

Commands | Redis




源码位于sds.c, sds.h, sdsalloc.h中


 redis为什么要使用sds代替c语言默认的字符串char  *实现?一方面是\0是char *的结束符,不符合redis的存储任何字符的要求。二方面是char*的统计长度还有扩容等都是O(n)时间复杂度。 


struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr32 {
    uint32_t len; /* used */
    uint32_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[]; //被typedef成sds





sds _sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen, int trymalloc) {
    void *sh;
    sds s;
    char type = sdsReqType(initlen);
    /* Empty strings are usually created in order to append. Use type 8
     * since type 5 is not good at this. */
    if (type == SDS_TYPE_5 && initlen == 0) type = SDS_TYPE_8;
    int hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type);
    unsigned char *fp; /* flags pointer. */
    size_t usable;
    assert(initlen + hdrlen + 1 > initlen); /* Catch size_t overflow */
    sh = trymalloc?
        s_trymalloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable) :
        s_malloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable);
    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;
    if (init==SDS_NOINIT)
        init = NULL;
    else if (!init)
        memset(sh, 0, hdrlen+initlen+1);
    s = (char*)sh+hdrlen;
    fp = ((unsigned char*)s)-1;
    usable = usable-hdrlen-1;
    if (usable > sdsTypeMaxSize(type))
        usable = sdsTypeMaxSize(type);
    switch(type) {
        case SDS_TYPE_5: {
            *fp = type | (initlen << SDS_TYPE_BITS);
        case SDS_TYPE_8: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_16: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_32: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_64: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
    if (initlen && init)
        memcpy(s, init, initlen);
    s[initlen] = '\0';
    return s;


static inline size_t sdslen(const sds s) {
    unsigned char flags = s[-1];
    switch(flags&SDS_TYPE_MASK) {
        case SDS_TYPE_5:
            return SDS_TYPE_5_LEN(flags);
        case SDS_TYPE_8:
            return SDS_HDR(8,s)->len;
        case SDS_TYPE_16:
            return SDS_HDR(16,s)->len;
        case SDS_TYPE_32:
            return SDS_HDR(32,s)->len;
        case SDS_TYPE_64:
            return SDS_HDR(64,s)->len;
    return 0;



sds sdscatlen(sds s, const void *t, size_t len) {
    size_t curlen = sdslen(s);
    s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,len);
    if (s == NULL) return NULL;
    memcpy(s+curlen, t, len);
    sdssetlen(s, curlen+len);
    s[curlen+len] = '\0';
    return s;

sds空间担保 (sdsMakeRoomFor)

sds sdsMakeRoomFor(sds s, size_t addlen) {
    void *sh, *newsh;
	//alloc - len
    size_t avail = sdsavail(s);
    size_t len, newlen, reqlen;
    char type, oldtype = s[-1] & SDS_TYPE_MASK;
    int hdrlen;
    size_t usable;

    /* Return ASAP if there is enough space left. */
    if (avail >= addlen) return s;

    len = sdslen(s);
    sh = (char*)s-sdsHdrSize(oldtype);
    reqlen = newlen = (len+addlen);
    assert(newlen > len);   /* Catch size_t overflow */
    if (newlen < SDS_MAX_PREALLOC)
        newlen *= 2;
    else //否则就加上1m
        newlen += SDS_MAX_PREALLOC;

    type = sdsReqType(newlen);

    /* Don't use type 5: the user is appending to the string and type 5 is
     * not able to remember empty space, so sdsMakeRoomFor() must be called
     * at every appending operation. */
    if (type == SDS_TYPE_5) type = SDS_TYPE_8;

    hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type);
    assert(hdrlen + newlen + 1 > reqlen);  /* Catch size_t overflow */
    if (oldtype==type) {
        newsh = s_realloc_usable(sh, hdrlen+newlen+1, &usable);
        if (newsh == NULL) return NULL;
        s = (char*)newsh+hdrlen;
    } else {
        /* Since the header size changes, need to move the string forward,
         * and can't use realloc */
        newsh = s_malloc_usable(hdrlen+newlen+1, &usable);
        if (newsh == NULL) return NULL;
        memcpy((char*)newsh+hdrlen, s, len+1);
        s = (char*)newsh+hdrlen;
        s[-1] = type;
        sdssetlen(s, len);
    usable = usable-hdrlen-1;
    if (usable > sdsTypeMaxSize(type))
        usable = sdsTypeMaxSize(type);
    sdssetalloc(s, usable);
    return s;







typedef struct dict {
    dictType *type;
    void *privdata;
    dictht ht[2];
    long rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 */
    int16_t pauserehash; /* If >0 rehashing is paused (<0 indicates coding error) */
} dict;
/* This is our hash table structure. Every dictionary has two of this as we
 * implement incremental rehashing, for the old to the new table. */
typedef struct dictht {
    dictEntry **table;
    unsigned long size;
    unsigned long sizemask;
    unsigned long used;
} dictht;
typedef struct dictEntry {
    void *key;
    union {
        void *val;
        uint64_t u64;
        int64_t s64;
        double d;
    } v;
    struct dictEntry *next;
} dictEntry;


/* Create a new hash table */
dict *dictCreate(dictType *type,
        void *privDataPtr)
    dict *d = zmalloc(sizeof(*d));

    return d;

/* Initialize the hash table */
int _dictInit(dict *d, dictType *type,
        void *privDataPtr)
    d->type = type;
    d->privdata = privDataPtr;
    d->rehashidx = -1;
    d->pauserehash = 0;
    return DICT_OK;


/* Add an element to the target hash table */
int dictAdd(dict *d, void *key, void *val)
    dictEntry *entry = dictAddRaw(d,key,NULL);

    if (!entry) return DICT_ERR;
    dictSetVal(d, entry, val);
    return DICT_OK;
/* Low level add or find:
 * This function adds the entry but instead of setting a value returns the
 * dictEntry structure to the user, that will make sure to fill the value
 * field as they wish.
 * This function is also directly exposed to the user API to be called
 * mainly in order to store non-pointers inside the hash value, example:
 * entry = dictAddRaw(dict,mykey,NULL);
 * if (entry != NULL) dictSetSignedIntegerVal(entry,1000);
 * Return values:
 * If key already exists NULL is returned, and "*existing" is populated
 * with the existing entry if existing is not NULL.
 * If key was added, the hash entry is returned to be manipulated by the caller.
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key, dictEntry **existing)
    long index;
    dictEntry *entry;
    dictht *ht;

    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);

    /* Get the index of the new element, or -1 if
     * the element already exists. */
    if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key, dictHashKey(d,key), existing)) == -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Allocate the memory and store the new entry.
     * Insert the element in top, with the assumption that in a database
     * system it is more likely that recently added entries are accessed
     * more frequently. */
    ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[1] : &d->ht[0];
    entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
    entry->next = ht->table[index];
    ht->table[index] = entry;

    /* Set the hash entry fields. */
    dictSetKey(d, entry, key);
    return entry;



/* Expand the hash table if needed */
static int _dictExpandIfNeeded(dict *d)
    /* Incremental rehashing already in progress. Return. */
    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) return DICT_OK;

    /* If the hash table is empty expand it to the initial size. */
    if (d->ht[0].size == 0) return dictExpand(d, DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE);

    /* If we reached the 1:1 ratio, and we are allowed to resize the hash
     * table (global setting) or we should avoid it but the ratio between
     * elements/buckets is over the "safe" threshold, we resize doubling
     * the number of buckets. */
    if (d->ht[0].used >= d->ht[0].size &&
        (dict_can_resize ||
         d->ht[0].used/d->ht[0].size > dict_force_resize_ratio) &&
        return dictExpand(d, d->ht[0].used + 1);
    return DICT_OK;
/* Expand or create the hash table,
 * when malloc_failed is non-NULL, it'll avoid panic if malloc fails (in which case it'll be set to 1).
 * Returns DICT_OK if expand was performed, and DICT_ERR if skipped. */
int _dictExpand(dict *d, unsigned long size, int* malloc_failed)
    if (malloc_failed) *malloc_failed = 0;

    /* the size is invalid if it is smaller than the number of
     * elements already inside the hash table */
    if (dictIsRehashing(d) || d->ht[0].used > size)
        return DICT_ERR;

    dictht n; /* the new hash table */
    unsigned long realsize = _dictNextPower(size);

    /* Detect overflows */
    if (realsize < size || realsize * sizeof(dictEntry*) < realsize)
        return DICT_ERR;

    /* Rehashing to the same table size is not useful. */
    if (realsize == d->ht[0].size) return DICT_ERR;

    /* Allocate the new hash table and initialize all pointers to NULL */
    n.size = realsize;
    n.sizemask = realsize-1;
    if (malloc_failed) {
        n.table = ztrycalloc(realsize*sizeof(dictEntry*));
        *malloc_failed = n.table == NULL;
        if (*malloc_failed)
            return DICT_ERR;
    } else
        n.table = zcalloc(realsize*sizeof(dictEntry*));

    n.used = 0;

    /* Is this the first initialization? If so it's not really a rehashing
     * we just set the first hash table so that it can accept keys. */
    if (d->ht[0].table == NULL) {
        d->ht[0] = n;
        return DICT_OK;
    /* Prepare a second hash table for incremental rehashing */
    d->ht[1] = n;
    d->rehashidx = 0;
    return DICT_OK;



/* Performs N steps of incremental rehashing. Returns 1 if there are still
 * keys to move from the old to the new hash table, otherwise 0 is returned.
 * Note that a rehashing step consists in moving a bucket (that may have more
 * than one key as we use chaining) from the old to the new hash table, however
 * since part of the hash table may be composed of empty spaces, it is not
 * guaranteed that this function will rehash even a single bucket, since it
 * will visit at max N*10 empty buckets in total, otherwise the amount of
 * work it does would be unbound and the function may block for a long time. */
int dictRehash(dict *d, int n) {
    int empty_visits = n*10; /* Max number of empty buckets to visit. */
    if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) return 0;
    while(n-- && d->ht[0].used != 0) {
        dictEntry *de, *nextde;

        /* Note that rehashidx can't overflow as we are sure there are more
         * elements because ht[0].used != 0 */
        assert(d->ht[0].size > (unsigned long)d->rehashidx);
        while(d->ht[0].table[d->rehashidx] == NULL) {
            if (--empty_visits == 0) return 1;
        de = d->ht[0].table[d->rehashidx];
        /* Move all the keys in this bucket from the old to the new hash HT */
        while(de) {
            uint64_t h;

            nextde = de->next;
            /* Get the index in the new hash table */
            h = dictHashKey(d, de->key) & d->ht[1].sizemask;
            de->next = d->ht[1].table[h];
            d->ht[1].table[h] = de;
            de = nextde;
        d->ht[0].table[d->rehashidx] = NULL;

    /* Check if we already rehashed the whole table... */
    if (d->ht[0].used == 0) {
		// redis这些命令都是单线程,不用加锁
        d->ht[0] = d->ht[1];
        d->rehashidx = -1;
        return 0;

    /* More to rehash... */
    return 1;


dictEntry *dictFind(dict *d, const void *key)
    dictEntry *he;
    uint64_t h, idx, table;
    if (dictSize(d) == 0) return NULL; /* dict is empty */
    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);
    h = dictHashKey(d, key);
    for (table = 0; table <= 1; table++) {
        idx = h & d->ht[table].sizemask;
        he = d->ht[table].table[idx];
        while(he) {
            if (key==he->key || dictCompareKeys(d, key, he->key))
                return he;
            he = he->next;
        if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) return NULL;
    return NULL;


/* Search and remove an element. This is an helper function for
 * dictDelete() and dictUnlink(), please check the top comment
 * of those functions. */
static dictEntry *dictGenericDelete(dict *d, const void *key, int nofree) {
    uint64_t h, idx;
    dictEntry *he, *prevHe;
    int table;

    if (d->ht[0].used == 0 && d->ht[1].used == 0) return NULL;

    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);
    h = dictHashKey(d, key);
    for (table = 0; table <= 1; table++) {
        idx = h & d->ht[table].sizemask;
        he = d->ht[table].table[idx];
        prevHe = NULL;
        while(he) {
            if (key==he->key || dictCompareKeys(d, key, he->key)) {
                /* Unlink the element from the list */
                if (prevHe)
                    prevHe->next = he->next;
                    d->ht[table].table[idx] = he->next;
                if (!nofree) {
                    dictFreeKey(d, he);
                    dictFreeVal(d, he);
                return he;
            prevHe = he;
            he = he->next;
        if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) break;
    return NULL; /* not found */









/* We use this function to receive information about a ziplist entry.
 * Note that this is not how the data is actually encoded, is just what we
 * get filled by a function in order to operate more easily. */
typedef struct zlentry {
    unsigned int prevrawlensize; /* Bytes used to encode the previous entry len*/
	unsigned int prevrawlen;     /* Previous entry len. */
	unsigned int lensize;        /* Bytes used to encode this entry type/len.
                                    For example strings have a 1, 2 or 5 bytes
    //encoding字段中所标识的后面content大小                                header. Integers always use a single byte.*/
    unsigned int len;            /* Bytes used to represent the actual entry.
                                    For strings this is just the string length
                                    while for integers it is 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or
                                    0 (for 4 bit immediate) depending on the
                                    number range. */
    unsigned int headersize;     /* prevrawlensize + lensize. */
    unsigned char encoding;      /* Set to ZIP_STR_* or ZIP_INT_* depending on
                                    the entry encoding. However for 4 bits
                                    immediate integers this can assume a range
                                    of values and must be range-checked. */
    unsigned char *p;            /* Pointer to the very start of the entry, that
                                    is, this points to prev-entry-len field. */
} zlentry;



/* Create a new empty ziplist. */
unsigned char *ziplistNew(void) {
	/* 首先定义ziplist的首尾
	首:two 32 bit integers for the total bytes count 
	and last item offset. One 16 bit integer for the number of items field.
	尾:Size of the "end of ziplist" entry. Just one byte
    unsigned int bytes = ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE+ZIPLIST_END_SIZE;
    unsigned char *zl = zmalloc(bytes);
    ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl) = intrev32ifbe(bytes);
    ZIPLIST_LENGTH(zl) = 0;
    zl[bytes-1] = ZIP_END;
    return zl;


/* Insert item at "p". */
unsigned char *__ziplistInsert(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p, unsigned char *s, unsigned int slen) {
    size_t curlen = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)), reqlen, newlen;
    unsigned int prevlensize, prevlen = 0;
    size_t offset;
    int nextdiff = 0;
    unsigned char encoding = 0;
    long long value = 123456789; /* initialized to avoid warning. Using a value
                                    that is easy to see if for some reason
                                    we use it uninitialized. */
    zlentry tail;

    /* Find out prevlen for the entry that is inserted. */
    if (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
        ZIP_DECODE_PREVLEN(p, prevlensize, prevlen);
    } else {
        unsigned char *ptail = ZIPLIST_ENTRY_TAIL(zl);
        if (ptail[0] != ZIP_END) {
            prevlen = zipRawEntryLengthSafe(zl, curlen, ptail);

    /* See if the entry can be encoded */
    if (zipTryEncoding(s,slen,&value,&encoding)) {
        /* 'encoding' is set to the appropriate integer encoding */
        reqlen = zipIntSize(encoding);
    } else {
        /* 'encoding' is untouched, however zipStoreEntryEncoding will use the
         * string length to figure out how to encode it. */
        reqlen = slen;
    /* We need space for both the length of the previous entry and
     * the length of the payload. */
    reqlen += zipStorePrevEntryLength(NULL,prevlen);
    reqlen += zipStoreEntryEncoding(NULL,encoding,slen);

    /* When the insert position is not equal to the tail, we need to
     * make sure that the next entry can hold this entry's length in
     * its prevlen field. */
    int forcelarge = 0;
    nextdiff = (p[0] != ZIP_END) ? zipPrevLenByteDiff(p,reqlen) : 0;
    if (nextdiff == -4 && reqlen < 4) {
        nextdiff = 0;
        forcelarge = 1;

    /* Store offset because a realloc may change the address of zl. */
    offset = p-zl;
    newlen = curlen+reqlen+nextdiff;
    zl = ziplistResize(zl,newlen);
    p = zl+offset;

    /* Apply memory move when necessary and update tail offset. */
    if (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
        /* Subtract one because of the ZIP_END bytes */

        /* Encode this entry's raw length in the next entry. */
        if (forcelarge)

        /* Update offset for tail */

        /* When the tail contains more than one entry, we need to take
         * "nextdiff" in account as well. Otherwise, a change in the
         * size of prevlen doesn't have an effect on the *tail* offset. */
        assert(zipEntrySafe(zl, newlen, p+reqlen, &tail, 1));
        if (p[reqlen+tail.headersize+tail.len] != ZIP_END) {
            ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) =
    } else {
        /* This element will be the new tail. */
        ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) = intrev32ifbe(p-zl);

    /* When nextdiff != 0, the raw length of the next entry has changed, so
     * we need to cascade the update throughout the ziplist */
    if (nextdiff != 0) {
        offset = p-zl;
        zl = __ziplistCascadeUpdate(zl,p+reqlen);
        p = zl+offset;

    /* Write the entry */
    p += zipStorePrevEntryLength(p,prevlen);
    p += zipStoreEntryEncoding(p,encoding,slen);
    if (ZIP_IS_STR(encoding)) {
    } else {
    return zl;


unsigned char *__ziplistCascadeUpdate(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p) {
    zlentry cur;
    size_t prevlen, prevlensize, prevoffset; /* Informat of the last changed entry. */
    size_t firstentrylen; /* Used to handle insert at head. */
    size_t rawlen, curlen = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl));
    size_t extra = 0, cnt = 0, offset;
    size_t delta = 4; /* Extra bytes needed to update a entry's prevlen (5-1). */
    unsigned char *tail = zl + intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl));

    /* Empty ziplist */
    if (p[0] == ZIP_END) return zl;
    zipEntry(p, &cur); /* no need for "safe" variant since the input pointer was validated by the function that returned it. */
	firstentrylen = prevlen = cur.headersize + cur.len;
    prevlensize = zipStorePrevEntryLength(NULL, prevlen);
    prevoffset = p - zl;
    p += prevlen;

    /* Iterate ziplist to find out how many extra bytes do we need to update it. */
    while (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
        assert(zipEntrySafe(zl, curlen, p, &cur, 0));

        /* Abort when "prevlen" has not changed. */
        if (cur.prevrawlen == prevlen) break;

        /* Abort when entry's "prevlensize" is big enough. */
        if (cur.prevrawlensize >= prevlensize) {
            if (cur.prevrawlensize == prevlensize) {
                zipStorePrevEntryLength(p, prevlen);
            } else {
                /* This would result in shrinking, which we want to avoid.
                 * So, set "prevlen" in the available bytes. */
                zipStorePrevEntryLengthLarge(p, prevlen);

        /* cur.prevrawlen means cur is the former head entry. */
        assert(cur.prevrawlen == 0 || cur.prevrawlen + delta == prevlen);

        /* Update prev entry's info and advance the cursor. */
        rawlen = cur.headersize + cur.len;
        prevlen = rawlen + delta; 
        prevlensize = zipStorePrevEntryLength(NULL, prevlen);
        prevoffset = p - zl;
        p += rawlen;
        extra += delta;

    /* Extra bytes is zero all update has been done(or no need to update). */
    if (extra == 0) return zl;

    /* Update tail offset after loop. */
    if (tail == zl + prevoffset) {
        /* When the the last entry we need to update is also the tail, update tail offset
         * unless this is the only entry that was updated (so the tail offset didn't change). */
        if (extra - delta != 0) {
            ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) =
    } else {
        /* Update the tail offset in cases where the last entry we updated is not the tail. */

    /* Now "p" points at the first unchanged byte in original ziplist,
     * move data after that to new ziplist. */
    offset = p - zl;
    zl = ziplistResize(zl, curlen + extra);
    p = zl + offset;
    memmove(p + extra, p, curlen - offset - 1);
    p += extra;

    /* Iterate all entries that need to be updated tail to head. */
    while (cnt) {
        zipEntry(zl + prevoffset, &cur); /* no need for "safe" variant since we already iterated on all these entries above. */
        rawlen = cur.headersize + cur.len;
        /* Move entry to tail and reset prevlen. */
        memmove(p - (rawlen - cur.prevrawlensize), 
                zl + prevoffset + cur.prevrawlensize, 
                rawlen - cur.prevrawlensize);
        p -= (rawlen + delta);
        if (cur.prevrawlen == 0) {
            /* "cur" is the previous head entry, update its prevlen with firstentrylen. */
            zipStorePrevEntryLength(p, firstentrylen);
        } else {
            /* An entry's prevlen can only increment 4 bytes. */
            zipStorePrevEntryLength(p, cur.prevrawlen+delta);
        /* Foward to previous entry. */
        prevoffset -= cur.prevrawlen;
    return zl;



/* Return pointer to next entry in ziplist.
 * zl is the pointer to the ziplist
 * p is the pointer to the current element
 * The element after 'p' is returned, otherwise NULL if we are at the end. */
unsigned char *ziplistNext(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p) {
    ((void) zl);
    size_t zlbytes = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl));

    /* "p" could be equal to ZIP_END, caused by ziplistDelete,
     * and we should return NULL. Otherwise, we should return NULL
     * when the *next* element is ZIP_END (there is no next entry). */
    if (p[0] == ZIP_END) {
        return NULL;
    p += zipRawEntryLength(p);
    if (p[0] == ZIP_END) {
        return NULL;
    zipAssertValidEntry(zl, zlbytes, p);
    return p;


/* Return pointer to previous entry in ziplist. */
unsigned char *ziplistPrev(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p) {
    unsigned int prevlensize, prevlen = 0;

    /* Iterating backwards from ZIP_END should return the tail. When "p" is
     * equal to the first element of the list, we're already at the head,
     * and should return NULL. */
    if (p[0] == ZIP_END) {
        p = ZIPLIST_ENTRY_TAIL(zl);
        return (p[0] == ZIP_END) ? NULL : p;
    } else if (p == ZIPLIST_ENTRY_HEAD(zl)) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        ZIP_DECODE_PREVLEN(p, prevlensize, prevlen);
        assert(prevlen > 0);
        size_t zlbytes = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl));
        zipAssertValidEntry(zl, zlbytes, p);
        return p;


/* Find pointer to the entry equal to the specified entry. Skip 'skip' entries
 * between every comparison. Returns NULL when the field could not be found. */
unsigned char *ziplistFind(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p, unsigned char *vstr, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int skip) {
    int skipcnt = 0;
    unsigned char vencoding = 0;
    long long vll = 0;
    size_t zlbytes = ziplistBlobLen(zl);

    while (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
        struct zlentry e;
        unsigned char *q;

        assert(zipEntrySafe(zl, zlbytes, p, &e, 1));
        q = p + e.prevrawlensize + e.lensize;

        if (skipcnt == 0) {
            /* Compare current entry with specified entry */
            if (ZIP_IS_STR(e.encoding)) {
                if (e.len == vlen && memcmp(q, vstr, vlen) == 0) {
                    return p;
            } else {
                /* Find out if the searched field can be encoded. Note that
                 * we do it only the first time, once done vencoding is set
                 * to non-zero and vll is set to the integer value. */
                if (vencoding == 0) {
                    if (!zipTryEncoding(vstr, vlen, &vll, &vencoding)) {
                        /* If the entry can't be encoded we set it to
                         * UCHAR_MAX so that we don't retry again the next
                         * time. */
                        vencoding = UCHAR_MAX;
                    /* Must be non-zero by now */

                /* Compare current entry with specified entry, do it only
                 * if vencoding != UCHAR_MAX because if there is no encoding
                 * possible for the field it can't be a valid integer. */
                if (vencoding != UCHAR_MAX) {
                    long long ll = zipLoadInteger(q, e.encoding);
                    if (ll == vll) {
                        return p;

            /* Reset skip count */
            skipcnt = skip;
        } else {
            /* Skip entry */

        /* Move to next entry */
        p = q + e.len;

    return NULL;








/* Add new entry to tail node of quicklist.
 * Returns 0 if used existing tail.
 * Returns 1 if new tail created. */
int quicklistPushTail(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, size_t sz) {
    quicklistNode *orig_tail = quicklist->tail;
    assert(sz < UINT32_MAX); /* TODO: add support for quicklist nodes that are sds encoded (not zipped) */
    if (likely(//计算尾部的quicklistNode的ziplist的总bytes+当前value的bytes是否没有超过8kB以及尾节点不为空
            _quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->tail, quicklist->fill, sz))) {
        quicklist->tail->zl =
            ziplistPush(quicklist->tail->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
    } else {
        quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
        node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
        _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist, quicklist->tail, node);
    return (orig_tail != quicklist->tail);


/* Populate 'entry' with the element at the specified zero-based index
 * where 0 is the head, 1 is the element next to head
 * and so on. Negative integers are used in order to count
 * from the tail, -1 is the last element, -2 the penultimate
 * and so on. If the index is out of range 0 is returned.
 * Returns 1 if element found
 * Returns 0 if element not found */
int quicklistIndex(const quicklist *quicklist, const long long idx,
                   quicklistEntry *entry) {
    quicklistNode *n;
    unsigned long long accum = 0;
    unsigned long long index;
    int forward = idx < 0 ? 0 : 1; /* < 0 -> reverse, 0+ -> forward */

    entry->quicklist = quicklist;

    if (!forward) {
        index = (-idx) - 1;
        n = quicklist->tail;
    } else {
        index = idx;
        n = quicklist->head;

    if (index >= quicklist->count)
        return 0;

    while (likely(n)) {
        if ((accum + n->count) > index) {
        } else {
            D("Skipping over (%p) %u at accum %lld", (void *)n, n->count,
            accum += n->count;
            n = forward ? n->next : n->prev;

    if (!n)
        return 0;

    D("Found node: %p at accum %llu, idx %llu, sub+ %llu, sub- %llu", (void *)n,
      accum, index, index - accum, (-index) - 1 + accum);

    entry->node = n;
    if (forward) {
        /* forward = normal head-to-tail offset. */
        entry->offset = index - accum;
    } else {
        /* reverse = need negative offset for tail-to-head, so undo
         * the result of the original if (index < 0) above. */
        entry->offset = (-index) - 1 + accum;

    entry->zi = ziplistIndex(entry->node->zl, entry->offset);
    if (!ziplistGet(entry->zi, &entry->value, &entry->sz, &entry->longval))
        assert(0); /* This can happen on corrupt ziplist with fake entry count. */
    /* The caller will use our result, so we don't re-compress here.
     * The caller can recompress or delete the node as needed. */
    return 1;


typedef struct quicklistEntry {
    const quicklist *quicklist;
    quicklistNode *node;
    unsigned char *zi;
    unsigned char *value;
    long long longval;
    unsigned int sz;
    int offset;
} quicklistEntry;


/* Delete a range of elements from the quicklist.
 * elements may span across multiple quicklistNodes, so we
 * have to be careful about tracking where we start and end.
 * Returns 1 if entries were deleted, 0 if nothing was deleted. */
int quicklistDelRange(quicklist *quicklist, const long start,
                      const long count) {
    if (count <= 0)
        return 0;

    unsigned long extent = count; /* range is inclusive of start position */

    if (start >= 0 && extent > (quicklist->count - start)) {
        /* if requesting delete more elements than exist, limit to list size. */
        extent = quicklist->count - start;
    } else if (start < 0 && extent > (unsigned long)(-start)) {
        /* else, if at negative offset, limit max size to rest of list. */
        extent = -start; /* c.f. LREM -29 29; just delete until end. */

    quicklistEntry entry;
    if (!quicklistIndex(quicklist, start, &entry))
        return 0;

    D("Quicklist delete request for start %ld, count %ld, extent: %ld", start,
      count, extent);
    quicklistNode *node = entry.node;

    /* iterate over next nodes until everything is deleted. */
    while (extent) {
        quicklistNode *next = node->next;

        unsigned long del;
        int delete_entire_node = 0;
        if (entry.offset == 0 && extent >= node->count) {
            /* If we are deleting more than the count of this node, we
             * can just delete the entire node without ziplist math. */
            delete_entire_node = 1;
            del = node->count;
        } else if (entry.offset >= 0 && extent + entry.offset >= node->count) {
            /* If deleting more nodes after this one, calculate delete based
             * on size of current node. */
            del = node->count - entry.offset;
        } else if (entry.offset < 0) {
            /* If offset is negative, we are in the first run of this loop
             * and we are deleting the entire range
             * from this start offset to end of list.  Since the Negative
             * offset is the number of elements until the tail of the list,
             * just use it directly as the deletion count. */
            del = -entry.offset;

            /* If the positive offset is greater than the remaining extent,
             * we only delete the remaining extent, not the entire offset.
            if (del > extent)
                del = extent;
        } else {
            /* else, we are deleting less than the extent of this node, so
             * use extent directly. */
            del = extent;

        D("[%ld]: asking to del: %ld because offset: %d; (ENTIRE NODE: %d), "
          "node count: %u",
          extent, del, entry.offset, delete_entire_node, node->count);
        if (delete_entire_node) {
            __quicklistDelNode(quicklist, node);
        } else {
            node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(node->zl, entry.offset, del);
            node->count -= del;
            quicklist->count -= del;
            quicklistDeleteIfEmpty(quicklist, node);
            if (node)
                quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, node);

        extent -= del;

        node = next;

        entry.offset = 0;
    return 1;


/* Replace quicklist entry at offset 'index' by 'data' with length 'sz'.
 * Returns 1 if replace happened.
 * Returns 0 if replace failed and no changes happened. */
int quicklistReplaceAtIndex(quicklist *quicklist, long index, void *data,
                            int sz) {
    quicklistEntry entry;
    if (likely(quicklistIndex(quicklist, index, &entry))) {
        /* quicklistIndex provides an uncompressed node */
        entry.node->zl = ziplistReplace(entry.node->zl, entry.zi, data, sz);
        quicklistCompress(quicklist, entry.node);
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;














/* Insert, delete or replace the specified element 'ele' of length 'len' at
 * the specified position 'p', with 'p' being a listpack element pointer
 * obtained with lpFirst(), lpLast(), lpNext(), lpPrev() or lpSeek().
 * The element is inserted before, after, or replaces the element pointed
 * by 'p' depending on the 'where' argument, that can be LP_BEFORE, LP_AFTER
 * If 'ele' is set to NULL, the function removes the element pointed by 'p'
 * instead of inserting one.
 * Returns NULL on out of memory or when the listpack total length would exceed
 * the max allowed size of 2^32-1, otherwise the new pointer to the listpack
 * holding the new element is returned (and the old pointer passed is no longer
 * considered valid)
 * If 'newp' is not NULL, at the end of a successful call '*newp' will be set
 * to the address of the element just added, so that it will be possible to
 * continue an interation with lpNext() and lpPrev().
 * For deletion operations ('ele' set to NULL) 'newp' is set to the next
 * element, on the right of the deleted one, or to NULL if the deleted element
 * was the last one. */
unsigned char *lpInsert(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *ele, uint32_t size, unsigned char *p, int where, unsigned char **newp) {
    unsigned char intenc[LP_MAX_INT_ENCODING_LEN];
    unsigned char backlen[LP_MAX_BACKLEN_SIZE];

    uint64_t enclen; /* The length of the encoded element. */

    /* An element pointer set to NULL means deletion, which is conceptually
     * replacing the element with a zero-length element. So whatever we
     * get passed as 'where', set it to LP_REPLACE. */
    if (ele == NULL) where = LP_REPLACE;

    /* If we need to insert after the current element, we just jump to the
     * next element (that could be the EOF one) and handle the case of
     * inserting before. So the function will actually deal with just two
     * cases: LP_BEFORE and LP_REPLACE. */
    if (where == LP_AFTER) {
        p = lpSkip(p);
        where = LP_BEFORE;
        ASSERT_INTEGRITY(lp, p);

    /* Store the offset of the element 'p', so that we can obtain its
     * address again after a reallocation. */
    unsigned long poff = p-lp;

    /* Calling lpEncodeGetType() results into the encoded version of the
     * element to be stored into 'intenc' in case it is representable as
     * an integer: in that case, the function returns LP_ENCODING_INT.
     * Otherwise if LP_ENCODING_STR is returned, we'll have to call
     * lpEncodeString() to actually write the encoded string on place later.
     * Whatever the returned encoding is, 'enclen' is populated with the
     * length of the encoded element. */
    int enctype;
    if (ele) {
        enctype = lpEncodeGetType(ele,size,intenc,&enclen);
    } else {
        enctype = -1;
        enclen = 0;

    /* We need to also encode the backward-parsable length of the element
     * and append it to the end: this allows to traverse the listpack from
     * the end to the start. */
    unsigned long backlen_size = ele ? lpEncodeBacklen(backlen,enclen) : 0;
    uint64_t old_listpack_bytes = lpGetTotalBytes(lp);
    uint32_t replaced_len  = 0;
    if (where == LP_REPLACE) {
        replaced_len = lpCurrentEncodedSizeUnsafe(p);
        replaced_len += lpEncodeBacklen(NULL,replaced_len);
        ASSERT_INTEGRITY_LEN(lp, p, replaced_len);

    uint64_t new_listpack_bytes = old_listpack_bytes + enclen + backlen_size
                                  - replaced_len;
    if (new_listpack_bytes > UINT32_MAX) return NULL;

    /* We now need to reallocate in order to make space or shrink the
     * allocation (in case 'when' value is LP_REPLACE and the new element is
     * smaller). However we do that before memmoving the memory to
     * make room for the new element if the final allocation will get
     * larger, or we do it after if the final allocation will get smaller. */

    unsigned char *dst = lp + poff; /* May be updated after reallocation. */

    /* Realloc before: we need more room. */
    if (new_listpack_bytes > old_listpack_bytes &&
        new_listpack_bytes > lp_malloc_size(lp)) {
        if ((lp = lp_realloc(lp,new_listpack_bytes)) == NULL) return NULL;
        dst = lp + poff;

    /* Setup the listpack relocating the elements to make the exact room
     * we need to store the new one. */
    if (where == LP_BEFORE) {
    } else { /* LP_REPLACE. */
        long lendiff = (enclen+backlen_size)-replaced_len;

    /* Realloc after: we need to free space. */
    if (new_listpack_bytes < old_listpack_bytes) {
        if ((lp = lp_realloc(lp,new_listpack_bytes)) == NULL) return NULL;
        dst = lp + poff;

    /* Store the entry. */
    if (newp) {
        *newp = dst;
        /* In case of deletion, set 'newp' to NULL if the next element is
         * the EOF element. */
        if (!ele && dst[0] == LP_EOF) *newp = NULL;
    if (ele) {
        if (enctype == LP_ENCODING_INT) {
        } else {
        dst += enclen;
        dst += backlen_size;

    /* Update header. */
    if (where != LP_REPLACE || ele == NULL) {
        uint32_t num_elements = lpGetNumElements(lp);
        if (num_elements != LP_HDR_NUMELE_UNKNOWN) {
            if (ele)

#if 0
    /* This code path is normally disabled: what it does is to force listpack
     * to return *always* a new pointer after performing some modification to
     * the listpack, even if the previous allocation was enough. This is useful
     * in order to spot bugs in code using listpacks: by doing so we can find
     * if the caller forgets to set the new pointer where the listpack reference
     * is stored, after an update. */
    unsigned char *oldlp = lp;
    lp = lp_malloc(new_listpack_bytes);
    if (newp) {
        unsigned long offset = (*newp)-oldlp;
        *newp = lp + offset;
    /* Make sure the old allocation contains garbage. */

    return lp;


/* Seek the specified element and returns the pointer to the seeked element.
 * Positive indexes specify the zero-based element to seek from the head to
 * the tail, negative indexes specify elements starting from the tail, where
 * -1 means the last element, -2 the penultimate and so forth. If the index
 * is out of range, NULL is returned. */
unsigned char *lpSeek(unsigned char *lp, long index) {
    int forward = 1; /* Seek forward by default. */

    /* We want to seek from left to right or the other way around
     * depending on the listpack length and the element position.
     * However if the listpack length cannot be obtained in constant time,
     * we always seek from left to right. */
    uint32_t numele = lpGetNumElements(lp);
    if (numele != LP_HDR_NUMELE_UNKNOWN) {
        if (index < 0) index = (long)numele+index;
        if (index < 0) return NULL; /* Index still < 0 means out of range. */
        if (index >= (long)numele) return NULL; /* Out of range the other side. */
        /* We want to scan right-to-left if the element we are looking for
         * is past the half of the listpack. */
        if (index > (long)numele/2) {
            forward = 0;
            /* Right to left scanning always expects a negative index. Convert
             * our index to negative form. */
            index -= numele;
    } else {
        /* If the listpack length is unspecified, for negative indexes we
         * want to always scan right-to-left. */
        if (index < 0) forward = 0;

    /* Forward and backward scanning is trivially based on lpNext()/lpPrev(). */
    if (forward) {
        unsigned char *ele = lpFirst(lp);
        while (index > 0 && ele) {
            ele = lpNext(lp,ele);
        return ele;
    } else {
        unsigned char *ele = lpLast(lp);
        while (index < -1 && ele) {
            ele = lpPrev(lp,ele);
        return ele;


/* Return a pointer to the first element of the listpack, or NULL if the
 * listpack has no elements. */
unsigned char *lpFirst(unsigned char *lp) {
    unsigned char *p = lp + LP_HDR_SIZE; /* Skip the header. */
    if (p[0] == LP_EOF) return NULL;
    lpAssertValidEntry(lp, lpBytes(lp), p);
    return p;
/* If 'p' points to an element of the listpack, calling lpNext() will return
 * the pointer to the next element (the one on the right), or NULL if 'p'
 * already pointed to the last element of the listpack. */
unsigned char *lpNext(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *p) {
    p = lpSkip(p);
    if (p[0] == LP_EOF) return NULL;
    lpAssertValidEntry(lp, lpBytes(lp), p);
    return p;
/* Return a pointer to the last element of the listpack, or NULL if the
 * listpack has no elements. */
unsigned char *lpLast(unsigned char *lp) {
    unsigned char *p = lp+lpGetTotalBytes(lp)-1; /* Seek EOF element. */
    return lpPrev(lp,p); /* Will return NULL if EOF is the only element. */
/* If 'p' points to an element of the listpack, calling lpPrev() will return
 * the pointer to the previous element (the one on the left), or NULL if 'p'
 * already pointed to the first element of the listpack. */
unsigned char *lpPrev(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *p) {
    if (p-lp == LP_HDR_SIZE) return NULL;
    p--; /* Seek the first backlen byte of the last element. */
    uint64_t prevlen = lpDecodeBacklen(p);
    prevlen += lpEncodeBacklen(NULL,prevlen);
    p -= prevlen-1; /* Seek the first byte of the previous entry. */
    lpAssertValidEntry(lp, lpBytes(lp), p);
    return p;


/* Decode the backlen and returns it. If the encoding looks invalid (more than
 * 5 bytes are used), UINT64_MAX is returned to report the problem. */
uint64_t lpDecodeBacklen(unsigned char *p) {
    uint64_t val = 0;
    uint64_t shift = 0;
    do {
        val |= (uint64_t)(p[0] & 127) << shift;
        if (!(p[0] & 128)) break;
        shift += 7;
        if (shift > 28) return UINT64_MAX;
    } while(1);
    return val;




typedef struct intset {
	uint32_t encoding;
    uint32_t length;
    int8_t contents[];
} intset;


/* Insert an integer in the intset */
intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) {
    uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);
    uint32_t pos;
    if (success) *success = 1;

    /* Upgrade encoding if necessary. If we need to upgrade, we know that
     * this value should be either appended (if > 0) or prepended (if < 0),
     * because it lies outside the range of existing values. */
    if (valenc > intrev32ifbe(is->encoding)) {
        /* This always succeeds, so we don't need to curry *success. */
        return intsetUpgradeAndAdd(is,value);
    } else {
        /* Abort if the value is already present in the set.
         * This call will populate "pos" with the right position to insert
         * the value when it cannot be found. */
        if (intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) {
            if (success) *success = 0;
            return is;
        is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1);
        if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos,pos+1);
    is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1);
    return is;



/* Search for the position of "value". Return 1 when the value was found and
 * sets "pos" to the position of the value within the intset. Return 0 when
 * the value is not present in the intset and sets "pos" to the position
 * where "value" can be inserted. */
static uint8_t intsetSearch(intset *is, int64_t value, uint32_t *pos) {
    int min = 0, max = intrev32ifbe(is->length)-1, mid = -1;
    int64_t cur = -1;

    /* The value can never be found when the set is empty */
    if (intrev32ifbe(is->length) == 0) {
        if (pos) *pos = 0;
        return 0;
    } else {
        /* Check for the case where we know we cannot find the value,
         * but do know the insert position. */
        if (value > _intsetGet(is,max)) {
            if (pos) *pos = intrev32ifbe(is->length);
            return 0;
        } else if (value < _intsetGet(is,0)) {
            if (pos) *pos = 0;
            return 0;

    while(max >= min) {
        mid = ((unsigned int)min + (unsigned int)max) >> 1;
        cur = _intsetGet(is,mid);
        if (value > cur) {
            min = mid+1;
        } else if (value < cur) {
            max = mid-1;
        } else {

    if (value == cur) {
        if (pos) *pos = mid;
        return 1;
    } else {
        if (pos) *pos = min;
        return 0;



/* Delete integer from intset */
intset *intsetRemove(intset *is, int64_t value, int *success) {
    uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);
    uint32_t pos;
    if (success) *success = 0;
    if (valenc <= intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) && intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) {
        uint32_t len = intrev32ifbe(is->length);

        /* We know we can delete */
        if (success) *success = 1;
        /* Overwrite value with tail and update length */
        if (pos < (len-1)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos+1,pos);
        is = intsetResize(is,len-1);
        is->length = intrev32ifbe(len-1);
    return is;





typedef struct zskiplist {
    struct zskiplistNode *header, *tail;
    unsigned long length;
	int level;
} zskiplist;
/* ZSETs use a specialized version of Skiplists */
typedef struct zskiplistNode {
    sds ele;
    double score;
    struct zskiplistNode *backward;
    struct zskiplistLevel {
        struct zskiplistNode *forward;
        unsigned long span;
    } level[];
} zskiplistNode;


/* Create a new skiplist. */
zskiplist *zslCreate(void) {
    int j;
    zskiplist *zsl;
    zsl = zmalloc(sizeof(*zsl));
    zsl->level = 1;
    zsl->length = 0;
    zsl->header = zslCreateNode(ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL,0,NULL);
    for (j = 0; j < ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL; j++) {
        zsl->header->level[j].forward = NULL;
        zsl->header->level[j].span = 0;
    zsl->header->backward = NULL;
    zsl->tail = NULL;
    return zsl;




/* Insert a new node in the skiplist. Assumes the element does not already
 * exist (up to the caller to enforce that). The skiplist takes ownership
 * of the passed SDS string 'ele'. */
zskiplistNode *zslInsert(zskiplist *zsl, double score, sds ele) {
    zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
    unsigned int rank[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL];
    int i, level;

    x = zsl->header;
    for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        /* store rank that is crossed to reach the insert position */
		//循环第一次rank[i] = 0,最后rank[0]就是header到插入节点经过的span值
        rank[i] = i == (zsl->level-1) ? 0 : rank[i+1];
        while (x->level[i].forward &&
                (x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
                    (x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
                    sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) < 0)))
            rank[i] += x->level[i].span;
            x = x->level[i].forward;
        update[i] = x;
    /* we assume the element is not already inside, since we allow duplicated
     * scores, reinserting the same element should never happen since the
     * caller of zslInsert() should test in the hash table if the element is
     * already inside or not. */
	level = zslRandomLevel();
    if (level > zsl->level) {
        for (i = zsl->level; i < level; i++) {
            rank[i] = 0;
            update[i] = zsl->header;
            update[i]->level[i].span = zsl->length;
        zsl->level = level;
    x = zslCreateNode(level,score,ele);
    for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
        x->level[i].forward = update[i]->level[i].forward;
        update[i]->level[i].forward = x;

        /* update span covered by update[i] as x is inserted here */
		//如果i >= zsl->level,说明是新高度,所经历的节点数等于length - 从头结点到待插入节点经过的节点数
        x->level[i].span = update[i]->level[i].span - (rank[0] - rank[i]);
        update[i]->level[i].span = (rank[0] - rank[i]) + 1;

    /* increment span for untouched levels */
    for (i = level; i < zsl->level; i++) {

    x->backward = (update[0] == zsl->header) ? NULL : update[0];
	if (x->level[0].forward)
        x->level[0].forward->backward = x;
        zsl->tail = x;
    return x;


/* Find the rank for an element by both score and key.
 * Returns 0 when the element cannot be found, rank otherwise.
 * Note that the rank is 1-based due to the span of zsl->header to the
 * first element. */
unsigned long zslGetRank(zskiplist *zsl, double score, sds ele) {
    zskiplistNode *x;
    unsigned long rank = 0;
    int i;

    x = zsl->header;
    for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (x->level[i].forward &&
            (x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
                (x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
                sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) <= 0))) {
            rank += x->level[i].span;
            x = x->level[i].forward;

        /* x might be equal to zsl->header, so test if obj is non-NULL */
        if (x->ele && sdscmp(x->ele,ele) == 0) {
            return rank;
    return 0;


/* Delete an element with matching score/element from the skiplist.
 * The function returns 1 if the node was found and deleted, otherwise
 * 0 is returned.
 * If 'node' is NULL the deleted node is freed by zslFreeNode(), otherwise
 * it is not freed (but just unlinked) and *node is set to the node pointer,
 * so that it is possible for the caller to reuse the node (including the
 * referenced SDS string at node->ele). */
int zslDelete(zskiplist *zsl, double score, sds ele, zskiplistNode **node) {
    zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
    int i;

    x = zsl->header;
    for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (x->level[i].forward &&
                (x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
                    (x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
                     sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) < 0)))
            x = x->level[i].forward;
        update[i] = x;
    /* We may have multiple elements with the same score, what we need
     * is to find the element with both the right score and object. */
    x = x->level[0].forward;
    if (x && score == x->score && sdscmp(x->ele,ele) == 0) {
        zslDeleteNode(zsl, x, update);
        if (!node)
            *node = x;
        return 1;
    return 0; /* not found */







typedef struct rax {
    raxNode *head;
    uint64_t numele;
    uint64_t numnodes;
} rax;
typedef struct raxNode {
    uint32_t iskey:1;     /* Does this node contain a key? */
    uint32_t isnull:1;    /* Associated value is NULL (don't store it). */
	uint32_t iscompr:1;   /* Node is compressed. */
    uint32_t size:29;     /* Number of children, or compressed string len. */
    /* Data layout is as follows:
     * If node is not compressed we have 'size' bytes, one for each children
     * character, and 'size' raxNode pointers, point to each child node.
     * Note how the character is not stored in the children but in the
     * edge of the parents:
     * [header iscompr=0][abc][a-ptr][b-ptr][c-ptr](value-ptr?)
     * if node is compressed (iscompr bit is 1) the node has 1 children.
     * In that case the 'size' bytes of the string stored immediately at
     * the start of the data section, represent a sequence of successive
     * nodes linked one after the other, for which only the last one in
     * the sequence is actually represented as a node, and pointed to by
     * the current compressed node.
     * [header iscompr=1][xyz][z-ptr](value-ptr?)
     * Both compressed and not compressed nodes can represent a key
     * with associated data in the radix tree at any level (not just terminal
     * nodes).
     * If the node has an associated key (iskey=1) and is not NULL
     * (isnull=0), then after the raxNode pointers pointing to the
     * children, an additional value pointer is present (as you can see
     * in the representation above as "value-ptr" field).
    unsigned char data[];
} raxNode;




/* Allocate a new rax and return its pointer. On out of memory the function
 * returns NULL. */
rax *raxNew(void) {
    rax *rax = rax_malloc(sizeof(*rax));
    if (rax == NULL) return NULL;
    rax->numele = 0;
    rax->numnodes = 1;
    rax->head = raxNewNode(0,0);
    if (rax->head == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        return rax;


/* Low level function that walks the tree looking for the string
 * 's' of 'len' bytes. The function returns the number of characters
 * of the key that was possible to process: if the returned integer
 * is the same as 'len', then it means that the node corresponding to the
 * string was found (however it may not be a key in case the node->iskey is
 * zero or if simply we stopped in the middle of a compressed node, so that
 * 'splitpos' is non zero).
 * Otherwise if the returned integer is not the same as 'len', there was an
 * early stop during the tree walk because of a character mismatch.
 * The node where the search ended (because the full string was processed
 * or because there was an early stop) is returned by reference as
 * '*stopnode' if the passed pointer is not NULL. This node link in the
 * parent's node is returned as '*plink' if not NULL. Finally, if the
 * search stopped in a compressed node, '*splitpos' returns the index
 * inside the compressed node where the search ended. This is useful to
 * know where to split the node for insertion.
 * Note that when we stop in the middle of a compressed node with
 * a perfect match, this function will return a length equal to the
 * 'len' argument (all the key matched), and will return a *splitpos which is
 * always positive (that will represent the index of the character immediately
 * *after* the last match in the current compressed node).
 * When instead we stop at a compressed node and *splitpos is zero, it
 * means that the current node represents the key (that is, none of the
 * compressed node characters are needed to represent the key, just all
 * its parents nodes). */
static inline size_t raxLowWalk(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, raxNode **stopnode, raxNode ***plink, int *splitpos, raxStack *ts) {
    raxNode *h = rax->head;
    raxNode **parentlink = &rax->head;

    size_t i = 0; /* Position in the string. */
    size_t j = 0; /* Position in the node children (or bytes if compressed).*/
    while(h->size && i < len) {
        debugnode("Lookup current node",h);
        unsigned char *v = h->data;
        if (h->iscompr) {
            for (j = 0; j < h->size && i < len; j++, i++) {
                if (v[j] != s[i]) break;
            if (j != h->size) break;
        } else {
            /* Even when h->size is large, linear scan provides good
             * performances compared to other approaches that are in theory
             * more sounding, like performing a binary search. */
            for (j = 0; j < h->size; j++) {
                if (v[j] == s[i]) break;
            if (j == h->size) break;

        if (ts) raxStackPush(ts,h); /* Save stack of parent nodes. */
        raxNode **children = raxNodeFirstChildPtr(h);
        if (h->iscompr) j = 0; /* Compressed node only child is at index 0. */
        parentlink = children+j;
        j = 0; /* If the new node is non compressed and we do not
                  iterate again (since i == len) set the split
                  position to 0 to signal this node represents
                  the searched key. */
    debugnode("Lookup stop node is",h);
    if (stopnode) *stopnode = h;
    if (plink) *plink = parentlink;
    if (splitpos && h->iscompr) *splitpos = j;
    return i;


/* Insert the element 's' of size 'len', setting as auxiliary data
 * the pointer 'data'. If the element is already present, the associated
 * data is updated (only if 'overwrite' is set to 1), and 0 is returned,
 * otherwise the element is inserted and 1 is returned. On out of memory the
 * function returns 0 as well but sets errno to ENOMEM, otherwise errno will
 * be set to 0.
int raxGenericInsert(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, void *data, void **old, int overwrite) {
    size_t i;
    int j = 0; /* Split position. If raxLowWalk() stops in a compressed
                  node, the index 'j' represents the char we stopped within the
                  compressed node, that is, the position where to split the
                  node for insertion. */
    raxNode *h, **parentlink;

    debugf("### Insert %.*s with value %p\n", (int)len, s, data);
    i = raxLowWalk(rax,s,len,&h,&parentlink,&j,NULL);

    /* If i == len we walked following the whole string. If we are not
     * in the middle of a compressed node, the string is either already
     * inserted or this middle node is currently not a key, but can represent
     * our key. We have just to reallocate the node and make space for the
     * data pointer. */
    if (i == len && (!h->iscompr || j == 0 /* not in the middle if j is 0 */)) {
        debugf("### Insert: node representing key exists\n");
        /* Make space for the value pointer if needed. */
        if (!h->iskey || (h->isnull && overwrite)) {
            h = raxReallocForData(h,data);
            if (h) memcpy(parentlink,&h,sizeof(h));
        if (h == NULL) {
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;

        /* Update the existing key if there is already one. */
        if (h->iskey) {
            if (old) *old = raxGetData(h);
            if (overwrite) raxSetData(h,data);
            errno = 0;
            return 0; /* Element already exists. */

        /* Otherwise set the node as a key. Note that raxSetData()
         * will set h->iskey. */
        return 1; /* Element inserted. */
    /* If the node we stopped at is a compressed node, we need to
     * split it before to continue.
     * Splitting a compressed node have a few possible cases.
     * Imagine that the node 'h' we are currently at is a compressed
     * node containing the string "ANNIBALE" (it means that it represents
     * nodes A -> N -> N -> I -> B -> A -> L -> E with the only child
     * pointer of this node pointing at the 'E' node, because remember that
     * we have characters at the edges of the graph, not inside the nodes
     * themselves.
     * In order to show a real case imagine our node to also point to
     * another compressed node, that finally points at the node without
     * children, representing 'O':
     *     "ANNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     * When inserting we may face the following cases. Note that all the cases
     * require the insertion of a non compressed node with exactly two
     * children, except for the last case which just requires splitting a
     * compressed node.
     * 1) Inserting "ANNIENTARE"
     *               |B| -> "ALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     "ANNI" -> |-|
     *               |E| -> (... continue algo ...) "NTARE" -> []
     * 2) Inserting "ANNIBALI"
     *                  |E| -> "SCO" -> []
     *     "ANNIBAL" -> |-|
     *                  |I| -> (... continue algo ...) []
     * 3) Inserting "AGO" (Like case 1, but set iscompr = 0 into original node)
     *            |N| -> "NIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     |A| -> |-|
     *            |G| -> (... continue algo ...) |O| -> []
     * 4) Inserting "CIAO"
     *     |A| -> "NNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     |-|
     *     |C| -> (... continue algo ...) "IAO" -> []
     * 5) Inserting "ANNI"
     *     "ANNI" -> "BALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     * The final algorithm for insertion covering all the above cases is as
     * follows.
     * ============================= ALGO 1 =============================
     * For the above cases 1 to 4, that is, all cases where we stopped in
     * the middle of a compressed node for a character mismatch, do:
     * Let $SPLITPOS be the zero-based index at which, in the
     * compressed node array of characters, we found the mismatching
     * character. For example if the node contains "ANNIBALE" and we add
     * "ANNIENTARE" the $SPLITPOS is 4, that is, the index at which the
     * mismatching character is found.
     * 1. Save the current compressed node $NEXT pointer (the pointer to the
     *    child element, that is always present in compressed nodes).
     * 2. Create "split node" having as child the non common letter
     *    at the compressed node. The other non common letter (at the key)
     *    will be added later as we continue the normal insertion algorithm
     *    at step "6".
     * 3a. IF $SPLITPOS == 0:
     *     Replace the old node with the split node, by copying the auxiliary
     *     data if any. Fix parent's reference. Free old node eventually
     *     (we still need its data for the next steps of the algorithm).
     * 3b. IF $SPLITPOS != 0:
     *     Trim the compressed node (reallocating it as well) in order to
     *     contain $splitpos characters. Change child pointer in order to link
     *     to the split node. If new compressed node len is just 1, set
     *     iscompr to 0 (layout is the same). Fix parent's reference.
     * 4a. IF the postfix len (the length of the remaining string of the
     *     original compressed node after the split character) is non zero,
     *     create a "postfix node". If the postfix node has just one character
     *     set iscompr to 0, otherwise iscompr to 1. Set the postfix node
     *     child pointer to $NEXT.
     * 4b. IF the postfix len is zero, just use $NEXT as postfix pointer.
     * 5. Set child[0] of split node to postfix node.
     * 6. Set the split node as the current node, set current index at child[1]
     *    and continue insertion algorithm as usually.
     * ============================= ALGO 2 =============================
     * For case 5, that is, if we stopped in the middle of a compressed
     * node but no mismatch was found, do:
     * Let $SPLITPOS be the zero-based index at which, in the
     * compressed node array of characters, we stopped iterating because
     * there were no more keys character to match. So in the example of
     * the node "ANNIBALE", addig the string "ANNI", the $SPLITPOS is 4.
     * 1. Save the current compressed node $NEXT pointer (the pointer to the
     *    child element, that is always present in compressed nodes).
     * 2. Create a "postfix node" containing all the characters from $SPLITPOS
     *    to the end. Use $NEXT as the postfix node child pointer.
     *    If the postfix node length is 1, set iscompr to 0.
     *    Set the node as a key with the associated value of the new
     *    inserted key.
     * 3. Trim the current node to contain the first $SPLITPOS characters.
     *    As usually if the new node length is just 1, set iscompr to 0.
     *    Take the iskey / associated value as it was in the orignal node.
     *    Fix the parent's reference.
     * 4. Set the postfix node as the only child pointer of the trimmed
     *    node created at step 1.

    /* ------------------------- ALGORITHM 1 --------------------------- */
    if (h->iscompr && i != len) {
        debugf("ALGO 1: Stopped at compressed node %.*s (%p)\n",
            h->size, h->data, (void*)h);
        debugf("Still to insert: %.*s\n", (int)(len-i), s+i);
        debugf("Splitting at %d: '%c'\n", j, ((char*)h->data)[j]);
        debugf("Other (key) letter is '%c'\n", s[i]);

        /* 1: Save next pointer. */
        raxNode **childfield = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
        raxNode *next;
        debugf("Next is %p\n", (void*)next);
        debugf("iskey %d\n", h->iskey);
        if (h->iskey) {
            debugf("key value is %p\n", raxGetData(h));

        /* Set the length of the additional nodes we will need. */
        size_t trimmedlen = j;
        size_t postfixlen = h->size - j - 1;
        int split_node_is_key = !trimmedlen && h->iskey && !h->isnull;
        size_t nodesize;

        /* 2: Create the split node. Also allocate the other nodes we'll need
         *    ASAP, so that it will be simpler to handle OOM. */
        raxNode *splitnode = raxNewNode(1, split_node_is_key);
        raxNode *trimmed = NULL;
        raxNode *postfix = NULL;

        if (trimmedlen) {
            nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+trimmedlen+raxPadding(trimmedlen)+
            if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
            trimmed = rax_malloc(nodesize);
        if (postfixlen) {
            nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+postfixlen+raxPadding(postfixlen)+
            postfix = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        /* OOM? Abort now that the tree is untouched. */
        if (splitnode == NULL ||
            (trimmedlen && trimmed == NULL) ||
            (postfixlen && postfix == NULL))
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;
        splitnode->data[0] = h->data[j];
		//j == 0说明该压缩节点没有一个值与value对应的位置匹配
        if (j == 0) {
            /* 3a: Replace the old node with the split node. */
            if (h->iskey) {
                void *ndata = raxGetData(h);
        } else {
            /* 3b: Trim the compressed node. */
            trimmed->size = j;
            trimmed->iscompr = j > 1 ? 1 : 0;
            trimmed->iskey = h->iskey;
            trimmed->isnull = h->isnull;
            if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) {
                void *ndata = raxGetData(h);
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(trimmed);
			 原结构为"ANNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []   
			 b,e都是开始不相同的位置  ,在算法中 B就是splitNode,ALE就是postfix,ANNI就是trimmed节点
			     * 1) Inserting "ANNIENTARE"
                    |B| -> "ALE" -> "SCO" -> []
          "ANNI" -> |-|
                    |E| -> (... continue algo ...) "NTARE" -> []
            parentlink = cp; /* Set parentlink to splitnode parent. */

        /* 4: Create the postfix node: what remains of the original
         * compressed node after the split. */
        if (postfixlen) {
            /* 4a: create a postfix node. */
            postfix->iskey = 0;
            postfix->isnull = 0;
            postfix->size = postfixlen;
            postfix->iscompr = postfixlen > 1;
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(postfix);
        } else {
            /* 4b: just use next as postfix node. */
            postfix = next;

        /* 5: Set splitnode first child as the postfix node. */
        raxNode **splitchild = raxNodeLastChildPtr(splitnode);

        /* 6. Continue insertion: this will cause the splitnode to
         * get a new child (the non common character at the currently
         * inserted key). */
        h = splitnode;
    } else if (h->iscompr && i == len) {
		如下情况: 原结构为"ANNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []   

			     * 5) Inserting "ANNI" 
     *     "ANNI" -> "BALE" -> "SCO" -> []
    /* ------------------------- ALGORITHM 2 --------------------------- */
        debugf("ALGO 2: Stopped at compressed node %.*s (%p) j = %d\n",
            h->size, h->data, (void*)h, j);

        /* Allocate postfix & trimmed nodes ASAP to fail for OOM gracefully. */
        size_t postfixlen = h->size - j;
        size_t nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+postfixlen+raxPadding(postfixlen)+
        if (data != NULL) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
        raxNode *postfix = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+j+raxPadding(j)+sizeof(raxNode*);
        if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
        raxNode *trimmed = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        if (postfix == NULL || trimmed == NULL) {
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;

        /* 1: Save next pointer. */
        raxNode **childfield = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
        raxNode *next;

        /* 2: Create the postfix node. */
        postfix->size = postfixlen;
        postfix->iscompr = postfixlen > 1;
        postfix->iskey = 1;
        postfix->isnull = 0;
        raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(postfix);

        /* 3: Trim the compressed node. */
        trimmed->size = j;
        trimmed->iscompr = j > 1;
        trimmed->iskey = 0;
        trimmed->isnull = 0;
        if (h->iskey) {
            void *aux = raxGetData(h);

        /* Fix the trimmed node child pointer to point to
         * the postfix node. */
        cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(trimmed);

        /* Finish! We don't need to continue with the insertion
         * algorithm for ALGO 2. The key is already inserted. */
        return 1; /* Key inserted. */

    /* We walked the radix tree as far as we could, but still there are left
     * chars in our string. We need to insert the missing nodes. */
    while(i < len) {
        raxNode *child;

        /* If this node is going to have a single child, and there
         * are other characters, so that that would result in a chain
         * of single-childed nodes, turn it into a compressed node. */
        if (h->size == 0 && len-i > 1) {
            debugf("Inserting compressed node\n");
            size_t comprsize = len-i;
            if (comprsize > RAX_NODE_MAX_SIZE)
                comprsize = RAX_NODE_MAX_SIZE;
            raxNode *newh = raxCompressNode(h,s+i,comprsize,&child);
            if (newh == NULL) goto oom;
            h = newh;
            parentlink = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
            i += comprsize;
        } else {
            debugf("Inserting normal node\n");
            raxNode **new_parentlink;
            raxNode *newh = raxAddChild(h,s[i],&child,&new_parentlink);
            if (newh == NULL) goto oom;
            h = newh;
            parentlink = new_parentlink;
        h = child;
    raxNode *newh = raxReallocForData(h,data);
    if (newh == NULL) goto oom;
    h = newh;
    if (!h->iskey) rax->numele++;
    return 1; /* Element inserted. */


/* Remove the specified item. Returns 1 if the item was found and
 * deleted, 0 otherwise. */
int raxRemove(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, void **old) {
    raxNode *h;
    raxStack ts;

    debugf("### Delete: %.*s\n", (int)len, s);
    int splitpos = 0;
    size_t i = raxLowWalk(rax,s,len,&h,NULL,&splitpos,&ts);
    if (i != len || (h->iscompr && splitpos != 0) || !h->iskey) {
        return 0;
    if (old) *old = raxGetData(h);
    h->iskey = 0;

    /* If this node has no children, the deletion needs to reclaim the
     * no longer used nodes. This is an iterative process that needs to
     * walk the three upward, deleting all the nodes with just one child
     * that are not keys, until the head of the rax is reached or the first
     * node with more than one child is found. */

    int trycompress = 0; /* Will be set to 1 if we should try to optimize the
                            tree resulting from the deletion. */

    if (h->size == 0) {
        debugf("Key deleted in node without children. Cleanup needed.\n");
        raxNode *child = NULL;
        while(h != rax->head) {
            child = h;
            debugf("Freeing child %p [%.*s] key:%d\n", (void*)child,
                (int)child->size, (char*)child->data, child->iskey);
            h = raxStackPop(&ts);
             /* If this node has more then one child, or actually holds
              * a key, stop here. */
            if (h->iskey || (!h->iscompr && h->size != 1)) break;
        if (child) {
            debugf("Unlinking child %p from parent %p\n",
                (void*)child, (void*)h);
            raxNode *new = raxRemoveChild(h,child);
            if (new != h) {
                raxNode *parent = raxStackPeek(&ts);
                raxNode **parentlink;
                if (parent == NULL) {
                    parentlink = &rax->head;
                } else {
                    parentlink = raxFindParentLink(parent,h);

            /* If after the removal the node has just a single child
             * and is not a key, we need to try to compress it. */
            if (new->size == 1 && new->iskey == 0) {
                trycompress = 1;
                h = new;
    } else if (h->size == 1) {
        /* If the node had just one child, after the removal of the key
         * further compression with adjacent nodes is potentially possible. */
        trycompress = 1;

    /* Don't try node compression if our nodes pointers stack is not
     * complete because of OOM while executing raxLowWalk() */
    if (trycompress && ts.oom) trycompress = 0;

    /* Recompression: if trycompress is true, 'h' points to a radix tree node
     * that changed in a way that could allow to compress nodes in this
     * sub-branch. Compressed nodes represent chains of nodes that are not
     * keys and have a single child, so there are two deletion events that
     * may alter the tree so that further compression is needed:
     * 1) A node with a single child was a key and now no longer is a key.
     * 2) A node with two children now has just one child.
     * We try to navigate upward till there are other nodes that can be
     * compressed, when we reach the upper node which is not a key and has
     * a single child, we scan the chain of children to collect the
     * compressable part of the tree, and replace the current node with the
     * new one, fixing the child pointer to reference the first non
     * compressable node.
     * Example of case "1". A tree stores the keys "FOO" = 1 and
     * "FOOBAR" = 2:
     * "FOO" -> "BAR" -> [] (2)
     *           (1)
     * After the removal of "FOO" the tree can be compressed as:
     * "FOOBAR" -> [] (2)
     * Example of case "2". A tree stores the keys "FOOBAR" = 1 and
     * "FOOTER" = 2:
     *          |B| -> "AR" -> [] (1)
     * "FOO" -> |-|
     *          |T| -> "ER" -> [] (2)
     * After the removal of "FOOTER" the resulting tree is:
     * "FOO" -> |B| -> "AR" -> [] (1)
     * That can be compressed into:
     * "FOOBAR" -> [] (1)
    if (trycompress) {
        debugf("After removing %.*s:\n", (int)len, s);
        debugnode("Compression may be needed",h);
        debugf("Seek start node\n");

        /* Try to reach the upper node that is compressible.
         * At the end of the loop 'h' will point to the first node we
         * can try to compress and 'parent' to its parent. */
        raxNode *parent;
        while(1) {
            parent = raxStackPop(&ts);
            if (!parent || parent->iskey ||
                (!parent->iscompr && parent->size != 1)) break;
            h = parent;
            debugnode("Going up to",h);
        raxNode *start = h; /* Compression starting node. */

        /* Scan chain of nodes we can compress. */
        size_t comprsize = h->size;
        int nodes = 1;
        while(h->size != 0) {
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
            if (h->iskey || (!h->iscompr && h->size != 1)) break;
            /* Stop here if going to the next node would result into
             * a compressed node larger than h->size can hold. */
            if (comprsize + h->size > RAX_NODE_MAX_SIZE) break;
            comprsize += h->size;
        if (nodes > 1) {
            /* If we can compress, create the new node and populate it. */
            size_t nodesize =
            raxNode *new = rax_malloc(nodesize);
            /* An out of memory here just means we cannot optimize this
             * node, but the tree is left in a consistent state. */
            if (new == NULL) {
                return 1;
            new->iskey = 0;
            new->isnull = 0;
            new->iscompr = 1;
            new->size = comprsize;

            /* Scan again, this time to populate the new node content and
             * to fix the new node child pointer. At the same time we free
             * all the nodes that we'll no longer use. */
            comprsize = 0;
            h = start;
            while(h->size != 0) {
                comprsize += h->size;
                raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
                raxNode *tofree = h;
                rax_free(tofree); rax->numnodes--;
                if (h->iskey || (!h->iscompr && h->size != 1)) break;
            debugnode("New node",new);

            /* Now 'h' points to the first node that we still need to use,
             * so our new node child pointer will point to it. */
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(new);

            /* Fix parent link. */
            if (parent) {
                raxNode **parentlink = raxFindParentLink(parent,start);
            } else {
                rax->head = new;

            debugf("Compressed %d nodes, %d total bytes\n",
                nodes, (int)comprsize);
    return 1;





typedef struct redisDb {
	//保存有这个数据库下所有数据类型的key,如set aa bb,aa就是key,value就是指向bb的redisObject指针
    dict *dict;                 /* The keyspace for this DB */
    dict *expires;              /* Timeout of keys with a timeout set */
    dict *blocking_keys;        /* Keys with clients waiting for data (BLPOP)*/
    dict *ready_keys;           /* Blocked keys that received a PUSH */
    dict *watched_keys;         /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
    int id;                     /* Database ID */
    long long avg_ttl;          /* Average TTL, just for stats */
    unsigned long expires_cursor; /* Cursor of the active expire cycle. */
    list *defrag_later;         /* List of key names to attempt to defrag one by one, gradually. */
} redisDb;





typedef struct redisObject {
	//4个bit 标明是什么数据类型,如string,hash,list等
    unsigned type:4;
    unsigned encoding:4;
	//24个bit ,lru值
    unsigned lru:LRU_BITS; /* LRU time (relative to global lru_clock) or
                            * LFU data (least significant 8 bits frequency
                            * and most significant 16 bits access time). */

	int refcount;
    void *ptr;
} robj;


/* Try to encode a string object in order to save space */
robj *tryObjectEncoding(robj *o) {
    long value;
    sds s = o->ptr;
    size_t len;

    /* Make sure this is a string object, the only type we encode
     * in this function. Other types use encoded memory efficient
     * representations but are handled by the commands implementing
     * the type. */
    serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,o,o->type == OBJ_STRING);

    /* We try some specialized encoding only for objects that are
     * RAW or EMBSTR encoded, in other words objects that are still
     * in represented by an actually array of chars. */
    if (!sdsEncodedObject(o)) return o;

    /* It's not safe to encode shared objects: shared objects can be shared
     * everywhere in the "object space" of Redis and may end in places where
     * they are not handled. We handle them only as values in the keyspace. */
     if (o->refcount > 1) return o;

    /* Check if we can represent this string as a long integer.
     * Note that we are sure that a string larger than 20 chars is not
     * representable as a 32 nor 64 bit integer. */
    len = sdslen(s);
    if (len <= 20 && string2l(s,len,&value)) {
        /* This object is encodable as a long. Try to use a shared object.
         * Note that we avoid using shared integers when maxmemory is used
         * because every object needs to have a private LRU field for the LRU
         * algorithm to work well. */
        if ((server.maxmemory == 0 ||
            !(server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_NO_SHARED_INTEGERS)) &&
            value >= 0 &&
            value < OBJ_SHARED_INTEGERS)
            return shared.integers[value];
        } else {
            if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_RAW) {
                o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_INT;
                o->ptr = (void*) value;
                return o;
            } else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR) {
                return createStringObjectFromLongLongForValue(value);

    /* If the string is small and is still RAW encoded,
     * try the EMBSTR encoding which is more efficient.
     * In this representation the object and the SDS string are allocated
     * in the same chunk of memory to save space and cache misses. */
        robj *emb;

        if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR) return o;
        emb = createEmbeddedStringObject(s,sdslen(s));
        return emb;

    /* We can't encode the object...
     * Do the last try, and at least optimize the SDS string inside
     * the string object to require little space, in case there
     * is more than 10% of free space at the end of the SDS string.
     * We do that only for relatively large strings as this branch
     * is only entered if the length of the string is greater than

    /* Return the original object. */
    return o;
/* Create a string object with EMBSTR encoding if it is smaller than
 * OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT, otherwise the RAW encoding is
 * used.
 * The current limit of 44 is chosen so that the biggest string object
 * we allocate as EMBSTR will still fit into the 64 byte arena of jemalloc. */
robj *createStringObject(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
	//为什么是44字节因为 44 + '\0'(1) + sdshdr8->len(1) + sdshdr8->alloc(1) 
	//+ sdshdr8->flags(1) + redisObject->(type + encoding + lru) 4字节 
	//+ redisObject->refcount(4) + redisObject->ptr(8) == 64byte
        return createEmbeddedStringObject(ptr,len);
    else //单独申请redisObject和sds结构体的空间
        return createRawStringObject(ptr,len);
/* Create a string object with encoding OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR, that is
 * an object where the sds string is actually an unmodifiable string
 * allocated in the same chunk as the object itself. */
robj *createEmbeddedStringObject(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
    robj *o = zmalloc(sizeof(robj)+sizeof(struct sdshdr8)+len+1);
    struct sdshdr8 *sh = (void*)(o+1);
    o->type = OBJ_STRING;
    o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR;
    o->ptr = sh+1;
    o->refcount = 1;
    if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU) {
        o->lru = (LFUGetTimeInMinutes()<<8) | LFU_INIT_VAL;
    } else {
        o->lru = LRU_CLOCK();

    sh->len = len;
    sh->alloc = len;
    sh->flags = SDS_TYPE_8;
    if (ptr == SDS_NOINIT)
        sh->buf[len] = '\0';
    else if (ptr) {
        sh->buf[len] = '\0';
    } else {
    return o;



 * 'xx': push if key exists. */
void pushGenericCommand(client *c, int where, int xx) {
    int j;

    for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
        if (sdslen(c->argv[j]->ptr) > LIST_MAX_ITEM_SIZE) {
            addReplyError(c, "Element too large");
    robj *lobj = lookupKeyWrite(c->db, c->argv[1]);
    if (checkType(c,lobj,OBJ_LIST)) return;
    if (!lobj) {
        if (xx) {
            addReply(c, shared.czero);
        lobj = createQuicklistObject();
        quicklistSetOptions(lobj->ptr, server.list_max_ziplist_size,
    for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {

    addReplyLongLong(c, listTypeLength(lobj));

    char *event = (where == LIST_HEAD) ? "lpush" : "rpush";



void saddCommand(client *c) {
    robj *set;
    int j, added = 0;
    set = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
    if (checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
    if (set == NULL) {
        set = setTypeCreate(c->argv[2]->ptr);

    for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
        if (setTypeAdd(set,c->argv[j]->ptr)) added++;
    if (added) {
    server.dirty += added;
/* Factory method to return a set that *can* hold "value". When the object has
 * an integer-encodable value, an intset will be returned. Otherwise a regular
 * hash table. */
robj *setTypeCreate(sds value) {
    if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,NULL) == C_OK)
        return createIntsetObject();
    return createSetObject();
/* Add the specified value into a set.
 * If the value was already member of the set, nothing is done and 0 is
 * returned, otherwise the new element is added and 1 is returned. */
int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, sds value) {
    long long llval;
    if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
        dict *ht = subject->ptr;
        dictEntry *de = dictAddRaw(ht,value,NULL);
        if (de) {
            return 1;
    } else if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
        if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,&llval) == C_OK) {
            uint8_t success = 0;
            subject->ptr = intsetAdd(subject->ptr,llval,&success);
            if (success) {
                /* Convert to regular set when the intset contains
                 * too many entries. */
                size_t max_entries = server.set_max_intset_entries;
                /* limit to 1G entries due to intset internals. */
                if (max_entries >= 1<<30) max_entries = 1<<30;
                if (intsetLen(subject->ptr) > max_entries)
                return 1;
        } else {
            /* Failed to get integer from object, convert to regular set. */

            /* The set *was* an intset and this value is not integer
             * encodable, so dictAdd should always work. */
            serverAssert(dictAdd(subject->ptr,sdsdup(value),NULL) == DICT_OK);
            return 1;
    } else {
        serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
    return 0;



void hsetCommand(client *c) {
    int i, created = 0;
    robj *o;

    if ((c->argc % 2) == 1) {
        addReplyErrorFormat(c,"wrong number of arguments for '%s' command",c->cmd->name);
    if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return;

    for (i = 2; i < c->argc; i += 2)
        created += !hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[i]->ptr,c->argv[i+1]->ptr,HASH_SET_COPY);

    /* HMSET (deprecated) and HSET return value is different. */
    char *cmdname = c->argv[0]->ptr;
    if (cmdname[1] == 's' || cmdname[1] == 'S') {
        /* HSET */
        addReplyLongLong(c, created);
    } else {
        /* HMSET */
        addReply(c, shared.ok);
    server.dirty += (c->argc - 2)/2;

对type为soreted set的value进行编码


/* Add a new element or update the score of an existing element in a sorted
 * set, regardless of its encoding.
 * The set of flags change the command behavior. 
 * The input flags are the following:
 * ZADD_INCR: Increment the current element score by 'score' instead of updating
 *            the current element score. If the element does not exist, we
 *            assume 0 as previous score.
 * ZADD_NX:   Perform the operation only if the element does not exist.
 * ZADD_XX:   Perform the operation only if the element already exist.
 * ZADD_GT:   Perform the operation on existing elements only if the new score is 
 *            greater than the current score.
 * ZADD_LT:   Perform the operation on existing elements only if the new score is 
 *            less than the current score.
 * When ZADD_INCR is used, the new score of the element is stored in
 * '*newscore' if 'newscore' is not NULL.
 * The returned flags are the following:
 * ZADD_NAN:     The resulting score is not a number.
 * ZADD_ADDED:   The element was added (not present before the call).
 * ZADD_UPDATED: The element score was updated.
 * ZADD_NOP:     No operation was performed because of NX or XX.
 * Return value:
 * The function returns 1 on success, and sets the appropriate flags
 * ADDED or UPDATED to signal what happened during the operation (note that
 * none could be set if we re-added an element using the same score it used
 * to have, or in the case a zero increment is used).
 * The function returns 0 on error, currently only when the increment
 * produces a NAN condition, or when the 'score' value is NAN since the
 * start.
 * The command as a side effect of adding a new element may convert the sorted
 * set internal encoding from ziplist to hashtable+skiplist.
 * Memory management of 'ele':
 * The function does not take ownership of the 'ele' SDS string, but copies
 * it if needed. */
int zsetAdd(robj *zobj, double score, sds ele, int in_flags, int *out_flags, double *newscore) {
    /* Turn options into simple to check vars. */
    int incr = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_INCR) != 0;
    int nx = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_NX) != 0;
    int xx = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_XX) != 0;
    int gt = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_GT) != 0;
    int lt = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_LT) != 0;
    *out_flags = 0; /* We'll return our response flags. */
    double curscore;

    /* NaN as input is an error regardless of all the other parameters. */
    if (isnan(score)) {
        *out_flags = ZADD_OUT_NAN;
        return 0;

    /* Update the sorted set according to its encoding. */
    if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *eptr;
		//遍历ziplist去找是否已经存在对应元素,ziplist结构是  [ele][score]结构存放
        if ((eptr = zzlFind(zobj->ptr,ele,&curscore)) != NULL) {
            /* NX? Return, same element already exists. */
            if (nx) {
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
                return 1;

            /* Prepare the score for the increment if needed. */
            if (incr) {
                score += curscore;
                if (isnan(score)) {
                    *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NAN;
                    return 0;

            /* GT/LT? Only update if score is greater/less than current. */
            if ((lt && score >= curscore) || (gt && score <= curscore)) {
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
                return 1;

            if (newscore) *newscore = score;

            /* Remove and re-insert when score changed. */
            if (score != curscore) {
                zobj->ptr = zzlDelete(zobj->ptr,eptr);
                zobj->ptr = zzlInsert(zobj->ptr,ele,score);
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_UPDATED;
            return 1;
        } else if (!xx) {
            /* check if the element is too large or the list
             * becomes too long *before* executing zzlInsert. */
            if (zzlLength(zobj->ptr)+1 > server.zset_max_ziplist_entries ||
                sdslen(ele) > server.zset_max_ziplist_value ||
                !ziplistSafeToAdd(zobj->ptr, sdslen(ele)))
            } else {
                zobj->ptr = zzlInsert(zobj->ptr,ele,score);
                if (newscore) *newscore = score;
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_ADDED;
                return 1;
        } else {
            *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
            return 1;

    /* Note that the above block handling ziplist would have either returned or
     * converted the key to skiplist. */
    if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
        zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
        zskiplistNode *znode;
        dictEntry *de;
        de = dictFind(zs->dict,ele);
        if (de != NULL) {
            /* NX? Return, same element already exists. */
            if (nx) {
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
                return 1;

            curscore = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);

            /* Prepare the score for the increment if needed. */
            if (incr) {
                score += curscore;
                if (isnan(score)) {
                    *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NAN;
                    return 0;

            /* GT/LT? Only update if score is greater/less than current. */
            if ((lt && score >= curscore) || (gt && score <= curscore)) {
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
                return 1;

            if (newscore) *newscore = score;

            /* Remove and re-insert when score changes. */
            if (score != curscore) {
                znode = zslUpdateScore(zs->zsl,curscore,ele,score);
                /* Note that we did not removed the original element from
                 * the hash table representing the sorted set, so we just
                 * update the score. */
                dictGetVal(de) = &znode->score; /* Update score ptr. */
                *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_UPDATED;
            return 1;
        } else if (!xx) {
			ele = sdsdup(ele);
            znode = zslInsert(zs->zsl,score,ele);
            serverAssert(dictAdd(zs->dict,ele,&znode->score) == DICT_OK);
            *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_ADDED;
            if (newscore) *newscore = score;
            return 1;
        } else {
            *out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
            return 1;
    } else {
        serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
    return 0; /* Never reached. */



/* SETBIT key offset bitvalue */
void setbitCommand(client *c) {
    robj *o;
    char *err = "bit is not an integer or out of range";
    uint64_t bitoffset;
    ssize_t byte, bit;
    int byteval, bitval;
    long on;
    if (getBitOffsetFromArgument(c,c->argv[2],&bitoffset,0,0) != C_OK)

    if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&on,err) != C_OK)

    /* Bits can only be set or cleared... */
    if (on & ~1) {
    if ((o = lookupStringForBitCommand(c,bitoffset)) == NULL) return;

    /* Get current values */
    byte = bitoffset >> 3;
    byteval = ((uint8_t*)o->ptr)[byte];
	//bitoffset & 0x7可以得出其在字节的第几位,用7-是因为字节是右边是高位
	//假设bitoffset是2, 首先bitoffset从0开始编号,那么字节内的bit位为0010 0000
	//假设bitoffset是13, 那么字节内的bit位为 0000 0100 
    bit = 7 - (bitoffset & 0x7);
    bitval = byteval & (1 << bit);
    /* Update byte with new bit value and return original value */
    byteval &= ~(1 << bit);
    byteval |= ((on & 0x1) << bit);
    ((uint8_t*)o->ptr)[byte] = byteval;
    addReply(c, bitval ? shared.cone : shared.czero);


/* GETBIT key offset */
void getbitCommand(client *c) {
    robj *o;
    char llbuf[32];
    uint64_t bitoffset;
    size_t byte, bit;
    size_t bitval = 0;

    if (getBitOffsetFromArgument(c,c->argv[2],&bitoffset,0,0) != C_OK)

    if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
        checkType(c,o,OBJ_STRING)) return;
    byte = bitoffset >> 3;
    bit = 7 - (bitoffset & 0x7);
    if (sdsEncodedObject(o)) {
        if (byte < sdslen(o->ptr))
            bitval = ((uint8_t*)o->ptr)[byte] & (1 << bit);
    } else {
        if (byte < (size_t)ll2string(llbuf,sizeof(llbuf),(long)o->ptr))
            bitval = llbuf[byte] & (1 << bit);

    addReply(c, bitval ? shared.cone : shared.czero);


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