GearVR Scripts


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VR;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
// This class simply insures the head tracking behaves correctly when the application is paused.
public class VRTrackingReset : MonoBehaviour
private void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)


using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
// In order to interact with objects in the scene为了与场景中的对象交互
// this class casts a ray into the scene and if it finds这个类向场景投射了一个光线,如果它发现了。
// a VRInteractiveItem it exposes it for other classes to use.它为其他类公开使用它。
// This script should be generally be placed on the camera.这个脚本一般应该放在相机上。
public class VREyeRaycaster : MonoBehaviour
public event Action OnRaycasthit; // This event is called every frame that the user’s gaze is over a collider.这个事件被称为用户注视的每一帧在对撞机上

    [SerializeField] private Transform m_Camera;
    [SerializeField] private LayerMask m_ExclusionLayers;           // Layers to exclude from the raycast.层从RayCasp中排除。
    [SerializeField] private Reticle m_Reticle;                     // The reticle, if applicable.光罩,如果适用的话。
    [SerializeField] private VRInput m_VrInput;                     // Used to call input based events on the current VRInteractiveItem.用于调用当前VRATICATIVE项上的基于输入的事件。
    [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowDebugRay;                   // Optionally show the debug ray.可选地显示调试光线
    [SerializeField] private float m_DebugRayLength = 5f;           // Debug ray length.调试光线长度
    [SerializeField] private float m_DebugRayDuration = 1f;         // How long the Debug ray will remain visible.调试光线将保持多长时间可见。
    [SerializeField] private float m_RayLength = 500f;              // How far into the scene the ray is cast.光线投射到这个场景有多远。

    private VRInteractiveItem m_CurrentInteractible;                //The current interactive item当前交互项
    private VRInteractiveItem m_LastInteractible;                   //The last interactive item最后一个交互项

    // Utility for other classes to get the current interactive item用于获取当前交互项的其他类的实用工具
    public VRInteractiveItem CurrentInteractible
        get { return m_CurrentInteractible; }

    private void OnEnable()
        m_VrInput.OnClick += HandleClick;
        m_VrInput.OnDoubleClick += HandleDoubleClick;
        m_VrInput.OnUp += HandleUp;
        m_VrInput.OnDown += HandleDown;

    private void OnDisable ()
        m_VrInput.OnClick -= HandleClick;
        m_VrInput.OnDoubleClick -= HandleDoubleClick;
        m_VrInput.OnUp -= HandleUp;
        m_VrInput.OnDown -= HandleDown;

    private void Update()

    private void EyeRaycast()
        // Show the debug ray if required如果需要,请显示调试光线
        if (m_ShowDebugRay)
            Debug.DrawRay(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward * m_DebugRayLength,, m_DebugRayDuration);

        // Create a ray that points forwards from the camera.创建一个从相机指向的光线。
        Ray ray = new Ray(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward);
        RaycastHit hit;
        // Do the raycast forweards to see if we hit an interactive item      RayStube是否磨损,看看我们是否碰到了一个交互式项目
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, m_RayLength, ~m_ExclusionLayers))
            VRInteractiveItem interactible = hit.collider.GetComponent<VRInteractiveItem>(); //attempt to get the VRInteractiveItem on the hit object尝试获取命中对象的vrIcTrimeIt目
            m_CurrentInteractible = interactible;

            // If we hit an interactive item and it's not the same as the last interactive item, then call Over如果我们碰到了一个交互项,它和上次的交互项不一样,然后调用
            if (interactible && interactible != m_LastInteractible)

            // Deactive the last interactive item 取消最后一个交互项
            if (interactible != m_LastInteractible)

            m_LastInteractible = interactible;

            // Something was hit, set at the hit position.一些东西被击中,设置在击中位置
            if (m_Reticle)

            if (OnRaycasthit != null)
            // Nothing was hit, deactive the last interactive item.没有任何东西被击中,最后一个交互项无效
            m_CurrentInteractible = null;

            // Position the reticle at default distance.将光罩置于默认距离
            if (m_Reticle)

    private void DeactiveLastInteractible()
        if (m_LastInteractible == null)

        m_LastInteractible = null;

    private void HandleUp()
        if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)

    private void HandleDown()
        if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)

    private void HandleClick()
        if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)

    private void HandleDoubleClick()
        if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)


} VRInput

using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
// This class encapsulates all the input required for most VR games.
// It has events that can be subscribed to by classes that need specific input.
// This class must exist in every scene and so can be attached to the main
// camera for ease.
public class VRInput : MonoBehaviour
//Swipe directions
public enum SwipeDirection

    public event Action<SwipeDirection> OnSwipe;                // Called every frame passing in the swipe, including if there is no swipe.调用每一帧在掠过,包括如果没有滑动。
    public event Action OnClick;                                // Called when Fire1 is released and it's not a double click.当Fiel1被释放而不是双击时调用
    public event Action OnDown;                                 // Called when Fire1 is pressed.当FIL1被按下时调用
    public event Action OnUp;                                   // Called when Fire1 is released.在释放FIL1时调用
    public event Action OnDoubleClick;                          // Called when a double click is detected.当检测到双击时调用
    public event Action OnCancel;                               // Called when Cancel is pressed.当取消取消时调用

    [SerializeField] private float m_DoubleClickTime = 0.3f;    //The max time allowed between double clicks双点击允许的最大时间
    [SerializeField] private float m_SwipeWidth = 0.3f;         //The width of a swipe滑动的宽度

    private Vector2 m_MouseDownPosition;                        // The screen position of the mouse when Fire1 is pressed.当FIL1被按下时,鼠标的屏幕位置
    private Vector2 m_MouseUpPosition;                          // The screen position of the mouse when Fire1 is released.释放FIL1时鼠标的屏幕位置
    private float m_LastMouseUpTime;                            // The time when Fire1 was last released.上次发布Fiel1的时间
    private float m_LastHorizontalValue;                        // The previous value of the horizontal axis used to detect keyboard swipes.用于检测键盘擦拭的水平轴的先前值
    private float m_LastVerticalValue;                          // The previous value of the vertical axis used to detect keyboard swipes.用于检测键盘擦拭的垂直轴的先前值

    public float DoubleClickTime{ get { return m_DoubleClickTime; } }

    private void Update()

    private void CheckInput()
        // Set the default swipe to be none.
        SwipeDirection swipe = SwipeDirection.NONE;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
            // When Fire1 is pressed record the position of the mouse.
            m_MouseDownPosition = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y);
            // If anything has subscribed to OnDown call it.
            if (OnDown != null)

        // This if statement is to gather information about the mouse when the button is up.
        if (Input.GetButtonUp ("Fire1"))
            // When Fire1 is released record the position of the mouse.
            m_MouseUpPosition = new Vector2 (Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y);

            // Detect the direction between the mouse positions when Fire1 is pressed and released.
            swipe = DetectSwipe ();

        // If there was no swipe this frame from the mouse, check for a keyboard swipe.
        if (swipe == SwipeDirection.NONE)
            swipe = DetectKeyboardEmulatedSwipe();

        // If there are any subscribers to OnSwipe call it passing in the detected swipe.
        if (OnSwipe != null)

        // This if statement is to trigger events based on the information gathered before.
        if(Input.GetButtonUp ("Fire1"))
            // If anything has subscribed to OnUp call it.
            if (OnUp != null)

            // If the time between the last release of Fire1 and now is less
            // than the allowed double click time then it's a double click.
            if (Time.time - m_LastMouseUpTime < m_DoubleClickTime)
                // If anything has subscribed to OnDoubleClick call it.
                if (OnDoubleClick != null)
                // If it's not a double click, it's a single click.
                // If anything has subscribed to OnClick call it.
                if (OnClick != null)

            // Record the time when Fire1 is released.
            m_LastMouseUpTime = Time.time;

        // If the Cancel button is pressed and there are subscribers to OnCancel call it.
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel"))
            if (OnCancel != null)

    private SwipeDirection DetectSwipe ()
        // Get the direction from the mouse position when Fire1 is pressed to when it is released.
        Vector2 swipeData = (m_MouseUpPosition - m_MouseDownPosition).normalized;

        // If the direction of the swipe has a small width it is vertical.
        bool swipeIsVertical = Mathf.Abs (swipeData.x) < m_SwipeWidth;

        // If the direction of the swipe has a small height it is horizontal.
        bool swipeIsHorizontal = Mathf.Abs(swipeData.y) < m_SwipeWidth;

        // If the swipe has a positive y component and is vertical the swipe is up.
        if (swipeData.y > 0f && swipeIsVertical)
            return SwipeDirection.UP;

        // If the swipe has a negative y component and is vertical the swipe is down.
        if (swipeData.y < 0f && swipeIsVertical)
            return SwipeDirection.DOWN;

        // If the swipe has a positive x component and is horizontal the swipe is right.
        if (swipeData.x > 0f && swipeIsHorizontal)
            return SwipeDirection.RIGHT;

        // If the swipe has a negative x component and is vertical the swipe is left.
        if (swipeData.x < 0f && swipeIsHorizontal)
            return SwipeDirection.LEFT;

        // If the swipe meets none of these requirements there is no swipe.
        return SwipeDirection.NONE;

    private SwipeDirection DetectKeyboardEmulatedSwipe ()
        // Store the values for Horizontal and Vertical axes.
        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
        float vertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");

        // Store whether there was horizontal or vertical input before.
        bool noHorizontalInputPreviously = Mathf.Abs (m_LastHorizontalValue) < float.Epsilon;
        bool noVerticalInputPreviously = Mathf.Abs(m_LastVerticalValue) < float.Epsilon;

        // The last horizontal values are now the current ones.
        m_LastHorizontalValue = horizontal;
        m_LastVerticalValue = vertical;

        // If there is positive vertical input now and previously there wasn't the swipe is up.
        if (vertical > 0f && noVerticalInputPreviously)
            return SwipeDirection.UP;

        // If there is negative vertical input now and previously there wasn't the swipe is down.
        if (vertical < 0f && noVerticalInputPreviously)
            return SwipeDirection.DOWN;

        // If there is positive horizontal input now and previously there wasn't the swipe is right.
        if (horizontal > 0f && noHorizontalInputPreviously)
            return SwipeDirection.RIGHT;

        // If there is negative horizontal input now and previously there wasn't the swipe is left.
        if (horizontal < 0f && noHorizontalInputPreviously)
            return SwipeDirection.LEFT;

        // If the swipe meets none of these requirements there is no swipe.
        return SwipeDirection.NONE;

    private void OnDestroy()
        // Ensure that all events are unsubscribed when this is destroyed.
        OnSwipe = null;
        OnClick = null;
        OnDoubleClick = null;
        OnDown = null;
        OnUp = null;


  • 1
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


