twisted 中udp使用(twisted附带文档)

UDP Networking

1.      Overview

2.      DatagramProtocol

3.      Connected UDP

4.      Multicast UDP

5.      Acknowledgements


1.            概述

2.            数据包协议

3.            连接UDP

4.            组播UDP

5.            致谢



不像TCPUDP没有连接的概念。一个UDP socket可以从网络上任何服务器接收数据包,也可以将数据包发送到网络上的任何主机。而且数据包在传输中可以以任意顺序到达,不全部到达,或者被复制。



Unlike TCP, UDP has no notion of connections. A UDP socket can receive datagrams from any server on the network, and send datagrams to any host on the network. In addition, datagrams may arrive in any order, never arrive at all, or be duplicated in transit.

Since there are no multiple connections, we only use a single object, a protocol, for each UDP socket. We then use the reactor to connect this protocol to a UDP transport, using the twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUDP reactor API.





At the base, the place where you actually implement the protocol parsing and handling, is the DatagramProtocol class. This class will usually be decended from twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol. Most protocol handlers inherit either from this class or from one of its convenience children. The DatagramProtocol class receives datagrams, and can send them out over the network. Received datagrams include the address they were sent from, and when sending datagrams the address to send to must be specified.

Here is a simple example:

from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol

from twisted.internet import reactor


class Echo(DatagramProtocol):


    def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):

        print "received %r from %s:%d" % (data, host, port)

        self.transport.write(data, (host, port))


reactor.listenUDP(9999, Echo())

如你所看到的,协议在反应器上注册。这意味着在它被添加到一个应用时将保持不变,因此它在从一个UDP socket连接和断开时twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol.startProtocol twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol.stopProtocol方法将被调用。


As you can see, the protocol is registed with the reactor. This means it may be persisted if it's added to an application, and thus it has twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol.startProtocol and twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol.stopProtocol methods that will get called when the protocol is connected and disconnected from a UDP socket.

The protocol's transport attribute will implement the twisted.internet.interfaces.IUDPTransport interface. Notice that the host argument should be an IP, not a hostname. If you only have the hostname use reactor.resolve() to resolve the address (see twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.resolve).


一个已连接的UDP socket非常不同于标准的socket,它只和一个地址接收和发送数据包,但是这并不是一个可靠的连接。数据包可能以任意顺序到达,对端的端口也可能没有在监听。已连接的UDP的好处是可以提供通知和非指定的包。这依赖于很多因素,基本上这些因素都在应用可控范围之外,但是这仍然提供了在有时很有用的特定好处。


Connected UDP

A connected UDP socket is slighly different from a standard one - it can only send and receive datagrams to/from a single address, but this does not in any way imply a connection. Datagrams may still arrive in any order, and the port on the other side may have no one listening. The benefit of the connected UDP socket is that it it may provide notification of undelivered packages. This depends on many factors, almost all of which are out of the control of the application, but it still presents certain benefits which occassionally make it useful.

Unlike a regular UDP protocol, we do not need to specify where to send datagrams to, and are not told where they came from since they can only come from address the socket is 'connected' to.

from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol

from twisted.internet import reactor


class Helloer(DatagramProtocol):


    def startProtocol(self):

        self.transport.connect("", 1234)

        print "we can only send to %s now" % str((host, port))

        self.transport.write("hello") # no need for address


    def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):

        print "received %r from %s:%d" % (data, host, port)


    # Possibly invoked if there is no server listening on the

    # address to which we are sending.

    def connectionRefused(self):

        print "No one listening"


# 0 means any port, we don't care in this case

reactor.listenUDP(0, Helloer())

注意:connect() write()一样都只接收IP地址,不接受未解析的域名。要得到域的IP使用reactor.resolve(),如下:

Note that connect(), like write() will only accept IP addresses, not unresolved domain names. To obtain the IP of a domain name use reactor.resolve(), e.g.:

from twisted.internet import reactor


def gotIP(ip):

    print "IP of '' is", ip




Connecting to a new address after a previous connection, or making a connected port unconnected are not currently supported, but will likely be supported in the future.




Multicast UDP

A multicast UDP socket can send and receive datagrams from multiple clients. The interesting and useful feature of the multicast is that a client can contact multiple servers with a single packet, without knowing the specific IP of any of the hosts.

from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol

from twisted.internet import reactor

from twisted.application.internet import MulticastServer


class MulticastServerUDP(DatagramProtocol):

    def startProtocol(self):

        print 'Started Listening'

        # Join a specific multicast group, which is the IP we will respond to



    def datagramReceived(self, datagram, address):

        # The uniqueID check is to ensure we only service requests from

        # ourselves

        if datagram == 'UniqueID':

            print "Server Received:" + repr(datagram)

            self.transport.write("data", address)


# Note that the join function is picky about having a unique object

# on which to call join.  To avoid using startProtocol, the following is

# sufficient:

#reactor.listenMulticast(8005, MulticastServerUDP()).join('')


# Listen for multicast on

reactor.listenMulticast(8005, MulticastServerUDP())

Source listing - listings/udp/


The server protocol is very simple, and closely resembles a normal listenUDP implementation. The main difference is that instead of listenUDP, listenMulticast is called with a specified port number. The server must also call joinGroup to specify on which multicast IP address it will service requests. Another item of interest is the contents of the datagram. Many different applications use multicast as a way of device discovery, which leads to an abundance of packets flying around. Checking the payload can ensure that we only service requests from our specific clients.

from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol

from twisted.internet import reactor

from twisted.application.internet import MulticastServer


class MulticastClientUDP(DatagramProtocol):


    def datagramReceived(self, datagram, address):

            print "Received:" + repr(datagram)


# Send multicast on, on our dynamically allocated port

reactor.listenUDP(0, MulticastClientUDP()).write('UniqueID',

                                                 ('', 8005)) - listings/udp/


This is a mirror implementation of a standard UDP client. The only difference is that the destination IP is the multicast address. This datagram will be distributed to every server listening on and port 8005. Note that the client port is specified as 0, as we have no need to keep track of what port the client is listening on.


Thank you to all contributors to this document, including:

  • Kyle Robertson, author of the explanation and examples of multicast


Version: 8.2.0





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