English Learning


  • Interpreted language / compiled language (interpreter)
  • find configuration items / remove the comments and modify them slightly



  1. pump
  2. spray
  3. training
  4. firefighting Tools
  5. hose (to spray water)
  6. foam ()
  7. ax (break down doors)
  8. use ladders to reach high places.
  9. smoke mask
  10. fans
  11. extinguishers
  12. ladder / tanker / rescuse / trucks (rescue the trapped people)

B.sentence :
14. have you ever heard a fire truck racing to a fire ?
15. firefighters put out / extinguish fires and save lives.
16. peope use fires safely. (用火安全).
17. how to keep fire safety.
18. keep fires from starting. (防范未然).
19. the more fuel, the hotter the fire will be.
20. in our solar system, the Earth is the only planet where fire can burn.
21. helicopters drop water on fires. planes help put out forest fires, too.
22. pass a written test
C. structure :
23. Fire is useful, of course. People have used it to cook and stay warm for many thousands of years.
At the same time, fire can be very dangerous. Fires take many lives and destory forests. Fires also destroy thousands of buildings every year.
Long ago, fires burned down entire cities. Today, firefighters put out fires and keep us safe.

Garrett Morgan:
buggies : carts with wheels, pulled by one horse, that can carry a person.

B.sentence :
Mr. Morgan knew there would be more traffic problems. He thought about how to solve these problem.

traffic signals used lights. the lights told traffic when to stop and when to go.
is was safe for people to cross the street.

Goliath bird-eating spiders: /ɡəˈlaɪəθ/

they are very big spiders. They are about the size of a dinner plate. they weigh more than any other spider in the world.

have eight legs and eight eyes.

even with that many eyes, they can not see very well.
他们全身被毛覆盖。(are covered with tiny hairs)

the mouth ,fangs, and legs are in the front part. the back part is for making silk.

a spider with its legs can be about 1 foot across. that is as long as ruler !

jaws with fangs / silk
the burrows (hole)under the ground

hunter hunt prey
they hunt at night for mice, insects, and other small prey.
the hairs on their body help them sense when a small animal is near.

they get close to a small animal. then they grab it with their strong hairy legs.

s special weapon. their fangs are filled with poison. When they bite an animal, the poison makes the animal stop moving.

a bite from a Goliath spider hurts about as much as a wasp sting. So humans do not need to worry too much.
they must shed their outside skin to grow bigger.

2024 03 05

  1. it is your turn to do sth in front of the class
  2. What would you do if you were in charge of the school ?
  3. uniforms: No !
  4. write ideas on the board.
  5. make three charges
  6. point to the first idea.
  7. there would be no more school uniforms
  8. —— what if we do not have pruple clothes ?
  9. —— you won`t be allowed into the school
  10. —— anyone not wearing purple will be sent home
  11. scream / groan / cheere
  12. drinking fountain / mount
  13. it is best that you are not in charge of the school,

29 The Art Museum
14. it is a work of art.
15. a map tells us where the shows are and what is in them.
16. we use the map to decide what we want to see and which direction we should go.

30 beetle
two sets of wings 两对翅膀 two pairs of wings
legs with joints
three main body parts
outside skeleton

some insects have mouths like straws(butterflies), needles (mosquito),
why people call them zebra beetles, cause they have stripes.
they are as heavy as five mice !
they can be as long as your hand.

2024 03 11
突然领会到了英语发音用口腔后部发音来理解的老外发音的技巧了, hoovy

p46: look again

words : nasty, shipwreck, stomp, survivors, tiptoe, wizards


  1. she looks at her watch and frowns. (看着什么皱眉)
  2. your are always late, and i am always early.
  3. She doesn`t look back to see if i am following .
  4. i slowly tiptoe past an empty lot.
  5. do not let the lion heart you. I whisper.
  6. stop and stare into the water
  7. the wreck float away.
  8. I grumble and stomp off. (grumble or explain)
  9. i give her my best nasty look. (我恶狠狠地看了她一眼。)

P47: Mexico

scentences :

  1. to the north of it is the S / To the east and east of Mexico is the sea.
  2. mountains and canyons (/ˈkænjənz/) cover much of Mexico
  3. people dress up and walk in parades.
  4. 120 milions people
  5. sesame / seasonings
  6. Baja / yucatan (yucatan) finger/thumb
  7. cactus (/ˈkæktəs/)
    p48. leopard ram and jackel
  8. be closed by
  9. leopard was a great hunter, but he had never seen Ram in his life.
  10. a little afraid of him
  11. in a gruff /rough voice (用沙哑的声音)
  12. tomorrow we shall go and eat him.
  13. jackel tied leopard to his lege with a string, this way, leopard could not run away.
  14. pinch her to make her cry as if she were hungry
  15. dis as he was told.
  16. he pulled back, but jackal jerked the string.
  17. you have done well.
  18. you have brought us the leopard to eat. you are just in time. my child is crying for food (哈哈哈)
  19. more than leopard could stand
  20. bruise from head to toe
  21. run up and down hills
  22. through bushes and under rocks

49 : shapes

  1. line (connect two points straight line /curved line )

  2. bend lines to make a shape / join straight lines together to make a shape / curved lines together to make a shape.

  3. a line goes all the way around. it makes a circle.
    circle /half-circle

  4. a line turns a corner three times. It makes a triangles

  5. it has three sides and three angles

  6. the rectangle has four sides with two couple / pairs of same length sides

46-49 ()

2024 03 13
how to rent a apartment ?

renter /tenant/ landlord / apartment manager /

fernished aparment

the sink is clogged /blocked / threw food scraps down to it.

monky and crocodile
outsmart / toss / take a ride on my back/ neck/
it is my honor / pleasure.

i have never trusted crocodiles.
was angry and ashamed.
Monkey greeted crocodile, saying, “As you are under my tree, that makes you my guest.” Allow me to offer you food.
toss down to crocodile
by this time, the two were halfway across the river.
was scared to death. his heart boomed (strongly) in his chest.
but he kept his wits about him.

mud runs

why do people participate in mud runs ?

mud runs are races where people run through mud. racer

It is hard to move forward / the mud sticks to your shoes / and slows you down.

zombie / venom
just for fun.
dress up in costumes

balance beam

**heart **
stay quiet and still , listens to you heart.
she hears the sound

move blood around you body.

oxygen / nutrients /wast
heat have four chambers
blood goes into first chamber, from my body
it goes out of a second chamber to my lungs.
it goes int a third chamber from your lungs
blood goes out of a fourth chamber to my body.

between the chambers are valves that act as gates, which open and close to keep the blood moving on way.
blood moves around my body in long tubes.

artery thick tubes
vein、floggy thin tubes

capillaries are tubes that join veins and arteries together.

the smallest tubes that allow a

2024 03 14:
firefighter my uncle
give me a tour
different people use it on different days
firefighters work long shifts. they are on one day, then off two
hang out after chores are done
how a hydrant works
sting by the swarm of bee

put on a gear that firefighters wear in a fire.

number twelve:
count things, measure length, and tell time.

do your ever wonder why a year has twelve months ? a clock has twelve hours ?
a ruler has twelve inches ?
your hand has four fingers and one thumb. finguers bend into three parts. All of your finger parts add up to-twelve !

inch/ foot 2.45/30.48
a donzen

have wings and feathers but they can not fly.
live in small herds.
have a backbone

ocean animals
they are part of the ocean community
dolphan / a sleek /smooth body / a strong tail to swim fast
live a group called a pod

whistle / whisper to talk to

my thick layer of fat keeps me warm
ivory tusks
squid and octopus
manta ray
mammals / reptiles / lobes

2024 03 16:
a rainbow of food:

  1. A red apple can help keep your heart strong. Eat some slices of this fruit for a healthy snack.
  2. Red raspberries ([ˈræzˌberi]) (覆盆子) can help keep you from getting sick.
  3. a handful of this fruit instead of candy.
  4. orange carrot can help keey your eye healthy . it is fun to crunch(krʌntʃ) between your teeth.
  5. orange * is filled with * vitamins C, that can help keep you from catching a cold. squeeze this fruit for some tangy juice with breakfast in the morning.
  6. a yellow banana can give you tons of energy. Peel and eat this fruit before you play.
  7. yellow corn can help you keep your stomach healty. munch corn right off the cob at a picnic.
  8. can help you take in all the stuff you needs (增强吸收). it is suitable to make a creamy dip for chips (奶油蘸薯条).
  9. green broccoli can help keep your bones strong (强身健体). pretend you are a dinosaur eating a tree and chow down (狼吞虎咽) on this vegetable.
  10. blueberries cna hlep you remember things (增强记忆力). Eat this fruit every day to help you do well in school.
  11. purple plums help food move through your body. (消食)
  12. get sticky with a bite of this juicy fruit.
  13. purple grapes can keep blood moving around your body.
  14. you are just a few that can make up a food rainbow. eating a rainbow every day is a fun and colorful way to stay healthy. how many colors will you eat today ?

2024 03 19

Abigail adams (First lady)

the birth of

ask for some advice

  1. landform adventure
    the structure of earth: form inside to outsie is solid inner core, liquid outer core, mantle, crust.

the earth is made up of pieces of rock plates, the plates sit above melted rock and slowly slide around because of heat deep inside earth. the moving plates can create landforms.
weathering breaks down rock and shapes it. Erosion carries away teh pieces that have borken off.

plain /plateau / mountain / bay / river delta / river / hill / cliff / valley /lake / isthmus /

  1. fly kites
    be named after a bird with wide wings
    no one knowss who made the firest kites;
    kite safety:
    remember to choose an open safe place to fly our kite; do not fly it near power lines, keep it away from trees, roads, and airports. do not fly a kite in the rain or when you hear thunder. be sure nothing is on the ground to grip over.
    let go of the kite and slowly let out some string. then let out a little more untill your kite is flying high in the sky.

2024 03 20
reading a-z c level
P1 : How things move ?
you can push / pull /drag/ drop/ lift / roll ball.
P2 : I can help
clean the rooms / dishes, plant the grass/ flowers, hold the bag / make the bed
P3 : get in
can you do ?
P4: open and close door /window / box / drawer / book /jar / cage
P6: yummy (好吃) yucky(不好吃)
popcorn , corn on the cob / cookies and milk / lima bean
P7 go away
get in / on plane / boat (in rocket)
pedal / float / zoom away.
P8 waht is **at **the zoo ?
bear / monkey / giraffe / lions / tigers / hippos /dinosaurs
P9 how many wings / eyes / candles / kites / windows / arms
P10 alligator. owl who wants to play / sing with me ?
P11 When is nightime ?
nighttime is when the fireflies blink ? / the bats fly. when the moon rise
P12 i have many different feelings
i change my feelings from time to time. happy , sad angry, scared ,
P13 tools
pen for writing , rake for raking, hammer for pounding / shovel for digging / knife for cutting
barrow for carrying / what tools do you see ?
P14 Fall
things turn orange / red , in fall.
the pumkin / the moon/ leaves / apple

P 15 . Loon (潜鸟) / beaver (河狸) / porcupine / badger / raccoon(rakun)(小浣熊)
P 16 wheel helps things move.
sled has no wheel.
P19 the rocks
mountain -> rock -> pebble -> sand -> dust
pebble broke off rock, dust it is the tiniest piece of rock dust is everywhere.
Out came bear / elk /owl ()/rabbit / raccoon / fox
play the banjo / horn / fiddle (小提琴) / fife / drum /sing
Did you look for your shoe ? I looked everywhere
look under the bed ? / look in your toy box
P21 : count
i can count fleas / grubs (昆虫的幼虫) / ladybugs / beetles /crickets/ slugs
P22 wear what ?
chest wear a shirt / wrist wear a watch waist wear a belt / face wear a smile . heart wear a love.
P23 i can be
as lound as tiger meek fast as cheetah(猎豹) 。 slow as slug ,

P24 Will you ?
no i won`t
watch a scary show with me ?
scare me 吓人
read me a book ?
P31 what is in the space ?
sun moon satellite cometes and planets
P32 now it is my turn to go first !

2024 03 21

C level:

  1. rome > home > street > city > country > world > planet >
  2. spyder / legs / make silk / lays eggs / hang /
  3. ripe / unripe / raw data /
  4. brush my teeth with toothpaste for two minutes twice a day. on the top / bottom / the front / in the back.

D level:

Fox are mammals pointy faces/ thin leg /fur /

coal miner / ranger(护林员) / captian painter

custom / costumes / mane of lion / wing of the butterfly / crown of a princess /bandanna of cowboy

buffalo / bull / lizard / mountain goat / antelope / curved horns
scraching / fighting /

tongues / anteator / sticky tongue / tongue like a brush / what is your tongue like ?

why and how people have fun in the fall fair ?

what else do i need to camp ?

bats day and night ?

are hanging upside down.

plastic jugs can become tables
recyclable /recycle / recycling
bee feed you and me. without bees, we would not have carrots. cranburry /

people make bubbles while chewing gum.generally.

what you would do if the toy began to fall apart.

caretaker / manager

community helper / police / construction worker / doctor / techet

what is this place ?
barn , farmhouse shed / pig live in a pen / crrral / orchard / tast tart

P20 people eat them dried 干吃, eat them as jam, eat them as sauce.

Z level

Let`s go to the Circus ! crust
seen fall to the ground/ becomes buried in the soft soil.

the rain falls down and soaks into the soil

leave and stem grow up through the ground,
the roots grow longer and go deep in the ground.
3. eyes
what animal has eyes that look like this ?

I need to filling and it won`t hurt much because it will be small

i bet i can / i bet you can not

long ago and today

look at this book
when i read a hisroty i travel back in time ?

                                 The Statue of Liberty

A man in France wanted to help America celebrate its 100th birthday.
He said France should give America a gift. The gift was the Status of Liberty.
The base of the Status of the Liberty.

It had to look good and last a long time. The inside was made of iron. The outside was made of copper.
the statue was put together, but it was too big to move in one piece. So it was taken apart agaion ! The pieces were sent to america on a big ship.

looks like a big green woman. It status started out the color of a new peny. Over the years, the air turned the copper green.

It weights as much as 115 cars, It is as tall as a 30-story building with the base.
it is a sign of friendship,

has special meaning, the torch stands for the freedom,
the tablet in its left hand has July 4, 1776, written on it.

2024 03 25

  1. Introduction
    What can lift roofs from buildings (lifted)
    and sweep houses into the air ? (swept)
    Tornadoes can !
    Tornadoes come in many sizes.
    some tornadoes are only a few feet across.
    others are more than a mile wide.

  2. How tornadoes From
    how do tornadoes happen ?
    come from giant thunderstorms called supercells. a supercell happens when warm moist air rises to mix with cold, dry air.
    the process of a combination of cold and warm air leads to spin to form a funnel shape.
    when the funnel cloud touches the ground. it is a tornado.
    recursive method / Traverse all nodes (遍历所有节点,递归算法)

  3. measure tornadoes
    scientists have a way to measure to the strength of tornadoes——EF scale
    use the amount of harm to estimate the wind speed. they use a special scale called the EF Scale
    it can measures the strenght of the tornado.

  4. Conlusion
    Tornadoes are way that the nature to release theire power. what cause a tornado and what do a tornado cause ?
    what is it really like inside a tornado ?

2024 03 27

for study permit

In Quebec, the CAQ will serve as the PAL. For your CAQ to act as your PAL, it needs to include the following line: “This letter of attestation confirms that the applicant has a place in the Qecbec share of the distribution of study permit applications or the he or she has been exempted.” ___ I am applying for extending my study permit in canada.

Simple and practical rules for verb ing form variation

  1. the word end with letter “e” which is silent when speak :
    delete e and adding “ing” :
  2. the word ens with letter “consonant” + “vowel” + “consonants”:
    add the letter of “consonants” and add “ing”
  3. the word end with “ie” :
    change the “ie” to y and add “ing”。
    v+ing rule

List of Irregular Verbs Commonly Used in English

A Trip to Rio
The mango was juicy and sweet. it was not like the mangoes at home.
cable car (缆车)
People screamed and cheered (人们尖叫和欢呼)
Olympic boat race / (奥运赛艇比赛)
Olympic swimming race / (奥运游泳比赛)
the crowd is very noisy . i am a little scared. dno`t worry football fans are one big family.

The football star

thrift store / used store 二手店
does it fit ? 合适吗?

your four huge front teeth never stop growing. they chew on wood all the time keeps them from growing too long. You can chew through a skinny tree in twenty minutes.
you waste nothing, you eat the leaves, twigs and bark of the trees you cut down.
you work at night because you are noc`turnal.
when people work hard, we say they are busy as a beaver.

It’s a treasure

  1. your tail also helps you balance when you stand.
  2. it helps you steer when you swim.
  3. it even stores fat for the winter.

if you like water and do not mind work, then you might like being a beaver.

they might not even know why they like it.
because it represents smething that they lack

                                                     2024 03 28 

P 77. when bad things happen

how to release your sad ? how to help me feel less sad ?

  1. some peple go to a church or another place of worship.
  2. some people light candles and pray.
  3. other people put flowers next to a photo of their friend.

tomorrow we will burry lzzy.
I chose a special place in the backyard.
it is next to a clump of flowers.
i will put his favorite rock there
i will put my card there, too.

i do feel a little bill better, i will always miss it, but i wont ever forget the good times we had together.

P78 picture day
new dress / smile at yourself in the mirror / your picture would be in the yearbook forever.

be careful / do not spill it
laundry basket / dress shrank (shrink shrank shrunk)
fuss with (大惊小怪,过分关注).

2024 04 02
**how to cancel *VPN subscription && get refund

  1. It is notable [/ˈnəʊtəbl/] for its strong (adj) power that enables sb to do (值得注意的是他具有强大的某种能力)
  2. its other great characteristic is the 30-day money-back guarentee which is perfectly legitimate. (产品特性)
  3. Ycan


The woodpecker
Why a woodpecker taps :

  1. they are building a nest;
  2. they are looking for insects to eat;
  3. they are warning enemies to stay away.
  4. they are looking fior mate.

He was dreaming about pounding a giant rock into smaller pieces. (pounds 英镑)
A woodpecker was hanging off his favorite tree near the roof.
shoo woodpeckter away 赶走啄木鸟.

this case went on for days: (这种情况保持了好几天)
every morning, the woodpecker woke him early
every morning, he tried to shoo the woodpecker away.
every morning, the woodpecker kept tapping

He tried earplugs. they helped, but they did not stop the tapping. which continued to feel the tap into his dreams.

he climbed up/down a ladder with a big plastic owl (修饰owl) under his arm .
there is new hole, it was even larger than the first. this time He filled it with old rags.
the tree was crowded with all sorts of things. it held tin cansm, clown mask (小丑面具), and even a stuffed dinosaur(填充恐龙).

enough is enought , thought He.
where is my saw ? where is my saw ? no tree, no nest, no woodpecker !
the mornings were peaceful and quiet.

The wonders of nature

  1. the world is full of interesting animals. some animals look strange or have special skills.
    it can spit water at bugs. the bugs fall into the water, where the archerfish catch and eat them.
    the trap-door spider lives in a tunnel in the ground. it
    beavers chew through tree trunks. they make dams out of trees, mud and stones.
    chameleons change color to hide themselves.
    Chameleon /kəˈmiːliən/ change color to hide themselves. they even change color to show how they fell.

flying dragons have skin on their sides that opens like wings.
They jump and glide (滑动) from tree to tree.

Leaf insect
the body parts of leaf insects look like leaves. these animals blend in well with reakl leaves on trees.

weevil can roll a leaf into a cone. She lays her eggs inside the cone. the leaf hides and protects her egg.

Praying mantis holds its front legs in a praying position.
a mantis has five eyes to help it hunt for food.


2024 04 11:

  1. kites were named after a bird with wide wings that soars high in the sky on air currents.
  2. no one knows who made the first kite. But Chinese writers wrote about them over 2000 years ago.
  3. the castle is a building where the lord and noble live and the fort is for the military military purposes.
  4. tie himself to a huge kite and fly over the fort`s wall.
  5. are terrified to see a man flying, so they run away.
  6. diplomat and inventor /diploma [diploma]
  7. to prove his idea.
  8. thunder and lighting / during the thunderstorm.
  9. the electricity jumped from the key and gave him a shock!
  10. do not try this da experiment by yourself. you will get hurt badly.
  11. put a fishhook and bait on the long kite tail.
  12. bite / bit /bitten
  13. devices and instruments (设备和仪器)
  14. spy on enemy troops
  15. flying targets for shooting practice
  16. are used for fun.
    how to make your own kite
  17. tape
    Step 1:

Step 2: cut off a piece of string with the length 4-foot
Step 3:

Step 4:

Asthma :
1, what is asthma ?
it is a disease that makes it difficult for a person to breathe.
when people breathe, air moves in and out of the lungs through special tubes.
2. these tubes swell and become narrow during an asthma attack. because of this, less air moves into and out of the lungs.people with asthma might wheeze or cough.
3. their chest might fell tight. they may have a hard time breathing.
4. a bad asthma attack can last for days or even cause death.
5. asthma can show up in a person at any age.
6. symptoms often return when they become older adults.
7. they do not know a, They do know that it cannot be passed from one person to another like a cold. However, the disease often runs in families. If both parents have asthma, their children are more likely to have it. People who are around cigarette smoke are also more likely to develop asthma.
8. triggers that cause asthma like dust, animal pollen, or mold can cause an attack for many people.
9. keep the asthma under control.
10. take pills every day /
11. many people use inhalers (吸入器). these devices spray a mist of medicine that is breathed in
12. nebulizer (喷雾器)—— deliver a mist of medicine that is breathed in.
Awesome ants:





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