

单选题 (每题1分,共133道题)

1、 [单选] 项目经理收到项目可交付成果的验收,并举行了经验教训会议,若要结束该项目,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project manager received acceptance of project deliverables and held the lessons learned session. To close the project,What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:解散资源 Release the resources
  •  B:更新组织过程资产 Update the organizational process assets
  •  C:核实范围 Validate the scope
  •  D:开展绩效评估 Conduct performance evaluations

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.7 结束项目或阶段。 ”举行了经验教训会议“并”结束该项目“,明确处于收尾阶段,应该先将经验教训更新到组织过程资产,才会解散资源 其他选项:CD不是收尾阶段,A在B的后面。

2、 [单选] 在开发的最后一天,软件开发团队的项目主管宣布由于意外停电可能导致延期。由于测试时间有限,软件开发主管和测试主管之间展开激烈的讨论。下列哪一项冲突解决技术将提供长期解决方案?
On the last day of development, the project leader of the software development team announces that an unexpected power outage could result in an extension. Due to limited testing time, there is a heated discussion between the software development director and the test supervisor. Which of the following conflict resolution techniques will provide a long-term solution?

  •  A:妥协/调解 Compromise/Mediation
  •  B:合作/解决问题 Cooperation/Problem solving
  •  C:缓解/包容 Mitigation/Inclusion
  •  D:强迫/命令 Forcing/Commanding

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P348- 冲突管理。冲突管理,首先采用合作/解决问题。

6、 [单选] 项目经理的任务是提高组织对其公司“品牌重塑”项目的认识。若要实现这一点,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is tasked with increasing organizational awareness of the company' s rebranding project.What should the project manager do to achieve this?

  •  A:要求项目管理办公室(PMO)创建内部项目储存库 Ask the project manager office(PMO)to create an internal project repository.
  •  B:确保定期更新公司的社交媒体账户 Ensure that the company' s social media account is regularly update
  •  C:确保所有项目文件都存储在项目管理信息系统(PMIS)中,供所有工作人员访问 Ensure that all project documents are stored in the project management information system(PMIS)for access by all staff members.
  •  D:更新沟通管理计划,并让组织的内部沟通团队参与 Update the communications management plan,and engage the organization's internal communications team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P377- 沟通管理计划。此题只看题干描述,无法直接看出考点,从四个选项来看,都是沟通相关的选项,因此选择沟通中最重要的文件《沟通管理计划》,ABC这些信息的储存、分享方式,都可以在D沟通管理计划中体现,从而让项目团队更好的理解项目目标。

7、 [单选] 承包商正在根据固定总价(FFP)合同执行一个翻新项目。在项目期间,承包商进行了多项仍在项目范围内的小变更,此外,一些相关方要求进行变更。项目经理应该怎么做?
A contractor is performing a renovation project based on a firm fixed price (FFP) contract. During the project, the contractor makes multiple small changes that are still within the project’s scope In addition, several stakeholders request more changes. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:修改合同以纳入这些变更 Amend the contract to incorporate the changes
  •  B:将这些超范围变更添加到变更日志 Add the scope changes to the change log
  •  C:查阅沟通管理计划 Refer the communication management plan
  •  D:查阅变更管理计划 Consult the change management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


9、 [单选] 项目经理负责管理一个正在进行的项目,该项目存在质量问题。团队成员认为质量保证对项目没有增加任何价值。 此时项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is responsible for managing an ongoing project with quality problems. Team members consider that quality assurance does not add any value to the project. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:修订项目管理计划 To revise the project management plan
  •  B:修订质量管理计划 To revise the quality control plan
  •  C:执行根本原因分析 To perform root cause analysis
  •  D:控制质量测量指标 To control quality measurement indicators

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P292-数据分析。存在质量问题,质量活动没有起到作用。需要先分析根本原因,再考虑采取措施。 其他选项:ABD都直接采取了措施。

10、 [单选] 在你的产品负责人的支持下,待办事项的优先排序不断更新,团队从中挑选出价值最高的项目来交付。这意味着在任何时间点,团队都在研究被认为对客户最有价值的特性或组件。团队的这种非凡的努力源自以下哪一项?
With the support of your product owner, the backlog is prioritized continuously, and the team picks the items that have the highest value to deliver. This means that at any point in time, the features or components that are deemed most valuable to the customer are being worked upon. This phenomenal effort from the team is derived by which of the following?

  •  A:团队的首要任务是尽早且持续交付有价值的软件以满足客户。 Team’s highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  •  B:欢迎不断变化的需求,即使是在开发后期。 Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.
  •  C:频繁地交付工作软件,从几周到几个月不等,优先考虑较短的迭代 Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter iterations.
  •  D:在项目进展过程中,业务人员和开发人员必须每天一起工作。 Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


11、 [单选] 随着项目进展,项目经理预测到即将开展的活动中存在一些风险。项目经理应该使用哪一份文件进行风险分类?
As the project progresses, the project manager predicts that there are certain risks in the upcoming activities. Which document should the project manager use for risk classification?

  •  A:风险分解结构 Risk Breakdown Structure
  •  B:风险管理计划 Risk Control Plan
  •  C:风险登记册 Risk Register
  •  D:风险绩效报告 Risk Performance Report

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P405- 风险分解结构。风险分解结构就是对风险进行分类的。

12、 [单选] 对于试图开展更快速的动态项目的机构而言,敏捷思维对于管理角色至关重要。 尤其是在混合管理中,决策、行动、方向和愿景通常来自管理层。 当一个组织考虑应用 Scrum 时,他们不应该只期待团队工作方式发生变化,他们还应该开始考虑管理团队打算如何运作。由谁来确保工作按照领导层的指示方向和产品的愿景展开?
An Agile mindset is crucial in management roles for organizations that are trying to undertake more quick and dynamic projects. Decisions, actions, directions, and vision often come from the management level, especially in the hybrid world. When an organization thinks about applying Scrum, they shouldn’t expect only changes in how teams work but also, they should start considering how the management team intends to operate. Who ensures that work is aligned with leadership's direction and Product Vision?

  •  A:产品负责人 The Product Owner
  •  B:Scrum 主管 The Scrum Master
  •  C:团队 The Team
  •  D:敏捷教练 The Agile Coach

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:《敏捷实践指南》,4.3.2.敏捷的角色,表 4-2敏捷团队角色,P41。关键字:确保工作按照领导层的指示方向和产品的愿景展开。选项A,产品负责人负责与相关方、客户及团队合作,定义产品开发方向,为将要开发/交付的下一个功能设定方向,决定每个冲刺要交付的需求、特性和价值。选项B,Scrum主管负责团队,帮助团队快速高效实现产品负责人所设定的目标,因此排除。 选项C,团队协同工作,自组织,跨职能以确定如何最好地满足产品负责人的目标,因此排除。 选项D,敏捷教练是指导团队进行敏捷管理的角色,因此排除。

14、 [单选] 在一个系统升级项目的早期阶段,两位关键相关方由新加入公司的人员所取代,导致项目延期。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
In the early stage of a system upgrade project,two key stakeholders are replaced by people new to the company causing project delays.What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:更新相关方登记册 Update the stakeholder register.
  •  B:与新相关方分享项目进度计划 Share the project schedule with the new stakeholders.
  •  C:与新相关方审查项目章程 Review the project charter with the new stakeholders.
  •  D:为新相关方提供系统相关培训 Train the new stakeholders on the system-

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P514-相关方登记册。新相关方出现的三个条件:进入不同阶段、换人加人、组织重组。。满足三个条件之一,首先识别相关方并更新登记册。 其他选项:BCD都在A的后面

15、 [单选] 项目经理在一个平衡矩阵式组织中管理一个中等优先级项目。现在,更高优先级的项目需要该项目的一些团队成员。 若要确定哪些资源对其项目可用,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a medium-priority project in a balanced matrix company.Some of this project`s team members are now required for higher-priority projects. What should the project manager do to determine what resources are available for their project?

  •  A:与每个资源核对,以了解他们的工作量 Check with each resource to undermine their workload
  •  B:审查资源管理计划 Review the resource management plan.
  •  C:询问项目管理办公室(PMO) Ask the project management office(PMO).
  •  D:与职能经理沟通 Communicate with the functional managers.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P319- 资源管理计划。资源的可用性在资源管理计划里。 其他选项:A一个个核对不需要,看文件就行。C无须上报找领导。D,有现成的文件,不用找职能经理。

16、 [单选] 在项目的初始阶段,通过了一项新法规。这项法规有可能会影响到项目的进度和预算。开始规划阶段之前,项目经理应该做什么?
During a project's initial phase,a new regulation is introduce The regulation has the potential to impact the project's schedule and the budget. What should the project manager do before beginning the planning stage?

  •  A:执行定性风险分析 Perform a qualitative risk analysis.
  •  B:将该风险包含在项目章程中 Include the risk in the project charter.
  •  C:更新风险应对计划 Update the risk response plan.
  •  D:请求变更进度计划和预算 Request a change to schedule and budget.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P78- 制定项目章程-事业环境因素。题干中明确说了是启动阶段(initial Phase),同时也说了法规。说明制定项目章程时要考虑法律这个制约因素,作为高层次风险纳入项目章程。 其他选项:ACD都不是启动阶段

19、 [单选] 一个产品按时按成本交付,并满足质量期望。但是,项目团队不确定生产的产品是否满足客户需求。下列哪一项说明了这种情况?
A product is delivered on time, delivered within cost, and meets quality expectations. However, the project team is not sure if the product produced meet the client’s requirements. Which of the following explains this situation?

  •  A:相关方之间的沟通不良 There was poor communication among stakeholders
  •  B:项目章程不完善 Project chart was incomplete
  •  C:在需求识别阶段未使用专家判断 Expert judgment was not used during the requirement identification phase
  •  D:未更新需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements traceability matrix was not being updated

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P148- 需求跟踪矩阵。不确定是否满足客户需求,可交付成果与需求之前的关系就是需求跟踪矩阵。 其他选项:ABC都非需求识别与跟进的问题。

20、 [单选] 项目经理指出,一名位于另一个地点的团队成员总是错过最后期限。由于这会影响到项目进度,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager indicates that a team member in another location always missed the deadline. Since this will affect the progress of the project, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:将该团队成员的工作重新分配给本地成员 To reassign the member's work to a local member
  •  B:考虑将该成员的工作承包给本地供应商 To consider contracting the member's work to a local supplier
  •  C:管理没有该成员的项目,并将此标记为项目相关方的风险 To manage the project without this member and mark this as the project stakeholders ' risk
  •  D:与该成员沟通,了解其情况,并提供指导和支持 To communicate with the member to understand the situation and provide guidance and support

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P348-人际关系与团队技能。项目经理应提供协助,促成满意的解决方案,采用直接和合作的方式,尽早并且通常在私下处理冲突。项目经理通常是先礼后兵,先了解情况,再给出举措。 其他选项:先D,然后再考虑ABC

22、 [单选] 在执行阶段,一个已签约的第三方供应商交付了项目的主要组件之一。虽然该供应商按时交付组件,但项目经理发现该组件未能满足批准的标准。 由于项目处于收尾和移交的最终阶段,项目经理应该做什么?
A contracted third-party vendor delivered one of the main components of the project during the execution phase.Although the vendor delivered on-time,the project manager discovers that the component failed to meet the approved standards. Since the project is in its final phase of closure and handover,what should the project manager do?

  •  A:审查该组件的记录和文件 Review the component's records and documents.
  •  B:在项目管理办公室(PMO)的指导下结束该项目 Close the project with guidance from the project management office(PMO).
  •  C:将组件未能满足标准记录下来,将其传达给供应商,然后结束项目 Note that the component failed of meet standards,communicate it to the vendor,and close the project.
  •  D:通过查阅对供应商工作的正式验收文件来调查该问题 Investigate the issue by referring to the formal acceptance of the vendor's work.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P125- 采购文档。采购文档包含用于管理采购过程的完整支持性记录,包括工作说明书、支付信息、承包商工作绩效信息、计划、图纸和其他往来函件。组件的规格、质量要求在工作说明书里,工作说明书等采购文档可以做为对供应商的验收文件,来确认供应商是否达到了规格标准。题干中处于收尾过程中回顾当时的采购问题,可以查询之前的采购文档。 其他选项:A的描述没有D准确。B跟题目无关,不对。C还要找到原因以后才能做为经验教训被记录下来。

25、 [单选] 在评审会议期间,开发人员识别到存在产品性能的风险。项目经理应该做什么?
During a review meeting,a developer identifies a risk in the product's performance .What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用专家判断进行独立风险评估 Use expert judgment for an independent risk assessment.
  •  B:分配另一名开发人员解决该问题 Assign another developer to fix the issue.
  •  C:提出变更请求 Initiate a change request.
  •  D:更新项目文件 Update project documents.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P417-风险登记册。识别完风险,更新到风险登记册,风险登记册会随着风险管理的流程不断更新。D中的项目文件指得就是风险登记册 其他选项:先D,再A,后面必要的时候进行BC

27、 [单选] 项目经理正在为新项目确定项目章程。此时一名关键项目相关方提出与原先略有不同的新需求。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is finalizing the project charter for a new project .A key stakeholder then proposes new requirements that vary slightly from the original.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求项目发起人增加额外资金以适应新需求,并对其它方案召开头脑风暴 Ask the project sponsor for additional funds to accommodate the new requirements and brainstorm other options.
  •  B:审查项目相关方登记册,重新分类项目相关方,并根据新的需求更新项目章程 Review the stakeholder register to reclassify the stakeholder and update the project charter with the new requirements.
  •  C:审查谅解备忘录(MOU),重新定义项目的初始意图,并将新需求包含进项目章程中 Review the memorandum of understanding(MOU)to redefine the initial intention of the project and include the new requirements in the project charter.
  •  D:与项目相关方和项目发起人开会,讨论新需求的影响,并获得一致意见 Meet with stakeholders and the sponsor to discuss the impact of the new requirements and obtain consensus.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P80- 制定项目章程-会议。因为属于制定项目章程的阶段,因此针对相关方的高层次需求,需要与相关方、发起人一起开会讨论,获得一致后然后纳入项目章程。 其他选项:A直接满足需求不对,需求需要讨论。B,也是直接纳入章程了。C,也没有经过讨论。

28、 [单选] 一家组织中标获得一个大型施工项目项目经理得知该组织之前成功完成了一个类似的项目,希望利用该项目的经验教训。项目经理应该使用哪一种数据分析技术?
An organization is awarded a large construction project. The project manager learns that it successfully completed a similar project and wants to use the lessons learned from that. What data analysis technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:文件分析 Document analysis.
  •  B:偏差分析 Variance analysis.
  •  C:回归分析 Regression analysis.
  •  D:趋势分析 Trent analysis

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P126- 文件分析。 评估现有文件有助于总结经验教训和分享知识,以改进未来项目和组织资产。 其他选项:BCD也都是收尾的工具,用于总结经验教训。但是新的项目经理针对之前的项目采用文件分析就好了,因此BCD的分析结果也都会体现在之前项目经理的收尾文件中。

29、 [单选] 项目经理得知在他们不知情的情况下已经为项目分配了资源,经过调查,项目经理发现这些资源需求是合理的。若要避免这种沟通不畅的情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A project manager learns that there are resources that have been assigned to the project without their awareness.After investigation,the project manager discovers that the resources were legitimately required. What should the project manager have done to avoid this miscommunication?

  •  A:亲自创建资源管理计划 Personally created the resource management plan
  •  B:更新采购和成本管理计划 Updated the procurement and cost management plans
  •  C:明确定义并沟通每个资源的角色与职责 Clearly defined and communicated the roles and responsibilities of each resource
  •  D:修订沟通管理计划 Revised the communications management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


30、 [单选] 项目经理应该使用哪一项工具或技术来执行定性风险分析?
Which tool or technology should the project manager use to perform qualitative risk analysis?

  •  A:概率分布 Probability distribution
  •  B:决策树分析 Decision tree analysis
  •  C:概率和影响矩阵 Probability and impact matrix
  •  D:成本风险模拟 Cost risk simulation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P423- 概率与影响矩阵。只有C是定性分析的工具 其他选项:BD是定量风险分析的工具。

32、 [单选] 在开发阶段结束时,一名关键开发人员因工作量繁重而想要辞职,但是,该开发人员的专业知识在用户验收测试和调试期间至关重要。 项目经理应该怎么做?
At the end of the development phase, a key developer wants to resign due to heavy workloads, but the developer's expertise is critical during the user acceptance testing and trial run. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:查看资源日历,以获取资源平衡机会 To view the Resource Calendar for resource balancing opportunities
  •  B:要求人力资源部门替换该开发人员 To require the HR Department to replace the developer
  •  C:将该问题上报给开发人员的直线经理 To report the issue to the developer's line manager
  •  D:将该问题上报给项目管理办公室(PMO) To report the issue to the Project Management Office (PMO)

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P227- 资源优化。任务分配过于繁重,可以通过资源平衡让资源得以休息。 其他选项:工作繁重,是项目进度计划有问题,先从工作规划入手解决问题,BCD各种找领导不合适。

33、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理注意到初级团队成员和高级团队成员之间存在冲突。若要改善这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
In the project execution phase, the project manager notices a conflict between the junior team members and the senior team members. What should the project manager do to improve this situation?

  •  A:更新沟通管理计划 To update the communication management plan
  •  B:将该问题记录在风险登记册中 To record the problem in the Risk Register
  •  C:与初级团队成员开会,讨论该问题 To hold a meeting with junior team members to discuss the problem
  •  D:组织一次团队建设活动 To organize a team building activity

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P341-团队建设。团队成员的关系问题,团队建设最有效,因此选D 其他选项:A不是项目信息问题。B与资源无关。C只与初级团队开会意义不大。

34、 [单选] 项目即将完成一个重要阶段,项目经理正在获得资源开始下一个阶段,在准备阶段收尾时,项目经理评审了绩效测量指标,发现不明原因的变化。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project is about to complete an important phase,the project manager is obtaining resources to kick off the next phase,at the closing of the preparation phase,the project manager reviews the performance measurement indicators and finds unexplained changes. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:检查之前项目的知识库 To check the knowledge base of the previous project
  •  B:在经验教训会上进行因果分析 To perform cause-effect analysis at lessons learned
  •  C:在团队会议上评审测量指标 To review measurement metrics at the team meeting
  •  D:将工作分解结构(WBS)与实际可交付成果对比 To compare the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and actual deliverables

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


35、 [单选] 在一个项目即将完成时,一位相关方被替换,项目团队正在忙着完成剩余几项需求的开发,项目经理与新相关方的第一次会议安排在下周,但该相关方已经发送了几封电子邮件,要求变更已经实施的要求,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
As a project nears completion, a stakeholder is replaced, the project team is busy completing development of the few remaining requirements, the project manager’s first meeting with the new stakeholders is next week, but the stakeholder has already sent several emails, asking for change to requirements that have already been implemented, what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:通知该新相关方,在项目后期变更需求将导致成本和进度超支 Inform the new stakeholder that changes to requirements this later in the project will result in cost and schedule overruns
  •  B:与团队讨论所请求的变更,并确定将其纳入最终可交付成果的影响 Discuss the requested changes with the team and determine the impact of incorporating them into the final deliverables
  •  C:要求管理层一起参加与该新相关方的会议,以讨论该问题 Ask management to attend the meetings with the new stakeholder to discuss the issue
  •  D:通知该新相关方无法实施所请求的变更,因为它们未包含在已批准的范围内 Inform the new stakeholder that the requested changes cannot be implemented as they are not included in the approved scope

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。相关方发出邮件“要求变更”,相关方提出变更后,项目经理和团队和分析变更造成的影响。 其他选项:ACD都不是正确的变更流程方式,是典型的错误。

36、 [单选] 客户要求项目经理在60天内交付项目,而之前原本计划在90天内交付,没有可以并行执行的活动,请求的变更已经获得变更控制委员会(CCB)的批准。若要满足这项要求,项目经理应该做什么?
A customer asked the project manager to deliver a project in 60 days that was previously scheduled for delivery in 90 days.No activities can be performed in parallel.The requested change is approved by the change control board(CCB).What should the project manager do to fulfill this request?

  •  A:为项目进度计划创建应急储备 Create a contingency reserve for the project schedule.
  •  B:对项目进度计划赶工 Crash the project schedule.
  •  C:在项目进度计划中创建项目阶段 Create phases in the project schedule.
  •  D:快速跟进项目进度计划 Fast track the project schedule.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P228- 进度压缩。任务不能并行,要压缩进度,不能快速跟进,只能赶工。

38、 [单选] 项目经理正在准备一份定期状态报告,这时营销高管告知他们竞争对手推出了令人兴奋的新功能。该高管表示,营销部门在项目可交付成果的初始版本中需要这一新功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is preparing a regular status report when a marketing executives informs them about a competitor’s exciting new feature. The executive says that the Marketing Department needed this new feature at the initial release of the project deliverable. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求对新功能进行执行审查,并确保审查项目范围和批准 Ask for an executive review of the new features and ensure that project scope and approvals are reviewed
  •  B:向团队提交此新功能并在状态报告中记录范围变更 Commit the team to this new feature and document the change of scope in the status report
  •  C:在状态报告中包含此信息,并指出包含新功能将需要范围变更 Include this information in the status report and indicate that including the new feature will require a scope change
  •  D:通知营销部门,项目团队将考虑该请求并在之后做出决定 Inform the marketing department that the project team will consider the request and make a decision later

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。“在可交付成果的初始版本中需要新功能”,表示是在提出变更请求,需要走变更流程,先分析影响,获得批准后执行,选择A。 其他选项:B直接实施不对。C仅在状态报告更新意义不大。D,涉及到可交付成果的变更需要提交CCB审批,项目团队不能做决定。

39、 [单选] 产品待办列表优先级是敏捷软件开发中最重要的特性之一。 如果团队有效地且始终如一地优先考虑产品需求(用户故事),项目就会成功。因此需要对待办事项进行优先级排序,确定产品待办事项的开发和部署顺序。在管理敏捷软件团队时,对待办事项进行优先排序是为了:
Product Backlog prioritization is one of the most important features in agile software development. Projects are successful if the team effectively and consistently prioritizes the requirements (users stories). Backlog prioritization is required to organize the product backlog items to make the sequence of its development and deployment. When managing an agile software team, engaging the business in prioritizing the backlog is an example of:

  •  A:降低技术风险 Technical risk reduction
  •  B:吸收利益相关方重视的内容 Incorporating stakeholder values
  •  C:供应商管理 Vendor management
  •  D:利益相关方故事地图 Stakeholder story mapping

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:产品待办事项列表是团队围绕产品维护的一个以用户为中心的需求的有序列表。我们对待办事项进行优先排序,是为了更好地理解和吸收利益相关方重视的内容和需求。 尽管该行为可能会降低技术风险、影响供应商管理或影响利益相关方故事地图,但这些影响并不是我们开展业务的主要原因。

41、 [单选] 敏捷团队在墙壁上仅有非常有限的空间展示项目状态和进度。团队成员在纠结,是应该使用公司拥有永久许可的软件工具来展示进度,还是使用写有他们当前工作进度的便条和索引卡在墙面上展示。建议敏捷团队使用以下哪种方法?
The agile team has been provided with limited wall space to indicate the project status or progress. The team members are confused about whether they should use a software tool for which the company has an unlimited license or use the whole space to display the index cards with notes on what they are currently working on. Which of the following is recommended for the agile team to do use?

  •  A:索引卡和张贴在墙上的笔记,因为这将为利益相关方提供项目状态的实时更新 Index cards and posted notes as it will offer stakeholders real-time updates on the project status
  •  B:“使用软件,因为该公司有永久使用许可,不存在成本问题” The software tool as the company has unlimited user license so there is no issue regarding the cost
  •  C:“遵循其他敏捷团队使用的方法来展示公司的项目状态或进度” Follow the same practices as used by other agile teams to indicate the project status or progress in the company
  •  D:“使用信息发射源,因为发射源比高科技解决方案更好” Use information radiators as they are better than high tech so
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