Ontology -The Rising Star of Cryptocurrency (2)

Yesterday, I briefly introduced Ontology and its prospects. Today we will take a look at its project progress and the value of its token-ONT Coin.

1. Ontology Project Progress

Overall Project Planning

In 2018: go online on the mainnet, released and continuously optimize the isomorphic chain network system - Socrates 2018.

In 2019: The heterogeneous chain network will be on the mainnet - Plato 2019.

In 2020: Based on the mainnet, the next generation Internet will be launched - Aristotle 2020.

Progress so far:

2018 Q1: TestNet went online on the GitHub

2018 Q2: Went online on the MainNet.

It can be seen from the above that in 2018, the business cross-chain should be realized on the ontology framework network, and a distributed trust ecology should be built. In 2019, the business cross-chain should be realized on different blockchain framework networks, and by 2020, the integration of blockchain and the Internet will be realized.


2. ONT Token Value Analysis

Since traded in exchanges in March, the ontology price trend is very unique. When the entire currency market is in a down state, the ontology has risen against the trend, rising from $1.42 on March 10 to $10.25 on May 10. The amplitude is 7 times. Although the overall trend has been declining since then, from the middle of August, in the downturn of the entire market (including Bitcoin and Ethereum, and Ethereum price once fell below $300, so far has not recovered), Ontology has once again risen against the trend and perform outstandingly.

As for why Ontology will rise against the trend, there are two reasons. One is that Ontology was born with the golden key and is recognized by everyone, so it is sought after by everyone. It is said that when Ontology try to traded in exchanges, the major domestic exchanges are eager to embrace it, and the ontology exchange rate is exciting . Second, the banker's ability to operate the show is strong. If there is no strong operation ability, only the retail investors will buy it. The probability of rising against the trend in the bear market is very small.

In summary, Ontology is a very promising project, it has great investment value, and of course there is a certain investment risk, I will explain it’s investment value and risk soon!

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