




But notice in the previous code snippet we did not specify the Axes, Tooltip, Legend or the series colors, this is because LiveCharts will decide them based on the current theme of the library, you can also customize any of these properties when you require it, this article will cover the most common scenarios. 



There are multiple series available in the library, you can add one or mix them all in the same chart, every series has unique properties, any image bellow is a link to an article explaining more about them.


以Line Series为例介绍下它的属性

1.1 Name 、Values property


The Values property is of type IEnumerable<T>, this means that you can use any object that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface, such as ArrayList<T> or ObservableCollection<T>, this property contains the data to plot, you can use any type as the generic argument (<T>) as soon as you let the library how to handle it, the library already knows how to handle multiple types, but you can register any type and teach the library how to handle any object in a chart, for more information please see the mappers article.


SeriesCollection = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeriesProps<int>
        Values = new []{ 2, 5, 4, 2, 6 },
        Name = "Income", 
        Stroke = null
    new LineSeriesProps<int>
        Values = new []{ 3, 7, 2, 9, 4 },
        Name = "Outcome", 
        Stroke = null
// == 自定义类型和mapper == 
public class City 
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public double Population { get; set; }
// 使用Mapping属性从我们自定义的city类中的一个point
// 同样也可以将map注册成全局的
// 更多mappers信息查看:
// https://lvcharts.com/docs/wpf/2.0.0-beta.300/Overview.Mappers
var citiesSeries = new LineSeriesProps<City>
    Values = new City[]
        new City { Name = "Tokio", Population = 9 },
        new City { Name = "New York", Population = 11 },
        new City { Name = "Mexico City", Population = 10 },
    Mapping = (city, point) =>
        // 我们数据集合中的city会被调用
        // 用户必须将坐标映射到点上
        // 将自定义类中的Population属性作为第一个参数(通常是Y)
        point.PrimaryValue = (float)city.Population;

        // 使用自定义类city的索引作为第二个参数
        // (通常是 X)
        point.SecondaryValue = point.Context.Index;

1.2 Data labels

Data labels are labels for every point in a series, there are multiple properties to customize them


new LineSeriesProps<double>
    DataLabelsSize = 20,
    DataLabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Blue),
    // all the available positions at:
    // https://lvcharts.com/api/2.0.0-beta.300/LiveChartsCore.Measure.DataLabelsPosition
    DataLabelsPosition = LiveChartsCore.Measure.DataLabelsPosition.Top,
    // The DataLabelsFormatter is a function 
    // that takes the current point as parameter
    // and returns a string.
    // in this case we returned the PrimaryValue property as currency
    DataLabelsFormatter = (point) => point.PrimaryValue.ToString("C2"),
    Values = new ObservableCollection<double> { 2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 6 },
    Fill = null

1.3 Stroke property


Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 4, 7, 2, 8 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Blue) { StrokeThickness = 4 }, 
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 7, 5, 3, 2, 6 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Red) { StrokeThickness = 8 }, 
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 2, 5, 3, 9 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Green) { StrokeThickness = 1 }, 
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null

1.4 Fill property


Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 4, 7, 2, 8 },
        Fill = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Blue.WithAlpha(90)), 
        Stroke = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 7, 5, 3, 2, 6 },
        Fill = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Red.WithAlpha(90)), 
        Stroke = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 2, 5, 3, 9 },
        Fill = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Green.WithAlpha(90)), 
        Stroke = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null

1.5 GeometryFill and GeometryStroke properties

 The geometry is the circle shape (by default) that the line series draws for every point, you can customize the fill and stroke of this shape, if none of these properties are set then LiveCharts will create them based on the series position in your series collection and the current theme.


Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 4, 7, 2, 8 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Blue) { StrokeThickness = 4 },
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.AliceBlue), 
        GeometryStroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Gray) { StrokeThickness = 4 } 
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 7, 5, 3, 2, 6 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Red) { StrokeThickness = 8 },
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.IndianRed), 
        GeometryStroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.DarkSalmon) { StrokeThickness = 8 } 

1.6 GeometrySize property


Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 4, 7, 2, 8 },
        GeometrySize = 10 
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 7, 5, 3, 2, 6 },
        GeometrySize = 30 

1.7 LineSmoothness property

Determines if the series line is straight or curved, this property is of type double and goes from 0 to 1 any other value will be ignored, where 0 is straight and 1 is the most curved line.


Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 5, 4, 7, 3, 8 },
        LineSmoothness = 0 
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 7, 2, 6, 2, 6 },
        LineSmoothness = 1 

1.8 EnableNullSplitting property

This property is enabled by default (true), it has a performance cost and allows the series to create gaps, when the series finds a null instance then the series will create a gap.


Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int?>
        Values = new int?[] 
        LineSmoothness = 0

1.9 Plotting custom types

You can teach LiveCharts to plot anything, imagine the case where we have an array of the City class defined bellow:


public class City
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public double Population { get; set; }
    public double LandArea { get; set; }

You can register this type globally, this means that every time LiveCharts finds a City instance in a chart it will use the mapper we registered, global mappers are unique for a type, if you need to plot multiple properties then you should use local mappers.


LiveCharts.Configure(config =>
        .HasMap<City>((city, point) =>
            // in this lambda function we take an instance of the City class (see city parameter)
            // and the point in the chart for that instance (see point parameter)
            // LiveCharts will call this method for every instance of our City class array,
            // now we need to populate the point coordinates from our City instance to our point

            // in this case we will use the Population property as our primary value (normally the Y coordinate)
            point.PrimaryValue = (float)city.Population;

            // then the secondary value (normally the X coordinate)
            // will be the index of city in our cities array
            point.SecondaryValue = point.Context.Index;

            // but you can use another property of the city class as the X coordinate
            // for example lets use the LandArea property to create a plot that compares
            // Population and LandArea in chart:

            // point.SecondaryValue = (float)city.LandArea;
        .HasMap<Foo>(...) // you can register more types here using our fluent syntax

Now we are ready to plot cities all over our application:


Series = new[]
    new LineSeries<City>
        Name = "Population",
        TooltipLabelFormatter = point => $"{point.Model.Name} {point.PrimaryValue:N2}M",
        Values = new[]
            new City { Name = "Tokyo", Population = 4, LandArea = 3 },
            new City { Name = "New York", Population = 6, LandArea = 4 },
            new City { Name = "Seoul", Population = 2, LandArea = 1 },
            new City { Name = "Moscow", Population = 8, LandArea = 7 },
            new City { Name = "Shanghai", Population = 3, LandArea = 2 },
            new City { Name = "Guadalajara", Population = 4, LandArea = 5 }

Alternatively you could create a local mapper that will only work for a specific series, global mappers will be ignored when the series Mapping property is not null.


var cities = new[]
    new City { Name = "Tokyo", Population = 4, LandArea = 3 },
    new City { Name = "New York", Population = 6, LandArea = 4 },
    new City { Name = "Seoul", Population = 2, LandArea = 1 },
    new City { Name = "Moscow", Population = 8, LandArea = 7 },
    new City { Name = "Shanghai", Population = 3, LandArea = 2 },
    new City { Name = "Guadalajara", Population = 4, LandArea = 5 }

Series = new[]
    // this series draws the Population property in the Y axis
    new LineSeries<City>
        Name = "Population",
        TooltipLabelFormatter = point => $"{point.Model.Name} population: {point.PrimaryValue:N2}M",
        Values = cities,
        Mapping = (city, point) =>
            point.PrimaryValue = (float)city.Population;
            point.SecondaryValue = point.Context.Index;

    // draws the LandArea property in the Y axis
    new LineSeries<City>
        Name = "Population",
        TooltipLabelFormatter = (point) => $"{point.Model.Name} area: {point.PrimaryValue:N2}KM2",
        Values = cities,
        Mapping = (city, point) =>
            point.PrimaryValue = (float)city.LandArea;
            point.SecondaryValue = point.Context.Index;

    // compares Population (Y) and LandArea (Y)
    //new LineSeries<City>
    //    Name = "Population",
    //    TooltipLabelFormatter = (point) => $"{point.Model.Name} population: {point.PrimaryValue:N2}M, area: {point.SecondaryValue}KM2",
    //    Values = cities,
    //    Mapping = (city, point) =>
    //    {
    //        point.PrimaryValue = (float)city.Population;
    //        point.SecondaryValue = (float)city.LandArea;
    //    }

1.10 Custom geometries

You can use any geometry to represent a point in a line series.


Series = new List<ISeries>
    // use the second argument type to specify the geometry to draw for every point
    // there are already many predefined geometries in the
    // LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Drawing.Geometries namespace
    new LineSeries<double, LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Drawing.Geometries.RectangleGeometry>
        Values = new List<double> { 3, 3, -3, -2, -4, -3, -1 },
        Fill = null,
        LineSmoothness = 1

    // you can also define your own SVG geometry
    new LineSeries<double, MyGeometry>
        Values = new List<double> { -2, 2, 1, 3, -1, 4, 3 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.DarkOliveGreen, 3),
        Fill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null,
        GeometryFill = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.DarkOliveGreen),
        GeometrySize = 40

1.11 DataPadding

The data padding is the minimum distance from the edges of the series to the axis limits, it is of type System.Drawing.PointF both coordinates (X and Y) goes from 0 to 1, where 0 is nothing and 1 is the axis tick an axis tick is the separation between every label or separator (even if they are not visible).

If this property is not set, the library will set it according to the series type, take a look at the following samples:


new LineSeries<double>
    DataPadding = new System.Drawing.PointF(0, 0),
    Values = new ObservableCollection { 2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 6 },
    GeometryStroke = null,
    GeometryFill = null,
    Fill = null

 But you can remove the padding only from an axis, for example:


new LineSeries<double>
    DataPadding = new System.Drawing.PointF(0.5f, 0),
    Values = new ObservableCollection<double> { 2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 6 },
    GeometryStroke = null,
    GeometryFill = null,
    Fill = null

 Or you can increase the distance:


new LineSeries<double>
    DataPadding = new System.Drawing.PointF(2, 2),
    Values = new ObservableCollection<double> { 2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 6 },
    GeometryStroke = null,
    GeometryFill = null,
    Fill = null


The following diagram illustrates an axis and its main components:



The cartesian chart control has the XAxes and YAxes properties, both of type IEnumerable<IAxis> by default when you do not set these properties, they will be an array containing only one element of the Axis class (new Axis[] { new Axis() }).

笛卡尔表有XAxes 和 YAxes属性,这俩默认都是IEnumerable<IAxis> 类型,它是一个仅仅包含一个Axis类元素的数组

2.1 Zooming and Panning

Both of these features are directly related to the MaxLimit and MinLimit properties, zooming occurs when the mouse wheel moves or when the pinch gesture occurs, the panning is called when the pointer goes down, moves and then goes up

Zooming is disabled by default, you must set the ZoomMode property to XY or Both, normally the X mode is the most accurate for horizontal series (LineSeries, ColumnSeries), the Y mode for vertical series (RowSeries) and the Both mode for Heat or Scatter series.


X Mode:

When the user interacts with the chart, He/She/* is only moving the chart in the X axis direction, the Y axis range is calculated automatically by the library to fit all the visible points in the X axis.


    Series="{Binding Series}"

Y Mode:

When the user interacts with the chart, He/She/* is only moving the chart in the Y axis direction, the X axis range is calculated automatically by the library to fit all the visible points in the Y axis.


    Series="{Binding Series}"


Both Mode:

Both axis are moved by the user, this method could lead to the user to get lost in the canvas, you probably need to implement a button to reset the zoom to the data in the chart (settings MinLimit and MaxLimit properties to null).


    Series="{Binding Series}"

2.2 MaxLimit and MinLimit properties

These properties control the zooming and panning of a chart, both properties are of type of double?, you can indicate the visible range of an axis setting these properties. For example, imagine you are plotting a LineSeries that goes from 0 to 100 in the X axis, but you only need to show to the user the first 10 points (paging), in this case you could set the MinLimit property to 0 and the MaxLimit to 10.


2.3 Clearing the current zooming or panning

Setting MinLimit and MaxLimit properties to null will clear the current zooming or panning, and will let the chart fit the view of the chart to the available data in the chart, the default value of both properties is null.

MinLimit 和MaxLimit属性设置为null就取消缩放了。

2.4 MinStep property

The Step defines the interval or distance between every separator and label in the axis, LiveCharts will calculate it automatically based on the chart data and the chart size size, but you can configure the minimum value this property could be, for example in the case where you don't want decimal separations in the axis labels, you could set the MinStep property to 1, this way, when the calculated step is less that 1 the library will force it to be 1.


2.5 Position property

The axis position property is type AxisPosition, it is an enum containing only 2 options, Start and End the Start position places the axis at the bottom for X axes and at the left for Y axes and the End position places the axis at the top for X axes and at the right for Y axes.

axis位置属性类型是AxisPosition,是一个包含两个值的枚举属性--Start 和End,Start属性会将x轴的值设置在下面,把y轴的值设置在左边,end就是另两边了。

2.6 LabelsPaint and SeparatorsPaint properties 

You can set the color, use dashed lines, build gradients for the axis name, labels and separators.

设置axis 名字, 标签 and 分割线的颜色

using LiveChartsCore;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Painting;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Painting.Effects;
using SkiaSharp;

namespace ViewModelsSamples.Bars.Basic
    public class ViewModel
        public ISeries[] Series { get; set; }
            = new ISeries[] { new ColumnSeries<int> { Values = new[] { 2, 5, 4, -2, 4, -3, 5 } } };

        public Axis[] XAxes { get; set; }
            = new Axis[]
                new Axis
                    Name = "X Axis",
                    NamePaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Black), 

                    LabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Blue), 
                    TextSize = 10,

                    SeparatorsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.LightSlateGray) { StrokeThickness = 2 }  

        public Axis[] YAxes { get; set; }
            = new Axis[]
                new Axis
                    Name = "Y Axis",
                    NamePaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Red), 

                    LabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Green), 
                    TextSize = 20,

                    SeparatorsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.LightSlateGray) 
                        StrokeThickness = 2, 
                        PathEffect = new DashEffect(new float[] { 3, 3 }) 
    Series="{Binding Series}"
    XAxes="{Binding XAxes}"
    YAxes="{Binding YAxes}">

2.7 Labels vs Labeler properties

There are 2 ways to format and axis labels, using the Labels property and using the Labeler property, you must normally use the Labels property to indicate names, and the Labeler property to give format to the current label.

The labels property is a collection of string, if this property is not null, then the axis label will be pulled from the labels collection, the label is mapped to the chart based on the position of the label and the position of the point, both integers, if the axis requires a label outside the bounds of the labels collection, then the index will be returned as the label, default value is null.


Series = new ObservableCollection<ISeries>
    new ColumnSeries<int>
        Values = new ObservableCollection<int> { 200, 558, 458, 249 },

XAxes = new List<Axis>
    new Axis
        // Use the labels property to define named labels.
        Labels = new string[] { "Anne", "Johnny", "Zac", "Rosa" } 

YAxes = new List<Axis>
    new Axis
        // Now the Y axis we will display labels as currency
        // LiveCharts provides some common formatters
        // in this case we are using the currency formatter.
        Labeler = Labelers.Currency 

        // you could also build your own currency formatter
        // for example:
        // Labeler = (value) => value.ToString("C")

        // But the one that LiveCharts provides creates shorter labels when
        // the amount is in millions or trillions

2.8 LabelsRotation property

Indicates the axis labels rotation in degrees, in the following image we have a rotation of 45 degrees in the Y axis.


YAxes = new List<Axis>
    new Axis    
        LabelsRotation = 45

2.9 Multiple axes

Both of these properties are collections because the library supports to have more than one axis, the following sample illustrates how to create a chart that uses multiple axes:



Tooltips are popups that help the user to read a chart as the pointer moves.


3.1 TooltipPosition property

You can place a tooltip at TopBottomLeftRightCenter or Hidden positions, for now tooltips for the PieChart class only support the Center position, default value is Top.

Notice the Hidden position will disable tooltips in a chart.


3.2 TooltipFindingStrategy property

Every point drawn by the library defines a HoverArea, it defines an area in the chart that "triggers" the point, it is specially important to fire tooltips, a point will be included in a tooltip when the hover area was triggered by the pointer position.

The TooltipFindingStrategy property determines the hover area planes (X or Y) that a chart will use to trigger the HoverArea instances. In a chart, the following options are available:

动态库中定义了个悬停区域,用于触发图表中的点,TooltipFindingStrategy 属性决定悬停区域显示X轴值还是Y轴值,这个计划会用于触发悬停区域实例。下面使可选属性值:

CompareAll: Selects all the points whose hover area contain the pointer position.


CompareOnlyX: Selects all the points whose hover area contain the pointer position, but it ignores the Y plane.


CompareOnlyY: Selects all the points whose hover area contain the pointer position, but it ignores the X plane.


    Series="{Binding Series}"






3.3 Tooltip point text


You can define the text the tooltip will display for a given point, using the Series.TooltipLabelFormatter property, this property is of type Func<ChartPoint, string> this means that is is a function, that takes a point as parameter and returns a string, the point will be injected by LiveCharts in this function to get a string out of it when it requires to build the text for a point in a tooltip, the injected point will be different as the user moves the pointer over the user interface.

By default the library already defines a default TooltipLabelFormatter for every series, all the series have a different formatter, but generally the default value uses the Series.Name and the ChartPoint.PrimaryValue properties, the following code snippet illustrates how to build a custom tooltip formatter.

通过Series.TooltipLabelFormatter属性给要显示的点加上文字描述。这个属性是个Func<ChartPoint, string>类型,这是个方法,放进去point,返回一个string。

默认情况下,框架帮每一个series定义了这个属性。全部的series都有一个不同的formatter,但是总体上默认的值是使用Series的Name属性和ChartPoint的PrimaryValue属性,下面用示例演示下怎么自定义tooltip formatter。

new LineSeries<double>
    Name = "Sales",
    Values = new ObservableCollection<double> { 200, 558, 458 },
    // 按照下面的格式进行格式化的话
    // 当鼠标移动到点200的时候,tooltip会显示
    // Sales: 200
    TooltipLabelFormatter =
        (chartPoint) => $"{chartPoint.Context.Series.Name}: {chartPoint.PrimaryValue}"

new ColumnSeries<double>
    Name = "Sales 2",
    Values = new ObservableCollection<double> { 250, 350, 240 },
    // 使用货币格式化来显示初始值
    // 结果: Sales 2: $200.00
    TooltipLabelFormatter =
        (chartPoint) => $"{chartPoint.Context.Series.Name}: {chartPoint.PrimaryValue:C2}"

new StepLineSeries<ObservablePoint>
    Name = "Average",
    Values = new ObservableCollection<ObservablePoint>
        new ObservablePoint(10, 5),
        new ObservablePoint(5, 8)
    // 同时显示xy轴
    // 结果: Average: 10, 5
    TooltipLabelFormatter =
        (chartPoint) => $"{chartPoint.Context.Series.Name}: {chartPoint.SecondaryValue}, {chartPoint.PrimaryValue}"

new ColumnSeries<ObservablePoint>
    Values = new ObservableCollection<double> { 250, 350, 240 },
    // 任和东西都可以代替键部分
    // result: Sales at this moment: $200.00
    TooltipLabelFormatter =
        (chartPoint) => $"Sales at this moment: {chartPoint.PrimaryValue:C2}"

3.4 Styling tooltips


    Series="{Binding Series}"
    TooltipFontFamily="Courier New"

3.5 Custom template


<UserControl x:Class="WPFSample.General.TemplatedTooltips.View"
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <lvc:CartesianChart Grid.Row="0" Series="{Binding Series}" TooltipPosition="Top" >
                    <Border Background="#303030">
                        <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Points, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=lvc:DefaultTooltip}}">
                                    <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Orientation="Vertical" />
                                <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ctx:ChartPoint}">
                                    <Border Padding="7 5">
                                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding AsTooltipString}" Margin="0 0 8 0" Foreground="AntiqueWhite" />
                                            <lvc:MotionCanvas Margin="0 0 8 0" 
                                                PaintTasks="{Binding Context.Series.CanvasSchedule.PaintSchedules}"
                                                Width="{Binding Context.Series.CanvasSchedule.Width}"
                                                Height="{Binding Context.Series.CanvasSchedule.Height}"



A legend is a visual element that displays a list with the name, stroke and fills of the series in a chart:


You can place a legend at TopBottomLeftRight or Hidden positions, notice the Hidden position will disable legends in a chart, default value is Hidden.


    Series="{Binding Series}"
    Series="{Binding Series}"
    Series="{Binding Series}"
    Series="{Binding Series}"
    Series="{Binding Series}"

4.1 styling legends

A chart exposes many properties to quickly style a legend:


    Series="{Binding Series}"
    LegendFontFamily="Courier New"

4.2 Custom template

<lvc:CartesianChart Grid.Row="0" Series="{Binding Series}" LegendPosition="Right" >
                    <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Series, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=lvc:DefaultLegend}}">
                                <WrapPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" 
                                    Orientation="{Binding Orientation, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=lvc:DefaultLegend}}" />
                                <Border Padding="15 4" Background="#F5F5DC">
                                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                                            Text="{Binding Name}"
                                            Margin="8 0 0 0"
                                            PaintTasks="{Binding CanvasSchedule.PaintSchedules}"
                                            Width="{Binding CanvasSchedule.Width}"
                                            Height="{Binding CanvasSchedule.Height}"
基于.NET Framework的WinForm项目可以使用图表插件来实现数据可视化,其中一个常用的图表插件是LiveCharts。下面是使用LiveCharts在WinForm项目中创建图表的示例代码: 首先,确保你的WinForm项目已经引用了LiveCharts库。你可以通过NuGet包管理器来添加引用,或者手动下载并添加引用。 接下来,在你的WinForm窗体中添加一个Chart控件,可以通过拖拽方式添加或者在代码中动态创建。 然后,在窗体的代码文件中,导入LiveCharts命名空间,并使用以下代码来创建和配置图表: ```csharp using LiveCharts; using LiveCharts.Wpf; // 创建一个SeriesCollection对象,用于存储图表的数据系列 SeriesCollection seriesCollection = new SeriesCollection(); // 创建一个LineSeries对象,表示折线图 LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries(); // 设置折线图的标题和数据 lineSeries.Title = "折线图"; lineSeries.Values = new ChartValues<double> { 1, 3, 2, 8, 5 }; // 将折线图添加到SeriesCollection中 seriesCollection.Add(lineSeries); // 将SeriesCollection对象设置为Chart控件的Series属性 chart.Series = seriesCollection; ``` 以上代码创建了一个折线图,并将其添加到Chart控件中显示。你可以根据需要修改图表的类型、样式和数据。 请注意,以上示例代码是基于C#语言的WinForm项目,使用LiveCharts库来创建图表。如果你使用的是其他语言或其他图表插件,可能会有一些差异。
评论 4




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


