STM32F0xx系列 基于LL库的Flash模拟EEPROM


1 因为LL库里并没有Flash相关的库函数,为了方便,于是我就仿照LL库的风格写了一个Flash函数库,连接:Flash的函数

typedef enum {
	LL_BUSY = 2U,




#include "eeprom.h"

#include "stm32f0xx_ll_flash_ex.h"

/* Global variable used to store variable value in read sequence */
uint16_t DataVar = 0;

/* Virtual address defined by the user: 0xFFFF value is prohibited */
extern uint16_t VirtAddVarTab[NB_OF_VAR];

/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
static LL_StatusTypeDef EE_Format(void);
static uint16_t EE_FindValidPage(uint8_t Operation);
static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data);
static uint16_t EE_PageTransfer(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data);
static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(uint32_t Address);

  * @brief  Restore the pages to a known good state in case of page's status
  *   corruption after a power loss.
  * @param  None.
  * @retval - Flash error code: on write Flash error
  *         - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
uint16_t EE_Init(void)
	uint16_t pagestatus0 = 6, pagestatus1 = 6;
	uint16_t varidx = 0;
	uint16_t eepromstatus = 0, readstatus = 0;
	int16_t x = -1;
	LL_StatusTypeDef  flashstatus;

	/* Get Page0 status */
	pagestatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS);
	/* Get Page1 status */
	pagestatus1 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS);

	/* Check for invalid header states and repair if necessary */
	switch (pagestatus0)
	case ERASED:
		if (pagestatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Page0 erased, Page1 valid */
			/* Erase Page0 */
				flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
				/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
					return flashstatus;
		else if (pagestatus1 == RECEIVE_DATA) /* Page0 erased, Page1 receive */
			/* Erase Page0 */
				flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
				/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
					return flashstatus;
			/* Mark Page1 as valid */
			flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16, PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE);
			/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;
		else /* First EEPROM access (Page0&1 are erased) or invalid state -> format EEPROM */
			/* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
			flashstatus = EE_Format();
			/* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;

    case RECEIVE_DATA:
		if (pagestatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Page0 receive, Page1 valid */
			/* Transfer data from Page1 to Page0 */
			for (varidx = 0; varidx < NB_OF_VAR; varidx++)
				if (( *(__IO uint16_t*)(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS + 6)) == VirtAddVarTab[varidx])
					x = varidx;
				if (varidx != x)
					/* Read the last variables' updates */
					readstatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[varidx], &DataVar);
					/* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */
					if (readstatus != 0x1)
						/* Transfer the variable to the Page0 */
						eepromstatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[varidx], DataVar);
						/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
						if (eepromstatus != LL_OK)
							return eepromstatus;
			/* Mark Page0 as valid */
			flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16, PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE);
			/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;
			/* Erase Page1 */
				flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
				/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
					return flashstatus;
		else if (pagestatus1 == ERASED) /* Page0 receive, Page1 erased */
			/* Erase Page1 */
				flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
				/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
					return flashstatus;
			/* Mark Page0 as valid */
			flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16,PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, VALID_PAGE);
			/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;
		else /* Invalid state -> format eeprom */
			/* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
			flashstatus = EE_Format();
			/* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;

    case VALID_PAGE:
		if (pagestatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Invalid state -> format eeprom */
			/* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
			flashstatus = EE_Format();
			/* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;
      else if (pagestatus1 == ERASED) /* Page0 valid, Page1 erased */
			/* Erase Page1 */
				flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
				/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
					return flashstatus;
      else /* Page0 valid, Page1 receive */
        /* Transfer data from Page0 to Page1 */
			for (varidx = 0; varidx < NB_OF_VAR; varidx++)
				if ((*(__IO uint16_t*)(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS + 6)) == VirtAddVarTab[varidx])
					x = varidx;
				if (varidx != x)
					/* Read the last variables' updates */
					readstatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[varidx], &DataVar);
					/* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */
					if (readstatus != 0x1)
						/* Transfer the variable to the Page1 */
						eepromstatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[varidx], DataVar);
						/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
						if (eepromstatus != LL_OK)
							return eepromstatus;
			/* Mark Page1 as valid */
			flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16,PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS,VALID_PAGE);
			/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;
			/* Erase Page0 */
				flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
				/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
					return flashstatus;

	default:  /* Any other state -> format eeprom */
		/* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
		flashstatus = EE_Format();
		/* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
		if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
			return flashstatus;
	return LL_OK;

  * @brief  Verify if specified page is fully erased.
  * @param  Address: page address
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS: Page0 base address
  *     @arg PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS: Page1 base address
  * @retval page fully erased status:
  *           - 0: if Page not erased
  *           - 1: if Page erased
uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(uint32_t Address)
	uint32_t readstatus = 1;
	uint16_t addressvalue = 0x5555;
	/* Check each active page address starting from end */
	while (Address <= PAGE0_END_ADDRESS)
		/* Get the current location content to be compared with virtual address */
		addressvalue = (*(__IO uint16_t*)Address);

		/* Compare the read address with the virtual address */
		if (addressvalue != ERASED)
			/* In case variable value is read, reset readstatus flag */
			readstatus = 0;

		/* Next address location */
		Address = Address + 4;
	/* Return readstatus value: (0: Page not erased, 1: Page erased) */
	return readstatus;

  * @brief  Returns the last stored variable data, if found, which correspond to
  *   the passed virtual address
  * @param  VirtAddress: Variable virtual address
  * @param  Data: Global variable contains the read variable value
  * @retval Success or error status:
  *           - 0: if variable was found
  *           - 1: if the variable was not found
  *           - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found.
uint16_t EE_ReadVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t* Data)
	uint16_t validpage = PAGE0;
	uint16_t addressvalue = 0x5555, readstatus = 1;
	uint32_t address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS, PageStartAddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS;

	/* Get active Page for read operation */
	validpage = EE_FindValidPage(READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE);

	/* Check if there is no valid page */
	if (validpage == NO_VALID_PAGE)
		return  NO_VALID_PAGE;

	/* Get the valid Page start Address */
	PageStartAddress = (uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (uint32_t)(validpage * PAGE_SIZE));

	/* Get the valid Page end Address */
	address = (uint32_t)((EEPROM_START_ADDRESS - 2) + (uint32_t)((1 + validpage) * PAGE_SIZE));

	/* Check each active page address starting from end */
	while (address > (PageStartAddress + 2))
		/* Get the current location content to be compared with virtual address */
		addressvalue = (*(__IO uint16_t*)address);

		/* Compare the read address with the virtual address */
		if (addressvalue == VirtAddress)
			/* Get content of Address-2 which is variable value */
			*Data = (*(__IO uint16_t*)(address - 2));

			/* In case variable value is read, reset readstatus flag */
			readstatus = 0;

			/* Next address location */
			address = address - 4;

	/* Return readstatus value: (0: variable exist, 1: variable doesn't exist) */
	return readstatus;

  * @brief  Writes/upadtes variable data in EEPROM.
  * @param  VirtAddress: Variable virtual address
  * @param  Data: 16 bit data to be written
  * @retval Success or error status:
  *           - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
  *           - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full
  *           - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found
  *           - Flash error code: on write Flash error
uint16_t EE_WriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data)
	uint16_t Status = 0;

	/* Write the variable virtual address and value in the EEPROM */
	Status = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddress, Data);

	/* In case the EEPROM active page is full */
	if (Status == PAGE_FULL)
		/* Perform Page transfer */
		Status = EE_PageTransfer(VirtAddress, Data);

	/* Return last operation status */
	return Status;

  * @brief  Erases PAGE and PAGE1 and writes VALID_PAGE header to PAGE
  * @param  None
  * @retval Status of the last operation (Flash write or erase) done during
  *         EEPROM formating
static LL_StatusTypeDef EE_Format(void)
	LL_StatusTypeDef flashstatus = LL_OK;
		flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
		/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
		if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
			return flashstatus;
  /* Set Page0 as valid page: Write VALID_PAGE at Page0 base address */
	flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16,PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS,VALID_PAGE);
	/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
	if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
		return flashstatus;

//  s_eraseinit.PageAddress = PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS;
  /* Erase Page1 */
		flashstatus = LL_Flash_PageErase(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS,1);
		/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
		if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
			return flashstatus;
	return LL_OK;

  * @brief  Find valid Page for write or read operation
  * @param  Operation: operation to achieve on the valid page.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE: read operation from valid page
  *     @arg WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE: write operation from valid page
  * @retval Valid page number (PAGE or PAGE1) or NO_VALID_PAGE in case
  *   of no valid page was found
static uint16_t EE_FindValidPage(uint8_t Operation)
	uint16_t pagestatus0 = 6, pagestatus1 = 6;

	/* Get Page0 actual status */
	pagestatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS);

	/* Get Page1 actual status */
	pagestatus1 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS);

	/* Write or read operation */
	switch (Operation)
    case WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE:   /* ---- Write operation ---- */
		if (pagestatus1 == VALID_PAGE)
			/* Page0 receiving data */
			if (pagestatus0 == RECEIVE_DATA)
				return PAGE0;         /* Page0 valid */
				return PAGE1;         /* Page1 valid */
		else if (pagestatus0 == VALID_PAGE)
			/* Page1 receiving data */
			if (pagestatus1 == RECEIVE_DATA)
				return PAGE1;         /* Page1 valid */
				return PAGE0;         /* Page0 valid */
			return NO_VALID_PAGE;   /* No valid Page */

	case READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE:  /* ---- Read operation ---- */
		if (pagestatus0 == VALID_PAGE)
			return PAGE0;           /* Page0 valid */
		else if (pagestatus1 == VALID_PAGE)
			return PAGE1;           /* Page1 valid */
			return NO_VALID_PAGE ;  /* No valid Page */

		return PAGE0;             /* Page0 valid */

  * @brief  Verify if active page is full and Writes variable in EEPROM.
  * @param  VirtAddress: 16 bit virtual address of the variable
  * @param  Data: 16 bit data to be written as variable value
  * @retval Success or error status:
  *           - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
  *           - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full
  *           - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found
  *           - Flash error code: on write Flash error
static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data)
	LL_StatusTypeDef flashstatus = LL_OK;
	uint16_t validpage = PAGE0;
	uint32_t address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS, pageendaddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS+PAGE_SIZE;

	/* Get valid Page for write operation */
	validpage = EE_FindValidPage(WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE);
	/* Check if there is no valid page */
	if (validpage == NO_VALID_PAGE)
		return  NO_VALID_PAGE;

	/* Get the valid Page start address */
	address = (uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (uint32_t)(validpage * PAGE_SIZE));

	/* Get the valid Page end address */
	pageendaddress = (uint32_t)((EEPROM_START_ADDRESS - 1) + (uint32_t)((validpage + 1) * PAGE_SIZE));

	/* Check each active page address starting from begining */
	while (address < pageendaddress)
		/* Verify if address and address+2 contents are 0xFFFFFFFF */
		if ((*(__IO uint32_t*)address) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
			/* Set variable data */
			flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16,address,Data);
			/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
			if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
				return flashstatus;
			/* Set variable virtual address */
			flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16,address + 2, VirtAddress);
			/* Return program operation status */
			return flashstatus;
			/* Next address location */
			address = address + 4;
	/* Return PAGE_FULL in case the valid page is full */
	return PAGE_FULL;

  * @brief  Transfers last updated variables data from the full Page to
  *   an empty one.
  * @param  VirtAddress: 16 bit virtual address of the variable
  * @param  Data: 16 bit data to be written as variable value
  * @retval Success or error status:
  *           - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
  *           - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full
  *           - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found
  *           - Flash error code: on write Flash error
static uint16_t EE_PageTransfer(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data)
	LL_StatusTypeDef flashstatus = LL_OK;
	uint32_t newpageaddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS;
	uint32_t oldpageid = 0;
	uint16_t validpage = PAGE0, varidx = 0;
	uint16_t eepromstatus = 0, readstatus = 0;

	/* Get active Page for read operation */
	validpage = EE_FindValidPage(READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE);

	if (validpage == PAGE1)       /* Page1 valid */
		/* New page address where variable will be moved to */
		newpageaddress = PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS;

		/* Old page ID where variable will be taken from */
		oldpageid = PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS;
	else if (validpage == PAGE0)  /* Page0 valid */
		/* New page address  where variable will be moved to */
		newpageaddress = PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS;

		/* Old page ID where variable will be taken from */
		oldpageid = PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS;
		return NO_VALID_PAGE;       /* No valid Page */

	/* Set the new Page status to RECEIVE_DATA status */
	flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16, newpageaddress, RECEIVE_DATA);
	/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
	if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
		return flashstatus;
	/* Write the variable passed as parameter in the new active page */
	eepromstatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddress, Data);
  /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
	if (eepromstatus != LL_OK)
		return eepromstatus;

  /* Transfer process: transfer variables from old to the new active page */
	for (varidx = 0; varidx < NB_OF_VAR; varidx++)
		if (VirtAddVarTab[varidx] != VirtAddress)  /* Check each variable except the one passed as parameter */
			/* Read the other last variable updates */
			readstatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[varidx], &DataVar);
			/* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */
			if (readstatus != 0x1)
				/* Transfer the variable to the new active page */
				eepromstatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[varidx], DataVar);
				/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
				if (eepromstatus != LL_OK)
					return eepromstatus;
	/* Erase the old Page: Set old Page status to ERASED status */

	flashstatus =LL_Flash_PageErase(oldpageid,1);  
	/* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
	if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
		return flashstatus;

	/* Set new Page status to VALID_PAGE status */
	flashstatus = LL_FLASH_Program(ProgaraType_DATA16, newpageaddress, VALID_PAGE);
	/* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
	if (flashstatus != LL_OK)
		return flashstatus;
	/* Return last operation flash status */
	return flashstatus;


#ifndef __EEPROM_H
#define __EEPROM_H

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f0xx.h"
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Base address of the Flash sectors */
#if (FLASH_PAGE_SIZE==0x0800u)

#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_0     ((uint32_t)0x08000000) /* Base @ of Page 0, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_1     ((uint32_t)0x08000800) /* Base @ of Page 1, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_2     ((uint32_t)0x08001000) /* Base @ of Page 2, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_3     ((uint32_t)0x08001800) /* Base @ of Page 3, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_4     ((uint32_t)0x08002000) /* Base @ of Page 4, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_5     ((uint32_t)0x08002800) /* Base @ of Page 5, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_6     ((uint32_t)0x08003000) /* Base @ of Page 6, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_7     ((uint32_t)0x08003800) /* Base @ of Page 7, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_8     ((uint32_t)0x08004000) /* Base @ of Page 8, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_9     ((uint32_t)0x08004800) /* Base @ of Page 9, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_10    ((uint32_t)0x08005000) /* Base @ of Page 10, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_11    ((uint32_t)0x08005800) /* Base @ of Page 11, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_12    ((uint32_t)0x08006000) /* Base @ of Page 12, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_13    ((uint32_t)0x08006800) /* Base @ of Page 13, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_14    ((uint32_t)0x08007000) /* Base @ of Page 14, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_15    ((uint32_t)0x08007800) /* Base @ of Page 15, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_16    ((uint32_t)0x08008000) /* Base @ of Page 16, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_17    ((uint32_t)0x08008800) /* Base @ of Page 17, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_18    ((uint32_t)0x08009000) /* Base @ of Page 18, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_19    ((uint32_t)0x08009800) /* Base @ of Page 19, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_20    ((uint32_t)0x0800A000) /* Base @ of Page 20, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_21    ((uint32_t)0x0800A800) /* Base @ of Page 21, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_22    ((uint32_t)0x0800B000) /* Base @ of Page 22, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_23    ((uint32_t)0x0800B800) /* Base @ of Page 23, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_24    ((uint32_t)0x0800C000) /* Base @ of Page 24, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_25    ((uint32_t)0x0800C800) /* Base @ of Page 25, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_26    ((uint32_t)0x0800D000) /* Base @ of Page 26, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_27    ((uint32_t)0x0800D800) /* Base @ of Page 27, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_28    ((uint32_t)0x0800E000) /* Base @ of Page 28, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_29    ((uint32_t)0x0800E800) /* Base @ of Page 29, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_30    ((uint32_t)0x0800F000) /* Base @ of Page 30, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_31    ((uint32_t)0x0800F800) /* Base @ of Page 31, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_32    ((uint32_t)0x08010000) /* Base @ of Page 32, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_33    ((uint32_t)0x08010800) /* Base @ of Page 33, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_34    ((uint32_t)0x08011000) /* Base @ of Page 34, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_35    ((uint32_t)0x08011800) /* Base @ of Page 35, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_36    ((uint32_t)0x08012000) /* Base @ of Page 36, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_37    ((uint32_t)0x08012800) /* Base @ of Page 37, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_38    ((uint32_t)0x08013000) /* Base @ of Page 38, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_39    ((uint32_t)0x08013800) /* Base @ of Page 39, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_40    ((uint32_t)0x08014000) /* Base @ of Page 40, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_41    ((uint32_t)0x08014800) /* Base @ of Page 41, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_42    ((uint32_t)0x08015000) /* Base @ of Page 42, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_43    ((uint32_t)0x08015800) /* Base @ of Page 43, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_44    ((uint32_t)0x08016000) /* Base @ of Page 44, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_45    ((uint32_t)0x08016800) /* Base @ of Page 45, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_46    ((uint32_t)0x08017000) /* Base @ of Page 46, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_47    ((uint32_t)0x08017800) /* Base @ of Page 47, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_48    ((uint32_t)0x08018000) /* Base @ of Page 48, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_49    ((uint32_t)0x08018800) /* Base @ of Page 49, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_50    ((uint32_t)0x08019000) /* Base @ of Page 50, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_51    ((uint32_t)0x08019800) /* Base @ of Page 51, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_52    ((uint32_t)0x0801A000) /* Base @ of Page 52, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_53    ((uint32_t)0x0801A800) /* Base @ of Page 53, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_54    ((uint32_t)0x0801B000) /* Base @ of Page 54, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_55    ((uint32_t)0x0801B800) /* Base @ of Page 55, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_56    ((uint32_t)0x0801C000) /* Base @ of Page 56, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_57    ((uint32_t)0x0801C800) /* Base @ of Page 57, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_58    ((uint32_t)0x0801D000) /* Base @ of Page 58, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_59    ((uint32_t)0x0801D800) /* Base @ of Page 59, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_60    ((uint32_t)0x0801E000) /* Base @ of Page 60, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_61    ((uint32_t)0x0801E800) /* Base @ of Page 61, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_62    ((uint32_t)0x0801F000) /* Base @ of Page 62, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_63    ((uint32_t)0x0801F800) /* Base @ of Page 63, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_64    ((uint32_t)0x08020000) /* Base @ of Page 64, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_65    ((uint32_t)0x08020800) /* Base @ of Page 65, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_66    ((uint32_t)0x08021000) /* Base @ of Page 66, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_67    ((uint32_t)0x08021800) /* Base @ of Page 67, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_68    ((uint32_t)0x08022000) /* Base @ of Page 68, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_69    ((uint32_t)0x08022800) /* Base @ of Page 69, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_70    ((uint32_t)0x08023000) /* Base @ of Page 70, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_71    ((uint32_t)0x08023800) /* Base @ of Page 71, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_72    ((uint32_t)0x08024000) /* Base @ of Page 72, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_73    ((uint32_t)0x08024800) /* Base @ of Page 73, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_74    ((uint32_t)0x08025000) /* Base @ of Page 74, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_75    ((uint32_t)0x08025800) /* Base @ of Page 75, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_76    ((uint32_t)0x08026000) /* Base @ of Page 76, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_77    ((uint32_t)0x08026800) /* Base @ of Page 77, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_78    ((uint32_t)0x08027000) /* Base @ of Page 78, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_79    ((uint32_t)0x08027800) /* Base @ of Page 79, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_80    ((uint32_t)0x08028000) /* Base @ of Page 80, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_81    ((uint32_t)0x08028800) /* Base @ of Page 81, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_82    ((uint32_t)0x08029000) /* Base @ of Page 82, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_83    ((uint32_t)0x08029800) /* Base @ of Page 83, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_84    ((uint32_t)0x0802A000) /* Base @ of Page 84, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_85    ((uint32_t)0x0802A800) /* Base @ of Page 85, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_86    ((uint32_t)0x0802B000) /* Base @ of Page 86, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_87    ((uint32_t)0x0802B800) /* Base @ of Page 87, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_88    ((uint32_t)0x0802C000) /* Base @ of Page 88, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_89    ((uint32_t)0x0802C800) /* Base @ of Page 89, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_90    ((uint32_t)0x0802D000) /* Base @ of Page 90, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_91    ((uint32_t)0x0802D800) /* Base @ of Page 91, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_92    ((uint32_t)0x0802E000) /* Base @ of Page 92, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_93    ((uint32_t)0x0802E800) /* Base @ of Page 93, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_94    ((uint32_t)0x0802F000) /* Base @ of Page 94, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_95    ((uint32_t)0x0802F800) /* Base @ of Page 95, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_96    ((uint32_t)0x08030000) /* Base @ of Page 96, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_97    ((uint32_t)0x08030800) /* Base @ of Page 97, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_98    ((uint32_t)0x08031000) /* Base @ of Page 98, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_99    ((uint32_t)0x08031800) /* Base @ of Page 99, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_100   ((uint32_t)0x08032000) /* Base @ of Page 100, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_101   ((uint32_t)0x08032800) /* Base @ of Page 101, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_102   ((uint32_t)0x08033000) /* Base @ of Page 102, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_103   ((uint32_t)0x08033800) /* Base @ of Page 103, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_104   ((uint32_t)0x08034000) /* Base @ of Page 104, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_105   ((uint32_t)0x08034800) /* Base @ of Page 105, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_106   ((uint32_t)0x08035000) /* Base @ of Page 106, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_107   ((uint32_t)0x08035800) /* Base @ of Page 107, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_108   ((uint32_t)0x08036000) /* Base @ of Page 108, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_109   ((uint32_t)0x08036800) /* Base @ of Page 109, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_110   ((uint32_t)0x08037000) /* Base @ of Page 110, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_111   ((uint32_t)0x08037800) /* Base @ of Page 111, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_112   ((uint32_t)0x08038000) /* Base @ of Page 112, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_113   ((uint32_t)0x08038800) /* Base @ of Page 113, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_114   ((uint32_t)0x08039000) /* Base @ of Page 114, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_115   ((uint32_t)0x08039800) /* Base @ of Page 115, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_116   ((uint32_t)0x0803A000) /* Base @ of Page 116, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_117   ((uint32_t)0x0803A800) /* Base @ of Page 117, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_118   ((uint32_t)0x0803B000) /* Base @ of Page 118, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_119   ((uint32_t)0x0803B800) /* Base @ of Page 119, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_120   ((uint32_t)0x0803C000) /* Base @ of Page 120, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_121   ((uint32_t)0x0803C800) /* Base @ of Page 121, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_122   ((uint32_t)0x0803D000) /* Base @ of Page 122, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_123   ((uint32_t)0x0803D800) /* Base @ of Page 123, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_124   ((uint32_t)0x0803E000) /* Base @ of Page 124, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_125   ((uint32_t)0x0803E800) /* Base @ of Page 125, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_126   ((uint32_t)0x0803F000) /* Base @ of Page 126, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_127   ((uint32_t)0x0803F800) /* Base @ of Page 127, 2 Kbytes */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_0     ((uint32_t)0x08000000) /* Base @ of Page 0, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_1     ((uint32_t)0x08000400) /* Base @ of Page 1, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_2     ((uint32_t)0x08000800) /* Base @ of Page 2, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_3     ((uint32_t)0x08000C00) /* Base @ of Page 3, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_4     ((uint32_t)0x08001000) /* Base @ of Page 4, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_5     ((uint32_t)0x08001400) /* Base @ of Page 5, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_6     ((uint32_t)0x08001800) /* Base @ of Page 6, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_7     ((uint32_t)0x08001C00) /* Base @ of Page 7, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_8     ((uint32_t)0x08002000) /* Base @ of Page 8, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_9     ((uint32_t)0x08002400) /* Base @ of Page 9, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_10    ((uint32_t)0x08002800) /* Base @ of Page 10, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_11    ((uint32_t)0x08002C00) /* Base @ of Page 11, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_12    ((uint32_t)0x08003000) /* Base @ of Page 12, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_13    ((uint32_t)0x08003400) /* Base @ of Page 13, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_14    ((uint32_t)0x08003800) /* Base @ of Page 14, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_15    ((uint32_t)0x08003C00) /* Base @ of Page 15, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_16    ((uint32_t)0x08004000) /* Base @ of Page 16, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_17    ((uint32_t)0x08004400) /* Base @ of Page 17, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_18    ((uint32_t)0x08004800) /* Base @ of Page 18, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_19    ((uint32_t)0x08004C00) /* Base @ of Page 19, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_20    ((uint32_t)0x08005000) /* Base @ of Page 20, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_21    ((uint32_t)0x08005400) /* Base @ of Page 21, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_22    ((uint32_t)0x08005800) /* Base @ of Page 22, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_23    ((uint32_t)0x08005C00) /* Base @ of Page 23, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_24    ((uint32_t)0x08006000) /* Base @ of Page 24, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_25    ((uint32_t)0x08006400) /* Base @ of Page 25, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_26    ((uint32_t)0x08006800) /* Base @ of Page 26, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_27    ((uint32_t)0x08006C00) /* Base @ of Page 27, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_28    ((uint32_t)0x08007000) /* Base @ of Page 28, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_29    ((uint32_t)0x08007400) /* Base @ of Page 29, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_30    ((uint32_t)0x08007800) /* Base @ of Page 30, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_31    ((uint32_t)0x08007C00) /* Base @ of Page 31, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_32    ((uint32_t)0x08008000) /* Base @ of Page 32, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_33    ((uint32_t)0x08008400) /* Base @ of Page 33, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_34    ((uint32_t)0x08008800) /* Base @ of Page 34, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_35    ((uint32_t)0x08008C00) /* Base @ of Page 35, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_36    ((uint32_t)0x08009000) /* Base @ of Page 36, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_37    ((uint32_t)0x08009400) /* Base @ of Page 37, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_38    ((uint32_t)0x08009800) /* Base @ of Page 38, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_39    ((uint32_t)0x08009C00) /* Base @ of Page 39, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_40    ((uint32_t)0x0800A000) /* Base @ of Page 40, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_41    ((uint32_t)0x0800A400) /* Base @ of Page 41, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_42    ((uint32_t)0x0800A800) /* Base @ of Page 42, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_43    ((uint32_t)0x0800AC00) /* Base @ of Page 43, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_44    ((uint32_t)0x0800B000) /* Base @ of Page 44, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_45    ((uint32_t)0x0800B400) /* Base @ of Page 45, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_46    ((uint32_t)0x0800B800) /* Base @ of Page 46, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_47    ((uint32_t)0x0800BC00) /* Base @ of Page 47, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_48    ((uint32_t)0x0800C000) /* Base @ of Page 48, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_49    ((uint32_t)0x0800C400) /* Base @ of Page 49, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_50    ((uint32_t)0x0800C800) /* Base @ of Page 50, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_51    ((uint32_t)0x0800CC00) /* Base @ of Page 51, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_52    ((uint32_t)0x0800D000) /* Base @ of Page 52, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_53    ((uint32_t)0x0800D400) /* Base @ of Page 53, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_54    ((uint32_t)0x0800D800) /* Base @ of Page 54, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_55    ((uint32_t)0x0800DC00) /* Base @ of Page 55, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_56    ((uint32_t)0x0800E000) /* Base @ of Page 56, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_57    ((uint32_t)0x0800E400) /* Base @ of Page 57, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_58    ((uint32_t)0x0800E800) /* Base @ of Page 58, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_59    ((uint32_t)0x0800EC00) /* Base @ of Page 59, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_60    ((uint32_t)0x0800F000) /* Base @ of Page 60, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_61    ((uint32_t)0x0800F400) /* Base @ of Page 61, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_62    ((uint32_t)0x0800F800) /* Base @ of Page 62, 1 Kbyte */
#define ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_63    ((uint32_t)0x0800FC00) /* Base @ of Page 63, 1 Kbyte */

/* Define the size of the sectors to be used */
#define PAGE_SIZE               (uint32_t)FLASH_PAGE_SIZE  /* Page size */

/* EEPROM start address in Flash */
#define EEPROM_START_ADDRESS  ((uint32_t)ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_16) /* EEPROM emulation start address */

/* Pages 0 and 1 base and end addresses */
#define PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS    ((uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + 0x0000))
#define PAGE0_END_ADDRESS     ((uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)))

#define PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS    ((uint32_t)(ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_48))
#define PAGE1_END_ADDRESS     ((uint32_t)(ADDR_FLASH_PAGE_48 + PAGE_SIZE - 1))

/* Used Flash pages for EEPROM emulation */
#define PAGE0                 ((uint16_t)0x0000)
#define PAGE1                 ((uint16_t)32) /* Page nb between PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS & PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS*/

/* No valid page define */
#define NO_VALID_PAGE         ((uint16_t)0x00AB)

/* Page status definitions */
#define ERASED                ((uint16_t)0xFFFF)     /* Page is empty */
#define RECEIVE_DATA          ((uint16_t)0xEEEE)     /* Page is marked to receive data */
#define VALID_PAGE            ((uint16_t)0x0000)     /* Page containing valid data */

/* Valid pages in read and write defines */
#define READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE  ((uint8_t)0x00)
#define WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE   ((uint8_t)0x01)

/* Page full define */
#define PAGE_FULL             ((uint8_t)0x80)

/* Variables' number */
#define NB_OF_VAR             ((uint8_t)0x03)

/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
uint16_t EE_Init(void);
uint16_t EE_ReadVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t* Data);
uint16_t EE_WriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data);

#endif /* __EEPROM_H */



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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


