行 功能 参1 参2 参3 参4 D 文本
000010 COM Monthly factoring and storage CHINA
000020 BLOCK BEG Partial period factoring and storage
000030 GEN/8 16 Create wage types /801 to /816 in IT
000040 PIT XPPF NOAB Determine monthly factors
000050 PIT XCM0 P31 Monthly lump sums for cost accounting
000060 PIT CNCO P68 NOAB Cumulate contract salary for PHF/SI base
000070 PIT XVAL P10 Valuate pay elements
000080 ACTIO XCH0 A Hourly rates for cost accounting
000090 AVERA Calculation of averages
000100 PIT X023 P20 NOAB Gross input and storage
000110 PIT CNED NOAB * Calculate education due
000120 COPY XBE2 Benefits second call
000130 PIT X024 P41 NOAB Gross input and storage
000140 PIT X025 P04 NOAB Gross cumulation, cost distribution
000150 ACTIO CNM1 Monthly wages and salaries
000160 BLOCK END Partial period factoring and storage
描述:Monthly factoring and storage
1. 生成折算因子 /801 - /816.
2. 根据折算因子计算薪资项的值
3. 存储某些薪资项(0008,0014,0015…)到RT,并生成累计工资项(/101,/103)在IT表中