cv2.findContours 和 measure.find_contours 找轮廓

分别属于cv2 和 skimage连个库

def find_contours(array, level,
                  fully_connected='low', positive_orientation='low'):
    """Find iso-valued contours in a 2D array for a given level value.

    Uses the "marching squares" method to compute a the iso-valued contours of
    the input 2D array for a particular level value. Array values are linearly
    interpolated to provide better precision for the output contours.

    array : 2D ndarray of double
        Input data in which to find contours.
    level : float
        Value along which to find contours in the array.
    fully_connected : str, {'low', 'high'}
         Indicates whether array elements below the given level value are to be
         considered fully-connected (and hence elements above the value will
         only be face connected), or vice-versa. (See notes below for details.)
    positive_orientation : either 'low' or 'high'
         Indicates whether the output contours will produce positively-oriented
         polygons around islands of low- or high-valued elements. If 'low' then
         contours will wind counter- clockwise around elements below the
         iso-value. Alternately, this means that low-valued elements are always
         on the left of the contour. (See below for details.)

    contours : list of (n,2)-ndarrays
        Each contour is an ndarray of shape ``(n, 2)``,
        consisting of n ``(row, column)`` coordinates along the contour.

    The marching squares algorithm is a special case of the marching cubes
    algorithm [1]_.  A simple explanation is available here::

    There is a single ambiguous case in the marching squares algorithm: when
    a given ``2 x 2``-element square has two high-valued and two low-valued
    elements, each pair diagonally adjacent. (Where high- and low-valued is
    with respect to the contour value sought.) In this case, either the
    high-valued elements can be 'connected together' via a thin isthmus that
    separates the low-valued elements, or vice-versa. When elements are
    connected together across a diagonal, they are considered 'fully
    connected' (also known as 'face+vertex-connected' or '8-connected'). Only
    high-valued or low-valued elements can be fully-connected, the other set
    will be considered as 'face-connected' or '4-connected'. By default,
    low-valued elements are considered fully-connected; this can be altered
    with the 'fully_connected' parameter.

    Output contours are not guaranteed to be closed: contours which intersect
    the array edge will be left open. All other contours will be closed. (The
    closed-ness of a contours can be tested by checking whether the beginning
    point is the same as the end point.)

    Contours are oriented. By default, array values lower than the contour
    value are to the left of the contour and values greater than the contour
    value are to the right. This means that contours will wind
    counter-clockwise (i.e. in 'positive orientation') around islands of
    low-valued pixels. This behavior can be altered with the
    'positive_orientation' parameter.

    The order of the contours in the output list is determined by the position
    of the smallest ``x,y`` (in lexicographical order) coordinate in the
    contour.  This is a side-effect of how the input array is traversed, but
    can be relied upon.

    .. warning::

       Array coordinates/values are assumed to refer to the *center* of the
       array element. Take a simple example input: ``[0, 1]``. The interpolated
       position of 0.5 in this array is midway between the 0-element (at
       ``x=0``) and the 1-element (at ``x=1``), and thus would fall at

    This means that to find reasonable contours, it is best to find contours
    midway between the expected "light" and "dark" values. In particular,
    given a binarized array, *do not* choose to find contours at the low or
    high value of the array. This will often yield degenerate contours,
    especially around structures that are a single array element wide. Instead
    choose a middle value, as above.

    .. [1] Lorensen, William and Harvey E. Cline. Marching Cubes: A High
           Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm. Computer Graphics
           (SIGGRAPH 87 Proceedings) 21(4) July 1987, p. 163-170).

    >>> a = np.zeros((3, 3))
    >>> a[0, 0] = 1
    >>> a
    array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.]])
    >>> find_contours(a, 0.5)
    [array([[ 0. ,  0.5],
           [ 0.5,  0. ]])]



  • array:这就是要输入的照片,,直接cv2.imread(name,0)读进来就能用。0的意思是读成灰度图

  • level:直译就是水平,当我用0.5的时候能探测出几百个,当我用1的时候有几十个,当我用10的时候有4个,100的时候只有两个。在这里插入图片描述在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述

  • fully_connected:只能选low和high,这个参数解释的有点复杂,这个图是上面那个参数为1的时候,有好多的,当为high的时候检查出来的多一些,当为low的时候,斜着的挨着进的那些更容易合并到一起,建议用low,low就是默认的。可以不管这一项。

    high: 在这里插入图片描述

  • positive_orientation 这个应该没啥用,我也不知道。。求教

def findContours(image, mode, method): 


  • image这个参数上面的第一个参数一样,单通道图像矩阵,可以是灰度图,但更常用的是二值图像,一般是经过Canny、拉普拉斯等边缘检测算子处理过的二值图像

  • mode:定义轮廓的检索模式:
    CV_RETR_LIST :检测所有的轮廓,包括内围、外围轮廓,但是检测到的轮廓不建立等级关系,彼此之间独立,没有等级关系,这就意味着这个检索模式下不存在父轮廓或内嵌轮廓, 所以hierarchy向量内所有元素的第3、第4个分量都会被置为-1。
    CV_RETR_CCOMP :检测所有的轮廓,但所有轮廓只建立两个等级关系,外围为顶层,若外围 内的内围轮廓还包含了其他的轮廓信息,则内围内的所有轮廓均归属于顶层 。
    CV_RETR_TREE: 检测所有轮廓,所有轮廓建立一个等级树结构。外层轮廓包含内层轮廓,内

    RETR_LIST 从解释的角度来看,这中应是最简单的。它只是提取所有的轮廓,而不去创建任何父子关系。
    RETR_EXTERNAL 如果你选择这种模式的话,只会返回最外边的的轮廓,所有的子轮廓都会被忽略掉。
    RETR_CCOMP 在这种模式下会返回所有的轮廓并将轮廓分为两级组织结构。
    RETR_TREE 这种模式下会返回所有轮廓,并且创建一个完整的组织结构列表。它甚至会告诉你谁是爷爷,爸爸,儿子,孙子等

  • method:
    CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE :仅保存轮廓的拐点信息,把所有轮廓拐点处的点保存入contours 向量内,拐点与拐点之间直线段上的信息点不予保留
    CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS:使用teh-Chinl chain 近 似算法





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