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原创 【阅读摘记】The Order of Time -《时间的秩序》

The Order of Time-《时间的秩序》Carlo Rovelli 卡洛·罗韦利学校需要每个寝室都需要一篇读书笔记,而我也恰恰在寝室微信群的摇骰子中以两点败北.既然如此,那就试试.看到了班级的限定书单,第一眼就看到了《你当像鸟飞往你的山》这本书,因为我就知道这一本书但是并没看过,虽然买了kindle,但也没看几本书.最近看的是钟晓阳的《遗恨》,也是断断续续地在睡前的一小会儿...

2020-04-28 19:47:56 3173

原创 【英语热词】| 2020年3月时事英语

英语热词湖南火车侧翻事故致1死4重伤初步调查显示,连日降雨造成线路塌方,火车运行经过时撞上塌方体后脱轨。An initial investigation showed that the train derailed after it ran into a landslide caused by days of rainfall.发电车power generation car...

2020-04-26 16:37:22 1853

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 在纽约,几乎每个人身边都有人感染病毒

Ex-Wife Sick. Daughter Sick. 3 Friends Dead. Everyone Knows Someone.在纽约,几乎每个人身边都有人感染病毒A New York City Housing Authority retiree ticked off his running tally: an ex-wife sick, a daughter sick, and th...

2020-04-25 19:50:54 2695

原创 正则表达式-测验-2020.4.23

写出一个正则表达式,匹配“第一位数字为1,第二位为3-9的数字,后面随便9位数”1[3,4,5,7,8,9]\d{9}写出一个正则表达式,用来匹配0-100的数字,其中包括0和100(除0以外数字不能以0开头)0|100|1-9\d?$下面三行为一个字符串,通过re模块匹配出apple、banana和orange这三项内容import recontent='''<a&g...

2020-04-23 17:47:54 242

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 马云正式退休,但仍将影响阿里帝国

HONG KONG — Jack Ma formally retired on Tuesday from Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant he founded that helped transform the way hundreds of millions of people shop and made him one of the world’s ...

2020-04-23 15:38:02 1329

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 感觉世界不会好了?看看汤姆·汉克斯的故事吧

感觉世界不会好了?看看汤姆·汉克斯的故事吧This Tom Hanks Story Will Help You Feel Less BadHere is a list of stories about Tom Hanks I’ve heard over the last few miserable months, as it appeared that politeness and civi...

2020-04-21 16:29:56 719

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 乔布斯是对的:手机和iPad杀死了个人电脑

乔布斯是对的:手机和iPad杀死了个人电脑Steve Jobs Was Right: Smartphones and Tablets Killed the P.C.I got an iPad Pro recently, and I’ve fallen madly in love with it.我最近得到一台iPad Pro,并且深深爱上了它。madly adv.发疯似地 非常Th...

2020-04-19 22:00:09 1010

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | “流浪作家”三毛:撒哈拉、爱情和死亡

“流浪作家”三毛:撒哈拉、爱情和死亡Overlooked No More: Sanmao, ‘Wandering Writer’ Who Found Her Voice in the DesertOverlooked No More 不再被忽略Sanmao 三毛(台湾著名女作家,旅行家)In the early 1970s, the Taiwanese writer Sanmao sa...

2020-04-19 20:13:34 1762 1

原创 【python笔记】切片

python 列表切片语法 [start:end:step]start为列表首位时,起始值可省略;end为列表末尾时,可以省略;step可以不填,默认为1,不允许为0,当步长为复数时,列表翻转.PS:这些值都可以大于列表长度,不会报错.# 先定义一个List>>> list_food = ['臭豆腐','腐乳','老干妈']>>> list...

2020-04-18 19:45:26 236

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 边走路边看手机有多危险,以及你该如何控制自己

边走路边看手机有多危险,以及你该如何控制自己Texting While Walking Is Dangerous. Here’s How to Stop.You’re walking around and a thought occurs: “I should check my phone.” The phone comes out of your pocket. You type a mes...

2020-04-17 15:20:53 2027

原创 【记录】AndroidStudio通过ADB连接mumu模拟器

关于Android Studio通过ADB连接mumu模拟器

2020-04-14 13:00:03 406

原创 【python学习笔记】dict和set

dict和setdictdict全称dictionary 也是就字典>>> sx = {'沙县拌面': 7, '蒸饺': 6, '鸭腿套餐': 12}>>> sx['沙县拌面']7key-value储存方式key不存在会报错,如何避免:>>> '糖醋排骨' in sx # 用in来判断key是否存在False&...

2020-04-13 22:31:45 168

原创 【python学习笔记】python循环

Python循环for循环foods = ['黄焖鸡', '麻婆豆腐', '鱼香肉丝']for food in foods: print(food)输出:黄焖鸡麻婆豆腐鱼香肉丝计算1-10的整数之和sum = 0for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: sum = sum + xprint(sum)输出:5...

2020-04-13 21:31:44 151

原创 【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 新冠期间如何清洁手机

【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 新冠期间如何清洁手机How to Clean Your Phone to Help Protect Against Coronavirus新冠疫情期间,如何清洁手机?Coronavirus n.冠状病毒The coronavirus is here, and it’s showing no signs of letting up. One of the be...

2020-04-11 19:40:39 690

原创 【python学习笔记】python条件判断

python条件判断 ( if, else, elif )ifage = 15if age <= 18: print('爬爬爬,未成年还上网吧!')根据python的缩进规则,如果是true,那么后面缩进的代码就会执行,否则什么都不会发生.if也可以简写.if x: print('True')只要x是非零数值、非空字符串、非空list等,就判断为True,...

2020-04-11 16:27:18 153

原创 【英语笔记】 20-4-7

【英语笔记】 20-4-7be filled with 充满Our life will always be filled with challenges.achieve v. 取得 ;获得He finally achieved success.achievement n. 成就 ;成绩(可数)a sense of achievement 成就感science ...

2020-04-07 15:40:20 166

原创 【Python课堂笔记】 Python数据处理(一)

python数据处理(一)数据整理统计文件中某字符个数文件day.txt如图:#统计这个文件中day的个数import re #re是匹配字符串的模块,该模块中提供的很多功能是基于正则表达式实现的f=open(r'文件路径 day.txt')source=f.read()print(source)f.close()r='day's=len(re.findall(r...

2020-04-07 14:23:59 193

原创 【英语笔记】 20-4-6

【英语笔记】 20-4-6预热课前热身(三)关系词填空Do you remember the scene where we were drinking and having fun ?你还记得我们喝酒玩乐的那一幕吗 ?Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own s...

2020-04-06 21:44:52 199

原创 【python学习笔记】Numpy 例题

Numpy 例题生成一个一维数组,起始值为5,终点值为15,样本数为10个import numpy as npa=np.arange(5,15)#a=np.array([5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14])print(a)[ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14]输出对角矩阵#第一种方法import numpy as npa=np....

2020-04-06 15:50:49 1163

原创 【英语笔记】 20-4-4

英语笔记 20-4-4预热课前热身(三)关系词填空His interest started a few years ago, when he was in college and studying wildlife science.他的兴趣起始于几年前,那时他还在大学学习野生动物学科.We will put off the picnic in the park until ne...

2020-04-04 19:28:57 221


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