
0 状语从句练习题

1. 例句点击跳转
2. 连词位置点击跳转
3. 主将从现原则点击跳转
4. because vs so点击跳转
5. although vs but点击跳转
6. 第 10 as if / though 以前知识点综合训练点击跳转
7. because / because of / although / in spite of点击跳转
8. that 的省略点击跳转
9. 状语从句 + 现在完成时点击跳转
10. 状语从句 + 过去完成时点击跳转
11. since 的时态问题点击跳转
12. 连词 + 现在分词点击跳转
13. 连词 + 过去分词点击跳转
14. 状语从句省略的其他形式点击跳转
15. 分词作状语点击跳转
16. 分词结构综合训练点击跳转
17. 主将从现复习点击跳转
18. 从句时态补充点击跳转
19. 综合复习点击跳转
20. 复习:as / since / because 因为点击跳转
21. 复习:when / while / as点击跳转
22. 复习:as if / though点击跳转
23. whether … or …点击跳转
24. 时间连词补充点击跳转
25. whoever / whatever / whereover点击跳转
26. 复习:分词从句点击跳转
27. 悬垂结构点击跳转
28. 独立主格点击跳转
29. 复习:连词 + 分词点击跳转
30. if 引导条件状语从句点击跳转
31. unless 除非点击跳转
32. 条件句中的时态问题点击跳转

1. 例句引出

  • He got up although he was ill. 虽然他生病了,但他还是站了起来。
  • I didn’t buy it because it was too expensive. 我没有买它,因为它太贵了。 (原因状语从句)
  • I’ll phone you if the train is late. 如果火车晚点,我会给你打电话。(条件状语从句)
  • Andrew called while we were out. 当 … 时候, 我们出去的时候,安德鲁打电话来。(时间状语从句)
  • I waited until Mary was ready. 我一直等着,直到玛丽准备好。(时间状语从句)
  • Let’s go out as soon as Peter arrives. 一… 就 … 彼得一到,我们就出去吧。(时间状语从句)
  • It was raining so I took my umbrella. 当时正在下雨,所以我打了伞。

2. 连词位置

  • 状语从句的引导词: 从属连词
    名词从句: 连接词
    定语从句: 关系词

  • ① 用连词开头引出句子:通常用逗号隔开
    If you need help, please ask me. 如果你需要帮助,请问我。
    When you are in Beijing, phone me 当你在北京的时候,请给我打电话
    Although it was raining, I went out. 虽然在下雨,但我还是出去了。

  • ② 将连词放在主从句之间:无逗号隔开
    Please ask me if you need help. 如果你需要帮助,请向我提出。
    Phone us when you are in Beijing. 当你在北京时,请致电我们。
    I went out although it was raining. 虽然在下雨,但我还是出去了。

  • 连词的数量

    • 一个从句,只能有一个引导词。

3. 主将从现原则

  • 在时间状语从句(when / while / before / after / until / as soon as) 中用一般现在时表将来,相应的主语可以使用将来时。

    • I’ll see you before you go. 在你走之前,我会看到你。
    • We’ll talk about it after I get back. 我回来后我们再谈吧。 这里在我回来以后我们谈论,表示将来谈论
    • You can drive my car while I’m not in Beijing. 当我不在北京的时候你可以开我的车
    • Don’t move until I tell you. 在我告诉你之前不要动。 一般现在时表将来
    • We will start the party as soon as Jack arrives. Jack 一到我们就开始 party
  • if 条件句 will:

    • 在礼貌请求/询问中,if 条件句中的谓语可使用 “will + 动词原型”
    • If you will just come this way …

4. because vs so


  • if 在间接引语中翻译为是否
    在条件状语从句中,if 翻译为如果,
    在时间状语从句中,when 翻译为当 … 时候

  • so: 所以,注意 because 和 so 不能同时用,一句话中连接主从句,只能用一个连词

  • because 和 so 可以互换使用,so 只能放于句中。
    Because Sue was tired, she went to bed. 因为 Sue 很累,她就去睡觉了。
    Sue went to bed bacause she was tired.
    Sue was tired, so she went to bed.

5. although vs but

  • 从句用 although 引导,主从句之间不能再出现 but
    Although peter was tired, he didn’t go to bed. 虽然彼得很累,但他没有上床睡觉。
    He didn’t go to bed, although Peter was tired. 这里的逗号可加可不加,加上更常见
    Peter was tired, but he didn’t go to bed.

  • He is a bad guy but I like him although he killed my brother.
    He is a bad guy, but, although he killed my brother, I like him.

6. so that …

  • Let’s start now, so that we are sure to have enough time. 以致于,表示目的。 我们现在就开始吧,这样我们肯定会有足够的时间。

7. as long as …(只要) / provided(that)…(假如)

  • You can go out as long as / provided / provided that you tell us where you are going. 只要你告诉我你去哪儿,你就可以出去

8. while

  • ① 表对比
    • The summers here are wet, while the winters are very dry. 这里的夏天很潮湿,而冬天则非常干燥。
  • 正式用语中,用 whereas 来替换 while.
    • Sound travels at 330 metres per second, whereas light (travels at) 300000 kilometres per second. 声音以每秒330米的速度传播,而光(以)每秒300000公里的速度传播。
  • ② 引导让步状语从句,表 “尽管”,常放句首
    • While I disapprove of what you say, I would defend to the death your right to say it. 尽管我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利

9. until

  • until 本质表示在 … 以前,遵循主将从现,时间状语从句
    • I will look after the kids until you come back. 我会照顾好孩子们,直到你回来。
    • I won’t look after the kids until you come back.

10. as if / though 仿佛 好像

  • I feel as if / though I’m getting a cold. 我觉得好像我得了感冒。方式状语从句
    I feel like I’m getting a cold. 我觉得我好像感冒了

11. because vs because of

  • 原因状语从句
    because + 句子,because of + 名词短语

  • We stayed in because it was raining. 我们呆在家里,因为当时在下雨。
    We stayed in because of the rain.

  • He was able to go to university because his uncle helped him. 他之所以能够上大学,是因为他的叔叔帮助他。
    He was able to go to university because of his uncle’s help.

12. although vs in spite of

  • in spite of :尽管,+ 名词短语
    although :接句子

  • We went out, although it was raining. 我们出去了,尽管当时在下雨。
    We went out in spite of the rain.

  • I got the job, although my English is bad. 我得到了这份工作,尽管我的英语很差。
    I got the job in spite of my bad English.

13. that 的省略


  • ① 宾语从句引导词是 that 的时候
    ② 定语从句引导词在从句中作宾语时
    ③ 状语从句 that 的省略

  • 根据场合是否正式来决定,不正式的场合可以去掉 that
    so that: 以致于,中间接形容词、副词
    such that: 中间接名词短语
    now that: 既然
    provided that: 条件是

  • Come in quiety so (that) my mum doesn’t hear you. 请安静地进来,以免我妈妈听到你的声音。
    It was such a shock (that) I didn’t know what you say. 这是一个巨大的冲击,以至于我不知道你说什么。
    Now (that) you are in London I’ll see more of you 既然你在伦敦,我会看到更多的你。
    You can use my bike provided (that) you clean it afterwards. 你可以使用我的自行车,只要你事后把它清洗干净。

14. 状语从句 + 现在完成时

  • I will have dinner when I have finished these letters. when 后面的现在完成时,表示的是将来完成。因为 when 后本身具备将来的含义,但是不能显式的用将来时

  • Traffic will be easier after we have built new roads. 在我们修建好路后,交通就会更容易

  • As soon as Jack’s has gone home we’ll have a party. 一旦杰克回家,我们就会举行聚会。

  • 注: 上述主句都是将来时,从句用现在完成时,表达将来概念

15. 状语从句 + 过去完成时

  • After I had painted the wall, I decided to have a rest. 由主句过去时可知,从句为过去的过去,用过去完成时 在我刷完墙后,我决定休息一下。
  • As soon as I had checked in, I phoned you. 我一入住就给你打了电话。
  • We couldn’t get into the office until the cleaners had finished cleaning the room. 在清洁工打扫完房间之前,我们无法进入办公室。

16. since (自从)的时态问题

  • since 作为引导词 + 过去式,主句用完成时
    • I’ve known her since 2005. 我从2005年开始认识她。
    • I’ve konw her since we were students. 我们还是学生时我就认识她了。
  • It is + … + since …
    • It’s a long time since we met. 我们已经很久没有见面了。
    • It’s a long time since lunch. 离午餐时间已经过去很久了。
    • She looks quite different since her illness. 她生病后看起来很不一样。

17. for 的时态问题

  • 强调 “截止到目前/到目前为止” 的概念,主句用完成时
    • I’ve konwn her for ages. 我认识她已经很久了。
    • It was in that school for 3 years. 它在那所学校待了3年。

18. 状语从句的省略问题 ✨✨✨

  • 主从主语皆相同,省略 “从句的主语 + be 动词”,变为了引导词 + 分词结构,需要根据表示主动和被动分为,be doing / be done

    • After I talked to you, I felt better.
      After talking to you, I felt better. 与你交谈后,我感觉好多了。 更加正式
    • Look in the mirror before you drive off.
      Look in the mirror before driving off. 开车离开前要看一下后视镜。
  • 常见的省略情况:

    • 时间状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句、条件状语从句
  • 找出动作的发出者与承受者,如果是主动,找动作的发出者,用 doing 形式,被动,找动作的承受者,用 done 表示被动,不及物动词没有承受者,只要及物动词才有承受者

    • When (he was) questioned, he denied everything. 在接受询问时,他否认了一切。
    • If given time, I can usually remember people’s names. 如果给我时间,我通常能记住人们的名字。
    • If giving me time, you can witness a miracle. 如果给我时间,你可以见证一个奇迹。

18.1 连词 + 现在分词

  • 主 + be
  • 见习题

18.2 连词 + 过去分词

  • 见习题

19. 状语从句省略的其他形式 ✨✨✨

  • 引导词 + 介词

  • If (you are) in doubt, ask.
    If in doubt, ask. 如果有疑问,请询问。

  • 同上:去掉的为同主句主语一致,加上 be 动词使结构完整,都是状语从句的省略

20. 分词作状语 ✨✨✨

  • 主从主语皆相同,主被动关系和主句主语保持一致
    Drinking too much, I went to the restroom frequently. 喝得太多了,导致我经常去洗手间。
    Not Drinking too much, I went to the restroom frequently. 分词结构的否定形式

  • Taking a book in his hand, he entered the building. 他手里拿着一本书,进入大楼。
    Putting down my book, I went over to the phone. 我放下了我的书,走到电话旁。(时间状语)
    It rain or two weeks, completely ruining our holiday. 这场雨下了两个星期,完全毁了我们的假期。(结果状语)
    Having faied to persuade John, I tried his brother. 劝说约翰失败后,我又试探他的弟弟。(原因状语)
    Used economically, a tin will last for weeks. 经济地使用,一罐可以持续数周。(条件状语)
    Not knowing what to do next, I sat down to think. 不知道下一步该怎么做,我坐下来思考。(原因状语)

  • 现在分词作状语: 一个人干了两件事(至少),并有主次之分
    过去分词作状语: 一句话两个动作,且一个动作的承受者是另一个动作的发出者,“发出者 + 动词” 造成主句,另一个词造成过去分词结构

21. 从句时态补充

  • would:经常在主句中出现
  • He would never do anything that made her happy.
    It would be nice if she asked before she borrowed things.

22. 复习:as / since / because 因为

  • 表达因为:三个词都可以,as 最正式,since 通常翻译为 既然,因为也没问题
  • as / since:① 通常表达的是大家都知道的原因 ② 不重要的原因
    • As / Since you couldn’t get there, we postponed the party till next weekend.
  • because:表示原因均可用 because,往往是单方面你或者我知道的,重要的原因,信息
    • I’m angry because you’re acting like a spoilt child, that’s why.

23. 复习:when / while / as

  • 均能表示当 … 时候,此时从句用进行时

    • The doorbell always rings when you’re having a bath.
    • As I was walking down the street, I saw Jack coming out of a bookshop.
    • While they were playing cards, somebody broke into the house.
  • as/while 和状态动词(sit / lie等持续性稳定动词)连用的时候,从句中可用一般时态

    • As/while I sat reading the paper, the door burst open.

24. 复习:as if / though 好像

  • as if / though 从句后若用过去式,可以表达虚拟语气,并不是真实发生的
    • Lucy looks as if she is rich, and Jack talks as if he was rich. as if 可用换为 like,前句从句后用现在时,后句从句后用过去时,表达了 Lucy 看起来真的很有富有,而 Jack 并不富有
    • He always walks into my room as though he owned the place. 他总是走进我的房间,好像他拥有这个地方。 事实上这个房间并不是他的

25. whether … or … ✨✨✨

  • whether … or … :表示两个都行,没有区别,同 it doesn’t matter

    • Whether you like swimming or riding or walking, you will find something to enjoy. 无论你喜欢游泳、骑马还是散步,你都能找到喜欢的东西。
    • Whether you like it or not, I’m going to the US. 不管你喜欢与否,我都要去美国。
    • Whether or not you agree, we’ll postpone the party till next weekend. 无论你是否同意,我们都会将聚会推迟到下周末。
    • Whether he stays or whether he goes, I’m not having any more to do with him. 两个 whether 有强调的含义,无论它是走还是无论它是待着

26. 时间连词补充

  • Now (that) the exams are over, I can enjoy myself. 非正式场合,that 可以去掉
  • Once Jack gets here, we can start. 一 … 就 …
    Once I’ve found a job I will feel better. 一 … 就 …
  • The moment / minute / second that … 作时间状语,这里的 that 可以省略
    I loved you the moment I saw you.
  • immediately / directly + 句子 立即…
    Tell me immediately you have any news.
    Directly I walked into the room, I smelt smoke.

27. whoever / whatever / whereover / whenever / However / Whichever ✨✨✨

时态要求:主将从现,同 it doesn’t matter who / what / where …

  • whoever comes to the door, tell them I’m out. 无论谁来开门,告诉他们我不在 状语从句,只是 whoever 在从句中做主语
  • Whatever you do, I’ll always love you. 无论你做什么,我将永远爱你。
  • Wherever she goes, she’ll find new friends. 无论她走到哪里,她都会找到新朋友。
  • Whichever of them you marry, you’ll have problems. 无论你嫁给他们中的哪一个,你都会有问题。
  • I try to see Vicky whenever I go to Shanxi. 每当我去山西时,我都会试着去看Vicky。
  • However much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃了多少,他都不会变胖。

28. 复习:分词从句 ✨✨✨

  • Looking out of the window, Harry saw that it was raining again. 哈利向窗外望去,看到又在下雨了。
  • Stored in a cool place, this bread will last for two weeks. 这种面包储存在阴凉处,可以持续两周。
  • Not being a very sociable person, he found a seat where he could be by himself. 分词结构的否定形式 他不是一个非常善于交际的人,所以他找到了一个可以自己呆着的座位。
  • Having found what I was looking for, I went back home. 找到了我要找的东西后,我回到了家里。
  • Alice had a violent row with Peter, compeletely ruining the evening. 爱丽丝与彼得发生了激烈的争吵,完全破坏了这个夜晚。

29. 悬垂结构 ✨✨✨

  • Standing by the window, Jack gazed at the mountains. 站在窗边,杰克凝视着群山
    ❌ Standing by the window, the mountains seemed very close. 这句话是错的,the mountain 与 standing 之间关系错误,山无法自己站立,Standing 改为 Looked,山被看,正确。

  • ① 当主句主语是 it / there 时

    • Being French, it is surprising that she is such a terrible cook. 作为法国人,她的厨艺如此糟糕,令人惊讶。 前面从句的主语是后面主句 she,合理(后面真正的主语是 she,it 是形式主语)
    • Having so little time, there was not much that I could do. 由于时间太少,我可以做的事情不多。 前面从句的主语是后面主句 I,合理
  • ② 某些特定的用于表达说话者态度的结构中,不需要考虑主句主语与分词的关系
    generally speaking / judging from … / considering … / taking everything / … into consideration …

    • Generally speaking, men can run faster than women. 一般来说,男性可以比女性跑得更快。
    • Judging from his expression, he was in a bad mood. 从他的表情来看,他的心情很不好。

30. 独立主格(作状语)✨✨✨

  • 逻辑主语 + 分词,这种情况下,分词不和主句主语保持一致,和逻辑主语保持一致,就不需要像前面一样考虑主句主语与分词的关系

  • Jack drinking …, his sister was sent home safety. Jack 喝了很多酒,他的妹妹把他送回家了。Jack 作为逻辑主语
    Nobody having anything more to say, the meeting broke up. 没有人再多说什么,会议结束了。 Nobody 作为逻辑主语
    Hands held high, the dancers circle to the left. 双手高举,舞者向左绕行。 Hands 是 held 的承受者,做宾语,叫逻辑宾语

    • 即:需要区分分词前面的词与分词是主动关系还是被动关系,主动关系作逻辑主语,被动关系作逻辑宾语
  • ① 逻辑主语 + 现在分词

  • ② 逻辑宾语 + 过去分词

  • 注:这种形式非常正式,只有书面语中会用到,口语基本不用

31. 复习:连词 + 分词 ✨✨✨

  • before / after / when / while
    since : I’ve learned a lot since coming here.后面写完成为:(since I came here),利用分词结构,变为 since coming here

  • In deciding to spend a year studying Japanese, I made a very wise decision. in:在 … 上

  • on = when / as soon as you do something 一 … 就 …
    On hearing the fire alarm, go straight to the nearest exit. 一听到火警响

32. if 引导条件状语从句

  • 主将从现
  • I’ll clean up the garden if I have time.
    If I have time, I’ll clean up the garden.

33. unless 除非

  • unless = if … not / except if …

  • You can’t come in unless you have a ticket. = You can’t come in if you don’t have a ticket.

  • Unless I’m very tired, I go to bed about midnight. = Except if I’m very tired, I go to bed about midnight.

34. 条件句中的时态问题

  • If it’s sunny tommorrow, we’ll eat in the garden.
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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