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原创 你是如何开始能写python爬虫?


2017-11-16 05:13:13 1031

原创 零基础如何学爬虫技术?

我自学 Python 爬虫,到这个月出书《Python 网络爬虫:从入门到实践》(机械工业出版社出版),一共也就过去两年。这两年自学的过程,走过了无数的坑,多亏了各位大神无私地回答我的问题,我想我是有资格帮你解决零基础学爬虫技术的。作为零基础的你,我想你可能是想解决工作中的一个实际问题,或者仅仅是很想学习一下爬虫的技术,多一技之长。其实我准备开始学 Python 爬虫的时候也是一样,老板派了任

2017-11-16 05:08:17 5908

原创 如何有系统地学习Python爬虫?


2017-11-16 04:57:30 896

原创 5分钟入门网络爬虫 - 原来可以这么简单易懂

爬虫在大数据时代占据了重要的位置,在网上有大量的公开数据可以轻松获取。爬虫入门其实非常简单,就算你是编程小白,也可以轻松爬下一些网站。下面就以爬取笔者的个人博客网站(大数据分析@唐松)为例,教大家学会一个简单的爬虫。。一方面,由于这个网站的设计和框架不会更改,因此本书的网络爬虫代码可以一直使用; 另一方面,由于这个网站由笔者拥有,因此避免了一些法律上的风险。

2017-11-16 04:55:01 1490 3

原创 重学 Statistics, Cha16 General Linear Model

Curvilnear Relationship当我们用 scatter diagram 来看的时候,发现 x y 的关系不完全是一条直线 另外把 residual 和 y 做一个 plot,也看到,是一个弧形的: 所以,我们用二次模型, second order model. 结果就比较好,r square 也高。Interaction怎么发现 x1 和 x2 之间有 interaction?

2016-08-01 00:09:42 472

原创 重学 Statistics, Cha15 Multiple Regression

怎么算两列数之间的 correlatoin coefficient?15.1 Multiple Regression Model15.3 Coefficient of DeterminationWhy Adjusted? Avoid overestimating the impact of adding an independent variable on the amount of variab

2016-07-31 23:34:07 709

原创 重学Statistics, Cha14 Simple Linear Regression

14.1 Simple Linear Regression ModelSimple Linear Regression Model: y = β0 + β1 x + εβ0 β1 are referred to as parameters of the modelε is a random variable referred to as the error term, which is the

2016-07-28 21:35:13 1186

原创 重学Statistics, Cha13 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance

本章内容: 1. 介绍Experimental Design 和 ANOVA(Analysis of Variance)13.1 An Introduction of Experimental Design and Analysis of Varianceμ1=mean number of units produced per week using methodA μ2=mean number

2016-07-26 17:02:54 1300

原创 重学 Statistics,Cha12 Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence

Goodness of Fit Test: A Multinomial PopulationMultinomial population: each element of a population is assigned to one and only one of several classes or categories Binomial Distribution: to one and on

2016-07-25 17:01:47 683

原创 重学 Statistics, Cha11 Inferences About Population Variances

11.1 Inferences About a Population Variance对于 chi-square distribution, 百度百科是这样写的: Interval EstimationWe will use the notation X2α to denote the value for the chi-square distribution that provides an

2016-07-24 18:08:15 567

原创 重学 statistics, Cha10 Inference About Means and Proportions with Two Populations

Cha10 要学的是: 1. involving two populations when the difference between the two population means or the two population proportions is of prime importance. 2. 例如:我们会学建立 interval estimate来看男性平均薪水和女性平均薪水之间

2016-07-24 17:34:25 669

原创 重学 Statistics, Cha9 Hypothesis Tests

9.1 Developing Null and Alternative HypothesesNull Hypothesis H0: a tentative assumption about a population parameter such as a population mean or a population proportion. Alternative Hypothesis Ha: t

2016-07-24 15:41:20 2501

原创 重学 Statistics,Cha8 Interval Estimation

这一章讲的是:怎么用 interval estimate 来找到整体平均值和整体比例的区间 The general form of interval estimate of a population mean is x̅ ± Margin of error The general form of interval estimate of a population proportion is p̄

2016-07-23 16:37:41 1585

原创 重学 Statistics,Cha7 Sampling and Sampling Distribution

7.1 Selecting a Sample1. Simple Random Sampling (Finite)A simple random sample of size n from a finite population of size N is a sample selected such that each possible sample of size n has the same pr

2016-07-20 22:20:15 3395

原创 重学statistics, Cha6 Continuous Probability Distributions

Uniform Probability DistributionE(x) = (a+b)/2Var(x) = (b-a)2 /12Normal Probability DistributionBell-Shaped Normal Curve1. Normal Distribution is symmetric: the shape of

2015-10-31 15:22:08 761

原创 重學Statistics, Cha5 Discrete Probabiliry Distributions

A random variable is a numerical description of the outcome of an experiment.A random variable that may assume either a finite number of values or an infinite sequence of values such as 0, 1, 2,

2015-10-24 15:20:42 1128

原创 重学Statistics, Cha4 Introduction to Probability

The sample space for an experiment is the set of all experimental outcomes.Combination: CNn = N!/ (n!(N-n)!)Permutation: PNn = N!/(N-n)!Event: An event is a collection of sample points.Pro

2015-10-14 21:15:48 820

原创 重学statistics,Cha3 Descriptive Statistics: numerical measures

If the measures are computed for data from a sample, they are calledsample statistics. If the measures are computed for data from a population, they are calledpopulation parameters.Sample Me

2015-10-12 14:50:06 1191

原创 重学Statistics, Cha2 Descriptive Statistics (Categorical and Quantitative Data)

Summary Categorical Data Frequency Distribution: A frequency distribution is a tabular summary of data showing the number (frequency) of items in each of several nonoverlapping classes.Relativ

2015-10-11 16:02:37 942 1

原创 重学Statistics,Cha1 Data and Statistics

Elements are the entities on which data are collected。A variable is a characteristic of interest for the elements.The set of measurements obtained for a particular element is called an observation

2015-10-08 17:29:10 1103

原创 echarts学习笔记(4) ---- 如何使用 formatter 和 grid 这两把利器

在谈 formatter 之前,先来说说 grid。在官方文档中,grid

2014-09-07 00:22:32 34112

原创 echarts学习笔记(3) -- 为图表添加主题

echarts 为图表提供了多种主题,在其官网上就提供了infographi

2014-09-06 14:40:45 3078

原创 echarts学习笔记(2) ---- 设置单页面多张图表

上一篇介绍了echarts 使用模块化单文件的yinru

2014-08-17 14:41:13 5056

原创 echarts学习笔记(1) ---- 使用模块化单文件引入


2014-08-14 21:10:57 2168



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