∣ y j = 1 } ∣ j = 1 M \mathcal{S_c} = \{(x_j , z_j )|y_j = 1 \} |_{j=1}^M Sc={(xj,zj)yj=1}j=1M. 其中 M M M是所有曝光样本的点击量。显然, S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc S \mathcal{S} S的子集。

Note that in S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc , (clicked) impressions without conversion are treated as negative samples and impressions with conversion (also clicked) as positive samples.

需要指出的是,在 S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc中,(被点击的)没有发生转化的曝光样本被视为负样本,而发生转换(也被点击)的曝光样本被视为正样本。

In practice, CVR modeling encounters several task-specific problems, making it challenging.


(1) 样本选择偏差 Sample selection bias (SSB) [12]

In fact, conventional CVR modeling makes an approximation of p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) ≈ q ( z = 1 ∣ x c ) p(z = 1|y = 1, x) ≈ q(z = 1|x_c) p(z=1∣y=1,x)q(z=1∣xc) by introducing an auxiliary feature space X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc.

事实上,传统的CVR建模通过引入辅助特征空间 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc,来近似 p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) ≈ q ( z = 1 ∣ x c ) p(z = 1|y = 1, x)≈q(z = 1|x_c) p(z=1∣y=1,x)q(z=1∣xc)

X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc represents a limited 2 ^2 2 space associated with S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc. ∀ x c ∈ X c \forall x_c \in \mathcal{X_c} xcXc there exists a pair ( x = x c , y x = 1 ) (x = x_c ,y_x = 1) (x=xc,yx=1) where x ∈ X x \in \mathcal{X} xX and y x y_x yx is the click label of x.
(Note 2: Space X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc equals to X \mathcal{X} X under the condition that ∀ X ∈ X , p ( y = 1 ∣ x ) > 0 \forall X \in \mathcal{X}, p(y = 1|x ) > 0 XX,p(y=1∣x)>0 and the number of observed impressions is large enough. Otherwise, space X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc is part of X \mathcal{X} X.)

X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc表示一个与 S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc相关的有限空间 2 ^2 2 ∀ x c ∈ X c \forall x_c \in \mathcal{X_c} xcXc,存在一个数据对 ( x = x c , y x = 1 ) (x = x_c,y_x = 1) (x=xc,yx=1),其中 x ∈ X x \in \mathcal{X} xX y x y_x yx中是 x x x的点击标签。
(原文注释2:当且仅当 ∀ x ∈ X , p ( y = 1 ∣ x ) > 0 \forall x \in \mathcal{X}, p(y = 1|x ) > 0 xX,p(y=1∣x)>0并且被观测到的曝光事件足够多,样本空间 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc才会与 X \mathcal{X} X相同;否则,样本空间 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc只是 X \mathcal{X} X的一个子集)(注:原文注释里可能有笔误,这里把其中的 X X X修改 x x x)。

In this way, q ( z = 1 ∣ x c ) q(z = 1|x_c) q(z=1∣xc) is trained over space X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc with clicked samples of S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc. At inference stage, the prediction of p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) p(z = 1|y = 1, x) p(z=1∣y=1,x) over entire space X \mathcal{X} X is calculated as q ( z = 1 ∣ x ) q(z = 1|x) q(z=1∣x) under the assumption that for any pair of ( x , y x = 1 ) (x, y_x = 1) (x,yx=1) where x ∈ X x \in \mathcal{X} xX, x x x belongs to X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc.

这样,(注:在训练阶段) q ( z = 1 ∣ x c ) q(z = 1|x_c) q(z=1∣xc)在样本空间 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc训练,使用被点击的样本集合 S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc。在推断阶段,预测值 p ( z = 1 ∣ y = 1 , x ) p(z = 1|y = 1, x) p(z=1∣y=1,x)却要在整个样本空间 X \mathcal{X} X进行估计,并被近似为 q ( z = 1 ∣ x ) q(z = 1|x) q(z=1∣x). 这(注:从 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc外推到 X \mathcal{X} X,以及概率近似的合理性)基于一个假设:对于任何一个 x ∈ X x \in \mathcal{X} xX的数据对 ( x , y x = 1 ) (x, y_x = 1) (x,yx=1) x x x属于 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc

This assumption would be violated with a large probability as X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc is just a small part of entire space X \mathcal{X} X. It is affected heavily by the randomness of rarely occurred click event, whose probability varies over regions in space X \mathcal{X} X.

这个假设很可能并不成立,因为 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc只是整个空间 X \mathcal{X} X中的一小部分。它容易受到随机性的严重的影响:因为点击行为很少出现,存在着太多的随机性,在空间 X \mathcal{X} X的不同区域,(点击行为)往往有着不同的概率分布。

Moreover, without enough observations in practice, space X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc may be quite different from X \mathcal{X} X. This would bring the drift of distribution of training samples from truly underling distribution and hurt the generalization performance for CVR modeling.

此外,如果在实际应用中没有足够的观察信息(注:观察到的事件较少,数据收集不全面),空间 X c \mathcal{X_c} Xc可能与 X \mathcal{X} X大不相同。这可能使训练样本的分布发生漂移,远离真实的潜在分布,进而影响CVR模型的泛化性能。

(2) 数据稀疏性 Data sparsity (DS)

Conventional methods train CVR model with clicked samples of S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc. The rare occurrence of click event causes training data for CVR modeling to be extremely sparse.

传统的方法,是利用点击样本组成的数据集 S c \mathcal{S_c} Sc训练CVR模型。由于点击行为极少出现,使得可用于CVR建模的训练数据极其稀少。

Intuitively, it is generally 1-3 orders of magnitude less than the associated CTR task, which is trained on dataset of S \mathcal{S} S with all impressions.

直观上,它通常比相关的CTR任务少1-3个数量级,后者可以利用所有曝光样本组成的数据集 S \mathcal{S} S进行训练。

Table 1 shows the statistics of our experimental datasets, where number of samples for CVR task is just 4% of that for CTR task.



(3) 其他挑战 other challenges

It is worth mentioning that there exists other challenges for CVR modeling, e.g. delayed feedback [1].


This work does not focus on it. One reason is that the degree of conversion delay in our system is slightly acceptable. The other is that our approach can be combined with previous work [1] to handle it.


2.3 ESMM模型 Entire Space Multi-Task Model

The proposed ESMM is illustrated in Fig.2, which makes good use of the sequential pattern of user actions. Borrowing the idea from multi-task learning [9], ESMM introduces two auxiliary tasks of CTR and CTCVR and eliminates the aforementioned problems for CVR modeling simultaneously.

本文提出的ESMM模型如图2所示(上面2.2节),它很好地利用了用户行为的序列模式。借鉴多任务学习[9]的思想,ESMM引入了CTR和CTCVR两个辅助任务,同时消除了CVR建模的上述问题(注:样本选择偏差 和 数据稀疏)。

On the whole, ESMM simultaneously outputs pCTR, pCVR as well as pCTCVR w.r.t. a given impression. It mainly consists of two sub-networks: CVR network illustrated in the left part of Fig.2 and CTR network in the right part. Both CVR and CTR networks adopt the same structure as BASE model. CTCVR takes the product of outputs from CVR and CTR network as the output.

总的来说,当给定一个曝光事件(注:输入曝光事件的特征向量 x x x)ESMM同时输出pCTR、pCVR和pCTCVR。它主要由两个子网络组成: 图2左侧的CVR网络,图2右侧的CTR网络。CVR和CTR网络采用与BASE模型相同的结构。CTCVR以CVR和CTR网络输出的乘积作为输出。

There are some highlights in ESMM, which have notable effects on CVR modeling and distinguish ESMM from conventional methods.


(1)在整个空间建模 Modeling over entire space.

(注:在整个曝光空间 X \mathcal{X} X

Eq.(1) gives us hints, which can be transformed into Eq.(2).



Here p ( y = 1 , z = 1 ∣ x ) p(y = 1, z = 1|x) p(y=1,z=1∣x) and p ( y = 1 ∣ x ) p(y = 1|x) p(y=1∣x) are modeled on dataset of S \mathcal{S} S with all impressions. Eq.(2) tells us that with estimation of pCTCVR and pCTR, pCVR can be derived over the entire input space X \mathcal{X} X, which addresses the sample selection bias problem directly.

这里 p ( y = 1 , z = 1 ∣ x ) p(y = 1, z = 1|x) p(y=1,z=1∣x) p ( y = 1 ∣ x ) p(y = 1|x) p(y=1∣x) 是基于数据集 S \mathcal{S} S建模的,即使用全量的曝光数据。公式(2)告诉我们,通过估计pCTCVR和pCTR,pCVR可以在整个输入空间 X \mathcal{X} X上推导出来,这直接解决了样本选择偏差问题。

This seems easy by estimating pCTR and pCTCVR with individually trained models separately and obtaining pCVR by Eq.(2), which we refer to as DIVISION for simplicity. However, pCTR is a small number practically, divided by which would arise numerical instability.


ESMM avoids this with the multiplication form. In ESMM, pCVR is just an intermediate variable which is constrained by the equation of Eq.(1). pCTR and pCTCVR are the main factors ESMM actually estimated over entire space.


The multiplication form enables the three associated and co-trained estimators to exploit the sequential patten of data and communicate information with each other during training. Besides, it ensures the value of estimated pCVR to be in range of [0,1], which in DIVISION method might exceed 1.


The loss function of ESMM is defined as Eq.(3). It consists of two loss terms from CTR and CTCVR tasks which are calculated over samples of all impressions, without using the loss of CVR task.



where θ c t r \theta_{ctr} θctr and θ c v r \theta_{cvr} θcvr are the parameters of CTR and CVR networks and l ( ⋅ ) l(·) l() is cross-entropy loss function.

其中, θ c t r \theta_{ctr} θctr θ c v r \theta_{cvr} θcvr 是CRT网络和CVR网络的参数, l ( ⋅ ) l(·) l()为交叉熵损失函数。

Mathematically, Eq.(3) decomposes y → z y → z yz into two parts 3 ^3 3: y y y and y & z y \And z y&z, which in fact makes use of the sequential dependence of click and conversion labels.
(Note 3: Corresponding to labels of CTR and CTCVR tasks, which construct training datasets as follows: i) samples are composed of all impressions, ii) for CTR task, clicked impressions)

数学上,公式3把 y → z y → z yz 分解为两个部分 3 ^3 3(注:两个先后过程): y y y y & z y \And z y&z,实际上,这样便应用到了点击标签和转化标签之间的序列依赖信息;

(2)特征表示迁移学习 Feature representation transfer.

As introduced in section 2.2, embedding layer maps large scale sparse inputs into low dimensional representation vectors. It contributes most of the parameters of deep network and learning of which needs huge volume of training samples.


In ESMM, embedding dictionary of CVR network is shared with that of CTR network. It follows a feature representation transfer learning paradigm. Training samples with all impressions for CTR task is relatively much richer than CVR task. This parameter sharing mechanism enables CVR network in ESMM to learn from un-clicked impressions and provides great help for alleviating the data sparsity trouble.


Note that the sub-network in ESMM can be substituted with some recently developed models [2, 3], which might get better performance. Due to limited space, we omit it and focus on tackling challenges encountered in real practice for CVR modeling.



3.1 实验设置 Experimental Setup

(1)数据集 Datasets.

During our survey, no public datasets with sequential labels of click and conversion are found in CVR modeling area.

我们在调研阶段发现,在CVR建模领域,没有关于 点击+转化 序列标签的公开数据集。

To evaluate the proposed approach, we collect traffic logs from Taobao’s recommender system and release a 1% random sampling version of the whole dataset, whose size still reaches 38GB (without compression).


In the rest of the paper, we refer to the released dataset as Public Dataset and the whole one as Product Dataset.


Table 1 summarizes the statistics of the two datasets. Detailed descriptions can be found in the website of Public Dataset 1 ^1 1.
(Note 1: https://tianchi.aliyun.com/datalab/dataSet.html?dataId=408)

表1总结了两个数据集的统计情况。更加详细的描述,可以查阅公开数据集网站 1 ^1 1

(2)对比算法 Competitors.

We conduct experiments with several competitive methods on CVR modeling.


(1) BASE is the baseline model introduced in section 2.2.
(2) AMAN [6] applies negative sampling strategy and best results are reported with sampling rate searched in {10%, 20%, 50%, 100%}.
(3) OVERSAMPLING [11] copies positive examples to reduce difficulty of training with sparse data, with sampling rate searched in {2, 3, 5, 10}.
(4) UNBIAS follows [10] to fit the truly underlying distribution from observations via rejection sampling. pCTR is taken as the rejection probability.
(5) DIVISION estimates pCTR and pCTCVR with individually trained CTR and CTCVR networks and calculates pCVR by Eq.(2).
(6) ESMM-NS is a lite version of ESMM without sharing of embedding parameters.

  • (1) BASE模型是2.2节中介绍的基线模型。
  • (2) AMAN模型[6]采用了负采样策略,在{10%,20%,50%,100%}中搜索最佳采样率,得到最佳结果。
  • (3) 过采样方法[11]对正样本进行了复制,降低了用稀疏数据进行训练的难度;采样率在{2,3,5,10}中搜索。
  • (4) UNBIAS方法(注:去偏差方法)遵循文章[10],通过拒绝抽样,来拟合观察数据的真实的底层分布。pCTR被用作拒绝概率(注:?)。
  • (5) DIVISION 通过 单独训练的CTR和CTCVR网络,实现pCTR和pCTCVR的估计,并通过公式(2)计算pCVR。
  • (6) ESMM-NS是精简版的ESMM,不共享嵌入参数(注:No Share)。

The first four methods are different variations to model CVR directly based on state-of-the-art deep network.


DIVISION, ESMM-NS and ESMM share the same idea to model CVR over entire space which involve three networks of CVR, CTR and CTCVR.


ESMM-NS and ESMM co-train the three networks and take the output from CVR network for model comparison.

ESMM-NS 和 ESMM 共同训练三个网络,并从CVR网络中获取输出结果,用于模型对比。

To be fair, all competitors including ESMM share the same network structure and hyper parameters with BASE model, which
i) uses ReLU activation function,
ii) sets the dimension of embedding vector to be 18,
iii) sets dimensions of each layers in MLP network to be 360 × 200 × 80 × 2,
iv) uses adam solver with parameter β 1 = 0.9 , β 2 = 0.999 , ϵ = 1 0 − 8 \beta_1 = 0.9, \beta_2 = 0.999, \epsilon = 10^{−8} β1=0.9,β2=0.999,ϵ=108.


  • 使用ReLU激活函数,
  • 设置embedding表示向量的维度为 18,
  • 设置MLP网络各层大小为 360 × 200 × 80 × 2,
  • 使用Adam求解器,参数 β 1 = 0.9 , β 2 = 0.999 , ϵ = 1 0 − 8 \beta_1 = 0.9, \beta_2 = 0.999, \epsilon = 10^{−8} β1=0.9,β2=0.999,ϵ=108
(3)效果度量 Metric.

The comparisons are made on two different tasks:

  • (1) conventional CVR prediction task which estimates pCVR on dataset with clicked impressions,
  • (2) CTCVR prediction task which estimates pCTCVR on dataset with all impressions.


  • (1) 传统的CVR预测任务,即在被点击的曝光数据集上,估计pCVR;
  • (2) CTCVR预测任务,即在整个曝光数据集上(注:含未被点击的曝光),估计pCTCVR。

Task (2) aims to compare different CVR modeling methods over entire input space, which reflects the model performance corresponding to SSB problem.


In CTCVR task, all models calculate pCTCVR by pCTR × pCVR, where:

  • i) pCVR is estimated by each model respectively,
  • ii) pCTR is estimated with a same independently trained CTR network (same structure and hyper parameters as BASE model).

在CTCVR任务中,所有模型通过 pCTR × pCVR计算pCTCVR,其中:

  • i) pCVR由各模型分别估计,
  • ii) pCTR的估计,采用一个相同的、独立训练的CTR网络(结构和超参数与BASE模型相同)。

Both of the two tasks split the first 1/2 data in the time sequence to be training set while the rest to be test set.


Area under the ROC curve (AUC) is adopted as performance metrics. All experiments are repeated 10 times and averaged results are reported.


3.2 公开数据集(少量)实验结果 Results on Public Dataset

Table 2 shows results of different models on public dataset.


(1) Among all the three variations of BASE model, only AMAN performs a little worse on CVR task, which may be due to the sensitive of random sampling. OVERSAMPLING and UNBIAS show improvement over BASE model on both CVR and CTCVR tasks.

  • (1) 在三种BASE模型的变种中,只有AMAN模型在CVR任务上表现稍差,这可能与随机抽样的敏感性有关。在CVR和CTCVR任务中,过采样和UNBIAS均优于BASE模型。

(2) Both DIVISION and ESMM-NS estimate pCVR over entire space and achieve remarkable promotions over BASE model. Due to the avoidance of numerical instability, ESMM-NS performs better than DIVISION.

  • (2) DIVISION和ESMM-NS模型,均在整个(注:曝光)空间对pCVR进行估计,相比于BASE模型取得了显著提升。由于避免了数值不稳定的问题,ESMM-NS的性能优于DIVISION。

(3) ESMM further improves ESMM-NS. By exploiting the sequential patten of user actions and learning from un-clicked data with transfer mechanism, ESMM provides an elegant solution for CVR modeling to eliminate SSB and DS problems simultaneously and beats all the competitors.

  • (3) ESMM进一步提升了ESMM-NS的效果。它利用了用户行为的序列模式,并基于迁移学习机制,从未被点击的数据中进行学习,为CVR建模提供了一个优雅的解决方案,可以同时消除 样本选择偏差 和 数据稀疏 问题,击败了所有竞争算法

Compared with BASE model, ESMM achieves absolute AUC gain of 2.56% on CVR task, which indicates its good generalization performance even for biased samples. On CTCVR task with full samples, it brings 3.25% AUC gain. These results validate the effectiveness of our modeling method.



3.3 生产数据集(全量)实验结果 Results on Product Dataset

We further evaluate ESMM on our product dataset with 8.9 billions of samples, two orders of magnitude larger than public one.


To verify the impact of the volume of the training dataset, we conduct careful comparisons on this large scale datasets w.r.t. different sampling rates, as illustrated in Fig.3.


First, all methods show improvement with the growth of volume of training samples. This indicates the influence of data sparsity. In all cases except AMAN on 1% sampling CVR task, BASE model is defeated.

首先,随着训练集样本量的增加,所有的算法效果均有提高。这说明了数据稀疏性对模型的影响。在所有情况中,除了【CVR任务 + 1%训练集 + AMAN模型】这一组数据,BASE模型的效果都相对较差。

Second, ESMM-NS and ESMM outperform all competitors consistently w.r.t. different sampling rates. In particular, ESMM maintains a large margin of AUC promotion over all competitors on both CVR and CTCVR tasks.

其次,在不同采样率下,ESMM-NS 和 ESMM始终优于所有其他算法。尤其是ESMM,相比于其他算法,ESMM始终保持着很大的AUC提升,无论在CVR还是CTCVR任务。

BASE model is the latest version which serves the main traffic in our real system. Trained with the whole dataset, ESMM achieves absolute AUC gain of 2.18% on CVR task and 2.32% on CTCVR task over BASE model. This is a significant improvement for industrial applications where 0.1% AUC gain is remarkable.




In this paper, we propose a novel approach ESMM for CVR modeling task. ESMM makes good use of sequential patten of user actions.


With the help of two auxiliary tasks of CTR and CTCVR, ESMM elegantly tackles challenges of sample selection bias and data sparsity for CVR modeling encountered in real practice.


Experiments on real dataset demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed ESMM.


This method can be easily generalized to user action prediction in scenario with sequential dependence.


In the future, we intend to design global optimization models in applications with multi-stage actions like request → impression → click → conversion.

在未来,我们希望设计全局最优的模型,应用到具有多步行为的任务中,例如 请求 → 曝光 → 点击 → 转化。

(The End)





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