强化学习python代码实战:深度递归Q网络(Deep Recurrent Q-Network)解决gridworld(配详细代码注释)

Import packages

import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.misc
import os
import csv
import itertools
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
%matplotlib inline

from helper import *

Load the game environment

from gridworld import gameEnv
# 创建 9*9 环境(agent可观察到完整环境)
env = gameEnv(partial=False,size=9)  


# 创建 9*9 环境(agent可观察到以当前位置为中心的 3*3 环境)
env = gameEnv(partial=True,size=9)  


Above are examples of a starting environment in our simple game. The agent controls the blue square, and can move up, down, left, or right. The goal is to move to the green squares (for +1 reward) and avoid the red squares (for -1 reward). When the agent moves through a green or red square, it is randomly moved to a new place in the environment.

Implementing the network itself

class Qnetwork():
    def __init__(self,h_size,rnn_cell,myScope):
        #The network recieves a frame from the game, flattened into an array.
        #It then resizes it and processes it through four convolutional layers.
        # 归一化后的输入的占位符 尺寸为 21168 列(84*84*3),行不定
        self.scalarInput =  tf.placeholder(shape=[None,21168],dtype=tf.float32) 
        # imageIn 是第一层输入,将 scalarInput 恢复为 84*84*3 的图像
        self.imageIn = tf.reshape(self.scalarInput,shape=[-1,84,84,3]) 
        # 第一层卷积层,输入为 imageIn ,卷积核个数(filter个数) 32 ,
        # 卷积核尺寸 8*8 ,步长 4*4 ,不做 padding ,biases 初始化器为空,故输出为 20*20*32.
        self.conv1 = slim.convolution2d( \
            kernel_size=[8,8],stride=[4,4],padding='VALID', \
        # 第二层卷积层,输入为第一层输出,卷积核个数(filter个数)64,
        # 卷积核尺寸 4*4 ,步长 2*2 ,不做 padding ,biases 初始化器为空,故输出为 9*9*64.
        self.conv2 = slim.convolution2d( \
            kernel_size=[4,4],stride=[2,2],padding='VALID', \
        # 第三层卷积层,输入为第二层输出,卷积核个数(filter个数)64,
        # 卷积核尺寸 3*3 ,步长 1*1 ,不做 padding ,biases 初始化器为空,故输出为 7*7*64.
        self.conv3 = slim.convolution2d( \
            kernel_size=[3,3],stride=[1,1],padding='VALID', \
        # 第四层卷积层,输入为第三层输出,卷积核个数(filter个数)h_size(程序中定为512),
        # 卷积核尺寸 7*7 ,步长 1*1 ,不做 padding ,biases 初始化器为空,故输出为 1*1*512.
        self.conv4 = slim.convolution2d( \
            kernel_size=[7,7],stride=[1,1],padding='VALID', \
        # 占位符
        self.trainLength = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32) 
        #We take the output from the final convolutional layer and send it to a recurrent layer.
        #The input must be reshaped into [batch x trace x units] for rnn processing, 
        #and then returned to [batch x units] when sent through the upper levles.
        # 占位符
        self.batch_size = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32,shape=[]) 
        # 将卷积层输出的 1*1*h_size reshape 成 batch_size(1)*trainLength(1)*h_size(512)
        self.convFlat = tf.reshape(slim.flatten(self.conv4),[self.batch_size,self.trainLength,h_size]) 
        # 得到全0的初始状态(尺寸为 batch_size*state_size(num_units) 即 1*512)
        self.state_in = rnn_cell.zero_state(self.batch_size, tf.float32) 
        # 创建RNN,网络输入为 convFlat(batch_size(1)*num_units(512)), cell类型为rnn_cell,初始状态为全0。输出中 self.rnn 为RNN 输出 tensor(1*1*512),self.rnn_state 为网络最终的状态。
        self.rnn,self.rnn_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(\
        # 将 RNN 输出 reshape 成 h_size(512) 列(1*512)
        self.rnn = tf.reshape(self.rnn,shape=[-1,h_size]) 
        #The output from the recurrent player is then split into separate Value and Advantage streams 
        # 将 RNN 的输出分为 value(环境价值) 和 advantage(action价值) 两段。
        # 代表将 rnn 输出 tensor 的1个维度拆分成2段(1*256)
        self.streamA,self.streamV = tf.split(self.rnn,2,1) 
        # AW(全连接层参数)是 [h_size//2(256),4] 的以0为均值,1为标准差服从正态分布的向量。
        self.AW = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([h_size//2,4])) 
        # VW(全连接层参数)是 [h_size//2(256),1] 的以0为均值,1为标准差服从正态分布的向量。
        self.VW = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([h_size//2,1])) 
        # 做全连接层矩阵乘法得到 advantage(1*4)
        self.Advantage = tf.matmul(self.streamA,self.AW) 
        # 做全连接层矩阵乘法得到 value(1*1)
        self.Value = tf.matmul(self.streamV,self.VW) 
        # 计算输出的 advantage 与最初输入网络的 imageIn 之间的梯度。
        self.salience = tf.gradients(self.Advantage,self.imageIn) 
        #Then combine them together to get our final Q-values.
        # 最终输出的 Q 是 value+(advantage-mean_advantage)(取均值是单独对每行(即每个动作)取均值)
        self.Qout = self.Value + tf.subtract(self.Advantage,tf.reduce_mean(self.Advantage,axis=1,keep_dims=True)) 
        # 最终输出的 prediction action 为 Q 值最大的action
        self.predict = tf.argmax(self.Qout,1) 
        #Below we obtain the loss by taking the sum of squares difference between the target and prediction Q values. 
        # 接下来通过 target Q value 和 prediction Q value 之间的差平方的和获得 loss
        # 占位符
        self.targetQ = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32) 
        # 占位符,用于接收 experience buffer samples 的 actions
        self.actions = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.int32) 
        # 将 actions 转化为 1*4 的 onehot 编码(action 对应的 index 为1)
        self.actions_onehot = tf.one_hot(self.actions,4,dtype=tf.float32) 
        # Q 值为输出的 Q table 和 action onehot 的对应元素乘积得到的矩阵对列方向进行求和得到的值
        self.Q = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.Qout, self.actions_onehot), axis=1) 
        # error 定义为 targetQ 和 Q 的差值的平方
        self.td_error = tf.square(self.targetQ - self.Q) 
        #In order to only propogate accurate gradients through the network, we will mask the first
        #half of the losses for each trace as per Lample & Chatlot 2016
        # 为了仅通过网络传播准确的梯度,我们将根据Lample&Chatlot 2016掩盖每条迹线的前一半损耗
        # 掩码掩盖前一半的 loss
        self.maskA = tf.zeros([self.batch_size,self.trainLength//2])
        self.maskB = tf.ones([self.batch_size,self.trainLength//2]) 
        # 拼接两部分掩码
        self.mask = tf.concat([self.maskA,self.maskB],1) 
        # 将掩码 reshape 成行向量
        self.mask = tf.reshape(self.mask,[-1]) 
        # 将 error 与掩码对应位相乘得到 loss
        self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.td_error * self.mask) 
        # 学习速率1e-4
        self.trainer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.0001) 
        # Adam(自适应矩估计(Adaptive Moment Estimation))优化器优化预测Q值和目标Q值偏差
        self.updateModel = self.trainer.minimize(self.loss) 

Experience Replay

class experience_buffer():
    def __init__(self, buffer_size = 1000):
        # experience buffer 初始化为空
        self.buffer = [] 
        # buffer 尺寸
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size 
    # 向 buffer 加入元素
    def add(self,experience):
        # 若当前 buffer 加入元素后的长度超过限定长度
        if len(self.buffer) + 1 >= self.buffer_size: 
        	# 清除超出限定长度的早先样本
            self.buffer[0:(1+len(self.buffer))-self.buffer_size] = [] 
        # 将样本加入
    # 从 buffer 中采样样本
    def sample(self,batch_size,trace_length):
        # 随机采样 batch_size 个 episodes
        sampled_episodes = random.sample(self.buffer,batch_size) 
        sampledTraces = []
        for episode in sampled_episodes:
            # point 是采样到的 episode 中随机产生的 trace 起点
            point = np.random.randint(0,len(episode)+1-trace_length) 
            # 记录采样到的指定长度的 trace
        sampledTraces = np.array(sampledTraces)
        # 将采样到的 traces reshape 成 (batch_size*trace_length)*5
        return np.reshape(sampledTraces,[batch_size*trace_length,5]) 

Training the network

Setting the training parameters
#How many experience traces to use for each training step.
batch_size = 4 
#How long each experience trace will be when training
trace_length = 8 
#How often to perform a training step.
update_freq = 5 
#Discount factor on the target Q-values
y = .99 
#Starting chance of random action
startE = 1 
#Final chance of random action
endE = 0.1 
#How many steps of training to reduce startE to endE.
anneling_steps = 10000 
#How many episodes of game environment to train network with.
num_episodes = 10000 
#How many steps of random actions before training begins.
pre_train_steps = 10000 
#Whether to load a saved model.
load_model = False 
#The path to save our model to.
path = "./drqn" 
#The size of the final convolutional layer before splitting it into Advantage and Value streams.
h_size = 512 
#The max allowed length of our episode.
max_epLength = 50 
#Length of each step used in gif creation
time_per_step = 1 
#Number of epidoes to periodically save for analysis
summaryLength = 100 
tau = 0.001
Start training
# 清除默认图形堆栈并重置全局默认图形
#We define the cells for the primary and target q-networks
# 对于 online-net 的 RNN cell
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=h_size,state_is_tuple=True) 
# 对于 target-net 的 RNN cell
cellT = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=h_size,state_is_tuple=True) 
# 建立 online-net
mainQN = Qnetwork(h_size,cell,'main') 
# 建立 target-net
targetQN = Qnetwork(h_size,cellT,'target') 

# 模型参数的初始化器
init = tf.global_variables_initializer() 

# 实例化一个 saver 对象,训练过程中,定期调用 saver.save 方法,向文件夹中写入包含当前模型中所有可训练变量的 checkpoint 文件,max_to_keep 表明保存的最大 checkpoint 文件数为5
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5) 

# 可训练的参数
trainables = tf.trainable_variables() 

# 创建更新 target 模型参数操作
targetOps = updateTargetGraph(trainables,tau)  

# 创建 experience buffer
myBuffer = experience_buffer() 

#Set the rate of random action decrease. 
# 开始时采取随机 action 的概率(1)
e = startE 
# 每一步随机 action 的概率衰减值 (1-0.1)/10000=0.00009
stepDrop = (startE - endE)/anneling_steps 

#create lists to contain total rewards and steps per episode
# 初始化存储每个 episode 的 step 列表
jList = [] 
# 初始化存储每个 episode 的 reward 列表
rList = [] 
# 总步数
total_steps = 0 

#Make a path for our model to be saved in.
# 若模型保存路径不存在,则创建路径
if not os.path.exists(path):

##Write the first line of the master log-file for the Control Center
# 编写控制中心主日志文件的第一行
with open('./Center/log.csv', 'w') as myfile:
    wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

# 创建默认 session(运行tensorflow operation的类)
with tf.Session() as sess: 
    # 若 load_model 标志位为 True(加载已保存的model)
    if load_model == True: 
        print ('Loading Model...')
        # 加载已保存的模型
        ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(path) 
    # 运行网络模型的初始化器,初始化模型参数
    # 更新 target 模型参数,与 primary network 一致 #Set the target network to be equal to the primary network.
    # 实验循环开始,遍历 episodes
    for i in range(num_episodes): 
        # 创建 episode 内部 experience buffer
        episodeBuffer = [] 
        #Reset environment and get first new observation
        # 初始化环境
        sP = env.reset() 
        # 扁平化状态长为 21168 向量
        s = processState(sP) 
        # 初始化 done 标记为0
        d = False 
        # 初始化 episode 内总 reward 为0
        rAll = 0 
        # 初始化 episode 内总 step 为0
        j = 0 
        #Reset the recurrent layer's hidden state
        # 重置 RNN 层的隐式状态
        state = (np.zeros([1,h_size]),np.zeros([1,h_size])) 
        #The Q-Network
        # 遍历 step,每次迭代进行 action
        while j < max_epLength:  
            # episode 内的 step 总数加1
            #Choose an action by greedily (with e chance of random action) from the Q-network
            # 若当前总步数小于 pre_train_steps 或概率为 e 的情况下,随机选择下一步 action
            if np.random.rand(1) < e or total_steps < pre_train_steps: 
                # 输入当前状态,更新 RNN 状态
                state1 = sess.run(mainQN.rnn_state,\
                # 随机选择下一步 action
                a = np.random.randint(0,4) 
                # 输入当前状态,根据网络预测选择下一步 action,并更新 RNN 状态
                a, state1 = sess.run([mainQN.predict,mainQN.rnn_state],\
                a = a[0]
            # 执行 action,得到下一状态、reward、done标志
            s1P,r,d = env.step(a) 
            # 扁平化下一状态
            s1 = processState(s1P) 
            # 总步数加1
            total_steps += 1 
            # 将 step 加入 episode buffer
            # 若总步数大于 pre_train_steps
            if total_steps > pre_train_steps: 
                # 采取随机 action 的概率大于最小随机 action 概率
                if e > endE:  
                    # 继续减小随机 action 概率
                    e -= stepDrop 

                # 若总步数是更新频率的整数倍
                if total_steps % (update_freq) == 0: 
                	# 更新 target 模型参数
                    #Reset the recurrent layer's hidden state
                    # 重置 RNN 层的隐式状态
                    state_train = (np.zeros([batch_size,h_size]),np.zeros([batch_size,h_size]))  
                    #Get a random batch of experiences. 从 experience buffer 中随机采样一个batch_size样本
                    trainBatch = myBuffer.sample(batch_size,trace_length) 
                    #Below we perform the Double-DQN update to the target Q-values 
                    # 接下来对目标Q值执行Double-DQN更新
                    # 将当前状态输入主模型,得到action
                    Q1 = sess.run(mainQN.predict,feed_dict={\
					# 将当前状态输入 target-net,得到 s1 状态下所有 action 的 Q 值
					Q2 = sess.run(targetQN.Qout,feed_dict={\
                    # done:0  not done:1
                    end_multiplier = -(trainBatch[:,4] - 1) 
                    # target-net 输出的下一步的 Q
                    doubleQ = Q2[range(batch_size*trace_length),Q1] 
                    # 当前 reward+y(discount)*doubleQ*end_multiplier
                    targetQ = trainBatch[:,2] + (y*doubleQ * end_multiplier) 
                    #Update the network with our target values. 
                    # 根据 target 更新网络
                    sess.run(mainQN.updateModel, \
            # 累积 reward
            rAll += r 
            # 更新当前状态
            s = s1 
            # 更新当前状态(扁平化后)
            sP = s1P 
            # 更新 RNN 状态
            state = state1 
            # 若 done 标记有效,直接中断实验
            if d == True: 


        #Add the episode to the experience buffer 将episode 加入 experience buffer
        bufferArray = np.array(episodeBuffer)
        episodeBuffer = list(zip(bufferArray))

        #Periodically save the model.  
        # 定期保存模型
        if i % 1000 == 0 and i != 0:
            print ("Saved Model")
        if len(rList) % summaryLength == 0 and len(rList) != 0:
            print (total_steps,np.mean(rList[-summaryLength:]), e)

代码采用了 DDQN 的方法实现 Q-net,其与 simple DQN 的区别在于使用两个网络 main-QN 和 target-QN,main-QN 用于选择 action ,target-QN 用于评估价值。

simple DQN:

DQN中均使用了 max 操作,使得选择和评估一个动作值都会过高估计,为解决该问题,DDQN 通过将选择动作和评估动作分割开来避免过高估计的问题。

Testing the network

Setting the testing parameters
#The chance of chosing a random action
e = 0.01 
#How many episodes of game environment to train network with.
num_episodes = 10000 
#Whether to load a saved model.
load_model = True 
#The path to save/load our model to/from.
path = "./drqn" 
#The size of the final convolutional layer before splitting it into Advantage and Value streams.
h_size = 512 
#The max allowed length of our episode.
max_epLength = 50 
#Length of each step used in gif creation
time_per_step = 1 
#Number of epidoes to periodically save for analysis
summaryLength = 100 
Start testing
# 清除默认图形堆栈并重置全局默认图形
# 对于 online-net 的 RNN cell
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=h_size,state_is_tuple=True) 
# 对于 target-net 的 RNN cell
cellT = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=h_size,state_is_tuple=True) 
# 建立 online-net
mainQN = Qnetwork(h_size,cell,'main') 
# 建立 target-net
targetQN = Qnetwork(h_size,cellT,'target') 

# 模型参数的初始化器
init = tf.global_variables_initializer() 

# 实例化一个 sarver 对象,训练过程中,定期调用 saver.save 方法,向文件夹中写入包含当前模型中所有可训练变量的 checkpoint 文件,max_to_keep 表明保存的最大 checkpoint 文件数为2
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) 

#create lists to contain total rewards and steps per episode
# 初始化存储每个 episode 的 step 列表
jList = [] 
# 初始化存储每个 episode 的 reward 列表
rList = [] 
# 总步数
total_steps = 0 

#Make a path for our model to be saved in.
# 若模型保存路径不存在,则创建路径
if not os.path.exists(path):

##Write the first line of the master log-file for the Control Center 
# 编写控制中心主日志文件的第一行
with open('./Center/log.csv', 'w') as myfile:
    wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    #wr = csv.writer(open('./Center/log.csv', 'a'), quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
# 创建默认 session(运行tensorflow operation的类)
with tf.Session() as sess: 
    # 若 load_model 标志位为 True(加载已保存的model)
    if load_model == True: 
        print ('Loading Model...')
        ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(path)
        # 加载已保存的模型
        # 运行网络模型的初始化器,初始化模型参数

    # 实验循环开始,遍历 episodes
    for i in range(num_episodes): 
    	# 创建 episode 内部 experience buffer
        episodeBuffer = [] 
        #Reset environment and get first new observation
        # 初始化环境
        sP = env.reset()
        # 扁平化状态长为 21168 向量 
        s = processState(sP) 
        # 初始化 done 标记为0
        d = False 
        # 初始化 episode 内总 reward 为0
        rAll = 0 
        # 初始化 episode 内总 step 为0
        j = 0 
        #Reset the recurrent layer's hidden state
        # 重置 RNN 层的隐式状态
        state = (np.zeros([1,h_size]),np.zeros([1,h_size])) 
        #The Q-Network
        #If the agent takes longer than 200 moves to reach either of the blocks, end the trial. 
        # 遍历 step,每次迭代进行 action
        while j < max_epLength: 
        	# episode 内的 step 总数加1  
            #Choose an action by greedily (with e chance of random action) from the Q-network
            # 若当前总步数小于 pre_train_steps 或概率为 e 的情况下,随机选择下一步 action
            if np.random.rand(1) < e: 
                # 输入当前状态,更新 RNN 状态
                state1 = sess.run(mainQN.rnn_state,\
                # 随机选择下一步 action
                a = np.random.randint(0,4) 
                # 输入当前状态,根据网络预测选择下一步 action,并更新 RNN 状态
                a, state1 = sess.run([mainQN.predict,mainQN.rnn_state],\
                a = a[0]
            # 执行 action,得到下一状态、reward、done标志
            s1P,r,d = env.step(a)
            # 扁平化下一状态 
            s1 = processState(s1P) 
            # 总步数加1
            total_steps += 1 
            #Save the experience to our episode buffer. 
            # 将 step 加入 episode buffer
            # 累积 reward
            rAll += r 
            # 更新当前状态
            s = s1 
            # 更新当前状态(扁平化后)
            sP = s1P 
            # 更新 RNN 状态
            state = state1 
            # 若 done 标记有效,直接中断实验
            if d == True: 


        # 存储当前 episode 的步数和 reward
        bufferArray = np.array(episodeBuffer)

        #Periodically save the model.  
        # 定期保存模型
        if len(rList) % summaryLength == 0 and len(rList) != 0:
            print (total_steps,np.mean(rList[-summaryLength:]), e)
print ("Percent of succesful episodes: " + str(sum(rList)/num_episodes) + "%")
评论 4




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


