





之后从50000训练数据中取出1000作为验证集,1000测试集,此外还有一个大小为500的development set用于提高速度。

# Split the data into train, val, and test sets. In addition we will
# create a small development set as a subset of the training data;
# we can use this for development so our code runs faster.
num_training = 49000
num_validation = 1000
num_test = 1000
num_dev = 500

# Our validation set will be num_validation points from the original
# training set.
mask = range(num_training, num_training + num_validation)
X_val = X_train[mask]
y_val = y_train[mask]

# Our training set will be the first num_train points from the original
# training set.
mask = range(num_training)
X_train = X_train[mask]
y_train = y_train[mask]

# We will also make a development set, which is a small subset of
# the training set.
mask = np.random.choice(num_training, num_dev, replace=False)
X_dev = X_train[mask]
y_dev = y_train[mask]

# We use the first num_test points of the original test set as our
# test set.
mask = range(num_test)
X_test = X_test[mask]
y_test = y_test[mask]

print ('Train data shape: ', X_train.shape)
print ('Train labels shape: ', y_train.shape)
print ('Validation data shape: ', X_val.shape)
print ('Validation labels shape: ', y_val.shape)
print ('Test data shape: ', X_test.shape)
print ('Test labels shape: ', y_test.shape)


Train data shape: (49000, 32, 32, 3)
Train labels shape: (49000,)
Validation data shape: (1000, 32, 32, 3 )
Validation labels shape: (1000,)
Test data shape: (1000, 32, 32, 3)
Test labels shape: ( 1000,)


# Preprocessing: reshape the image data into rows
X_train = np.reshape(X_train, (X_train.shape[0], -1))
X_val = np.reshape(X_val, (X_val.shape[0], -1))
X_test = np.reshape(X_test, (X_test.shape[0], -1))
X_dev = np.reshape(X_dev, (X_dev.shape[0], -1))

# As a sanity check, print out the shapes of the data
print ('Training data shape: ', X_train.shape)
print ('Validation data shape: ', X_val.shape)
print ('Test data shape: ', X_test.shape)
print ('dev data shape: ', X_dev.shape)


Training data shape: (49000, 3072)
Validation data shape: (1000, 3072)
Test data shape: (1000, 3072)
dev data shape: (500, 3072)



# Preprocessing: subtract the mean image
# first: compute the image mean based on the training data
mean_image = np.mean(X_train, axis=0)
print (mean_image[:10]) # print a few of the elements
plt.imshow(mean_image.reshape((32,32,3)).astype('uint8')) # visualize the mean image


[ 130.64189796  135.98173469  132.47391837  130.05569388  135.34804082
  131.75402041  130.96055102  136.14328571  132.47636735  131.48467347]



# second: subtract the mean image from train and test data
X_train -= mean_image
X_val -= mean_image
X_test -= mean_image
X_dev -= mean_image
# third: append the bias dimension of ones (i.e. bias trick) so that our SVM
# only has to worry about optimizing a single weight matrix W.
X_train = np.hstack([X_train, np.ones((X_train.shape[0], 1))])
X_val = np.hstack([X_val, np.ones((X_val.shape[0], 1))])
X_test = np.hstack([X_test, np.ones((X_test.shape[0], 1))])
X_dev = np.hstack([X_dev, np.ones((X_dev.shape[0], 1))])

print( X_train.shape, X_val.shape, X_test.shape, X_dev.shape)


(49000, 3073) (1000, 3073) (1000, 3073) (500, 3073)



import numpy as np
from random import shuffle

def svm_loss_naive(W, X, y, reg):
  Structured SVM loss function, naive implementation (with loops).

  Inputs have dimension D, there are C classes, and we operate on minibatches
  of N examples.

  - W: A numpy array of shape (D, C) containing weights.
  - X: A numpy array of shape (N, D) containing a minibatch of data.
  - y: A numpy array of shape (N,) containing training labels; y[i] = c means
    that X[i] has label c, where 0 <= c < C.
  - reg: (float) regularization strength

  Returns a tuple of:
  - loss as single float
  - gradient with respect to weights W; an array of same shape as W
  dW = np.zeros(W.shape) # initialize the gradient as zero

  # compute the loss and the gradient
  num_classes = W.shape[1]
  num_train = X.shape[0]
  loss = 0.0
  for i in range(num_train):
    scores = X[i].dot(W)
    correct_class_score = scores[y[i]]
    for j in range(num_classes):
      if j == y[i]:
      margin = scores[j] - correct_class_score + 1 # note delta = 1
      if margin > 0:
        loss += margin
        dW[:,y[i]] += -X[i,:]
        dW[:,j] += X[i,:]

  # Right now the loss is a sum over all training examples, but we want it
  # to be an average instead so we divide by num_train.
  loss /= num_train
  # Add regularization to the loss.
  loss += 0.5 * reg * np.sum(W * W)

  # TODO:                                                                     #
  # Compute the gradient of the loss function and store it dW.                #
  # Rather that first computing the loss and then computing the derivative,   #
  # it may be simpler to compute the derivative at the same time that the     #
  # loss is being computed. As a result you may need to modify some of the    #
  # code above to compute the gradient.                                       #
  dW /= num_train
  dW += reg * W

  return loss, dW

# Evaluate the naive implementation of the loss we provided for you:
from cs231n.classifiers.linear_svm import svm_loss_naive
import time

# generate a random SVM weight matrix of small numbers
W = np.random.randn(3073, 10) * 0.0001 

loss, grad = svm_loss_naive(W, X_dev, y_dev, 0.00001)
print ('loss: %f' % (loss, ))


loss: 8.907044

之后做了gradient check,这就用到了之前分出来的大小为500的数据集。

# Once you've implemented the gradient, recompute it with the code below
# and gradient check it with the function we provided for you

# Compute the loss and its gradient at W.
loss, grad = svm_loss_naive(W, X_dev, y_dev, 0.0)

# Numerically compute the gradient along several randomly chosen dimensions, and
# compare them with your analytically computed gradient. The numbers should match
# almost exactly along all dimensions.
from cs231n.gradient_check import grad_check_sparse
f = lambda w: svm_loss_naive(w, X_dev, y_dev, 0.0)[0]
grad_numerical = grad_check_sparse(f, W, grad)

# do the gradient check once again with regularization turned on
# you didn't forget the regularization gradient did you?
loss, grad = svm_loss_naive(W, X_dev, y_dev, 1e2)
f = lambda w: svm_loss_naive(w, X_dev, y_dev, 1e2)[0]
grad_numerical = grad_check_sparse(f, W, grad)


numerical: 14.617711 analytic: 14.617711, relative error: 6.404210e-12
numerical: 0.115072 analytic: 0.115072, relative error: 4.071593e-10
numerical: 13.349968 analytic: 13.349968, relative error: 1.729524e-12
numerical: 15.778984 analytic: 15.778984, relative error: 3.307991e-11
numerical: 9.366425 analytic: 9.366425, relative error: 3.311847e-11
numerical: 4.323910 analytic: 4.323910, relative error: 1.216207e-11
numerical: 23.449507 analytic: 23.449507, relative error: 1.036899e-11
numerical: -1.107864 analytic: -1.107864, relative error: 2.104031e-10
numerical: -1.563012 analytic: -1.563012, relative error: 1.622242e-11
numerical: 26.937009 analytic: 26.937009, relative error: 1.647830e-11
numerical: 13.397230 analytic: 13.397230, relative error: 2.003104e-11
numerical: -2.885354 analytic: -2.885354, relative error: 6.992493e-11
numerical: 9.370604 analytic: 9.370604, relative error: 1.147164e-11
numerical: -7.630019 analytic: -7.630019, relative error: 3.550522e-11
numerical: 11.904373 analytic: 11.904373, relative error: 2.424806e-14
numerical: -8.516367 analytic: -8.516367, relative error: 4.743488e-11
numerical: -21.188352 analytic: -21.188352, relative error: 1.446557e-11
numerical: 23.897181 analytic: 23.897181, relative error: 1.202490e-12
numerical: 8.350929 analytic: 8.350929, relative error: 2.168510e-12
numerical: -24.697978 analytic: -24.697978, relative error: 3.098162e-12

. . .

def svm_loss_vectorized(W, X, y, reg):
  Structured SVM loss function, vectorized implementation.

  Inputs and outputs are the same as svm_loss_naive.
  loss = 0.0
  dW = np.zeros(W.shape) # initialize the gradient as zero
  scores = X.dot(W)
  num_train = X.shape[0]
  # TODO:                                                                     #
  # Implement a vectorized version of the structured SVM loss, storing the    #
  # result in loss.                                                           #
  scores_correct = scores[np.arange(num_train),y]
  scores_correct = np.reshape(scores_correct,(num_train,-1)) #转置一下
  margins = scores - scores_correct + 1
  margins = np.maximum(0,margins)
  margins[np.arange(num_train),y] = 0
  loss += np.sum(margins)/num_train
  loss += 0.5 * reg * np.sum(W*W)
  #                             END OF YOUR CODE                              #

  # TODO:                                                                     #
  # Implement a vectorized version of the gradient for the structured SVM     #
  # loss, storing the result in dW.                                           #
  #                                                                           #
  # Hint: Instead of computing the gradient from scratch, it may be easier    #
  # to reuse some of the intermediate values that you used to compute the     #
  # loss.                                                                     #
  margins[margins > 0] = 1
  row_sum = np.sum(margins,axis=1)
  margins[np.arange(num_train),y] = -row_sum
  dW += np.dot(X.T,margins) / num_train + reg * W
  #                             END OF YOUR CODE                              #

  return loss, dW

# Next implement the function svm_loss_vectorized; for now only compute the loss;
# we will implement the gradient in a moment.
tic = time.time()
loss_naive, grad_naive = svm_loss_naive(W, X_dev, y_dev, 0.00001)
toc = time.time()
print ('Naive loss: %e computed in %fs' % (loss_naive, toc - tic))

from cs231n.classifiers.linear_svm import svm_loss_vectorized
tic = time.time()
loss_vectorized, _ = svm_loss_vectorized(W, X_dev, y_dev, 0.00001)
toc = time.time()
print ('Vectorized loss: %e computed in %fs' % (loss_vectorized, toc - tic))

# The losses should match but your vectorized implementation should be much faster.
print ('difference: %f' % (loss_naive - loss_vectorized))

Naive loss: 8.907044e+00 computed in 0.109389s
Vectorized loss: 8.907044e+00 computed in 0.015682s
difference: 0.000000

Naive loss and gradient: computed in 0.125014s
Vectorized loss and gradient: computed in 0.015629s
difference: 0.000000

接下来进行 SGD 随机梯度下降。
import numpy as np
from cs231n.classifiers.linear_svm import *
from cs231n.classifiers.softmax import *

class LinearClassifier(object):

  def __init__(self):
    self.W = None

  def train(self, X, y, learning_rate=1e-3, reg=1e-5, num_iters=100,
            batch_size=200, verbose=False):
    Train this linear classifier using stochastic gradient descent.

    - X: A numpy array of shape (N, D) containing training data; there are N
      training samples each of dimension D.
    - y: A numpy array of shape (N,) containing training labels; y[i] = c
      means that X[i] has label 0 <= c < C for C classes.
    - learning_rate: (float) learning rate for optimization.
    - reg: (float) regularization strength.
    - num_iters: (integer) number of steps to take when optimizing
    - batch_size: (integer) number of training examples to use at each step.
    - verbose: (boolean) If true, print progress during optimization.

    A list containing the value of the loss function at each training iteration.
    num_train, dim = X.shape
    num_classes = np.max(y) + 1 # assume y takes values 0...K-1 where K is number of classes
    if self.W is None:
      # lazily initialize W
      self.W = 0.001 * np.random.randn(dim, num_classes)

    # Run stochastic gradient descent to optimize W
    loss_history = []
    for it in range(num_iters):
      X_batch = None
      y_batch = None

      # TODO:                                                                 #
      # Sample batch_size elements from the training data and their           #
      # corresponding labels to use in this round of gradient descent.        #
      # Store the data in X_batch and their corresponding labels in           #
      # y_batch; after sampling X_batch should have shape (dim, batch_size)   #
      # and y_batch should have shape (batch_size,)                           #
      #                                                                       #
      # Hint: Use np.random.choice to generate indices. Sampling with         #
      # replacement is faster than sampling without replacement.              #
      select_idxs = np.random.choice(num_train,batch_size,replace=False)
      X_batch = X[select_idxs,:]
      y_batch = y[select_idxs]
      #                       END OF YOUR CODE                                #

      # evaluate loss and gradient
      loss, grad = self.loss(X_batch, y_batch, reg)

      # perform parameter update
      # TODO:                                                                 #
      # Update the weights using the gradient and the learning rate.          #
      step = learning_rate * grad
      self.W += -step
      #                       END OF YOUR CODE                                #

      if verbose and it % 100 == 0:
        print ('iteration %d / %d: loss %f' % (it, num_iters, loss))

    return loss_history

  def predict(self, X):
    Use the trained weights of this linear classifier to predict labels for
    data points.

    - X: D x N array of training data. Each column is a D-dimensional point.

    - y_pred: Predicted labels for the data in X. y_pred is a 1-dimensional
      array of length N, and each element is an integer giving the predicted
    y_pred = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
    # TODO:                                                                   #
    # Implement this method. Store the predicted labels in y_pred.            #
    scores = np.dot(X,self.W)
    y_pred = np.argmax(scores, axis=1)
    #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
    return y_pred
  def loss(self, X_batch, y_batch, reg):
    Compute the loss function and its derivative. 
    Subclasses will override this.

    - X_batch: A numpy array of shape (N, D) containing a minibatch of N
      data points; each point has dimension D.
    - y_batch: A numpy array of shape (N,) containing labels for the minibatch.
    - reg: (float) regularization strength.

    Returns: A tuple containing:
    - loss as a single float
    - gradient with respect to self.W; an array of the same shape as W

class LinearSVM(LinearClassifier):
  """ A subclass that uses the Multiclass SVM loss function """

  def loss(self, X_batch, y_batch, reg):
    return svm_loss_vectorized(self.W, X_batch, y_batch, reg)

class Softmax(LinearClassifier):
  """ A subclass that uses the Softmax + Cross-entropy loss function """

  def loss(self, X_batch, y_batch, reg):
    return softmax_loss_vectorized(self.W, X_batch, y_batch, reg)
# In the file linear_classifier.py, implement SGD in the function
# LinearClassifier.train() and then run it with the code below.
from cs231n.classifiers import LinearSVM
#from cs231n.classifiers.linear_classifier import LinearSVM
svm = LinearSVM()
tic = time.time()
loss_hist = svm.train(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=1e-7, reg=5e4,
                      num_iters=1500, verbose=True)
toc = time.time()
print ('That took %fs' % (toc - tic))

iteration 0 / 1500: loss 808.945996
iteration 100 / 1500: loss 291.720273
iteration 200 / 1500: loss 110.101555
iteration 300 / 1500: loss 43.277280
iteration 400 / 1500: loss 19.120079
iteration 500 / 1500: loss 10.168634
iteration 600 / 1500: loss 7.524203
iteration 700 / 1500: loss 5.793495
iteration 800 / 1500: loss 5.616953
iteration 900 / 1500: loss 5.363792
iteration 1000 / 1500: loss 5.512803
iteration 1100 / 1500: loss 5.209704
iteration 1200 / 1500: loss 5.296725
iteration 1300 / 1500: loss 5.505181
iteration 1400 / 1500: loss 5.340960
That took 8.797818s

training accuracy: 0.370918
validation accuracy: 0.376000

# Use the validation set to tune hyperparameters (regularization strength and
# learning rate). You should experiment with different ranges for the learning
# rates and regularization strengths; if you are careful you should be able to
# get a classification accuracy of about 0.4 on the validation set.
learning_rates = [1e-7, 5e-5]
regularization_strengths = [5e4, 1e5]

# results is dictionary mapping tuples of the form
# (learning_rate, regularization_strength) to tuples of the form
# (training_accuracy, validation_accuracy). The accuracy is simply the fraction
# of data points that are correctly classified.
results = {}
best_val = -1   # The highest validation accuracy that we have seen so far.
best_svm = None # The LinearSVM object that achieved the highest validation rate.

# TODO:                                                                        #
# Write code that chooses the best hyperparameters by tuning on the validation #
# set. For each combination of hyperparameters, train a linear SVM on the      #
# training set, compute its accuracy on the training and validation sets, and  #
# store these numbers in the results dictionary. In addition, store the best   #
# validation accuracy in best_val and the LinearSVM object that achieves this  #
# accuracy in best_svm.                                                        #
#                                                                              #
# Hint: You should use a small value for num_iters as you develop your         #
# validation code so that the SVMs don't take much time to train; once you are #
# confident that your validation code works, you should rerun the validation   #
# code with a larger value for num_iters.                                      #
hypara = [(x,y) for x in learning_rates for y in regularization_strengths]
for Lrate,regS in hypara:
    svm = LinearSVM()
    loss_hist = svm.train(X_train,y_train,Lrate,regS,
    y_train_pred = svm.predict(X_train)
    accuracy_train = np.mean(y_train == y_train_pred)
    y_val_pred = svm.predict(X_val)
    accuracy_val = np.mean(y_val == y_val_pred)
    results[(Lrate,regS)] = (accuracy_train , accuracy_val)
    if(best_val < accuracy_val):
        best_val = accuracy_val
        best_svm = svm
#                              END OF YOUR CODE                                #
# Print out results.
for lr, reg in sorted(results):
    train_accuracy, val_accuracy = results[(lr, reg)]
    print ('lr %e reg %e train accuracy: %f val accuracy: %f' % (
                lr, reg, train_accuracy, val_accuracy))
print ('best validation accuracy achieved during cross-validation: %f' % best_val)


lr 1.000000e-07 reg 5.000000e+04 train accuracy: 0.370224 val accuracy: 0.389000
lr 1.000000e-07 reg 1.000000e+05 train accuracy: 0.357714 val accuracy: 0.372000
lr 5.000000e-05 reg 5.000000e+04 train accuracy: 0.053286 val accuracy: 0.055000
lr 5.000000e-05 reg 1.000000e+05 train accuracy: 0.100265 val accuracy: 0.087000
best validation accuracy achieved during cross-validation: 0.389000
. . .

linear SVM on raw pixels final test set accuracy: 0.372000


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