


#pragma once

#include <iostream>

typedef unsigned int int_32;

typedef unsigned char md5byte;
typedef int_32 UWORD32;

struct MD5Context {//*MD5结构
	UWORD32 buf[4];
	UWORD32 bytes[2];
	UWORD32 in[16];

static void MD5Init(struct MD5Context *context);//* 初始化MD5结构
static void MD5Update(struct MD5Context *context, md5byte const *buf, unsigned len); //* 加入要计算MD5的数据
static void MD5Final(struct MD5Context *context, unsigned char digest[16]); //* 生成最终MD5值
static void MD5Transform(UWORD32 buf[4], UWORD32 const in[16]);
static void byteSwap(UWORD32 *buf, unsigned words); //* 数字转换
//.end internal

//* 计算并返回data对应的MD5 - 16进制字符
std::string GetDataMD5(const std::string data);



#include "MD5Function.h"

/* The four core functions - F1 is optimized somewhat */

/* #define F1(x, y, z) (x & y | ~x & z) */
#define F1(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
#define F2(x, y, z) F1(z, x, y)
#define F3(x, y, z) (x ^ y ^ z)
#define F4(x, y, z) (y ^ (x | ~z))

/* This is the central step in the MD5 algorithm. */
#define MD5STEP(f,w,x,y,z,in,s) \
	(w += f(x,y,z) + in, w = (w<<s | w>>(32-s)) + x)

//* 将数字转为16进制(大写)
inline char ToHexUpper(unsigned int value) 
	return "0123456789ABCDEF"[value & 0xF];
//* 将数字转为16进制(小写)
inline char ToHexLower(unsigned int value) 
	return "0123456789abcdef"[value & 0xF];
//* 将数16进(大写或小写)制转为数字
inline int FromHex(unsigned int c) 
	return ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) ? int(c - '0') :
		((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) ? int(c - 'A' + 10) :
		((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) ? int(c - 'a' + 10) :
		/* otherwise */              -1;

//* 将数据d用16进制编码,返回值即是结果
std::string HexEncode(const std::string& d)
	std::string hex;
	hex.resize(d.size() * 2);
	char* pHexData = (char*)hex.data();
	const unsigned char* pSrcData = (const unsigned char*)d.data();
	for(int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++)
		pHexData[i*2]     = ToHexLower(pSrcData[i] >> 4);
		pHexData[i*2 + 1] = ToHexLower(pSrcData[i] & 0xf);
	return hex;

//* 将数据d用16进制解码,返回值即是结果
std::string HexDecode(const std::string& hex)
	std::string res;
	res.resize(hex.size() + 1 / 2);
	unsigned char* pResult = (unsigned char*)res.data() + res.size();
	bool odd_digit = true;
	for(int i = hex.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		unsigned char ch = unsigned char(hex.at(i));
		int tmp = FromHex(ch);
		if (tmp == -1)
		if (odd_digit) {
			*pResult = tmp;
			odd_digit = false;
		} else {
			*pResult |= tmp << 4;
			odd_digit = true;
	res.erase(0, pResult - (unsigned char*)res.data());
	return res;

static void
byteSwap(UWORD32 *buf, unsigned words)
        const int_32 byteOrderTest = 0x1;
        if (((const char *)&byteOrderTest)[0] == 0) {
            md5byte *p = (md5byte *)buf;

            do {
                *buf++ = (UWORD32)((unsigned)p[3] << 8 | p[2]) << 16 |
                    ((unsigned)p[1] << 8 | p[0]);
                p += 4;
            } while (--words);

 * Start MD5 accumulation.  Set bit count to 0 and buffer to mysterious
 * initialization constants.
static void
MD5Init(struct MD5Context *ctx)
	ctx->buf[0] = 0x67452301;
	ctx->buf[1] = 0xefcdab89;
	ctx->buf[2] = 0x98badcfe;
	ctx->buf[3] = 0x10325476;

	ctx->bytes[0] = 0;
	ctx->bytes[1] = 0;

 * Update context to reflect the concatenation of another buffer full
 * of bytes.
static void
MD5Update(struct MD5Context *ctx, md5byte const *buf, unsigned len)
	UWORD32 t;

	/* Update byte count */

	t = ctx->bytes[0];
	if ((ctx->bytes[0] = t + len) < t)
		ctx->bytes[1]++;	/* Carry from low to high */

	t = 64 - (t & 0x3f);	/* Space available in ctx->in (at least 1) */
	if (t > len) {
		memcpy((md5byte *)ctx->in + 64 - t, buf, len);
	/* First chunk is an odd size */
	memcpy((md5byte *)ctx->in + 64 - t, buf, t);
	byteSwap(ctx->in, 16);
	MD5Transform(ctx->buf, ctx->in);
	buf += t;
	len -= t;

	/* Process data in 64-byte chunks */
	while (len >= 64) {
		memcpy(ctx->in, buf, 64);
		byteSwap(ctx->in, 16);
		MD5Transform(ctx->buf, ctx->in);
		buf += 64;
		len -= 64;

	/* Handle any remaining bytes of data. */
	memcpy(ctx->in, buf, len);

 * Final wrapup - pad to 64-byte boundary with the bit pattern 
 * 1 0* (64-bit count of bits processed, MSB-first)
static void
MD5Final(struct MD5Context *ctx, md5byte digest[16])
	int count = ctx->bytes[0] & 0x3f;	/* Number of bytes in ctx->in */
	md5byte *p = (md5byte *)ctx->in + count;

	/* Set the first char of padding to 0x80.  There is always room. */
	*p++ = 0x80;

	/* Bytes of padding needed to make 56 bytes (-8..55) */
	count = 56 - 1 - count;

	if (count < 0) {	/* Padding forces an extra block */
		memset(p, 0, count + 8);
		byteSwap(ctx->in, 16);
		MD5Transform(ctx->buf, ctx->in);
		p = (md5byte *)ctx->in;
		count = 56;
	memset(p, 0, count);
	byteSwap(ctx->in, 14);

	/* Append length in bits and transform */
	ctx->in[14] = ctx->bytes[0] << 3;
	ctx->in[15] = ctx->bytes[1] << 3 | ctx->bytes[0] >> 29;
	MD5Transform(ctx->buf, ctx->in);

	byteSwap(ctx->buf, 4);
	memcpy(digest, ctx->buf, 16);
	memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));	/* In case it's sensitive */

#ifndef ASM_MD5

/* The four core functions - F1 is optimized somewhat */

/* #define F1(x, y, z) (x & y | ~x & z) */
#define F1(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
#define F2(x, y, z) F1(z, x, y)
#define F3(x, y, z) (x ^ y ^ z)
#define F4(x, y, z) (y ^ (x | ~z))

/* This is the central step in the MD5 algorithm. */
#define MD5STEP(f,w,x,y,z,in,s) \
	 (w += f(x,y,z) + in, w = (w<<s | w>>(32-s)) + x)

 * The core of the MD5 algorithm, this alters an existing MD5 hash to
 * reflect the addition of 16 longwords of new data.  MD5Update blocks
 * the data and converts bytes into longwords for this routine.
static void
MD5Transform(UWORD32 buf[4], UWORD32 const in[16])
	UWORD32 a, b, c, d;

	a = buf[0];
	b = buf[1];
	c = buf[2];
	d = buf[3];

	MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[0] + 0xd76aa478, 7);
	MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[1] + 0xe8c7b756, 12);
	MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[2] + 0x242070db, 17);
	MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[3] + 0xc1bdceee, 22);
	MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[4] + 0xf57c0faf, 7);
	MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[5] + 0x4787c62a, 12);
	MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[6] + 0xa8304613, 17);
	MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[7] + 0xfd469501, 22);
	MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[8] + 0x698098d8, 7);
	MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[9] + 0x8b44f7af, 12);
	MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[10] + 0xffff5bb1, 17);
	MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[11] + 0x895cd7be, 22);
	MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[12] + 0x6b901122, 7);
	MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[13] + 0xfd987193, 12);
	MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[14] + 0xa679438e, 17);
	MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[15] + 0x49b40821, 22);

	MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[1] + 0xf61e2562, 5);
	MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[6] + 0xc040b340, 9);
	MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[11] + 0x265e5a51, 14);
	MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[0] + 0xe9b6c7aa, 20);
	MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[5] + 0xd62f105d, 5);
	MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[10] + 0x02441453, 9);
	MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[15] + 0xd8a1e681, 14);
	MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[4] + 0xe7d3fbc8, 20);
	MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[9] + 0x21e1cde6, 5);
	MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[14] + 0xc33707d6, 9);
	MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[3] + 0xf4d50d87, 14);
	MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[8] + 0x455a14ed, 20);
	MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[13] + 0xa9e3e905, 5);
	MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[2] + 0xfcefa3f8, 9);
	MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[7] + 0x676f02d9, 14);
	MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[12] + 0x8d2a4c8a, 20);

	MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[5] + 0xfffa3942, 4);
	MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[8] + 0x8771f681, 11);
	MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[11] + 0x6d9d6122, 16);
	MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[14] + 0xfde5380c, 23);
	MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[1] + 0xa4beea44, 4);
	MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[4] + 0x4bdecfa9, 11);
	MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[7] + 0xf6bb4b60, 16);
	MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[10] + 0xbebfbc70, 23);
	MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[13] + 0x289b7ec6, 4);
	MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[0] + 0xeaa127fa, 11);
	MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[3] + 0xd4ef3085, 16);
	MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[6] + 0x04881d05, 23);
	MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[9] + 0xd9d4d039, 4);
	MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[12] + 0xe6db99e5, 11);
	MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[15] + 0x1fa27cf8, 16);
	MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[2] + 0xc4ac5665, 23);

	MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[0] + 0xf4292244, 6);
	MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[7] + 0x432aff97, 10);
	MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[14] + 0xab9423a7, 15);
	MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[5] + 0xfc93a039, 21);
	MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[12] + 0x655b59c3, 6);
	MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[3] + 0x8f0ccc92, 10);
	MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[10] + 0xffeff47d, 15);
	MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[1] + 0x85845dd1, 21);
	MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[8] + 0x6fa87e4f, 6);
	MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[15] + 0xfe2ce6e0, 10);
	MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[6] + 0xa3014314, 15);
	MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[13] + 0x4e0811a1, 21);
	MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[4] + 0xf7537e82, 6);
	MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[11] + 0xbd3af235, 10);
	MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[2] + 0x2ad7d2bb, 15);
	MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[9] + 0xeb86d391, 21);

	buf[0] += a;
	buf[1] += b;
	buf[2] += c;
	buf[3] += d;

std::string GetDataMD5( const std::string data )
	MD5Context context = {0};
	MD5Update(&context, (const md5byte*) &data[0], data.length());

	std::string result;
	MD5Final(&context, (unsigned char*) &result[0]);

	std::string result_hex = HexEncode(result);

	return result_hex;



#include <iostream>

#include "MD5Function.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	std::string data = "123456";
	std::string md5String = GetDataMD5(data);
	std::cout << md5String.c_str() << std::endl;

	return 0;





评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


