Motorola Saber Radio Service Software User's Guide 业余无线电中文计划

Motorola® Saber™ Radio Service Software User’s Guide
    ·本说明书参照 Motorola 68P81062C95-F文档翻译,内容有删改。
·本说明书针对的 RSS(Radio Service Software)版本为R07.01.00,该版本软件已
The Motorola equipment described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola equipment described in this manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola equipment shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal nonexclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sales of a product.
版本: Ver. 0.1(02/12/2007)

第一部分 SERVICE: alignment, service aids, board replacement
一、 Align Radio Parameters
注意:当您修改了本菜单中的任何设置后,您需要为电台重新编程( Reprogram Radio),才能使改动生效。当然,您修改完一处设置后无需立即这样做,可以待所有设置修改后,再对电台重新编程。
·“ Page Up”键会增加10%的值,“Page Down”则会减少10%。
·“ UP/DOWN”键会改变两个选项的参数,诸如“ON/OFF”或“YES/NO”。
1、 Oscillator Warp(振荡器偏移)
    该项调节电台的振荡器,使得发射和接收频率准确无误。 Saber是频率合成电台,当你恰当地调整振荡器偏移后,所有发射和接收频率将会准确无误。当你调整时,你可以在(软件的)工作界面上直接看到它,而无需去重新编程电台。使用频率测试仪器(50欧阻抗)测试电台的发射频率。
    对于 UHF电台:调解的等级数值=(以HZ计算的误差频率)/180
    对于 VHF电台:调解的等级数值=(以HZ计算的误差频率)/80
2、 Power Level(功率等级)
    在 Saber电台中,可以设定四种不同的功率等级:低、中、高、自定义。(每个频道可以在频道设置中,设置自己的功率等级。)默认情况下,UHF机最小和最大功率等级分别设定为2.5W和5.0W,VHF机中最小和最大功率等级分别设置为2.5W和6.0W。尽管这些是标准的功率,但是你可以在允许范围内随意设置它们的值,甚至把最低功率和最高功率设置为相同的,如果你愿意的话。
    在设置了功率等级之后,你可以实时地( Real Time)检视它们,而不必重新编程电台。
3、 Low Battery Threshold(低电压警告)
    低电压警告决定了电台在发射时,电压低于多少 V,才会闪烁LED灯警告。当你设置了低电压警告后,你无法立即测试电台,直到电台被重新编程。本设置默认为$9E,对应6.5V。
4、 Battery Save Squelch(节电静噪)
    该项设置在节电模式下,载波信号的静噪等级,以决定接收机是否启动。设置该项可以达到最佳的电池时间 /性能比。设置之后你将无法测试,直到电台被重新编程。在设置该项前,你必须在频道设置中打开“Battery Save Enable”项。
$00 (minimum squelch)
$01 l
$02 l
$03 l
$03 l
$03 --open squelch—
$0E (maximum squelch)
5、 Audio Processing(音频处理)
    小知识: 500Hz~1KHz,这段频率是人声的基音频率区域,是一个重要的频率范围。
    该项会设置音频处理过滤器对 1KHz以下声音频率的音量等级。音频处理过滤器是一个频率在1KHz的高通量过滤器。当音频过滤器工作时,声音被扭曲成高音量的,使得更容易理解或听清楚。你无法测试它,直到电台被重新编程。
    C0是一个基准, C0以下的是正常声音,C0以上会触发音频处理。系统的默认值是FF(关闭音频处理),EB是最大的值(起作用的),值的范围是00-FF。根据你使用电台的环境选择一个合适的值。
6、 Sidetone Volume(侧音音量)
    该项设置侧音音量等级(译者注:可以理解为电台的提示音,诸如 MDC信令发射提示音。)要测试,你必须首先重新编程电台。
7、 DTMF Dial Delay
    This parameter controls the DTMF pretime. Its value ranges from $00 to $FF in steps of 1.
To see the effect of the change, the radio must first be reprogrammed.
8、 DTMF Tone On Time
    该项设置 DTMF音的持续时间。值每增加1,时间增加5ms,最多1.275s。
9、 DTMF Tone Off Time
    设置两个 DTMF音之间的间隔。值每增加1,间隔增加5ms,最多1.275s。
10、 Secure Deviation Offset
    译者注:大概的意思是用于设置在编码通信中的偏移量的。鉴于业余无线电不允许密文通信,还请自己研究吧。我的 Saber反正是没开这项。
如果你打开了电台的 H432功能,那么这项调整不是必要的。
11、 Microphone Gain(麦克增益)
    这个选项在发射信号时使用。有四个不同的项可供选择: -3db,0db,+3db,+6db。需要对电台重新编程才能看到效果。该项只有在打开了H852(6D Master Option)或H549(8D Master Option)时才能发挥作用。
二、 Align Channel Parameters
1、 Squelch(静噪)
2、 VCO and Reference Modulation Alignment
    When adjusting deviation, two separate adjustments are required - one for VCO modulation and the other for REFERENCE modulation. When aligning VCO and Reference Modulation, you can measure the deviation during the alignment process or in "real time." You do not have to reprogram the radio to measure the change. However, you will have to reprogram the radio to make these changes permanent. Do NOT turn off the radio while aligning this parameter. The procedure given below will go through both of these adjustments.
3、 Battery Save Enable(节电开关)
三、 Align Scan Controls
1、 Scan Monitor Hold Time(扫描监听保持时间)
2、 Scan Receive Response Time(扫描接收响应时间)
    在扫描中一个消息被接收后,会触发一个被称为“扫描接收响应时间”的可编程的间隔。( 0~60秒,以1秒步进)在此期间,电台不会继续搜索而停留在最后一个接收的频道上等待响应。
3、 Scan Transmit Response Time(扫描发射响应时间)
    在扫描中一个消息被发射后,会触发一个被称为“扫描发射响应时间”的可变成的间隔( 0~60秒,以1秒步进)在此期间,电台不会继续搜索而停留在最后一个发射的频道上等待响应。
4、 Scan Priority Squelch
    This value corresponds roughly to the squelch values which are 'aligned' using the align channel window of the Radio Service Software. The priority squelch level is used when checking priority channels while the radio is unmuted on an active channel. Sensitivity to priority channels in the unmuted state is affected by this value. Lower values will make the radio more sensitive, but too low a value may cause falsing. The default value is 8 and should only be changed if difficulties with priority sensitivity are encountered.

一、 The READ function(读取功能)
    读取功能会从电台中读取电台的 codeplug数据(译者注:相当于电台内部的程序),并生成一个RSS文件。读取codeplug,你必须将电台连接到计算机。
·不管电台的版本如何,程序始终会最先读取电台的 CORE(内核)处理器。系统会显示CORE处理器的软件版本。比如:5D或6D,等等……
·读取 CORE之后,会读取EEPROM(电子擦除只读存储器),这个过程只发生在Saber II和Saber III上。
二、 The WRITE function(写入功能)
    写入功能用于对电台进行编程,使用当前电台的个性化数据( personality data)。电台的个性化数据可以从磁盘、电台中读取或用RSS创建。
    在写频开始之前,电台必须通过电台接口盒( Radio Interface Box,RIB)连接到IBM兼容PC。
三、 The LOAD/SAVE/DELETE functions(载入、保存、删除功能)
F2 – 从磁盘载入电台个性化配置
F3 – 保存电台个性化配置到磁盘
F4 – 从磁盘删除电台个性化配置

一、 F2 - VIEW Radio Personality
Model Category:电台的类型
Model Number:型号的编码
CORE Version: CORE的版本
COPE Version: COPE的版本
DVP Version:如果安装了安全模块,会显示
Frequency Range:电台可以工作的频率范围
Power Level:指出高 /低功率的大小
Number Zones:给出当前 /总共的Zones(区域)数量
Number Channels:给出当前 /总共的频道数量
Number PL’s:给出当前 /总共的哑音数量
CORE Patch ID:给出电台的 CORE补丁版本
COPE Patch ID:给出电台的 COPE补丁版本
F3 - CREATE Radio Personality File
二、 Radio Feature Option
三、 Channel Information
最小和最大的值取决于电台允许的频率范围。允许 6.25或5KHz步进。允许设置发射频率为“B”,设置一个接收频道。
选择哑音。无哑音为“ CSQ”。数字或模拟可根据输入自动识别。
Scan List
有效的输入为 1-10。
Time Out Timer
有效的设置为 Y或N。设置发射超时。
是否发射 MDC ID(MDC信令身份标示)。
Emergency Revert
Enable XL
支持加密( Secure)的机型会显示该项
Channel Strapping
允许输入 c(不加密)、s(加密)或b(由开关决定)
Quick-Call II
当 H701/H702/H703选择时会显示。在相同频道中,接收哑音与此项冲突。
Repeater Index
The Serial Number of the repeater unit ID in the Repeater Access Codes table entered in the radio/options screen. (Can be viewed while in the channel information screen using the F6 key).Example:If you want to send an Access Code of 2357 through either (or both) of the RATS, and if 2357 was entered by you as the 5th entry in the table earlier, then enter 5 for Repeater Index in the channel information screen. You will also need to tie either (or both) the RATs to 'M' for this entry to be effective. (The index is same for RAT1 and RAT2.) This field will be displayed only if either one of the Multiple Repeater Access options is chosen.
RAT1 Function
Valid entries are 1 or 2 (for single tones 1 or 2),M (for Repeater Access Code (MDC)), and ‘ ’ for no signalling. This field will be displayed only if the general single tones option, or one of the Multiple Repeater Access options is chosen.
RAT2 Function
Valid entries are 1 or 2 (for single tones 1 or 2), M (for Repeater Access Code (MDC)), and ‘ ’ for no signalling. This field will be displayed only if the general single tones option, or one of the Multiple Repeater Access options is chosen.
PTT Function
Valid entries are 1 or 2 (for single tones 1 or 2), M (for MDC), and '' for no signalling. This field will be displayed only if the general single tones option is chosen and the time duration is not zero. (The MDC ID field does not appear with this field. Instead, the PTT field itself can be used for signalling MDC through PTT -- by entering M in the PTT field.)
有效的值为 Y或N。这个字段对任何Saber都显示。该项用于当一个flat audio接收或发射时。选择Y(默认值)禁止flat audio。
MDC Decode
Valid entries are 'Y' and 'N'. This field will be displayed if a Unit ID (meaning any MDC ENCODE/DECODE option) is present and the Master 8D option is highlighted. Selecting 'Y' enables MDC Decode features on this channel. MDC Decode is incompatible with Tx Inhibit.
Emergency PTT
Valid entries are 'Y' and 'N'. This field will be displayed if Emergency Call is selected. Selecting ‘Y’ will cause the MDC ID to be transmitted whenever the radio is in Emergency Call.
DOS Muting
Valid entires are 'Y' and 'N'. This field is will be displayed if a Unit ID (meaning any MDC ENCODE option) is present and the Master 8D (Advanced STATALERT) option is highlighted. Selecting 'Y' enables DOS Muting on this channel.
Tx Inhibit
Valid entries are 'Y' and 'N'. This field is always displayed if the 8D Master option is selected. Rx PL must be enabled on a channel to get Tx inhibit on the same channel. Tx INHIBIT is incompatible with MDC DECODE.
四、 Auto Dial / Access and Hangup Codes
五、 Manual Interconnect Access and Hangup Codes
六、 Format Scan Lists
七、 Format Selectable PL

附录一 Saber Models
2、b=2, 68-88MHz
b=3, VHF
b=4, UHF
d=G, Saber IE(2 Zones,无屏幕)
5、e=7, CORE为二进制(数字)(美版)
e=7, CORE为音频(模拟)(国际版)
f=5, 12.5或窄带(国际版)
7、g=0, 10频道(国际版)
g=3, 12频道
8、 h=9,版本变更

附录二 Options List and Definitions
H251 - 60 Second TOT
H901 - Non-standard TOT
Silent Monitor
H384 - Muting Via Keypad
H153 - Omit All Tones
禁止电台产生任何的警告音或侧音,电台的音频反馈会被禁止。该项与 H619冲突。
H365 - Transmit Inhibit on Busy Channel
H359 - Channel Busy LED
选择该项后,低电压警告会失效(与 H906冲突)。在有载波时,LED闪烁。
H906 - Low Battery LED
低电压时 LED灯闪烁,该项与H359冲突。
Safe Battery (H155, H200, H237, H759)
该项对于 Saber I不会显示,只设置H906即可提示低电压。
H958 - Unit ID - MDC 600
发送 MDC 600信令,可以标示一个Unit ID。可以设置前、后和前后都有三种发送方式。发送时会有侧音提示(如果开启侧音的话)。Secure版本不能设置后信令。
H959 - Unit ID - MDC 1200
发送 MDC 1200信令。其余同H958。
H961 - Unit ID and Emergency - MDC 600
按下紧急按钮后,会在预设定的紧急频道发射 MDC 600 Unit ID和警报。
H962 - Unit ID and Emergency - MDC 1200
发射 MDC 1200 Unit ID,其余同H961。
H963 - Unit ID W/ Audible Emergency - MDC 600
可以在发射 MDC 600信令、警告的同时产生侧音(本机喇叭响),其余同H961。
H967 - Unit ID W/ Audible Emergency - MDC 1200
发射 MDC 1200信令,其余同H963。
H923 - Unit ID W/Emergency Revert - MDC 600
发射 MDC 600 Unit ID,在预设的频道发射一个静默的报警音,然后回到发射警报前所在的频道守候。
H946 - Unit ID W/Emergency Revert - MDC 1200
发射 MDC 1200 Unit ID,其余同H923。
No Channel Re-Revert After Emergency
Selecting this option will cause the radio to remain on the reverted channel after the completion of the emergency packet transmissions. Any subsequent transmissions will be sent out the assigned Emergency Revert channel. Cancelling this may be done by manually changing channels or by resetting the radio.
H770 - Pretime Delay - 300ms
发射 MDC信令前300ms延迟。默认是500ms。该项与H771、H779冲突。
H771 - Pretime Delay - 700 ms
发射 MDC信令前700ms延迟。
H779 - Non-standard Pretime Delay
发射 MDC信令前的非标准延迟。
H619 - Omit Side Tones
忽略侧音(特别指 MDC信令发射时的长鸣侧音,而非警告音)。该项与H153冲突。
H371 - Zone and Channel Operation
Zones可以通过按键来切换,频道可以通过频道旋钮来选择。每个 Zones可以存储12个频道。
H396 - Channel Only Operation
此项可以定义一个只有频道(没有 Zones),通过按键选择频道的电台。
H560 – Talkaround
Selecting this option will allow talkaround on a SABER IE. Data for one zone can be entered in the channel information screen. This option is incompatible with option H256 (Two Zone Operation).
H256 - Two Zone Operation
该项可以允许在 Saber IE上存在2个Zones。
H346 - Zone Display Names
显示 Zone名称
H380 - Channel Display Names
H368 – Autodial
This option adds autodial capability to the radio. You can specify up to 9 telephone numbers along with their access and hang-up codes for each phone number and zone/channel number on which the call will be made on. This option is available on C model radios only. A and B model radios can have only one access and hang-up code. You will not be able to change the telephone numbers, and access and hang-up codes using the keypad. In order to modify this information, you will have to use the RADIO SERVICE SOFTWARE.
H669 - Omit Inadvertent Lock
Inadvertent lock is a standard menu option for display models. This option will disable the Inadvertent Lock which allows you to lock out the keypad temporarily during periods of non-usage, or for safety purposes to minimize inadvertent actuation.
H670 - Omit Memory (2K memory option)
This option is necessary for SABER II's with a 2K EEPROM instead of the normal 8K. It is important to ensure that the size of the codeplug that is being created does not exceed the bounds of hardware in the radio. Selecting this option will reduce the number of available options.
H297 - Manual Telephone Interconnect
This option allows manual dialing of DTMF telephone numbers. In this feature, you may fix the length of the tones transmitted, or you may select manual length tones.
H397 - Menu Lock
This option will add a menu lock to the radio. With this option you can lock out the keypad from unauthorized users unless the proper password is entered. the password menu is also included in the radio to allow the capability of changing passwords. The default password is the null password which is entered by pressing the ENTER key on the radio. You must select option H669 - Omit Inadvertent Lock, to enable this option.
H345 - Radio Lock
This option will allow you to lock the radio when it is first turned on. In order to enable any radio functions or menus, the correct password must be entered otherwise the radio will be inoperable and none of the options or menus can be accessed. The same password in option H397 - Menu Lock, will be used here for A and B model radios. For C model radios, Menu Lock can have different passwords if you wish.
H273 - Operator Selectable Scan
此项允许你维护一个扫描列表,使用电台上的按键而不是 RSS。
H344 - Mode Slaved Scan (仅针对 Saber II和Saber III)
选择该项会提供你 10个扫描列表,每列表中有13个条目。13个频道中,有2个优先扫描信道,10个非有限扫描信道,1个可定制的传输信道。
H444 - Delete Proper Code Detect
H245 - Delete Clear Mode Alert Tones on Transmit
该项会删除所有用于指示电台处于明码发射状态的警示音。这个警示音的频率是 820Hz,时长为80ms。你知只能通过RSS忽略这个音。
H244 - Delete Clear Coded Transmit Switch
如果你的电台型号是 Secure型号(可加密),而又没有一个用于明码/密码转换的开关,你必须打开这个选项。如果你的电台不是Secure型号,你不必理会这个选项。该选项与H400冲突。
H400 - Secure Voice Slaved to a Mode
如果一个频道是加密的,那么电台会以一致的方式传输。一个“开关位置错误”提示音会发出,如果明码 /密码开关处于明码(Clear)位置上。该项与H244冲突。
H401 - Clear Voice Slaved to a Mode
如果一个频道是明码,电台会以一致的方式传输。一个“开关位置错误”提示会发出,如果明码 /密码开关处于密码(Secure)位置上。
H432 - VP Capable Only
该项仅在电台拥有 DVP调制,但是没有安装加密模块时打开。电台只能在明码/密码开关处于明码位置时传输,处于密码位置时,电台会发出连续的错误音。如果H244被打开,开关的位置是被忽略的,始终以明码传输。H432打开后,开机时会有一声短促的提示音。
Zero Audio Enable
Quik- Call II™
Quik- Call II™是一个联合了 2音信令和编码的接收功能。Quik- Call II™的频率在288.5Hz到2469Hz之间。H365与该项冲突。
H701 - Individual Call
选择该项必须选择 Quik- Call II™。个别呼叫使用2音信令,次序为先A后B。A音和B音频率不能相同。该项与H702和H703冲突。
H702 - Two-Tone Group Call
两音组呼,基本功能同 H701。
H703 - Long Tone B Group Call
长音 B组呼,基本功能同H701。
H167 - Timed Auto Reset
To select this option you must select the Quik Call II option. This option allows you to enter the time after which the radio goes back to Quik Call decode mode (i.e., after decoding Quik Call in the Quik Call decode mode). In addition, transmitting while in the Quik Call decode mode resets the timer at the end of the transmission. The valid range is 1 - 290 seconds (a default of 5 seconds is set if this option is selected). This option will be selected automatically if option H188 is selected. If this option is not selected, the radio will be in manual reset mode: you can manually force a reset by momentarily depressing the monitor button.
H188 - Carrier Override Timed Auto Reset
To select this option you must select the Quik Call II option. This option is used in conjunction with option H167 (Timed Auto Reset). You can enter a value ranging from 1 to 290 seconds (a default of 5 seconds is set if this option is selected), in case option H167 is not already selected. If you select this option, the timer is reset at the end of the carrier. This is in addition to the characteristics described for H167.
Singletones - General (PTT/RATs)
This is the most flexible option out of all the three single tone options. When selecting this option, two windows will pop-up in sequence. Enter a frequency in each of these pop-up windows. Both of these tones can be transmitted through any of the three transmit switches (PTT/RAT1/RAT2). The valid range for these two frequencies is from 300 Hz to 3000 Hz in increments of 1 Hz. This option is a non-numbered option.This option is incompatible with the following options.
H707 - 1 Tone Singletone via PTT Button
H742 - 2 Tone Singletones via RAT Buttons
The following options are enabled if you select this option:
Singletone Non-Std. Pretime
Singletone Time Duration
H619 -Omit MDC Side Tones
H707 - 1 Tone Singletone via PTT Button
When selecting this option a pop-up window is displayed and you are asked to enter a frequency for single tone1. If H707 is enabled, RAT1 and RAT2 buttons are disabled and single tone1 is sent out through PTT on all channels. This option is incompatible with all the MDC Unit ID (PTT) options. The valid range for single tone1 is from 300 Hz to 3000 Hz in increments of 1 Hz. This option is incompatible with the following options:
Singletones - General (PTT/RATs)
H742 - 2 Tone Singletone via RAT Buttons.
All the MDC Unit ID (PTT) Options.
The following options are enabled if you select this option :
Singletone Non-Std. Pretime
Singletone Time Duration
H619 -Omit MDC Side Tones
H742 - Up to 2 Singletones via RAT Buttons
This option is very similar to the Singletone - General option. When selecting this option two pop-up windows are displayed on the screen sequentially. Enter a frequency in both the windows. If this option is enabled and none of the MDC Unit ID options are selected then signalling on PTT is disabled. If this option is selected along with any of the MDC Unit ID options then MDC Unit ID is sent out via PTT. Single tone1 is sent out through RAT1 and single tone2 is sent out through RAT2. You may leave the default single tone 2 frequency, in case you need only one single tone.This option is incompatible with the following options:
Singletone - General (PTT/RATs)
H707 - 1 Tone Single tone via PTT Button
Multiple Repeater Access Codes - MDC 600
Multiple Repeater Access Codes - MDC 1200
The following options are enabled if you select this option:
Singletone Non-Std. Pretime
Singletone Time Duration
H619 -Omit MDC Side Tones




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