

Helped by the internet and new media ,the traditional culture has become a new hotspot by inter grating with tourism in new ways. Tours of Chinese cultur are becoming popular and trendy. In the context of such a boom, how to keep up with the times and to meet people’s new demands serves as an important topic for tourist industry. Museums, as a significant vehicle foe traditional culture tourism, are drawing more attention. Authorities should look at things comprehensively so hat the museum appears elegant but not profound, appealing but not vulgar.
  • new media 新媒体
  • hotspot 热点
  • intergrate 融合
  • trendy 潮流
  • topic 课题
  • industry 业界
  • 有关部门 authorities
  • 优雅而不深奥,亲和而不媚俗elegant but bot profound ,appraling but not vuglar


with the increasingly integrated global economy, it is sensible for university students to acquire a global view. Now most Chinese universities are promoting international exchange programs sending students aboard to engage in a wide range of cultural and educational exchanges. Wang qiang, a colleg undergraduate majoring in biology from a key university in shanghai, said, “ i have never considered furthering my study abroad before. Now i’m thinking about pursuing a master’s degree in Germany or he Netherlands. It will not only be an eye-opener, but a life-changer.”
  • 全球经济一体化 intergrated global economy
  • 全球视野 global view
  • 国际交流项目 international exchange programs
  • 重点大学 key university
  • 出国深造 study abroad
  • 荷兰 Netherlands
  • 开阔眼界 eye-opener
  • 改变人生 life-changer


with the box office success of so young, directed by zhao wei, people are looking back on youth — an era of passion and pain, of hope and heartbreak. The reason for this nostalgic wave vary across different generations. To those born in 1970s, they miss the innocence lost in the materialism prevalent in today’s world. To the pst-1980s and post1990s generations, they have very high expecatations toward life and their disappointment and frustration with reality is huge, as they turn to the past for comfort, even though they were still young then.
  • 票房成功 box office success
  • 时代 era
  • 童真 innocence
  • 物质主义 materialism
  • 一代人 generation


according to a national survey, only 21percent of recipients are satisfied with their physical and mental health, while about 70 percent see themselves as being in a state of sub-health, the population’s sub-health is seen as an inevitable outcome of china’s development. In the pursuit of economic progress, society is putting too much pressure on each individual in terms of their financial security, their environment, and their social values. This is a bad sign because an unhealthy workforce leads to an unhealthy society, which will hamper social development of the problem is not properly addressed.
  • 调查 survey
  • 亚健康 sub-health
  • 等方面 in terms of
  • 经济保障 financial security
  • 所处环境 environment
  • 社会价值观 social values
  • 劳动力 workforce


in the past, beautiful handwriting was a source of pride and a tribute to the country’s tradition. But such pride is hardly felt by today’s young problems when writing characters by hand. This character amnesia happens because most people use digital input systems base on pinyin, which translate Chinese characters into the alphabet.this means users must recognize the character, but they don’t need to remember the strokes. Of course, Chinese characters are difficult to enter into computers and mobile phone.
  • 受访者 respondents
  • 输入系统 input system
  • 拼音 pinyin
  • 中国汉字Chinese characters
  • 字母 alphabet


the research of hybrid rice began in 1964, when yuan longping, a teacher from hunan province, first put forward the idea and conducted research on it. After years of field testing in many area of south china, great breakthrough was achieved in 1976. With the widespread application of the new technology since then, china’s rice outputs have risen significantly. And the technology has been exported to other countries. Yuan long pin was honored with the name “father of hybrid rice”. His remarkable achievements have not only effectively solved food shortage problems in china, but also are recognized as a desirable solution to the worldwide famine.
  • 提出设想 put forward the idea
  • 大面积推广 with the widespread application of
  • 产量 outputs
  • 出口 export
  • 世界性饥饿 worldwide famine


 as is documented in the ancient Chinese literature, shen nong, also called yan
  di, and huang di were two most distinguished rulers of various tribes in the patriarchal society. Shen nong is credited with the invention of farming and mediation. Huang di is said to be the inventor of carts,boats, clothes, houses, writings and silk weaving. Eventually wars formed a tribal alliance, and huang di became the chief. Tradition has it that the Chinese civlization originates from the era of huang di and yan di, so they are the ancestors of Chinese people; that’s why the Chinese call themselves the descendants of yan and huang.
  • 文献 literature
  • 部落领袖 tribute’s rluer
  • 医药 mediation
  • 丝织 silk weaving
  • 最高领袖 the cheif
  • 起源 originate
  • 祖先 ancestor
  • 炎黄子孙 the descendants of yan and huang


a dream of red mansions, written by cao xueqin in the mid-18th century, is an encyclopedia novel. The characters described in the novel cover almost the whole class of Chinese society at that time, from merchants to farmers. The author succeeded in portraying more than 700 characters. He not only displayed the human nature, but also expressed the influence of the surroundings and society on it. The language, constructure and character creation used in the novel reached the top of the Chinese classic.novels.
  • 红楼梦 a dream of red mansions
  • 18世纪中期 mid-18 centuries
  • 皇亲国戚达官贵人 relatives of the emperor and the noble officers
  • 少女 maids
  • 和尚 monks
  • 商人 merchants
  • 农民 farmers
  • 刻画 portray


qu yuan (340B.C—278B.C)is remembered as patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born to an aristocratic family in the state old church. As a court minster, qu yuan attempted persuade the king of the state of chu to promote the talented and to govern with laws and repretative work, is the first-person narrative poem, he successfully created the image of a chaste and lofty gentleman by using himself as the prototype. The poem was complied into a collection of poetry called odes of chu, which marks the fountainhead of the ramontic strain of Chinese literature.
  • 爱国 patriotic
  • 贵族 aristocrat
  • 朝廷大臣 court minister
  • 代表作 representation
  • 选贤举能 promote the talented
  • 长篇抒情诗 long lyric poem
  • 杰作 masterpiece
  • 浪漫主义 romanticisim
  • 君子 gentleman
  • 被编入 be complied into
  • 源头 Mark the fountainhead of romantic strain


beijing Opera is the most popular and influential opera in china with a history of more than 200 years. In the course of its formation, Beijing opera absorbed the best from many other local operas and was influenced by the Beijing local dialect and customs. Though originated in Beijing, Beijing opera is not confined to the city, as many troubles can be found in much of china. What are staged at present are primarily three types, namely, traditional. Beijing operas, newly composed historical ones and modern ones. Beijing opera, while a large number of Beijing opera, enjoys a high reputation both inside and outside china at home and abroad. A great many foreigners have come to china to learn Beijing opera, while a large number of Beijing opera troupes and famous opera actors and actresses have been invited to perform abroad and highly appreciated by foreign audiences.
  • 形成过程中 in the course of its formation
  • 方言 local dialects
  • 不限于 be not confined to
  • 新编历史剧 newly composed historical one
  • 国内外 at home and abroad
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