科研小随笔 2024-2-27









Hinton老爷子在一次采访中说的很好,现在人们对大脑的了解,对大脑工作方式的了解,就像是远古时期的人们对生命的了解一样。在远古时期,你问一个人,什么是生命?他可能会说出一大串文字,给出一大串定义,你听了之后,可能还是一头雾水。但是随着技术的发展,当人们真正弄懂了人身体的每一个结构,每一个功能之后,什么是生命,这个问题似乎就迎刃而解了。这个时候,就很少有人再去纠结什么是生命这个问题了。引用我的偶像费曼的观点就是,what i cannot create, i do not understand.

“卷王”Lex Fridman和技术大佬Andrej Karpathy的对话,对我这样刚入AI大门,左瞧右看之后,一脸懵逼的人有很大的启发:

Lex Fridman: What advice would you give to beginners interested in getting into machine learning?

Andrej Karpathy: Beginners are often focused on like what to do, and I think the focus should be more like how much you do. So I'm a believer on the high-level, in this 10,000 hours concept where you just have to just pick the things where you can spend time and you care about and you are interested in. You leterally have to put in 10,000 hours of work. It doesn't even matter as much where you put it, you'll iterate and you'll improve and you'll waste some time. I dunno if there's a better way. You need to put in 10,000 hours. But I think it's actually really nice, cause I feel like there's some sense of determinsm about being an expert at a thing if you spend 10,000 hours. You can literally pick an arbitrary thing, and I think if you spend 10,000 hours of deliberate effort and work, you actually will become an expert at it. And so I think it's like a nice thought. And so basically I would focus more on like, are you spending 10,000 hours? That what I focus on.

Lex Fridman: And then thinking about what kind of machanisms maximize your likelihood of getting to 10,000 hours. Which for us silly humans means probably forming a daily habit of every single day actually doing thing.

Andrej Karpathy: Whatever helps you. So I do think to a large extent, it's a psychological problem for yourself. One other thing that I think is helpful, for the psychology of it, is many times people compare themselves to others in the area, I think this very harmful. Only compare yourself to you from some time age. Like say a year age,  are you better than you a year ago? This is the only way to think. And I think then you can see your progress, and it's very motivationg. 

Lex Fridman: That's so interesting. That focus on the quantity of hous. Cause I think a lot of people in the beginner stage but actually throughout get paralyzed by the choice. Like which one do I pick, this path or this path? They'll literally get paralyzed by which IED to use?

Andrej Karpathy: Well, they're worried, yeah, they'll worried about all these things. But the thing is, you will waste time doing something wrong. You will eventually figure out it's not right. You will accumulate scar tissue and next time you'll grow stronger, because next time you'll have the scar tissue, and next time you will learn from it. And now next time you come to a similar situation, you'll be like, oh, I messed up. I've spent a lot of time working on things that never materialized into anything, and I have all that scar tissue, and I have some intuitions about what was useful, what wasn't useful, how things turned out. So all those mistakes were not dead work. So I just think they should just focus on working. What have you done, what have you done last week?


Lex Fridman: What advice would you give to researchers trying to develop and publish an idea that have a big impact in the world of AI? So maybe undergrads, maybe early-graduates students.

Andrej Karpathy: I mena I would say they definitely have to be a little bit more strategic than I had to be as a PhD student because of the way AI is evolving, it's going the way of physics. Where in physics you used to be able to do experiments on your bench-top and everything was great and you could make progress, and now you have to work in like LHC or like CERN, and so AI is going in that direction as well. So the。。。

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