
写文章时记得多转 1.人称为物称 2.转动态为静态

存在问题: 1. 结构内容安排不当。题目要求对mobile live broadcasting发表看法,即作者对这个现象的看法,无需列出他人的观点,而且文中他个人的观点和作者的观点完全一致,内容重复,所以第二段应该删除。从正反两方面来看待mobile live broadcasting这个论证思路是可行的,但是作者忽略了对mobile live broadcasting这个事物本身的评价,比如直播的内容是否健康有益等,如果仅仅是从丰富观众的生活(正)和浪费时间(反)两点来评价直播,无疑不全面,也不够深入。 2. 论述不充分。第二段列出分论点后,应该再用几句支持句围绕分论点展开论述。比如提出直播丰富了人们的业余生活,接下来用1-2句话进一步阐述其具体表现,这样才能言之有物。 3. 语言表达上出现了一些基本的语法错误:主谓不一致、定冠词缺失、词语搭配等等,受中文影响,一些表达不准确也不够自然。具体内容请参考文中修改意见。


  • 1.低姿态的提出反对意见的五种句型

(1)Forgive me,but…恕我冒昧,但是

Forgive me,but we can’t postpone releasing the merchandise again.

(2)No disrespect…/No offense 没有不敬/恶意

No disrespect/offense to Gray,but he is not someone who can deal with this matter well.


(3)I’m not so sure… 我不太确定

I’m not sure you‘ve got all the facts.You may consider asking for more.

(4) It won’t hurt …没有什么害处

It won’t hurt for you to accept that job.The salary is not bad afterr all.

(5)It 's so you,but …这完全是你的调调,但是

It’s so you to dress casually,but people are normally very particular about what they wear when having an interview.

  • 2.图表作文


  1. 根据线形图,Walton城车祸发生率的起伏变化随季节而变。去年一月到三月,车祸率上升了68%,但从三月到六月,车祸率下降了一半,自六月到八月,则又稳步的上升了66.6%,而自此之后,又稳步的下降。这样的趋势也让我们乐观地认为walton的车祸是在下降的。

According to the ________, the ___________________ of the rate of car accidents in Walton City ___________. From January to March last year it increased, from March to June it dropped by about half the previous rate; and from June to August there was a _____________ of 66.6%. After that, however, there was a steady decrease, and this makes us ___________________________________________

  1. 如柱状图所示,某大学学生平均每周花在电脑上的时间在1990至2000年间增长巨大。1990年,只有每周不到两小时,1995年到达了四小时,而在2000年,这一数字飙升到了二十小时,比1990年高出10倍。

As is shown by the__________________, the ___________________________________________________________ increased dramatically over the period from 1990 to 2000. In 1990, it was_____________________. And in 1995, it hit four hours. And in 2000, the number____________________________, which is ____________________than that of 1990.

  1. 我们看到的卡通上,一个并不和谐的画面被画的栩栩如生。这让人担心,也引发了思考。正如我们在上图中能看到的,一个溺水者正在求救,一个男孩正准备伸出援手,但另一个人阻止了他,并质问他“你有想过帮助他的后果吗?”

The cartoon meeting our eyes is quite _____________________________, in which a not harmonious scene is depicted vividly. Just as what we can see from the picture above, a ____________________ is signaling for help. A boy is ________________________ when another man stops him and asks him “Have you thought of ___________________ of helping him?”

  1. 如图所示,一个男孩记住了他自己和他朋友的生日,另一个男孩甚至知道他偶像的生日,但讽刺的是,他们都忘记了父母的生日。我们的父母在我们出生后付出了那么多,给了那么多的爱和关心,但我们却没有足够关心他们,这幅图告诉我们,我们需要行动去给父母展示对他们的爱。

As can be seen in the picture, one boy remembers _____________________________; the other boy ____________________________________. ______________, both of them forget their parents’ birthdays. Our parents have done much for us since we were born. They give us lots of love and care, but we ______________________________. This picture reminds us that we should do something to show love for our parents

  1. 现在的孩子在家都犯懒,完全不做家务,除非父母给他们零花钱。正如上图的那个女孩,当她父母要求她做家务时,她说:“给我钱,否则我绝不会做!”

Nowadays, children are _____________________________ at home unless ___. Just as the girl in the picture above, when her parents ask her to do household chores, she says, “

  1. 电影正让位给电视。根据1975-1985年间一项去影院人数与看电视人数的对比调查,1985年末时,去影院人数锐减至一万五千人,仅为1975年电影黄金年代的20%左右。这一衰减无疑是因为同时代电视观众的持续增加。

Film ____________________ TV. According to an investigation made on _________________________________________ in a ten-year period (1975-1985), at the end of 1985, the number of film-goers ___________________________ to about 15 thousand which accounts for only some 20 percent of what in 1975, the ___________ of films. This decline, no doubt, __________________________________________ of TV-watchers in the same decade.


  1. 根据线形图,Walton城车祸发生率的起伏变化随季节而变。去年一月到三月,车祸率上升了68%,但从三月到六月,车祸率下降了一半,自六月到八月,则又稳步的上升了66.6%,而自此之后,又稳步的下降。这样的趋势也让我们乐观地认为walton的车祸是在下降的。

According to the _ linear graph_____, the _____ changing______________ of the rate of car accidents in Walton City ____ accroding to the reason__________________. From January to March last year it increased_68 percent__________, from March to June it dropped by about half the previous rate; and from June to August there was a _____ increasement________ of 66.6%. After that, however, there was a steady decrease, and this makes us _______ believe postively the rate of car accidents is decreasing________________________________

  1. 如柱状图所示,某大学学生平均每周花在电脑上的时间在1990至2000年间增长巨大。1990年,只有每周不到两小时,1995年到达了四小时,而在2000年,这一数字飙升到了二十小时,比1990年高出10倍。

As is shown by the_______coloumn graph___________, the ______ ____ average time that students of some universities spend on computer everyweek_________________________________________________ increased dramatically over the period from 1990 to 2000. In 1990, it was____ below two hours ___________. And in 1995, it hit four hours. And in 2000, the number up to 20 hours ______________________, which is ___________ ten times _________than that of 1990.

  1. 我们看到的卡通上,一个并不和谐的画面被画的栩栩如生。这让人担心,也引发了思考。正如我们在上图中能看到的,一个溺水者正在求救,一个男孩正准备伸出援手,但另一个人阻止了他,并质问他“你有想过帮助他的后果吗?”

The cartoon meeting our eyes is quite ____ considerable , in which a not harmonious scene is depicted vividly. Just as what we can see from the picture above, a stormed people ________________ is signaling for help. A boy is _______ trying to help when another man stops him and asks him “Have you thought of _____ result______ of helping him?”

  1. 如图所示,一个男孩记住了他自己和他朋友的生日,另一个男孩甚至知道他偶像的生日,但讽刺的是,他们都忘记了父母的生日。我们的父母在我们出生后付出了那么多,给了那么多的爱和关心,但我们却没有足够关心他们,这幅图告诉我们,我们需要行动去给父母展示对他们的爱。

As can be seen in the picture, one boy remembers his and his friends’s birthdays_____________; the other boy ________even remember the idots’ birthdays ______________. Ironly, both of them forget their parents’ birthdays. Our parents have done much for us since we were born. They give us lots of love and care, but we ______ don’t give enough love to them. This picture reminds us that we should do something to show love for our parents

  1. 现在的孩子在家都犯懒,完全不做家务,除非父母给他们零花钱。正如上图的那个女孩,当她父母要求她做家务时,她说:“给我钱,否则我绝不会做!”

Nowadays, children are ____ too lazy to do housework _________________________ at home unless ___________ __parents give them packet money . Just as the girl in the picture above, when her parents ask her to do household chores, she says, “No money ,No work!__”

  1. 电影正让位给电视。根据1975-1985年间一项去影院人数与看电视人数的对比调查,1985年末时,去影院人数锐减至一万五千人,仅为1975年电影黄金年代的20%左右。这一衰减无疑是因为同时代电视观众的持续增加。

Film _ is being repalced by ________________ TV. According to an investigation made on ____ number of people who watching films or watching TV _____________________________________ in a ten-year period (1975-1985), at the end of 1985, the number of film-goers decreased sharply________ to about 15 thousand which accounts for only some 20 percent of what in 1975, the golden times_____ of films. This decline, no doubt, __ is according to constant increasement__________________________________ of TV-watchers in the same decade.

  • 3.开头陈述现象


  1. 在多重努力下,中国成功加入世贸协会,这一事件将对中国经济造成巨大影响。

China finally succeeded in _______________after many’s efforts. This event will _____________________________.

  1. 随着电脑(私家车)在中国的快速普及,我们的生活质量也得到了极大的改变。

With the ____________ growing popularity of_________________ in China, the quality of our lives has been________________.

  1. 随着经济(人口)的快速增长,许多问题开始露出水面,例如水资源短缺、能源浪费、人才匮乏和混乱管理等

With the _______ growth of ___________, many problems such as________________are beginning to __________

  1. 随着科技(市场经济)的发展,越来越多人意识到……

With the development of _______________________, more and more/an increasing number of ________ come to _____________ that …


Currently there is a ________ concern over _____________.


_______________ should be banned from college campuses for __________________


  1. 该信件来自与您的学生,我在心中提出了一些意见,供您参考。

  This letter comes to you from ______. In it, ________ are put forward for you to _________.


  1. 如果,关于……的一场辩论(讨论)正在中国上演得如火如荼。一些人认为……而其他人则声称……

Nowadays, a_________ about…is under way in China. Some people believe that… whereas others argue that…

  1. 持有私家车有许多优点,也有许多缺点

There are many_______ and _________ in_________________.

  1. 要达成某件事,有多种(至少三种)可能的方式(问题、途径)。

There are ___________________________________ to do something

  1. 解决能源危机(水资源短缺、这些社会问题)的可能办法取决于三个要素……

The _____________ of the energy crisis/water shortage/these social problems _____________


  1. 在多重努力下,中国成功加入世贸协会,这一事件将对中国经济造成巨大影响。

China finally succeeded in _____ join in WTO__________after many’s efforts. This event will ___ play a significant impact on Chinese economy__________________________.

  1. 随着电脑(私家车)在中国的快速普及,我们的生活质量也得到了极大的改变。

With the ___ rapidly _________ growing popularity of____ the computer _____________ in China, the quality of our lives has been___ dramatically enhanced_____________.

  1. 随着经济(人口)的快速增长,许多问题开始露出水面,例如水资源短缺、能源浪费、人才匮乏和混乱管理等

With the __ rapid _____ growth of __ population_________, many problems such as___resource shortage, energy waste ,lack of techonogy and choase managements____________are beginning to __ emerge________

  1. 随着科技(市场经济)的发展,越来越多人意识到……

With the development of ___ techonogy____________________, more and more/an increasing number of ___ people _____ come to _____ realize________ that …


Currently there is a _ growing_______ concern over __ illeagle printing,negetive infullence of western countries___________.


Smoking and Alchole_Drinking____________ should be banned from college campuses for the following reasons______


  1. 该信件来自与您的学生,我在心中提出了一些意见,供您参考。

  This letter comes to you from your students
. In it, some suggestions
are put forward for you to ___ consider


  1. 如果,关于……的一场辩论(讨论)正在中国上演得如火如荼。一些人认为……而其他人则声称……

Nowadays, a____ debate _____ about…is under way in China. Some people believe that… whereas others argue that…

  1. 持有私家车有许多优点,也有许多缺点

There are many__ advantages_____ and __ disadvantages_______ in________ the way that _ owning _ private cars_______.

  1. 要达成某件事,有多种(至少三种)可能的方式(问题、途径)。

There are _____ at least three ways ______________________________ to do something

  1. 解决能源危机(水资源短缺、这些社会问题)的可能办法取决于三个要素……

The _____ solution________ of the energy crisis/water shortage/these social problems ___ depend on three elements __________



  • 4.中间段

  1. 加入世贸组织给中国带来许多益处与机遇。作为成员国,中国能够享有更多全力,加强自身的经济发展。此外,中国人也能够以更低的价格买到更优质的产品。任何事物都有多面性,加入世贸组织也带给我们挑战,比如一些生产者会因为竞争加剧而被无法生存,并且我们会更难就业,因为员工要求会变得更高。

Jointing the WTO brings china many _____________. As a __________, China can enjoy many rights that ____________ in china. What’s more, the Chinese people can buy product of high quality with ___________. Every thing has two aspects. Joining the WTO can also ______. For example, some producers may be ______________ because of the . In addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as will become higher.

  1. 如你所知,我们学生才是大学食堂的主要消费人群,但我们有时却发现那里的服务让我们并不满意,食物没有应有的营养。因此我们有些人在大学中变得更瘦弱。除此之外,有时食堂的工作人员直接用不干净的手给我们拿馒头,并且食堂价格也偏高。

As you know, our students are _________________________________. But unfortunately, we don’t find the service there _______ sometimes. The food is not _________________. as a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university. Besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us ____________. And what’s more, the is also a little higher at university.

  1. 主要有三点原因,导致了我们生活中所发生的变化:第一人的生活水平有了极大的提高;第二,大多数人的薪资高,因此可以负担他们需要或是喜欢的东西;最后一点,越来越多人更喜欢享受现代生活。

There are three reasons for _____________. Firstly, people’s_________has been greatly improved. Secondly, most people are _________, and they can ____________________.Last but not least, more and more people __________________.

  1. 这一问题的形成有多个因素,但最关键的几个因素如下:首先盗版产品比有知识产权的产品便宜很多,对人的吸引力也更大,尤其对在经济方面不太富足的年轻人。第二,随着科技的高速发展,制作盗版产品毫无困难可言。正版产品一面世,非法产品制造商就会进行低成本生产,制作上千个盗版产品,以次牟取暴利。

A number of factors ______________ the problem, but the following are the most critical ones. First,_______________are much cheaper than _________________, so they are very attractive to people, especially _________________. Secondly, with highly developed technology, it is not difficult to pirated products. With one authorized copy, the illegal producers can make thousands of fake ones __________________, thus making huge profits.

  1. 然而我得告诉您我不能接受它。主要原因是在这一职位上,我不认为我是最合适的求职者。作为非英语专业的学生,尽管我的写作和口语比同龄人出色,但我并未好好接受过笔译训练,更遑论我认为要求更高的口译。也许我在口语测试中的表现误导了您,但事实上,我在我本专业即程序设计上更有竞争力也更感兴趣。最后,我也刚好被另一所公司是我该职位所录取。

However, I have to tell you that I cannot accept it. The major reason is that I don’t think I am the most appropriate ____________ for this post. As a non-English major, though my written and spoken English are _______, I am not well trained in translation, not to mention interpretation, which, I believe is highly . Maybe my performance in the oral examination has . Actually, I am my own major, that is, program designing. Last but not least, I happened to __________________ such a position with another company.

  1. 历史上有许多意志坚强的人取得了成功的例子,越王勾践是其中最好的诠释。吴王夫差打败勾践后,无所不用其极的试图磨灭他的意志,但最终,在范蠡和西施的帮助下,勾践重建了他的国家和军队,让夫差也品尝了失败的苦涩滋味。

History _____________ examples of ______________________. Actually, there is no ________________________ than the deeds of Gou Jian, king of Yue in ancient China. ________________ Fu Chai, king of Wu, Gou tried every means possible to steel his will. Eventually, with the help of Fan Li and Xi Shi, he ____________________________________and had Fu Chai ____________________.

  1. 这一改变的形成有多个因素,但最关键的几个因素如下:首先,多亏了改革开放政策,国家经济在过去几十年里极快发展。因此人们有剩余的钱来投资教育。其次,其他相关的国策和高等教育的兴起给了学生更多的机遇来追求更高的学历。最后,不断激励的竞争迫使大学生继续深造,以在竞争中获得更多优势。

A number of factors could account for the change in the chart, but the following are the most critical ones. First, thanks to the________________________, the nation’s economy has been developing at a considerably high speed in the past decades. Therefore, the people have more extra money for education. Secondly, other relevant ___________________ and the ___________ of higher education provide students with more opportunities to___________ higher degrees. Last but not least, the_____________________ competition forces college students to further their study in order to __________________ of competition.


  1. 加入世贸组织给中国带来许多益处与机遇。作为成员国,中国能够享有更多全力,加强自身的经济发展。此外,中国人也能够以更低的价格买到更优质的产品。任何事物都有多面性,加入世贸组织也带给我们挑战,比如一些生产者会因为竞争加剧而被无法生存,并且我们会更难就业,因为员工要求会变得更高。

Jointing the WTO brings china many ___ benefits and choices__________. As a ___ remeber , China can enjoy many rights that __ enhance self’s economy __________ in china. What’s more, the Chinese people can buy product of high quality with ____ fewer price. Every thing has two aspects. Joining the WTO can also ________ bring challenges__________. For example, some producers may be _____ unsurvive_________ because of the ____ firce competitions__________. In addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as_____________ worker’s requirements_____________ will become higher.

  1. 如你所知,我们学生才是大学食堂的主要消费人群,但我们有时却发现那里的服务让我们并不满意,食物没有应有的营养。因此我们有些人在大学中变得更瘦弱。除此之外,有时食堂的工作人员直接用不干净的手给我们拿馒头,并且食堂价格也偏高。

As you know, our students are ______ the main body of consumers of ___________________________. But unfortunately, we don’t find the service there _______ sometimes. The food is not _________________. as a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university. Besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us ____________. And what’s more, the is also a little higher at university.

  1. 主要有三点原因,导致了我们生活中所发生的变化:第一人的生活水平有了极大的提高;第二,大多数人的薪资高,因此可以负担他们需要或是喜欢的东西;最后一点,越来越多人更喜欢享受现代生活。

There are three reasons for _____________. Firstly, people’s_________has been greatly improved. Secondly, most people are _________, and they can ____________________.Last but not least, more and more people __________________.

  1. 这一问题的形成有多个因素,但最关键的几个因素如下:首先盗版产品比有知识产权的产品便宜很多,对人的吸引力也更大,尤其对在经济方面不太富足的年轻人。第二,随着科技的高速发展,制作盗版产品毫无困难可言。正版产品一面世,非法产品制造商就会进行低成本生产,制作上千个盗版产品,以次牟取暴利。

A number of factors ______________ the problem, but the following are the most critical ones. First,_______________are much cheaper than _________________, so they are very attractive to people, especially _________________. Secondly, with highly developed technology, it is not difficult to pirated products. With one authorized copy, the illegal producers can make thousands of fake ones __________________, thus making huge profits.

  1. 然而我得告诉您我不能接受它。主要原因是在这一职位上,我不认为我是最合适的求职者。作为非英语专业的学生,尽管我的写作和口语比同龄人出色,但我并未好好接受过笔译训练,更遑论我认为要求更高的口译。也许我在口语测试中的表现误导了您,但事实上,我在我本专业即程序设计上更有竞争力也更感兴趣。最后,我也刚好被另一所公司是我该职位所录取。

However, I have to tell you that I cannot accept it. The major reason is that I don’t think I am the most appropriate ____________ for this post. As a non-English major, though my written and spoken English are _______, I am not well trained in translation, not to mention interpretation, which, I believe is highly . Maybe my performance in the oral examination has . Actually, I am my own major, that is, program designing. Last but not least, I happened to __________________ such a position with another company.

  1. 历史上有许多意志坚强的人取得了成功的例子,越王勾践是其中最好的诠释。吴王夫差打败勾践后,无所不用其极的试图磨灭他的意志,但最终,在范蠡和西施的帮助下,勾践重建了他的国家和军队,让夫差也品尝了失败的苦涩滋味。

History _____________ examples of ______________________. Actually, there is no ________________________ than the deeds of Gou Jian, king of Yue in ancient China. ________________ Fu Chai, king of Wu, Gou tried every means possible to steel his will. Eventually, with the help of Fan Li and Xi Shi, he ____________________________________and had Fu Chai ____________________.

  1. 这一改变的形成有多个因素,但最关键的几个因素如下:首先,多亏了改革开放政策,国家经济在过去几十年里极快发展。因此人们有剩余的钱来投资教育。其次,其他相关的国策和高等教育的兴起给了学生更多的机遇来追求更高的学历。最后,不断激励的竞争迫使大学生继续深造,以在竞争中获得更多优势。

A number of factors could account for the change in the chart, but the following are the most critical ones. First, thanks to the__ thanks to the policy of reform and opening-up___, the nation’s economy has been developing at a considerably high speed in the past decades. Therefore, the people have more extra money for education. Secondly, other relevant ___________________ and the ___________ of higher education provide students with more opportunities to___________ higher degrees. Last but not least, the_____________________ competition forces college students to further their study in order to __________________ of competition.



  • 5.尾段(图片类)

  1. 总之,该表格完美印证了中国快速扩张的经济和人民生活水平的提高。国外旅游这一趋势也会进一步刺激我们经济的发展,并开阔国人的视野。

In a word, this chart is__________________ of China’s fast expanding economy and people’s rising standard of life. The trend of traveling abroad will_______________ the development of our economy and ______________________.

  1. 总之,该图完美展现了中国快速发展的高等教育。尽管在此期间出现了许多问题,我们有理由相信,有效的措施得以实行后,在不久的将来他们是可以被解决的。

In a word, this chart is a perfect indicator of ___________________________. Although many problems _________________, we have every reason to believe that they can be solved in the near future with effective measures.


  1. 然而这次事件对我们利大于弊,我们应该做的是提高自己来达到某些岗位的要求并过更好的生活。

however, this great event_____________________________.___________________ is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.

  1. 权衡这一问题的利弊之后,我倾向于认同后者。总之我们可以通过其他方式来减轻我们的孤独,展现我们对动物的爱。我相信,只有把人和其他物种摆在同等的位置上时,我们才能希望拥有一个活力多彩的世界。

, I am ___________ to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my belief that___________________________________________________


  1. 在问题的严重性方面,非常有必要出台并实行法律法规来禁止盗版产品的生产和流通。同时,也应该教育公众对这些盗版说不。随着这些举措的开展,我们有理由相信,在不久的将来,该问题可以被解决。

In view of the seriousness of the problem, it is essential that ______________________________________to ban the ________________ of pirated products. Meanwhile, people should be to say no to these products. With these measures taken, we to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future.

  1. 作为大学生,我们应该肩负起继承和发扬文化遗产的重担。因此,列出计划并定期阅读经典非常有必要。除此之外,我们也应影响身边的人,让他们加入到阅读的队伍中来。

As college students, we should _______________________________________________. Therefore, it is __________ that we should make plans to _____________________. Besides, we should try to influence people around us into reading them.


  1. 显然,结论是良好的行为举止来源于礼貌和对他人的尊重。

Obviously, we can______________________________ that good manners __________ from politeness and respect for others.

  1. 尽管我们不必批评庆祝西方节日的国人,也不能阻止他们,但我们必须认识到这样做的危险性。在享受西方节日所带给我们的氛围的同时,我们也有可能丧失自己的传统和认同。

Though we need not ___________________________, nor ________________________, we have to ______________________ the danger behind it. While enjoying the atmosphere brought by those Western customs, ___________________________________.


  1. 总之,要想在学习和工作中或生活的任何一面取得成就,坚强的意志必不可少。一个人不应放过任何一个可以坚强其意志的机会,记住,上帝助自助者。

In short, a strong will is essential if we want to___________________________ in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. One should ________________to strength his will and remember, ________________________________.


  1. 然而,我想再次表达我诚挚的感谢及为任何所造成的不便表达由衷的歉意。最后,我希望贵公司能尽快找到合适的人选。

Nonetheless, I, again, want to __________________ and I earnestly __________________. Finally, I hope you can find the as soon as possible.


  1. 总之,该表格完美印证了中国快速扩张的经济和人民生活水平的提高。国外旅游这一趋势也会进一步刺激我们经济的发展,并开阔国人的视野。

In a word, this chart is___ perfect vertification_____________ of China’s fast expanding economy and people’s rising standard of life. The trend of traveling abroad will__ inspire _ furtherly____________ the development of our economy and ______ broaden the horizon________________.

  1. 总之,该图完美展现了中国快速发展的高等教育。尽管在此期间出现了许多问题,我们有理由相信,有效的措施得以实行后,在不久的将来他们是可以被解决的。

In a word, this chart is a perfect indicator of ______rapid development of high education _. Although many problems ______ will happen, we have every reason to believe that they can be solved in the near future with ___________________.


  1. 然而这次事件对我们利大于弊,我们应该做的是提高自己来达到某些岗位的要求并过更好的生活。

however, this great event____________________________what we should do.___________________ is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.

  1. 权衡这一问题的利弊之后,我倾向于认同后者。总之我们可以通过其他方式来减轻我们的孤独,展现我们对动物的爱。我相信,只有把人和其他物种摆在同等的位置上时,我们才能希望拥有一个活力多彩的世界。

After balancing the advantages and disadvantages_____, I am _ preferring __________ to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can______________ and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my belief that_______ _____________________________________________________________________


  1. 在问题的严重性方面,非常有必要出台并实行法律法规来禁止盗版产品的生产和流通。同时,也应该教育公众对这些盗版说不。随着这些举措的开展,我们有理由相信,在不久的将来,该问题可以被解决。

In view of the seriousness of the problem, it is essential that _______release ___the laws ______________________________to ban the product _______ of pirated products. Meanwhile, people should be ____ educated_________to say no to these products. With these measures taken, we___have every reaso to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future.

  1. 作为大学生,我们应该肩负起继承和发扬文化遗产的重担。因此,列出计划并定期阅读经典非常有必要。除此之外,我们也应影响身边的人,让他们加入到阅读的队伍中来。

As college students, we should ___take on the duty that heriate and spread cutural heritage ____________________________________________. Therefore, it is ___vital _______ that we should make plans to ____read classical books _______________. Besides, we should try to influence people around us into reading them.


  1. 显然,结论是良好的行为举止来源于礼貌和对他人的尊重。

Obviously, we can______ draw a conclusion ________________________ that good manners come__ from politeness and respect for others.

  1. 尽管我们不必批评庆祝西方节日的国人,也不能阻止他们,但我们必须认识到这样做的危险性。在享受西方节日所带给我们的氛围的同时,我们也有可能丧失自己的传统和认同。

Though we need not _________ blame people celebrate western holidays__________________, nor ____ ban them __, we have to realize _____________ the danger behind it. While enjoying the atmosphere brought by those Western customs, ________ we may lose our tradition.


  1. 总之,要想在学习和工作中或生活的任何一面取得成就,坚强的意志必不可少。一个人不应放过任何一个可以坚强其意志的机会,记住,上帝助自助者。

In short, a strong will is essential if we want to_____ make an achievement______________________ in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. One should __ never give up a choice ______________to strength his will and remember, "God help one help oneself"_________________________.


  1. 然而,我想再次表达我诚挚的感谢及为任何所造成的不便表达由衷的歉意。最后,我希望贵公司能尽快找到合适的人选。

Nonetheless, I, again, want to ____ express my true thankness ____________ and I earnestly _____ show my apology for unconvient____________________________. Finally, I hope you can find the_____ suitable people ____________ as soon as possible.



  • 6.实例练习

  1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter.

You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. The title is Reading Selectively Or Extensively?





(启)Paragraph I:


(承)Paragraph II:



(转)Paragraph III:




(合)Paragraph IV:

Reading Selectively Or Extensively?Different individuals hold the various views.Some people in favor of reading selectively.And others think of reading should be extensive.
From my perspective,reading should be selective .There are at least three reasons to support my opinion.The first reason is that knowledge is so much that we may not learn furtherly without selectioons.At the same time,if we can choose great readings appropriately,there is no doubt we can enhance ourselves more effectively .However,through reading terrible readings ,we may not only study more slowerly,but also even go wrong.
Accroding to above discussions,we can safely draw a conculusion that we should have some choices when we are reading.

Reading Selectively Or Extensively?Different individuals hold the various views.Some people are in favor of reading selectively.And others reckon reading should be extensive.

From my perspective,reading should be selective .There are at least three reasons to support my opinion.The first reason is that knowledge is so much that we may not learn deeply without selections.At the same time,if we can choose great readings appropriately,there is no doubt we can enhance ourselves more effectively .However,through reading terrible readings ,we may not only study slowly,but also even go wrong.

According to above discussions,we can safely draw a conclusion that we should have some choices when we are reading.


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