Part2:Organizing the Files与第三方库的使用方法



1、Organizing the Files


1、Organizing the Files

We first start by organizing our files in a better way. I usually create a src folder which contains all my source files (*.cpp and *.h), a bin folder which contains the final executable and all the required resources, an obj folder which is used for the intermediate files resulting from the compilation and a dependencies folder which contains all external dependencies that are required for the compilation of my project (we will see later that we use an external dependency). The main advantage is that we now have a bin folder which contains what will be distributed. If you have many resources (images, music, configuration files, ...), you can even divide this bin folder into specific sub-folders. Take a look at the attached zip file to see the folder organization.

Let's now change the project settings in order to use this folder configuration. For the source files, just copy them into the src folder and add them to your project. To configure the output folder and the intermediate folder, change the Output Directory and the Intermediate Directory in the General section as shown in the following picture.


$(SolutionDir) and $(ConfigurationName) are predefined macros. The first one translates to the folder of the solution and the second one translates to the current active configuration (debug or release): in the obj folder, two sub-folders will be created, one for each configuration. Don't forget to apply those changes to both configurations (debug and release).


Loading Images

Unfortunately, OpenGL doesn't provide any support for loading graphic files. So, we have the choice to either write the code to load the images ourselves (and do that for each of the formats we are interested in), or to use an existing library that does the job for us. As you probably already guessed, the second choice is probably the best: we will gain a considerable amount of time and we will use a library that has already been tested and debugged and which is probably compatible with much more file formats than we will be able to write.

There are several options for which library to use. Two that I am aware of are: DevIL and FreeImage. DevIL is a bit more adapted to OpenGL so that is the reason why I've chosen this one, but FreeImage is a perfectly valid choice as well.

The first thing we do is to copy the required DevIL files in the dependencies folder: we first create a sub-folder called DevIL and we copy there the content of the archive that can be found on the DevIL website. We have to modify the name of a file in order to use it correctly: in the "include\IL" folder, you will find a file named, rename it to config.h. Then copy the DevIL.dll file into your bin folder because it is used by your executable.

We then have to configure the project settings in order to use DevIL. In C/C++ category -> General -> Additional Include Directories, specify dependencies\DevIL\include\. This tells the compiler where to find the header files required for DevIL. This way, we won't need to supply the full path to the DevIL header file.


In Linker category-> General -> Additional Library Directories, specify dependencies\DevIL\lib. This tells the linker where to find additional folders which may contain library to link with.


And in Linker category -> Input -> Additional Dependencies, specify DevIL.lib. This tells the linker that the project must be linked with the DevIL library. Keep in mind that we were already linking to OpenGL32.lib.






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