warnings.warn(“Title is more than 31 characters. Some applications may not be able to read the file


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Using: Intel (R) PRO Network Connections SDK v2.30.10 EEUPDATE v5.30.10.00 Copyright (C) 1995 - 2017 Intel Corporation Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution. ----------------------------------------------------- Options: /HELP or /? Displays command line help. /EXITCODES Displays exit code help. /ALL Selects all adapters found in the system. /NIC=XX Selects a specific adapter (1-32). /BUS=XX Selects PCI bus of adapter to program. Must be used with the DEV parameter to specify an adapter. /DEV=XX Selects PCI device of the adapter to program. Must be used with the BUS parameter to specify an adapter. /FUN=XX Selects PCI function of the adapter to program. Must be used with both the BUS and DEV parameters to specify an adapter. Press to continue... /DEVICE= 4 hex digit device id of card to program. /SUBDEVICE= 4 hex digit subsystem device id of card to program. /DUMP Dumps EEPROM/Shadow RAM memory contents to file *.eep and flash memory to *.bin (if available) /MAC_DUMP_FILE Dumps the MAC address to a file usable by the /A command. /MAC_DUMP Displays the adapter LAN MAC address. /MAC_DUMP_ALL Displays all the MAC addresses. /MAC_ALL_TO_FILE Dumps all the MAC addresses to a file usable by the /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE command. /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE Programs all MAC addresses from text file to a device. File should contain 13 MAC addresses (9 for PEPs and 4 custom MAC addresses), one each line. EUI48 and EUI64 formats accepted. /CB Clears bits in the EEPROM, specified in . /SB Sets bits in the EEPROM, specified in . Press to continue... /RW Reads from the EEPROM. /WW Writes into in EEPROM. /MAC=macaddr [/NUM=PF_num] Programs the EEPROM/NVM with only the MAC address of macaddr without changing the rest of the EEPROM/NVM. /NUM is optional and I40E specific - it defines target PF. /A or /address Programs the EEPROM/NVM with only the MAC address from the without changing the rest of the EEPROM. /D or /DATA Programs the NVM [EEPROM/FLASH] with the contents of without changing the MAC address. /PHYNVM Programs the PHY NVM with the contents of /DEBUG Forces debug update to be used where applicable. Must be used with /D or /DATA switch. /CALCCHKSUM Forces the EEPROM checksum and CRCs to be updated. Press to continue... /EEPROMVER Displays the version of the EEPROM image. /INVMVERSION Displays the version of the iNVM image. /PCIINFO Displays the PCI information of the adapter. /ADAPTERINFO Displays additional information about the adapter, such as EtrackID, PF MAC address, or image and firmware version. /TEST Checks the EEPROM/NVM checksum(s) and size. /IDFLASH Displays the flash ID and its protected status. /VERSION Displays version and the diagnostic library information. /PHYID Programs the PHY ID NVM with the contents of . /PHYID_DUMP Dumps PHY ID NVM contents to a file with the name: _.bin /PHYID_VERIFY Verifies the PHY ID NVM image in eeprom against the file specified in . Press to continue... /FLASH_DUMP Dumps contents of the whole flash memory of selected adapters to *.bin file /EEPROM_DUMP Dumps contents of the EEPROM/Shadow RAM memory of selected adapters to *.eep file /GUI Brings up GUI mode. /GUI /HELP Displays GUI help. /NOPROT When programming an image for devices that support NVM protection, prevents protection from being enabled. This switch must be used with the /DATA command and has no effect on NVM devices that are already protected. /DEBUGLOG Log debug messages into the debugfile. /VERIFY Verifies the eeprom/NVM image in eeprom/NVM to the target file specified in . Press to continue... /CHECKIMAGE Verifies that the NVM in can be loaded over the running NVM. /VERIFYPHYNVM Verifies the PHY NVM image in eeprom to the target file specified in . /ADAPTERRESET Reset the adapter. *CAUTION* This will unload the driver for this device if present. /SANMAC_DUMP [/NUM=PF_num] Displays the dedicated MAC address for the SAN. /NUM is optional and i40e specific - it defines target PF. /SANMAC=macaddr [/NUM=PF_num] Programs the dedicated SAN MAC address withoutchanging the rest of the EEPROM. /NUM is optional and i40e specific - it defines target PF. /SANADDRESS Programs the dedicated SAN MAC address with the MAC address from . /INVMVERIFY /FILE=] Compares autoload configuration stored in OTP memory with the configuration defined in configuration file. /INVMTEST /FILE=] Report number of free space left in INVM if autoload configuration defined in configuration file would be applied. Press to continue... /INVMUPDATE /FILE=] Write new autoload configuration defined in Raw (*.raw) configuration file to empty INVM or updates current autoload configuration stored in INVM based on 'human readable' configuration file. /INVMISLOCKED Checks if autoload configuration stored in OTP memory is protected against write attempts. /INVMLOCK Sets unique record in autoload configuration stored in INVM protecting its content against further updates. /INVMGET Dumps autoload configuration stored in INVM to file with predefined name .otp. /FORCE Omits any warnings and forces command execution. /KEEPCONFIG This option lets you keep config words while upgrading eeprom. /PORT_MAC=macaddr /NUM=Port_num Programs the dedicated Port MAC address without changing the rest of the EEPROM. /PORT_MAC_DUMP /NUM=Port_num Display the adapter port MAC address. Press to continue... /CUSTOM_MAC mac_number mac_addr Programs the given custom mac address number [0-3] without changing the rest of the NVM (EUI48 and EUI64 formats supported). /SERIAL_MAC=macaddr Programs the dedicated PCIe serial MAC address without changing the rest of the EEPROM. /SERIAL_MAC_DUMP Display the adapter PCIe serial MAC address. /PF_MAC=macaddr /NUM=PF_num Programs the dedicated MAC address of a specified Physical Function This allows altering the mac addresses of inactive functions of a visible NIC. /PF_MAC_DUMP /NUM=PF_num Display MAC address of a selected Physical Function of the specified NIC. This allows dumping MAC addresses of inactive functions of a visible device. /MNG_MAC=macaddr /NUM=MNG_num Programs the dedicated MAC address of a specified Manageability Function This allows altering the mac addresses of inactive functions of a visible NIC. /MNG_MAC_DUMP /NUM=MNG_num Display MAC address of a selected Manageability Function of the specified NIC. This allows dumping MAC addresses of inactive functions of a visible device. /RO Programs RO words in EEPROM/SR with values taken from RO Module binary file.
### 回答1: 这个警告信息提示你的程序从一个文件夹中加载了多个动态链接库文件(dll文件)。通常情况下,这种情况可能会导致程序的运行出现一些意料之外的问题。这个警告信息的目的是提醒你去检查你的程序,确保所有的动态链接库文件都被正确地加载了。你可以尝试检查程序是否正确链接了需要的库文件,或者检查你的环境变量设置是否正确。 ### 回答2: 这个警告是指在加载库文件时,发现有超过一个的动态链接库文件被加载了。一般情况下,我们会使用一些第三方的库文件,来实现一些功能或者扩展一些功能。这些库文件会被编译成动态链接库,也就是.dll文件,然后通过import语句导入到我们的Python项目中使用。 然而,在有些情况下,我们可能会在导入库文件时,发现警告信息:“warnings.warn("loaded more than 1 dll from .libs:”)”。这是因为库文件之间有一些依赖关系,如果其中一个库文件依赖于其他的库文件但是没有被导入,就会出现这个警告。 这个问题的解决方法是,我们需要在加载库文件之前,先检查一下库文件之间是否存在依赖关系,如果有依赖关系,就需要把所有依赖的库文件都加载进来。可以使用工具如Process Monitor、Dependency Walker等来检查。 当然,也有一些其他的解决方法。比如,可以在导入库文件时,使用绝对路径,而不是相对路径。这样可以避免出现依赖关系的问题。 总之,对于这个警告,我们需要进行一些调试和排查,找到问题的根本原因,然后采取相应的措施来解决问题。只有这样,才能保证我们的项目顺利运行,不受警告的影响。 ### 回答3: 这个警告信息是出现在Python程序运行过程中的,它的含义是程序从一个.libs文件中载入了超过1个的dll文件,其中.dll指的是动态链接库文件。通常情况下,这个警告信息并不影响程序的运行,但是它提示我们在程序编译和执行过程中可能会出现问题,需要引起我们的注意。 通常情况下,程序载入多个dll的情况是因为程序依赖了其它的库文件,而这些库文件可能存在相互依赖的情况,导致在编译和链接的过程中,出现了重复依赖的情况。这个问题需要我们仔细查看程序的编译和链接过程,以确定是否需要针对性的解决这个问题。 解决这个问题的方法主要有两种,第一种是通过重构程序代码,减少库文件的依赖关系,避免出现重复依赖的情况。第二种方法是通过修改编译和链接的参数,或者使用特定的库文件加载方式,来避免出现重复依赖的情况。不过需要注意的是,这些调整都需要特别小心,以免引入其它问题。 总之,出现这个警告信息并不意味着程序一定会出现问题,但是我们应该注意这个警告信息,并且根据具体情况,采取适当的解决措施,以确保程序的稳定性和可靠性。


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