IELTS listening 1.10

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audio  play v播放  unlikely adv不可能的  particularly   allowance

maiden name 娘家名 

I'll issue you with a new password. issue v发给 n问题

It's the 27th of the 3 rd , 1988 

I used to live at 319 Ocean Drive that's in East Providence  drive v驾驶,n大道

I upgraded to the gold account not long ago, so it's unlimited . upgrade v升级

I started off with a 12-month automatic renewal. renewal n恢复,更新 ,续约

specific information  

You’ll hear two people talking about submitting an article to an academic journal.  journal n日志,杂志 academic submit


draft      final draft

SUPERVISOR: Great. So firstly, you need to write an abstract. Make sure it's short and concise.   supervisor concise

 overview 概述  overlook 忽略

A lot of students overlook this part, and just jot down whatever comes to mind, but take some time to make a list of keywords that are accurate and relevant   jot down 草草记下  accurate adj

senior   shortlist n入围名单

I'd be glad to have the feedback                                I bet that can take a while                 you're good to go

Identifying key information              Key information tips

Distractors are quite common, and can work in different ways. In Section 1, this might be where one speaker gives a possible answer, but then the other speaker corrects it. For example, imagine you listen to two people speaking on the phone. You have to listen for the time they’re going to meet:

Speaker 1: So shall we meet at 12:30 then?
Speaker 2: Yes that’s fine for me. 
Speaker 1: Oh no – I just remembered, I’ve got a meeting at 12. Can we make it 1:30?
Speaker 2: Sure!

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meaning. For example, ‘humorous’ is a synonym of ‘funny’. Sometimes in IELTS Listening your test paper will ask you to answer a question in relation to something (e.g. ‘a humorous book’) but the speakers in the recording actually use a synonym (e.g. they talk about ‘a funny book’). It’s important to be aware of this, as you’ll need to be ready for synonyms of key words in the questions throughout the test. 

Paraphrasing is similar to synonyms, but involves using different words rather than just one synonym. So, the question paper might refer to ‘a humorous book which the speaker bought recently’, whereas in the recording you hear the speaker talk about ‘a funny text I picked up the other day in a second-hand bookshop’. As with synonyms, be aware that you may come across paraphrasing in all parts of the test. 

synonyms   distractors   

paragraph   synonyms   

 Introduction to short answers


Short answers are another task type you need to be familiar with.

They can appear in Section 1 or elsewhere, and often involve listening for specific information. Knowing about what we looked at in the previous step can be very helpful when completing short answers. These are our tips for this task type:

  • As always, it helps to read the instructions carefully in the time you have before you listen. Check how many words you can use. Don’t write more than the amount it says in the instructions.
  • Underline the key words in the questions – you might need to listen out for them or a synonym or paraphrase, which can help you get the answer.
  • Predict the kind of answer you need. Is it a time or place? A detail to describe something? A name? The question text should make this clear.
  • The exact word(s) you need for each answer will appear in the recording. In other words, you write down the words you hear.
  • Be prepared for distractors, like the one we saw in the previous step.

Remember you have time at the end of the test which you can use to check your answers for spelling. Note also that short answers are similar to sentence completion task types – something we’ll look at in more detail in Week 2.

estimate           dressing table 梳妆台  potential 


It 's 1.25 metres across .  across 宽 这里题目问的是wide但是回答确实用的synonyms

it's still in good condition  问的state 用condition回答

main road 主干道

That's just off Ashgrove           dimensions   

essential adj 基本的    transfer n转移   Access global payments system  Scroll down and choose the place

transaction detials     branch n分支/分公司

confirm            confirmation page 确认页

How long does it take to process a transfer?  progress n进展 v处理

Section one, you will hear a telephone conversation between a bank representative and a client who wants to make an international money transfer.       client

Now click on payment destination country and scroll down to the location you wish to send money to. It's all in alphabetical order.  alphabetical order 字典序

My mother needs to pay for an urgent medical procedure and I have to pay for my sister's school fees, as well. Will that do?

urgent    procedure 进程

you can return to this page and fill it in later. You can save what you've done so far, and defer completion. defer

If you haven't got a printer at home, just make a note of your transaction reference number.  reference

  • There is a word limit – did you notice it in the instructions for both task types?
  • Answers appear in the recording in the same order as on the question paper.
  • You write down what you hear in the recording.

 don’t forget this is only one section of the Listening test 

Did you notice too that in the short answers task there was an example of the speaker using a synonym? The bank employee gave information on the cost of each ‘transaction’, whereas in your question paper you see the word ‘transfer’. ‘Transaction’ is a synonym of ‘transfer’ in this context.


  • read instructions very carefully
  • try to predict what kind of answer you need
  • be ready for paraphrases and synonyms.


  • write too many words. Check what the word limit is in the instructions
  • be fooled by distractors in the recording
  • forget, if you’re taking the pen and paper test you have time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet at the end.


a useful starting point is the TakeIELTS website 

Remember, you can always use the To do icon at the top of the page to see what’s coming up or go back to previous weeks and catch up.   icon icon icon icon icon  catch up  / catch up / catch up / catch up /

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  • Unlimited access to the course: Go at your own pace with unlimited access to the course for as long as it exists on FutureLearn.无限的访问课程  go at your own pace 

  • A Certificate of Achievement: To help you demonstrate your learning we’ll send you a Certificate of Achievement when you become eligible.  certificate certificate certificate certifacate certifacate certifacate

  • eligible demonstrate

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