

2.must 与 have to点击跳转
3.mustn’t 和 don’t have to点击跳转
4.had to 和 will have to点击跳转
5.should 与 must点击跳转
7.can 和 could点击跳转
8.Be able to点击跳转
9.May 与 might点击跳转
10.may not 和 can’t / might 的区别点击跳转
11.Can I / We点击跳转
13.Can / Could you点击跳转
15.will 与 would点击跳转
17.used to点击跳转




     ~~~~      can / could / be able to
     ~~~~      may might
     ~~~~      shall / should / ought to
     ~~~~      will would
     ~~~~      must / have to
     ~~~~      need to do
     ~~~~      dare to do

2、must 与 have to

① must 与 have to 在大多数情况下没有区别,have to 表达了更多的一层意思:被迫

     ~~~~      You have to drive on the left in the UK. 在英国,你必须开车走左侧
     ~~~~      Do you have to drive on the left in the UK?这里 have to 并不是情态动词,不能直接提前

     ~~~~      Jack has to work on Sundays.
     ~~~~      Does Jack have to work?

     ~~~~      Do your childen have to attend interest-oriented classes after school. 你的孩子必须要在放学后上课外兴趣班吗

② must 表主动,have to 表被动

③ 表 “推测”:用 must,must be + 表语” 的结构表示推测,它的否定或疑问式用 can 代替 must

④ must 否定回答,用 not have to/not need to

注: have to 有情态动词的特性,但不属于情态动词

3、mustn’t 和 don’t have to

mustn’t:Don’t do this! 禁止

don’t have to:This isn’t necessary! ,可以做,但是没必要,两者情感不同

You don’t have to pay now, 你没必要现在付钱(不过你现在要付也可以)

4、had to 和 will have to

have to 的过去时:had to、 have to 的将来时:will have to

     ~~~~      I had to leave the company at 10 pm. 过去的某天晚上必须十点离开公司

     ~~~~      Did you have to leave the company at 10 pm

     ~~~~      I will have to do the coronavirus test after going back to Sichuan.在离开四川之后,我不得不做核酸


① 常用于表达“建议、意见观点”

② should = ought to(出现频率较低),疑问句 Should 提前

     ~~~~      He should be more careful.

     ~~~~      Peple shouldn’t drive fast in rain.

     ~~~~      Should I wear a tie?

6、should 与 must

① 语气强弱的问题,should 是一种建议,must 表示必须要做,见习题

7、can 和 could

(1)表 “许可” :could 比 can 更委婉,如:Could you speak Chinese?

(2)表 “能力” : could 是 can 的过去时,could 通常只用于表示过去一般性能力,而不表示过去具体某次特定情形下能够做某事的能力,但是注意 could 不仅表示 can 的过去式,还可以表示一种委婉的语气

(3)表 “推测”:can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,一般不用于肯定句,而 could 则可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句;

(4)表示 “有时”:can + be / only

(5)表 “惊讶、怀疑”

(6)两种例外情况:① 理论上不可能但实际上有可能;② can + only 时,表示 “只能够”

     ~~~~      I could sing songs when I was ten months old.

     ~~~~      I couldn’t understand the teacher in math class.

8、Be able to:能够

这个不是情态动词, 但后面 + 动词原型,表示能够

I am able to speak Spanish

I want to be able to speak Spanish

注:can 与 be able to 大多情况可以互换,但是上面的第二个例句中不可以。

9、May 与 might

① to say that things are possible - perhaps they are (not) true, or perhaps they will (not) happen. 强调一种可能性

     ~~~~      It may be a rabbit.
     ~~~~      I may not be in Sichuan tomorrow.

     ~~~~      It may rain.
     ~~~~      May it rain? 错的,不能这么去说,应该是 Is it going to rain?

① 表 “允许”

     ~~~~      请求允许:只能用于第一人称疑问句中,might 比 may 更委婉

     ~~~~      给予允许:只能用在第二、三人称陈述句中,只能用 may

② 表 “推测”:may 不能用于一般疑问句句首,might 比 may 的可能性更小,加 well,可加强语气

③ 表 “祝愿”:may + 陈述句(动词原形),如陈述句是主系表结构,则 be 动词变为 be,如:May you be happy,祝你开心

④ 表 “不妨,还是”:may/might + as well

注:may 和 may be 没关系

10、May not 和 can’t 的区别

① 概率不同
     ~~~~      She may not be at home - I’ll phone and find out 表示一半的概率不在家
     ~~~~      She can’t be at home. - She went to Spain this morning. 他不可能在家,去西班牙了。

② can’t:great surprise or disbelief.
     ~~~~      Jack is going to marry his sister.
     ~~~~      It can’t be true, it’s against the law.

11、Can I / We … ?

could I 很委婉,中文有 的意思,身份一定要对, 一般是长辈、老师、老板、陌生人

① 表“询问”的用法

     ~~~~      Can I ues the phone, please?
     ~~~~      Can I wait here?
     ~~~~      Can we wait here?

② 表 “想要” 某物的时候

     ~~~~      Can / may I have your name?
     ~~~~      Can I have your address, please?

③ 提供帮助(offering help)

     ~~~~      Can I help you?
     ~~~~      Can we book the tickets for you.

12、can / can’t 的特殊用法

can’t 与 mustn’t 没有太大区别

You mustn’t / can’t use the gym during the epidemic situation.

You can leave your bag here if you want.

13、Can / Could you 表 “请求”

① ask sb to do things politely

     ~~~~      Can I have some butter?

     ~~~~      Can you bring me some butter?

     ~~~~      I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you possibly watch my luggage while I get a coffee?


Shall I / we … ? 询问做什么? / 建议做什么 / 主动提供帮助

Shall I put the lights on?

Where shall we meet tomorrow?

Shall we go and see Jack?

15、will 与 would

① I would like to do = I’d like to 想要,与 want to do 相比更礼貌些

     ~~~~      I would like a seat by the window.

     ~~~~      Would you like … ?(offering things.)

     ~~~~      Would you like a drink?

     ~~~~      How many eggs would you like?

② Would you like to do … 邀请

     ~~~~      Would you like to come te Harbin with me?

③ 表 “将要”:would 是 will 的过去时

④ 表“提出建议和请求”:would 比 will 更委婉

⑤ 表“过去、现在的习惯、倾向性”:主要用 would

16、Would like 与 like 完全不一样

Would like:想要


17、used to

① things that were true, but are not now. 发生在过去的真事,不是情态动词

② used to 变为否定句或疑问句的时候需要借助助动词(did)

     ~~~~      I used to play the piano.

     ~~~~      I used to have long hair.

     ~~~~      Where did you use to live before you came here?

     ~~~~      I didn’t use to like fish.

18、 need 与 dare

① 有两种用法,实义动词(need to do)和情态动词(need do)

② 疑问句与否定句中,两种都可用;肯定句中只能用实义动词

③ 表“被动”:need doing

④ Dare作情态动词时,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中,一般不用在肯定句中


(1)表 “推测” 句型:

① 肯定句中用:must(一定)、could(可能)、may/might(也许)

② 否定句中用:can’t/couldn’t(不可能),may not/might not (可能不)

③ 疑问句中用:can/could (能……?)



① 对将来情况的推测,用“情态动词 + do(动词原形)”

② 对现在或一般情况的推测,用“情态动词 + be”,“情态动词 +be doing”或“情态动词 + 动词原形”

③ 对过去情况的推测,用“情态动词 + have +done(过去分词)”

注:情态动词 should /ought to表推测时,意为“想必会,理应……”但与“have +过去分词”连用时,则又可构成虚拟语气意为“本应该做某事却没做”。下次更新会详细讲虚拟语气!

(3)情态动词+have done 用法

① must have done sth.一定做过某事

② can/could have done sth.本来能够做某事,而实际上未做

③ can’t/couldn’t have done sth.不可能做过某事

④ ought to/should have done sth.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做

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