Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气



2. 参考译文


3. New words and expressions

Mediterranean n. (the ~)地中海
Mediterranean n.地中海(=Mediterranean sea, 位于欧, 亚, 非三大洲之间),地中海沿岸的居民;adj. 地中海的, 地中海民族的
★complain v. 抱怨
complain to sb.向某人抱怨 complain of/about sth. 抱怨某事
★continually adv. 连续地, 频繁地(时断时续)
continuously adj. 连续不断地 continue v. 继续, 连续, 延伸
★bitterly adv. 刺骨地
bitterly disappointed 彻底的失望 (disappoint vt.使失望)bitterly cold 刺骨地寒冷(chilly adj. 寒冷★sunshine n. 阳光也可直接用 “sun” 表示阳光
a drop of sunshine 一缕阳光 (a drop of 一缕)

4. 课文讲解

1、He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.
dream of… 想, 梦见(梦想),幻想,向往
think of… 想(思维的活动), 考虑
settle down 定居,安身,安顿
2、He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there.
no sooner…than… 一……就……(关联词,引导时间状语从句,主句里常用过去完成时,than后面的从句用一般过去时),相同用法的还有as soon as,the moment,on doing
had no sooner done…than +一般过去时, 固定用法 (时态结构 : 完成时态 + than + 一般过去时)
no sooner放在句首就要倒装
3、Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.
almost immediately 几乎马上, 很快地 (时间上的快, 常用于写作)for(连词)表示因为(解释说明, 附加的)=because因为(一定要说的原因),for与because不同,不能用于句首,并且在for后面必须重复主语:I don’t have a car, for I can’t afford it.
even though =even if 即使,虽然(让步状语从句)
4、After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. so many years 这么多年
got a shock 吓了一跳, 吃了一惊
5、He acted as if he had never lived in England before.
as if+句子 似乎, 好像(引导表示方式的状语从句,如果从句为过去完成时则是虚拟语气,描述与事实相反, 后面的条件是假的)
He acted as if he was poor. (as if 后是真是假, 应根据上下文来看)连词as if/though引导方式状语从句,通常跟在描述行为举止的动词之后,如act,appear,feel,look,smell,sound等后面:
She acted as if she were mad. (虚拟语气)
6、In the end, it was more than he could bear.
more than在这里表示“超过……的范围”
It was more than I could understand.
I can’t affard it. = It was more than I can affard.
这种用法与它通常表示“比……更多”的用法稍有不同:There were more than ten people in the room.
7、He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.
hardly…when… 还没来得及……就……,用法同no sooner…than. hardly had sb. done when… (hardly在句首, 要倒装)
He had hardly opened his eyes when he was knocked out.(knock out : 打晕, 击倒)
have time to do sth. 有时间做某事

5. Composition

1 He bought an old car. It was in a very bad state.(but)
2 The engine was worn out. The gearbox was full of sawdust. (The engine…not only…but…as well)
3 He could not drive it. He could no sell it. He could not even give it away. (neither…nor…nor)

  1. in a bad state 状态不太好
    though 虽然, even though=even if 即使,这些词出现在两句之间, 就不再加but,
  2. The engine was not only worn out but the gearbox was full of sawdust.
    worn out 破旧不堪的 engine n. 发动机, 机车, 火车头gearbox n. 变速箱 sawdust n. 锯屑, 木头屑子 (sawn. 锯;v. 锯)not only出现在句首要倒装,一般不会放在句首
  3. He could neither drive it nor sell it nor even give it away. /He could neither drive it nor sell it even nor give it away. (这样写更好)
    neither do sth. nor do sth. nor do sth. 既不能也不能更不能

6. Letter writing

日期:每年下列月份写出全称:3月,4月,5月,6月和7月,剩余的月份写成:Jan. (1月);Feb. (2月);Aug. (8月);Sept. (9月);Oct. (10月);Nov. (11月)和Dec. (12月)。

7. Key structures

过去完成时经常与一般过去时连用,表示过去某个动作发生前完成的动作。与过去完成时连用的表示时间的词或词组有when,after,as soon as,(not) until,by that time,(never) before,already,for,since,just,no sooner…than,hardly…when等。过去完成时不能与副词ago连用(ago只与一般过去时连用)。
He hadn’t finished it by yesterday evening. 到昨天晚上他还没做完。

8. Special Difficulties

No sooner…than and Hardly…when
no sooner…than (一……就……);hardly…when (几乎未来得及……就……)这两组连词意义都和as soon as相近,但比as soon as正式。它们通常都与过去完成时连用。当no sooner和hardly位于句首时,后面的主谓结构都要颠倒顺序,即句子变为no sooner/hardly +助动词 +主语 +动词形式的语序。
No sooner had he begun speaking than he was interrupted.
Country and Countryside
country n. 国家,祖国;乡下(做“乡下”讲时常与the连用)Which country do you come from?
He had planned to settle down in the country.
countryside n. 农村地区(强调景色),乡下
I grew up in the countryside.
Continuously and Continually
continuously adv. 不断地,连续地(指动作中间没有间断)continually adv. 频繁地,反复地(指动作中间有间断但又持续很久)
It rained continually. 天频繁地下雨。

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